SXaEEl MMHV Tbe S)aiip Tlebraehan Vol. IV, No. 4? UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DEC 8, J904. Price 5 Cents x r K h? !'W If f I. L(. L I , A PROMINENT PART University Given Much Credit! at St. Louis. Ww Rcflttonnlblr For Tlio Nlfito'H IMiip Showing. The Nebraskan has received the fol lowing most interesting lotter from H. G. Ehedd. registrar of the university, who Is secretary to the Nebraska State Commission at the St. Louis expaitlo! which has just closed: "St. Louis, December 3, 1001. "Editor Daily Nebraskan. "State University, "I incoln. Neb , Dear Sir: "Having received numerous inquiries irom university students and alumni concerning the prominent part played by the state university in the Nebraska exhibits at the exposition which has just closed, I desire through your col umns to set forth briefly a resume of the university's work nnd influence nt the Universal Exposition of 1904. "In the first place, the Nebraska Commission has been composed of men most friedly to the university, all of them being college men and deeply interested and closely connected with uuTVeTBity work. Mr. C. H. Morrell, who Is known to all the university alumni at least, as regent for a num ber of years and generous donor to the museum in many ways, was ap pointed upon the commission by Gov ernor Mickey immediately after the act creating the body became a law, but arming to ill health and press of many duties, was obliged to resign after soverai months' service. Mr. Morrell, however, has continued the most friendly interest in the commission's vork. "It is largoly through the efforts of .Mr. Peter Janscn, vice president of the commission, who was appointed upon Mr. Morrcil's resignation, that the commission agreed to pay the cost of mounting the university's steer "Chal lenger," and place the same on exhi- bition in the large exhibit room of the- Nebraska pavilion, where it has been gaxed upon by hundreds of thousands- of admiring eyes during the last seven ' mouths. The steer will be re turned to the university as soon as it can be boxed' and'shlpped. It is in ex cellent condition and will make a val uable addition to the University Agri cultural Museum. "Mr. G. W. Wattles, president, and Mr. Matt Miller, treasurer of the com mission, as well as Mr. Jansen, all be lieve in the ability and energy of uni-ersitytralneaV-men, and acting upon this beliof have chosen over two-thirds of the e.uploycs in -the Nebraska ex hibit at St. Louis from the Nebraska university men and women. Aside from my own appointment as secre tary o the commission, Prof. J2. II. Barbour was appointed superintendent of the educational and mineral exhib its,, with Miss Edith Wobster, of .the Geological department, as his assist ant Mr. E. M. Pollard, superintend ent of the horticultural exhibit; Is a university graduate, ''nnd during the two terms he was morabor oP-tho lcgts lAture, jvas a strong friend of thp uni versity in every way. "The .commission recognized the university fitly in assigning to Chan cejlor Andrews tho invocation at the " Nebraska Day exercises In tho Do , partroenl pi Agriculture, the services of, Prof.T. L. Lyon have been very . aluabltflh. the collection of Nebras . lea's various grains, and In tho mov- fug ' plcfurV exhibitions, which have wmnde Vib "Nebraska exhibit tho great-'WsV&e&yrtill-tho-elate exhibits at tho fairthe commission secured the sqrvlces of E. H. Clark, G. C. Shedil. A. S. lleasoner, Frank L. Rain, William C. Mercer and Buoll Chesslngtou, all .graduates of tho University of Kotrx,3 (Contlnuod on Page 2). -- - Annual County Jrciii fr fr Atmoty, December JO Given under MAY PLAY THE GOPHERS Minnesota After Basketball Game With Nebraska. A pioposltlon fiom Minnesota was received this morning tor a game Mith them in Minneapolis In January. Ef forts are boing made to bring the five from Minnesota here this season, beside our mooting them there. Let ters regarding games have also been received from the Chicugo Y. M. C. A., and the Des Moine3 Y. M. C. A. Games will doubtless be played with both if the ttip taken is In that direction. The bubble blown by some local papers, about a game of basket bull with Yale, has been pricked, and there Is nothing but wind In it, a3 ubiTnl. Yale conies west for a sorles of games, but no further west than Minneapolis, where it is reported she plays Minnesota. Tomorrow evening at 8 the 'varsity opens the basket ball season with the five from Highland Park as opponents. Nothing or the strength of the men fiom Iowa can be learned and this heightens Interest as to the outcome. Championship form is fast being de- eloped by the "varsity and it is, of course, not a question of defeat or ictory tomorrow night, but rather one of score. Quick's orchestra has been sccuied for the dance immediately fol lowing the game. Both doors will be opened and lots of room -will be thus available for dancing. The early hour set for beginning the game will allow dancing to begin at 9 o'clock and a program of fourteen dances will bo danced. Son.e twtnty meiL-lnL&reited in'cross tountry running met In Dr. Clapp's of fice yesterday morning nnd discussed inter-class runs. Plans weie laid to run three times a week, at 5 p. in. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The mon unable to run at 5 will start at 4. To add interest an occasional hare and. hound chase will be run, and when the mon are in good condition, the cross-country race for the- Inter ciass championship will be run. The work at first will be slow and runs short, and distance and speed grad ually increased. A lot of interest waB thown and itjs hoped this will keep up. This Is an excellent way to do volop 'varsity material beside -showing class spirit. Lincoln Transfer Co.; beggagej iione 17C. " 1 Phone )QCOCOOCXXXXXXXXX)COCOOO(jtt Basket Ball Armory, Friday, Dec. 9, 8 o'clock An Informal Dance Will be Given After the Game CXXXXXXXXCOCOCXXXXX)OOCX)0 --. - - -- Auspices of the Y. W. C A. ! PICTURES ARE ARRIVING Preparations for Art Exhibit Be gin in Earnest. Mntcrlal for the annual exhibit of tho Nebraska Art association Is be ginning to arrive. Last evening a large consignment of pictures was re ceived from St. Louis, where they hao been on exhibition in the mag nificent collection In the exposition. Others will arrive soon from Pittsburg. Pa., and at least eight moie will come direct from Paris. The exhibit this year Is expected to surpass all previous ones in excellence, on account of tho unprecedented op portunity for securing paintings, which has been afforded by the closing of the St. Louis fair. Over 100 pictures will be tn display. Just what ones of special prominence there will bo has not et been announced, but Mr. Hall, president of tho association, expressed himself as much pleased- with the out look. Miss Cora Parker, formerly head of the Art Department In the unhcrslty, now a resident of Now York, has had the selection of the ex hibits In charge. The exhibit will be hold la the Art hall of the I Ibrary for three weekB this winter, beginning probably De cember 2G, nnd lasting until about January 1G. Red Lynx Saved. Interest In the Sanmrian red lynx Is growing. Dr. Bessoy and his asslstnnts In the Botany Departmont spent some time yesterday In looking through tho records to locate the Chlcasha berry, but were unsuccessful. Prof. Barbour, however, came to the rescue. He says he has them growing on his ranch In Texas. Ho has telegraphed for some. So many requests have been made to dee the auimnl that tho owner has de cided to make it an attraction at the County Fair to be given by tho Y. W. C. A. Saturday evening. Until then no fuither description will be given. Frank E. Leo, Public Stenographer and Notary. Mh..2ographlc letters; perfect imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155, Overcoats! Our Ideal of whnt they should bo. See then when you think of an overcoat. Paine's. For Furs see Steole, 143 S. 12th St HighlancTPark vs Nebraska BESSEY HONORED Prominent Faculty Momber Paid High Compliment. In Oiu or the Foreiiionl Itoliiulnls In llm Country. A large and handsomely framed pic ture of Dr. Charles K. Hessey has re cently been hung In tho chief's ofilce of tho National flureau of Plant Industry. Moto than a hundred boieatlstB of Washing ton were present nt the ceromony which was short but Impresnlvc. fcDr. Bessey is the first of tho great botan ist or tho world to bo thus honored. Following the hanging of tho pic lure, short tall;.? were given by Drs. Woods nnd Webber and Mr. Shonr, all graduates of the University of Nebras ka and specialists In the Department of Botany. Mr. Shear told or the largo number of successful botanists of tho country, who received tholr training Irom Dr. Bessoy, naming Borne twonty five men nnd women who hnvo a na tional and world-wide reputation. Dr. Webber, in a short talk, spoko of tho modern laboratory methods used In this country, for the introduction of which Dr. Bessoy is lurgoly respon sible. Dr. Woods followed with a re Iew of his published works and his great ability as a teacher. Ho told how Dr. Bessey has boon vory Influen tial in building up botanical science in this country and especially ompha Hized tho fact that the present stand ing or the United States Departmont or Agriculture owes Its success largely to him. MANY OLD STARS. Former Cornhuskers Will Attend Big Banquet. A largo number of invitations to old university mon -who have mado repu tations for themselves on Nebraska's gridiron in recont years, have boon eont out by the committee In charge of tho -arrangements for tho Cornhuskor In formal next Monday night nt tho Lin dell. It Is 'expected that a hearty re sponse will be made to these bids, and, In fact, several "old grads." have al ready expressed their Intention of at tending. No effort will be mado to clear anything on this year's banquet and tho committee Is making every ef fort to insure the success of the af fair. An elaborate menu will bo served and toasts will be made by various men most prominontly associated with the football team this year. .The athletic board has not yet de cided just what men are to bo awarded .UN's" for t,helr-footbail work and un til this is Bottled balloting fomokt 'year's captain cannot bo begun. It Is- expected that tho ballots will bo out this week. Scvoral mon are in tho field and so far the race seems to bo a close one. Pictures framed and unframed, In Pastel, Oils, Water Colors, etc., etc., will be sold at the Lincoln Book Store Auction thiB week. Rent a Remington at 'student rato and keep your notes In good form. Office Corner of Oliver Theater Bldp. Elliott's Suitorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 113G O streot. Both phones. Erie B. Woodward, M. D diseases of oyo, ear and tiroat. 207-8 Richards block. Phono CQC. E. Fleming, tho Jewolor, Is showing n nice lino of Christmas goodsj-Oomo In and see. .JL'. 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