The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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We SDmlv IFlebraehan
VoUV,No. 50
Price 5 Cents
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Inter-Class Athletic Squabble is
Not Yet Settled.
'mt Connlttu lion to v Atlnjitrtl W 1 1 ti
Rearrangement In View.
Still t"be inter-class football cham
pionship Is undecided. At the meet
ing of the Inter-class Jithlctic board
held jesterday morning nothing was
done except to declare the old consti
tution, which has been Inadequate In
many rejects, to be null and void,
and Chairman States appointed a com
mittee consisting of Messrs. Woods,
'('5: WaldTon, 'OG; Cramer, '07; Bell,
'08, and Mathcw, Senior Law, to draw
up a new constitution. Tills commit
tee meets, today at 11 to discuss a new
constitution. Until the next meeting
of the intcr-class athletic board on
next Tuesday morning, when the new
constitution will be adopted, tho foot
ball championship will remain unde
Registrar Prepares List oF Na
tionalities of Students.
The registrar has compiled the fol
lowing statistics coucemlng the places
of residence of the students iu the uni
versity. They are for the torm end
ing June 30, 1904:
Residence of students by statos and
and territories:
California, 4: Canada, 1; Colorado,
:i; Connecticut, 1; Idaho, 1; Illinois,
7; Indiana, 1; Iowa, 99; Japan, 1;
Kansas, 18; Kentucky, 1; Michigan, 2;
Minnesota, ; Miesourr, 15; Montana,
7; Nebraska, 2,289; New Hampshire.
1; New Jerbey, 1; New York, 5; North
Dakota, 1; Nova Scotia, 1; Ohio, 3;
Pennsylvania, 2; Rhode Island, 1;
South Dakota, 2G; Turkey, 1; Vermont,
1; Virginia, 1; Washington, 2; Wis
consin, 4; Wyoming. 11. Total 2.5G3
Adams, 24; Antelope, 8; Boone, 27;
Box Butte, 8; Boyd, 3; Brown, 1; Buf
lalo, 19; Burt, 38f Butler, 29; Cass, 58;
Cedar. 13; Chase, 1; Cherry, 6; Chey
enne, 4; Clay, 33; Colfax, 15; Cuming.
23; Cutter, 17; Dakota, 3; Daes, 8;
Dawson, 28: Deuel, 2; Dixon. 12;
Dodge, 38; Douglas, 171; Filmoro. 23;
Franklin, 9: Frontier, 2; Furnas, 1G;
Gage. 51; Grant. 1; Greeley, 2; Hall.
J21; Hamilton, 20; Harlan, 14; Hitch
cock, 2; Holt, 9; Howard. 12; Jeffer
son, 22; Johnson, 29; Kearney, 18;
Tvfiith, 3; Kimball, 3; Knox, 12; Lan
caster, "805- Lincoln, 10; Madison, 2G;
Merrick, 14; Nance, 15; Nemaha, 28;
Nuckolls, 22 r, Otoo, 37; Pawnee, 4G;
Phelps, 9; Pierce, 7; Platte, 1G; Polk,
11: Rcch-rrillow, 20; Richardson, 31;
Saline, 51; Sarpy, 2G; Saunders, 46;
Scotts Biuff, 1; Seward, 23; Sheridan.
4; Sherman. 1; Stanton, 5; Thayer, 21;
Thomas, l: Thurston. G; ValIeyT8;
Washington;' 18; Wayne, 10; Websteiy
1G: York, 34.
Just a Suggestion. ,
There Js uothjng you can give for
Christinas tbaC will ha more Appre
ciated than an artistic Portrait. Money
cpent in this way gocs- farther than
in any other line.
See wb'at wo are producing in fine
portraiture and make appointments
226 S. 11th street.
Franlt E. Leo, Public Stenographer
and Notarv. MU..30graph!c letters;
perfect imitation. 501-502 Richards
B1U. Auto 1165.
Chatn Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Second Annual Cofiihfiske
Liadell Hotel, December J 2
,w p v & 4 u Lr i Uf jr Uf if a f k W t4 tlr W ir f
r -T T 'po Vr ff p "T l p " 'p n "t p " 'p p n1 p l
Agricultural Profs. Will Make an
Extended Trip.
Next Tuesday night a big "Corn
Special" will leave under tho auspices
ot the Burlington railroad for an ex
tended trip over the state. It will be
under the charge of Profeisors Lyon.
A-vcry and Hnecker, of the Department
of Agriculture and Mr. Montgomery,
and will bo gone about a week, visit
ing oer GO points In Nebraska before
returning. The first stop will be made
at Schuyler, Wednesday.
The routes will be over tho line of
tho Burlington system.
A new 80-Xoot coach has been made
cpaeclnlly for the special. The lec
tures will be delivered In this conch,
cne end of which has a raised platform
and tho body of It being provided with
seats for the audience. The lectures
will Le Illustrated, and will treat of
the scientific raising of corn. Differ
ent grades of seed will be shown il
lustrating the types raised in different
portions of the state. Proper methods
for rluntlng and cultivating will bo
explained, as well as for testing tho
yield. The object of the whole affair
la, ol course, the general Improvement
in the production of corn, ijccturos
at each place will bo about thirty
minutes iu length.
Two other splendid coaches will bo
attached) to tho upecial for the accom
modation of the lecturers and the
railroad officials) who will accompany
the expedition.
The regular scries of Farmers In
stitutes under the direction of the
fetate farm people will commence next
week. Dates so far ai ranged for are
as follows:
Palisade, December 12.
Trenton, December 13-14.
Benklcman, Dccembci 15.
Ciete, December 1G.
Osceola, December 15-JG.
Wood Hlver, December 19-20.
Gibbon, December 20-21.
ElnrCTcelc, December 21-22.
Bayixrd, December 20.
Scotts Bluff, December 21-22.
Mitchell, December 23.
The arrangements for the
tutes are under the charge of
W. P.
Snyder, assistant
the department.
supeiintendont in
ClosinK out several lines of fine
-Sweaters up to $4.00 for a few days nr
$1.50. Paine's Clothing Stoj;e.
Basket Ball
Armory, Tonight,
An Informal Dance
8:30 P. M,
'i . Uf -i a ir fr J 4r-4 jje A U Uf 'A'afc'.Jif ifrAtojir-.'l k fr Jfr
p 'r 'p 1'p ' p p T p p V -t p T TWp p 'p T 'p p-p'p h
Will Address MeTTs Mass Meet
ing Sunday.
General Z. T. Sweonoy of Columbus,
Ind., will deliver an address to nien
next Sunday at tho Oliver. He spoke
hero two yoais ago before a vast au-
General Sweeney is a man of power
ful physique and pleasing personality.
As a lecturer he has acquired pres
tlgo among tho lecturers on the Amor
lean platform. Hla lectures are In
tcuscnly interesting and, although
abounding In witty and humorous ci
tations, they nie profound In their
depth of thought. His illustrations
are forcclul and right to tho point.
Ho Is a man of great activity In lit
erary, religious and1 civic life. He has
sened In piomlnent positions In all
these lines of work. In the govern
ment he has hold tho position of con
sul general to Turkey. Ho Is a member
of tho advisory committee of the
world's congress of religions. He is
also the author of "Under Ten Flags,"
which has enjoyed a large sale.
Every man should avail himself of
the opportunity of hearing this emi
nent man. No charge will bo made
for admission. Doors open at 3:30.
All men Invited.
Advanced Argumentation.
The advanced class In Argumenta
tion will meet this afternoon in U106
for the second debate ot the semester.
The question debated will bo: "Re
solved; That tho Initiative and the
-Referendum Should bo Introduced
Into Nebraska." The speakers on
the affirmative will be Charles A. Saw
yer and J. G. L. Hanlen, and those on
tho negative. Frank Brookings
Albert M. Levy.
This class tlebates about once a
month and tho meetings are open to
all. who are interested In argumenta
tion either within or outside of col
lege. Christmas Thoughts. turn naturally
o the" fine line of Jewolry shown by
E. Fleming.
Elliott's Suitoriura, cleaning, dyeing
and repairing. Prices reasonable. 118G
O street. Both phjpnes.
Erie B. Woodward,
of eye, ear and throat,
block. Phone GGG.
M. D.. diseases
207-8 Richards
Highland Ptrk vs. Nebraska
8 o' clock
WSU bz Given After the Game
Opening of Basketball Season
at Home This Evening.
HlKltliinil I'ftrk Kxpt'oliMl li I'Ihj- it
Hlroii (Jiiiiin Aenlnxt I'm.
Tonight the 'nrHity flvo will lino
up against the team from Highland
Park. Tho gamo will begin promptly
at 8 o'clock so that an early Btnrt
may bo made with tho dancing, which
Ih to follow Immediately after tho
game. Tho line-up will probably b
as follows: Hoar and Boers, gunrds;
Hagenslck and Buiruss, torwards;
Meyer, centre. Tickets are on snlo
this morning nt tho book stores.
Eligibility Rule Not Yet Assured
of Enforcement.
The evening papers yesterday con
tained the following dispatch:
"Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 8. It has
been definitely decided by tho athletic
authorities of the University of Min
nesota to reject tho freshman, eligibil
ity rule recommended at the recent
conference of the Big Nine universi
ties in Chicago. This nctlon, under
tho rules of the conference will neces
sitate Its adoption by a two-thirds
vote at tho June meeting before tho
now regulation can become offectfve.
The opposition nt Michigan and Iowa
is relied on by Minnesota to aid in
Its final defeat."
Touching Romance Connected
With Red Cynx.
A touch of romance has beenndded
to the Samarian red lynx sehsution.
Captain Chase, who spent some time
In tho Philippines, comes forward
with the statement that It Is cuBtomnry
In Samar for a young man who wishes
to marry, to send the lady, of his
choice a red lynx. This amounts to
a proposal, and If she keeps and foeds
the animal she thus accepts him, but
If she allows It to escape or dio, his
suit is In vain.
Whether or not this hus nny sig
nificance In the present case is not
known, but the gossips are bent on
finding out.
It 1b safe to say that the little ani
mal will be a big attraction at tho
County Fair.
Union Program.
Following is the Union program for
this ovenlng:
The Coal Mine ,.0. J. Fee, '03.
Story, 1JU....Emraa. Louise Pound, '92
Vocal solo H.S. Evans, '98
Academic Standards. Roscoo Pound, '88
Concerto, A minor .' (Gregg)
Mfss Archibald.
Mr. Eames.
Can you skate?
Ever try roller skating? '
If not, come down some evening and
try; if you do sltate, you -will appreci
ate the efforts of tho management In
providing this great aportfor tho peo
ple of Lincoln. The Auditorium Rol
ler Skating Rinlr has afre'0ityQ$l
floor and Ih equipped with Richardson
ball-bearing skates. Admission after
noon, ladies free evening ladjes 15"c,
tents 20c, Rent of skates 20c.
Overcoats! Our ideal of what they
should be. See then when you think of
an. overcoat. Palae's,
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