0SSPI, "fTt-! ,,r ,. a-- tt be Ball? Bebraeftan t ..' ' T Zhi Daily Tltbraskan A consolidation of Tlie Bonporiiui, Vol. 01, Tho Nubraskan, Vol, II Scnrlot and Croam, Vol. L this year, has the affair In charge, should have thciearty Bupport cwry Rtudent In the university. Published daily, except Sunday and Monday, at tbe University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nab. by the Hcsporlan Publishing Co., BoinD Or DrnxoTOBS Profeaaors J. I. Wyor, and O. It Richards I II. P. Leavltt John Westorer E. R. Waltan. The men Panl A. Bwlaf A. Q. Sohralbar Walter B. Btandera Fred Nanghtoa Edltor-tn-Ohitf Manager ClronUtor Xtm'i. Adr. Manager ASSOCIATE HDIT0R3 rred A. Swealay D. P. DaTomni Miss Minnie BiUav Mln LeUtetr Atkletio Local Society Literary 35 Editorial Rooms and Business OffloeU Ulltf Pott Office Station A. Lincoln, Nabr. " i ' " ' ''' Telephone, Night Telephone ii Automatic J52I Automatic 2365. Subscription Price, 12 per year, In adrasoa Entered at the postofflce at Llnooln, Nb as sooond-oiass mall matter under the act af con gross of March 0, 1870. Individual notices will be charred for at tha rat of 10 cents for oaoh insertion. Faculty, untrersity buiiouns mi . f re, ns herotofora. dopnrtmentnl and untrersity gladly be pnuUsheu I Editorial Remarks Till". COKMIl'sKKIt ItAXQITICT. The NYbraskan slumld like to see the Cornhusker banquet made nn annual cent As a means lor holding the in terest In and devotion to the university and unlveislty affairs, of the graduates of Nebraska, such an eent held eery ear at the close of the football sea ton, (ould not be surpassed Nebras ka uheady has a lojnl liost of alumni scattered all oer the country, and theie is nothing conneitod with their alma mater In which they take more Interest or greater piido than the foot ball team It would be u grand thing A PROMINENT PART. (Continued from Page 1.) ka, as lecturers and attendants, university oxperlonee of these gave to tho lectures and exhibitions ot Nobraska's resources a dignity and nttractlvcncBS maintained by no other "Imllnr exhibit. "Professor A. I.. Haeckcr, In tho enrly part of tho season, was In charge of the Nebraska dairy exhibit at the fair, designing tho same and making it ono of the attractive feat urea of the exposition dairy show. I i of. Haeckor also succeeded in on to: in Ah. Charles Mollck In the expo sition butter making tostB, In which Mr. Millck scored the highest of all his ompetitors, thereby winning a po sition In the Model Dairy as chief oper ator, from which, he has Just gone to becomo assistant In dairying in tho Kansas Agricultural college at Man hattan. "In tills connection It Is only proper to call attention also to the excellent rrvord made by the exposition depart ii iit of agricultuie and horticulture, at the head of which is V. W. Taylor, fo:mer1y professor of horticulture and superintendent of Farmers' Institute at the University of Nebraska Mr. Tay lor has been connected with every ex position since 187G, and Is considered Urn most aluable exposition organizer in the country. Nebraskans and uni erglty alumni will especially lemem ber his magnificent exhibit of hoitl culture at tho Omaha exposition, as well as at Buffalo. At this exposition he has maintained two of the largest i partments in the exposition organi zation, with great credit to himself and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition company. "I cannot close this artii le without (ailing attention to th line showing made by the unlveislt In its exhibits at the fair Vbile no special collect he exhibit was made in the Unlvers i y Section in the Palao of Education, the university showing in the Nebras ka section was a splendid oneJn ever a. crowning In a lltting manner the exhibition or the Nebraska school sys tem fiom the kindergarten to its high est courses In awards the university iet. ived a gold medal for its collective exhibit, while Miss Edith Webster, of the Dena-.tment or Ocologj , received a K'(! medal for special designs and in htaliatiou In the Department of Min- M wNsM ' 'm I i UQHbf M -- )HHi- 3 Weeks Till Christmas g and in looking for his present don't over- look the store with the "real" things that will appeal to him. t Ii THE $2.50 HAT STORE 1141 O i t it J L jf-itBfc )t)liiOC'&' )K(r3Jt)HHfj(Cjt3KJtiH fc jfc 3(ti1(-6-3(--lt?K jv5H3f$ H p VK ilCi- ' ))())())( , lorJebraska spirit, If the Cornhusker banquet could be mode the occasion "every year for a big reunion of Ne bmskagraduates, when men from all parts of the country might return for a short visit to their old home, and sec tho progress that has been made sIulo their times, and glory' In the part thoy themsehes have played In bringing It all about. Nebraska Is young among the great universities of the country, but sho Is beginning to have a history and traditions, and some pride in what she has done and Is doing, not alone In ath letics, but In those things which count for even more. To make the Corn husker banquet each year an affair of some sentiment and dignity, and to moke It the recognized time for all "old grads." to renow, for a fow hours, the memories of their college days, is the purpose of the organization which, ing, the State Museum received a sil ver medal for Its collective exhibit of coils, minerala and building materials, and a bronze medal on individual ex hibits of soils and minerals, and the university a bronze modal upon Ita . ollectlon of photographs Illustrating mineral resources. Other awards to the university wore a gold medal upon a collection of photographs Illustrating mineral resources. Other rewards to the university were a gold medal upon a Collection of photographs illustrating threshed grains and seeds, and a gold modal on an exhibit of Reed's yellow corn. Prof. Barbour also roceived a gold modal upon an Individual exhibit of magnificent cannas. "H. O. SHEDDX Secretary "Nebraska State Commission." Magee & Deeme A Store For Men. A Comprehensive Display of Holiday Requisites for Men Correct styles and exclusive designs are some of the characteristics of many lines we are showing SUIT CASES a11 le'llher- in black or brow". ------ handsomely made and trimmed in exceptional values at $5, $6 and $7.50. HOUSE COATS c new brown two- toned effects at $5, $6, $.d0 BATH ROBES ' f;lc' flannelette, terry cloth and German blanket, I extra long at $3, $4, $5, $6 and S7.50. FANCY VESTS ?f,si!k- ol and neat wash --------- fabrics, single or double breasted, at $1.50, $2, $2.50 and up to $6. The best makes of gloves, pajamas, fancy hose, neck wear and other appropriate gifts for a We Invite a Careful Looking. wmagttinfjj y tw rrnt1rtn 'i n j.... V.X...H.... DEFENDS THE LAWS. Member of Law College Assails the Sophomores. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO The College Man Is Particular About His Shoes Union Shining Chairs for ladies. Parlors. Shine, 1018 O street. 5c. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters. Lincoln Local Express, 1030 N street. Both phones. (L'Mng whatever disuellou It may possess. The Nebraskan gladly pub-liFr-es (ommunications, assuming, how ter. no responsibility for the .senti ments they may contain) Kditor Daily NebrasKan. As fair-minded students, the readers o! The Dallj Ncbiaskan will recognize the fact that the article In jestoi day's paper pertaining to tho lootbnll cham plotiFhip whollj aoid' the point at hsue It U ontended that the point at Is sue is whether or not It is right for the Sophomores to (om-ly with the rules. Is this the point at issuance? Was not this the point at Issue whe.i the I aw classes were admitted Into the inter-class contests? All (Academ ic's) arguments are irrelevant. It is not now a question as to whether or not they should have been admitted or of any injustice that may have re sulted to the Academics from such ad mission, but the one and only qucstloj Is: Should the Freshman Laws be pwurded. the championship under the rules? We ask ou to read the rjles and answer the question according to a just interpretation. The Freshman Laws have complied with the rule-. They have defeated the Junior and Senior 1 aw teams and have chal lenged the SophomoreB for--the--ftuaL game for tho university class cham pionship. Does not a just Interpreta tion of the rules entitle the Freshman Laws to the championship? It is con tended that the Laws can take part in the Academic classes. Though tho nr gunient is not pertinent, we submit this statement of the registrar In an swei : - University ot Nebraska, December 6. 190-1. To Whom it May Concern: It has been the custom since the formation of the (ollege of law for the different classes therein to have their own class organizations. Thoy were therefore excluded from tho claaB meetings of the other clasB organiza tions. (Signed) B. II. CLARK. "Academic" further says we are ask ing more of his team than has ever be fore beon asked of any Academic team. We ask only what the rules under which, tho championship will be award ed asks. Is that asking too imich? If so, nren't the Sophomores asking too much in seeking the championship un der rules with which they will not comply? He au'ieuls to tho moral point of (Continued on Page 3). THE WALKOVER SHOE Is the 'best shoe for men's feet. Cur l'ne is strictly up-to-date. Call and let us show them. Rogers & Perkins Succcuom to Pcrkim & Sluldon Co. 1129 O Street tooooooooooooooooooooooooo ITEINED-WOEMPENER 1RUG CO. Wholol uU RkaM DRJ76GISTS Airt-k Pint j 707 j m o SttMl LINCOLN. Nfctt. 't U 4m4 mt-keip yourIt ttoklnf nt. Patronize tht Wtber Suitorium CUanln Jl7 r. Prinr. - Dylnr, Repairing And Rcfitttnr of Fine Cloth. Automatic l7S T. J. THOME CO. nerM Machinist All Hla !? LooMmllit m4 Phtfrt 309 3. Mth WNCOLM Auto 1292 Bell 147 SOUKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1320 N Street LINCOLN. NEB f V I i S t4vi u T- .. M'a. It"- " - "1 It'W. ? w''.a"'.';iL.'if rasrt ' 'H .St: tj r M .. r -,&! TOfmSSESSiSS . &1L. h --MW .. , .VJ(U ,?Jk Kt . .1. J A tf.LL'jU.3nm;yt m MkMfci! mssssTsrr: , j-ft t - n