The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1904, Image 1

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Iatrg "fflebtaskan
Vd. IV, No. 4S
Nebraskan's All-Class Team Re
ceives Challenge.
AUu Uhiik Arr Not Yt Onl of Tlir
"It has come to our notice that the
bporting enldtor of The Nebrasknn has
undertaken to gain for himself ever
lasting renown by picking an nll-'fclass
"With the following line-up we do
hereby challenge the supposed all-cla3.s
team to a game ol 20-mInute halves, to
bo played as soon as possible:
II. E Shindoll, '07
1.. E McMahon, Law, '0(5
II. T Tn Overman, '08
L. T Lundin, 08
R. U ..Clark, '07
L. O Harvey, '08
Q. B Hyde, '08
It. H Drain, '07
L. H Klmmcl' 05
T. B Emery. 'OH
SubPtitutes Lott, Ringer. (Signed).
TON." Tho above communication, with Its
defiance directed against the supposed
"represeuttlve all-clusa" team, and its
Innuendo directed against the athletic
editor of the dally de6erves some at
tention from the athletic editor, at
least- When the all-class team was
published for the choice, was given to
"The Nebrakaus' expert." Our ath
letic editor has never posed as an ex
pert, but, on the contrary, has followed
the successes and failures of the 'var
sity as a reporter. He has given to the
"students what they could not always
get for themselves, but through it all
he has never assumed to criticise nor
give expert testimony. Hs disclaims,
In vigorous terraB, all knowledgo of the
choice pf this representative all-class
team. Had- it been left to his judg
ment to pick such a team the choice
v;ould have been somewhat different,
but would hayo been far from the team
lined up inlefllanee above. If the ag
grieved parties will Inquire, the ath
letic editor will, be only too glad to
give Information which may lead to
placing the guilt, If guilt there be,
where it belongs, and at the same tlino
take 'advantage of the opportunity to
remove the Imputed stains from his
own character. So much from the ath
letic editor's sido as to the advisability
of such a game. If the all-class team,
ay chosen, wishes to defend the title
against all ambitious challengers, that
is their look-out. What good can come
of such a game Is hard to see. Should
tho all-class team win, then other as
pirants for the all-class honors would
arise. And what's tho use? The men
placed on the, all-class, team -were
chosen because of their supp'osed su
periority in the positions they held,
and It was thought that they would be
able to hold their own against, anyl
other aggregation composed of men
participating In thJnter-clqss games.
Ono thing is certain. Had the athletic
editor known that "everlasting rc-
-nown" could have been thus achieved,
ho" would have hadhls finger in the
- plo.
ProfesJJor Sheldon of the State His
toripul society, gaye an Illustrated
lecture at Cotncr university last week
On "Early Life and Scenes of Nebras
ka." The lecture wns(well attended.
. D. H. Jones, '02, who is einplqycd
with the Cudahy Packing company at
South Omaha, was on : the campus
' Overcoats! Our Ideal of what they
should be. See then when you think of
an overcoat. Palnets.
' Special attention to Traldi a.:d Jew-
', Wry repairing. E. .Fleming, 1211 0
,fcMreet. ... - -
1 Annual County
&& 5
Armory, December (0
Given under Auspices of the Y, W, C. At
Does Not Want Sophomore-Law
(I'sing whatever discretion it may
potsefip. The Ncbraskan gladly pub
lishes communications, assuming, how
ever, no responsibility for the senti
ments they may contain.)
1'ditoi Dally Nebraska'):
An animated controversy Is again
being unearthed, in which It Is con
tended that the Sophomore football
team, who are the winners In the
Intei -Academic class contests of the
unherslty bhouUl now play the U
tors Li the Law College. This, as it
must appear to the minds of all cloBe
obscners is but a rekindling ol the
! molderlng arguments advanced last
year and will piobably be productive
ol as much smoke anrl a? little blaze
as formerly.
The contention that tho Sophomores
team, which after several hard,
successive struggles ha3 lightly earned
tho championship, must buck the line
of the lefal men in -order to estab
lish their supremacy is ,it sej&ms to
me a weakling. Of course, on the sur
face it gives the Impression that the
Sophomores are obstinate In their re
fusal to comply with the ordinance
ol the boardrbut If the cover is lifted
Off, and' he history Is examined more
(rltfcally, many of those who have al
leady given hostile expressions of
opinion will, without doubt, change
their positions.
The point in question, according
to the position Sophomore foot
ball manager, is whether or not It is
right, not only to the Sophomore team,
but fo the acadomlc students as a
whole, to comply with these regula
tions. He argues that it it not, for
tbre' reasons; cause, first: There is
no basis for the distinction as made by
the athletic board; Second: That it
would be asking mora of his team than
was demanded ol previous winners In
the class championship: and Third:
That tlic Law students have beon ex
ceedingly lukc-warm in their financial
support of these Inter-class games. All
three of these points might be largely
elaborated, but an exhaustive argu
ment would require too much space,
therefore tho treatment of each must
be brief. First ,111 en, anyone, it seems
to me, can see the fallacy of placing
a line of distinction between the Laws
It would be just asfaoiiB arc apt to come to the lair wltbf
and Academics.
wise to lengthon out still more, and
recognize the College of Science; tho
Collego of Medicine, only a two years'
courser, and the College of Literature,
but any ono can see tho ridiculousness
of such a divislpn. It Is furthermore
absurd to recognize tho Lawi classes
separately because they are at Uberjty
to outer tho Academic classes and try
for places on their team3, a3 well as on
tho 'Varsity. If they are a separate
institution why not keep them from
playing on tho 'Varsity eleven?
Tbp second reason is that the Soph
omores should not be compelled, from
n "moral "viewpoint, to contest farth'er
for the honors. They have now done
all that was over bofore required of
any Acadomlc teanvana they propose
to ronent any imposition It Is unfair
and unjust, after they have by hard
knocks won fairly and squarely, that
thoy should now be forced to play with
( ----
a team of heavy men that have not un
dergone the strugglo of winning the
victory from other classes. On tho
ground, then, of the injustice to his
team, he holds that the Sophomores
should not be forced to play.
The third reason, and by all means
not the least, he contends that inas
much as the Law college has only paid
$1 toward the funds to buy sweaters
lor tho winning team, against $24 of
the Acadomlc, these gontlemen, by
their lukc-warm financial support,
should not be considered.
All of theso points, It seems, substan
tiate the claims of tho Sophomore
football raannger, and when duly con
sidered we can but recognize that he
b standing on some very logical
giound. AN. ACADEMIC.
Samarian Red Lynx Arrived Last
The Samarian red lynx, which has
become the talk of the university, ar
rived last night. It was brought to
Sau Francisco by a returning army of
ficer, and forwarded from there by ex
press. Some difficulty was experienced
In getting It through tho custom house.
With It conies the Information that
the animal Jives best on tho checasha
borry. It will be necessary to obtain
some of these- berries and apyoup
knowing the whereabouts of any will
confer a favor by sending tho Informa
tion to A31, care The Nebraskan.
A number of new features of great
importance have been added to the
list of attractions at the big County
'Fair to be hold In the Armory noxt
Saturday. An enormous lot of freaks
have oxlsted In the university for some
time, and Jheso have at last been
bi ought together In one magnificent
show. The usual fat woman and liv
ing skeleton will be tlwre, and In ad
dition, many other cclebretles, as well
at. several freaks not yet famous, but
which will be before the end of tho
Fair. An alphabetically arranged cat
alog, .beautifully lithographed and om
Iclllshed with wonderful hnlf-tonos
of each" freak, will be furnished busy
eight-secrs lor the binall sum o one
For the convenience ol many pe:
sonswho wish to keep In touch with
the outside world, an A. D. T. girl's
booth will be established. Many per
anThadequate supply or com, anu tnese i
mrssongera will doubtless bo in great
The famous Missouri mule and
Bucking Broncho exhibitions which
made the St. Louis Pike famous have
beon engaged to perforin at the Fair.
Jrabod and Katrina will also bo there,
as well as many other attractions not
yet announced.
Erie B. Woodward,
of eye, oar aiidtiroat.
block. Phono' GGti.
M. D., dlseaso
20T-S Richarde
E. Fleming, the jeweler, is showing
a nice line of Christmas goods. Come
in and see,
Union Snjhlng Parlora. Shine, 5c.
Chain for ladles. 1018 O street.
For Furs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St
Price 5 Cents
The Junior Prom, to be Held
February 10.
I'rrpilriitloiiN nre Alrendy Cutler Wujr
for lllp Krotif.'
Tho date for tho Junior Prom, has
Locn set for. Friday, February 10. As
usual tho Prom, will bo held at the '
Lincoln hotol, the beat plnco to com
bine good floor, parlors, and decoratlvo
opportunities. Tho Junior Prom,
hero, as at other Institutions, Is, and
has been a part of the university lilo
for a lpng time, and its long oxistonce
n, such a portion should give it pres
tige ovor the numerous other social"'
functions which arc given rathor'tbo
promiscuously now-n-days. The Prom,
affords an excellent opportunity for
reunions, for old grads. to return and
renew old acquaintances and make
now ones about tho univorsity. By
rovhlng graduate Interest tho Prnv..
does the university a groat deal of
good, and should) and doos, havo tho
approbation and support af all really
Interested In tho university's wolfnre.
This will be tho first formal social
function of the school year. It 1b in
the hands of a competent commltteo,
George Tunlson being chairman, and
Leigh Krake master of ceremonies,
and a representative number making
up the remainder, and this commltteo
In itself ls guarantee that tho Prom,
will bo conducted In the best possible
Engineering Notes.
Walter "E. Rowe, civil engineering,
'90, Is now professor of mathematics
and civil engineering in tho. University
of New Mexico, at Albuquerque.
L. W. Barger, who left his engineer
ing work in tho university about three
years ago to enter tho employ of the
motive power department of Ino B &'
M., has been appointed chlcf drafts
man of that department
J. F. Brown, an inspector in tho wood
shops, suffered a severe accident last
week. Ho was sawing some B'mall
wooden blocks in tho' shops, when ono
caught In tho saw, flow off and struck
him In tho faco, knocking out a row
teeth and otherwise Injuring him. He
is again attending his classes, how
ever. The department of mechanical erf
glneering has received an Apple Ig
nition Dynamo for use with the gas
engine. This wlH obvlato sorao;ofUQ
batfery troubles and, aa It allowB'.dr;
the point of ignition being varied,
will prove very convenient in somo.of
the tests that are made with the gas
engine. . A .,,.-
The State Historical society has re
cently come into the possession oJLa
vorr fore and valuable book In con-
necuon wuu i"wuim ' ,
WaB wriUej! in Alliworp, nuuauui u
rinmnfln. In 1554: 1tl8 4i(vD'9c!ai in
terest because it dealBjcxpresslyL-wIth
the exploration or tne vest in America
and Coronado's expedition in Nebras
ka. It treats of tho Indians, quite- ex
tensively and contains the .first pic
tures of the American bion oyer pre
sented to the European public.
Pictures framed and unfranuHL, In
Pastel, Oils, Water Colora, etc., etc.,
will be sold at the, Lincoln Boole 8tor.o.
Auction this week. ' . ' "'
Ilent a Kemlngton at student- rate
and keep your notes, in gaodt form,
Office Corner pf. OUyer fteafgjgc
.Elliott's Sultorliim, Cleaning, djrfclnc
and repairing Prices reasonable. 4186
0 street". " Both pbonea.
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