The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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tTbc 2ail tebtaofian
Zht Dally Debraskan
ii i i n . ii i ri
A consolidation of
The Beaperlaa, Vel. 01, The Nbrakan, Vol, U
Scarlet nnd Oreara, Vol. A.
"Nebraska is not looking for n i
o'her gaiuo with Haskell and given as
:i i canon that Hineo the old men arc
bf'ng f-hut 6it the Hufikcll team will
net bo good enough Rome one ha a
1 1 1 ti unreasonable enough to HUgg'ut
that the memory of tho gtuno of No
embcr 12 hns pome thing to do with
tho lack ot desire on the part of tho
Cornhuskers to ineot tho India ih
again " Missouri Indcpendont.
Look Over Our New Book Counter...
. (
Unnnnl, tUn Illv llnnr liv dnntnn t1 9f. V
iVIWilUI V II, IIIU llft !-" , ' UWW1.WH A.MtJ
Old Gorgon Graham, by Iorimor. 1.20
Extracts from Adams' Dairy, by Mark Twain 85
Relrecea, by Kate Douglass Wiggins 1 .10
In the Bishop's Carriage, by Mlrholson 1.20
Tho Crossing, by Churchill t.20
The Singular Miss Smith, l F. M. Kingsley 1.10
Published dally, excopt Sunday and Monday,
at the Ontverslly of Robraaka, Llnooln, Neb,
by the Hesperian Publishing Co.,
DoinD Or DmxoTOBA
Profeatora J. I. Wyer, and 0. R. Richards
H. P. LeaYltl
John "Weatorer E. R. Walton.
IMItor-lnChlef Panl A. Bwlsf
Manager A. O. 8ohrelber
OlrooUtor "Walter B. Standerem
Ass'. Adr. Manager Fred Nan ghtoa
Fred A. Sweeter
D. P. DeTonng.
Mlae Minnie fllllev
Mlsa LetaCtetter
KdltorUl Rooms and Buslnera Office U BUtf
Post Offloe SUilon A. Lincoln, Nebr.
Night Telephone
Automatic J5M
Automatic 2365.
Subscription Price, 12 per year, In adranoe
i ' . i . j -j ..-"
Entered at the postofflco at Lincoln, Neb.,
as Bccond-olnAs mall matter under the act of
congress of March 0, 1879.
Indlyidnal notice will be charged for at th
rote of 10 cent for eaeh innortlon, Faculty.
Aopnrtiuautnl and unlronilty bullotlna wlm
gladly be published f reo, as heretofore.
Editorial Remarks
The action of the Sophomoic ( lass
In refusing to piny off the disputed
hmnplonfthip with the Freshman Law
( Inss, Ih not exactly unexpected It Ih
deplorable, howeor. thot the matter
could not huve boen settled doll litely
at the beginning of the season instead
(l springing into prominence at this
I: te time. The mles. to bo sure, seem
t(. leavo no doubt as to the right of
the I uva to demand a game with the
Supnomores, and in lotnult of it, to
laim the championship But the
Sophomores apparently do lot look at
the matter in this light und propose to
Graduate Club Discussed Pana
ma Canal Last Friday.
The first meeting of tho Graduate
dub for the year was held at tho
home ot Dr. and Mrs. Sherman last
Friday night. The attendance was
ery lnrge and tho program one of
uniiHiinl excellence. Tho subject for
discussion was the Panama canal.
Professor Caldwell talked briofly on
tho history of the canal, beginning
with the earliest times of the con
tinent, and earrjing it down to the
rte.,ent He reviewed the Clayton
Hulwei treaty of 1850 and the op
poritlon to It. The two principal
routes the Nicaragua and Panama
were treated separately. The early
plans and companies formed for the
building of a canal through Nicaragua
were discussed a little more at length,
as was the development of tho Pan
ama loute, the early attempt to com
plete it, the French and America i
companies formed for that purpose,
and the final assumption of tho task
by the Unitod States, with the con
sequent revolution, formation of the
Republic of Panama, and the treaty
with the new nation, under which the
work Is now progressing.
Though brief, Prof. Caldwell's dis
cussion coered the subject thorough
lj and " as moat Interesting
Professor Stout treated some of the
engineering problems presented by the
canal Tlie two of principal im
portance are those presented b . the
Culebra cut. and the control and
utilization oi the Chagres river. The
latter is subject to extremes ia its vol
ume of water, at some periods of the
year, caii'l.ig great Hoods, while in
the dry season It is little more than
a creek. In connection with a &ea
loel canal, the only problem would
bo the control of tho Hoods. But in
connection with a high level canal, In
at BROWN'S, 127 south Eleventh
We Will Trade
T)f 'i " - BiJ I I
jou a bicycle for a Talking Machine or
a Talking Machine for a Bicycle All
the new goods.
Athletic goods of all kinds.
Girard Cycle G'mpy
J3(M O Street
Blue Front
Shoe Shop
I. Kolbach
1326 O Street
WjUUUtsU'Afsif,aVfraVfah'tirtr W Ht 'tis W afr WW'AWWTa"!
Evening Dress
t aV aV aV frit
iMHHfc- k
to be satisfactory requires artistic correct
ness. You won't look foolish if you let us
furnish your attire.
THE $2.50 HAT STORE - 1141 O
AaUA-siAivNAiAViAVfAiiiIfeafcit 1U &,Ac ""if. f jt k k W 'aV af. W if 'if W W if aV f 'if tf, W alf "A
't 'Jl JV J Jft' Jfl J 7jt Jt JfL lift. JfC Jf Jfl 'ft vfi TfCVfTTF l Pf( J Jl If! Jf( Jl - Jf JJfVJiJJflJftJp7fi77frff:3ft V 'Jfl '! Vfi r -JJI TfTC
ignore the claims of the Iaws.
The Nebraskan ia opposed to per
mitting a distinction to bo made be
tween tho law college and the other
schools of tho university. There is no
moro basis for this disUnctionx than
there would bo tor granting a llko one
to the engineers, or to the art students.
Four classes are all that should be rec
ognized, and they should bo made to
Includo all students in all colleges of
the university.
But'Kince-tho Laws have-boeu recog-i-'.i.ed
separately by the uthletic board,
tht distinction should by all means be
rbierved. The rules which govern inter-class
athletics should be obeyed
v bother pleading to all factions or not.
The Laws should have the opportunity
to contest for tho championship, be
cause tho right is theirs according to
rules agreed upon by tho representa
tives of all classes In the university.
Saturday, Dec. 3.
Present your card
Get the habit.
1042 O street U
Visiting and Address Cards
Programs, Invitations and
Correspondence Stationery
Fraternity Building
We also manufacture Advertising;
Buttons and Mirrors.
A349. 3400
addition to the water supply the river
would) be the only possible source of
supply, so that the storage of its
waters would have to be resorted to
in order to maintain a supply In dry
seasons for tho operation of the oanai,
and to compensate for unavoidable.
losses. Another idea is to build a
dam at Bohlo, 17 miles from tho At
lantic coast, which would raise tho
wator from 85 to 90 feet above sea
level, and provide a fresh water 'lake
about 40 square miles in extent, and
which would control tho floods of the
Chagjes jind furnish stqrage to tldo
over tho dry season.
Except lor its magnitude Culebra
cut Job is an ordinary piece of en
gineering. For a sea level canal the
maximum of depth of'cutting would be
3CB feet and tho length of deep cut
ting nearly 8 miles. The estimated
cost is $90,000,000. For a high level
canal, which was favored by the com
mittee of 1899, tho cost of tho cut
would he about one-half of this. It
is realized by those in charge of the
(Continued on Page Three)
You Can
the Genuine Welsbacb
Mantles and tho ney
fas air burner at Sidles
Sporting Goods Store.
Air Burners ?1.25
1317 0 St.
To 'effect a speedy clearance
sale we offer tho following
Unparalleled Values in
High Grade Pianos
Qcnvr'l Maohlnlst
- --
Locksmiths and Ptaltri
PhMts 614
309 S. II th LINCOLN
One &vorott, ."lightly uaed,
beautiful mahogany case, over
strung steel composite sounding
board bridges with tho Everett
guaranty of a llfe-tim and
many other valuod improo
ments. Just as good as new in
every respect Tho usual price
all over the Unitod 8tates 1b
$500. Clearance Salo Prico..?280
One Starr, almost now, in one
of tho handsomest walnut cases
tWQjhavo over had, fcili size, M
14 Ono Willard, walnut case, in
perfect condition, does not show
it has over been out of the store,
regular price, $2G0, now $168
Ono Smith & Barnes upright,
entirely new, but discontinued
from this year's catalogue; "ma
hogany case, guaranteed for ten
years, splendid tono and action,
regular price, $250. Clearance
Price $238
Ono Richmond Piano, almost b
u uuw, 111 u vcij uiuiubumr uatt
case, the tone and action will
ft. illUCL I.1IU lUlKJl UJLUUVlUg UU-
f manus, regular price, 3:&. tte-
r rliirful in tQA
One Maneheatot . nntlrolv niw
H&U VM1D 171JW JKJU UUVU iJi ujj
portunlty which Js unparalleled.
If te fnllv tninrnn ti ri nn-1 nlll
givo-yolfyears of musical sails
faction $134
These, pricea aro net, but
tlmo may be arranged.
TERMS Very easy ternu. of
payment can be arranged.
U25 O Street
N 'Li 'T, . t'
4 ,l)SSi'?WBS&fam