mmmSSSmSSS& Sig mm v. '(!V i r ' ' ' ' be Sath IFlebraekan ? 'Vol. IV, No. 47 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DEC. f, J 904. Price 5 Cents 1 I y - -- rj. " - - T- . . j 1. JF' 1 ' " iA if-- .- Ux 4 lh ALL - CLASS TEAM Nebraskan's Expert Announces i Choice of Teams. n Si'vi-nil I.iiw mi It. -Woulil l)o Hlft Airgrt-Kittion. The mania for picking all-rtar'teatm K-ems to have hit the college press in cnery pin cT the country thin year, and almost oery paj)cr on olir ex (hang list litis "had its "athletic ex pert" ( hoi-e an All-Aniciican team. Tne only :-imliarit. between these teams is the ftrnngo (act that each "export" phis about .six of the men ol his own team toi platen. The only "export" tAiat si fnifi to hae been al.le to look lejond the end of his own nose is the who picked the team for the Sjran.1' Daily Orange. That team lias men on it tVom eery part of the coun try, and only one Syncuse man i.; pli I c:. and l;c fur the treond team at that. , It i-. a instery to us how an man ah pretend to pick a team of the best phi) era in the country when lie hm not see:i s-onio of the teams at all, and can gather his information lrom the i (.port ol tiie games in the metropoli tan dailies. Any one who read the le portt of the games on our field in the Chuago pipers will know how reliable him h r-ports ure. Wv.'e we to pick an Ail-American ifjni. after seeing onlv two teams, 11 r.inoi? and Iowa. "Nebraska" would be printed after the names ol half the Ftarf However, we will confine our selves to pit king an all-class team, for we have seen every team play at least once, a I'd have had the chance at least to learn the merits of the different men. Accordingly we select the fol lowing" men as the best players on the different class teams nt their respect he positions: Eadi I aird, Law 'Oti. and Cramor. '07. Tackles Gibson, Law '0;. and Mur- rhy, '07. Guards Wenstrand, 'CO; and Mc- - Laiighlin '(.. Center Wilkle, Law '07. Quarter Lantz, Law '00. Halfbacks Ljttle. '07, and Cook, 'fifi. Kuilback Schmidt, i aw, '07. ' BEGIN WITH VICTORY. University Beats Wesleyan by a Single Score. The basket ball team detented Wes- Moyan Saturday night by a seflro of 32-31. The score does not indicate the , strength of the Nebraska team, Tor they played ngaliiBt great odds. The '.Wesleyan, floor is very small, being much belp'w the regulation slzo of a hasJierTToll court, and tho speutatorB jWere seated along- the side UnoK and 'inanv times lnterfere.d ..with tho game. 'lJrQbably the most serious objection to 'the' court Is th6 lack of out-of-bounde territory, at tho end, which hindered 'the or.k"oT tho Nebraska men mator- Malti'. Wesloyan prolltcd by all these, 'especially tho walls at tho end. Jhe .Nebraska team was 'permitted to use tho)r team work hut "ory little, hut Jtho individual work was flno. The work of Captain Hoar at guard, and Meyer, at center; we're especially worthy or mention. u. LINE-UP. V inihwii'i. Nohraoku. . .Hagonaick ....... Burrun 'White -.-... iSgrtofwnru Atvood rorwaru. 'intpnii fi-nn i . .center MeydV VmJth, B"n'l . Hoar (cap.) .iCUns Buai d .... ... . -Boers lflifjBtifutoE; . Wesleyan, Thompson and Simonds; Nohraslta, DurKeo. ' OWcals Reforeo: Hewitt; .umplro, Swan'.. ' - 1 ' ' ' OOOOOOOCOCOOOOCX)OCOCOCCCCCXOOOOOCCOOOCOCOOOCCOCOOC?0 I Freshman Lincoln Hotel, Friday, Dec. 1 6 Admission, $1.50 Eddie Walt's Orchestra 0000300OOOiX5OOO0O0000CX)CXX)000000000O00OOOCX)OOOOO0O0O SPLENDID BANQUET. Football Men Given Royal Re past at "Sam's." I a-?t eeni'ig the men of the loot ball team, as well as others promin ently connected with It, weic the gucFts of Mr. Sam West or field at his cafe on North Thirteenth street. An elaborate menu was scived with all the pood tasto which has made Mr. Wofcterlleld's cafe famous, and a splendid time is repotted. The lol lo.ving were present: Alessn. Pcne di(t, Mender. I 'org. Hunter, Cotton, Ma -on, (Cy ), .Johnson, Edgar, Mason (Glen)., Crai,;, Hlrknor. Robertson, Fenlon, Shook. Hart a, Uenslow, Man ager Davis. Coach Westover, Dr. Pound, I)r 1 ees. Mr. Sherman of the State Journal, and A. G. Schrolber, of the Daily Nebraskan. The men met in the Y. M. C. A and proceeded in a body to Mr. W torllohh, sto ping at the ilty Y M. C. A rooms, where they woreJ tieated by Dr Condi a. The menu was as follows. Dressed 1 ettuc e Queen Olives Canape Oeufs Bullion en Tasse Diked Rod Snapper, a la Oveiton Potatoes a la Windsor Fried Spring Chicken, Cream Sauce Potatoes, a la Duchess Ealnion Salad Mayonnaise ho Cream Assorted Cake i Cheese Walcr3 ClgaiF. Coffee The toasts were to hae been given as follows: The KlekolY Dr. Pound Mv Maiden Sneech.. ..Cant. Ue.iedlot The Athletic Hoard Dr. Lees How It feels to He Out of the Game. J R. Bender Western Pool hall John Westover My Football Nursery . . f. M. Hunter Managerial Miseries K. F. Dais T.u Daily Nebraskan contributed the menu cards and the cigars. A meeting of the athletic board wa3 held in Dr Ciapp's officer last evening. The mooting wtis taken up with rou tine business, and a discussion of the schedule, liuf uollilng definite was an nounced In regard to the latter. An other meeting will be held in nbout two weeks. In, the meantime, those men who are qualified to vote for cap- tntn will be notified of tho fact by the secretary juf the board. They will bet- luipounced latqr in the Nebraskan MHMetHj!HiOK Second Annual Conhtske Banquet Liadell Hotel, December 2 $1.50 PER PLATE Hop SOPHOMORES WIN OUT. Second-Year People Defeat El dors in Close Battle. A large (iowd of some ten or fif teen persons witnessed two very ex citing game of football on the campus Saturday alternoon. The first one was between the Sophomores and the Juniors to decide the winner of the Auidomic class ( liampionahip. From the showing of the two teams In their pr? iuis games an easy victory for t no Sophs, was looked for by most of the rooteif-, but from the (list kick off until the lat fle minutes of play it was a question ns (o the winner. Cork at half for the Junior) made from ten to twenty yards around the end or through tackle time after time, and for a time it looked as if the Juniors had the game Iiuim up. In the last ;,ait of the second half the Sophs got their machine in working order and bucked their way the length of the Jield for a toudidown Just before time was called, Little smashing through tackle for three yards after being held twWe without any gain. The second game was between the Senior and Fteshman I aws for the I aw championship, and was the best exhibition of football noon on Nebras ka fiold for many a day. The Soniors leceived tho kick-off and failed to make their distance tho very first time. Ringer punted and on the first play Johnson broke away for a touch down. In tho eight minutes loft to play tho Freshnjen repeated the opera tion twice and the half ended with the score of KJ to 0. Hnnch Cantnin and Trainer Ringei put some ginger into his men during tne time uoiweon naiveb, unu m iukui developed a very strong defense. The feature of this half was Cotton's car rying the ball T3f yards tor the Seniors in 17 downs. His magnificent de fense prevented the Freshmen from scoring during this half. By winning this game the Fresh men won the law championship, and by the new uiles adopted this year hao a right to play the Sophomores foT"the university champloiiEhlp. Pictures tranied and unl rained, Jn Pastel, OilF. Water Colors, etc., etc., will be sold ut the Lincoln IJoolu&tprc. Aution this week. Lincoln Transfer Co.; ULggnsfe. Plione 17G. a h a a a it it it a it it it a it it " .8:30 P. M. Il WON'T PLAY THEM Sophomores Rofuse to Meet the Freshman Laws. Tim j ('Inlm tlio ('liitiitploiinlilp l)oillr I lie Knit m. Next Thursday morning at II o'tlotk, the Intor-class athletic board is sched uled to meet for what Is expected to piove one ol the Ktormlcst cesslona In Its history The occasion of tho call Is to awaid the inter-class football ( hanipionshlp. This has boon won in the acadeinli department b the Sol homorcs and In the law department by the diss of '117 (Fjobhman). Tho latter have challenged the former to a lvrlili for the championship of tho nnl . ctslly, but the Sophomores refuse to play. Just what the outcome of the matter will bo cannot be even nuesscd at with assurance. The rules passed by the boaid early this fall would seem to lavor the case of tho laws. TIioec which bear on the case road as followh: "V. The teams shall he paired off as follows in lootball and basketball: Fieshnien-Sophomoies; Juniorii-Sen-lors, Winners-Winners, Freshman 1 av. -Junior I aw; Winners-Senior Law; WlnmiM of the cadomic cham 1 lonshlu s. winners of I aw champion ship The last game shall determine f championship of the unhers'ity. "VIII Anv Kiinic ending In a tie, other than the final game, must be p!ued off, and any loam refusing to plaj shall be defaulted. The malin gers of the two teams may agree to divide the money and championship in case of a tie final game, but either manager may demand a play-off." On just what grounds tho Sopho mores refuse to piny is :iot know.jjTho laws, of course, clulm tho cumplor.Hhlp by default. Basket ball practico will bo hold every evening this week In final pre paration for tho game with High land Park Friday evening. The men are in good form. Last night Bomo lightning-work at passing and goal bhooting.was done. Tho price for the gnme Friday night has been set for 25 ce.its per. This Is for the game only. Those w lshing to dance after tho game will bo charged 75 cents per couple. This 75 vents includes admis sion to tho game, and tho privilege of dancing afterwards. Good music -will bo furnished for the occasion, and- n good attendance should be on hand to take udvantago of the. two' attrac tions. A CLASS RUN. Arrangements Made for Cross country Contest. In order to keep tho-cross-country men in trnlni.ig and- to keep up en thusiasm In the work, an Inter-claES run will be held some tjmo UurlnB January', for which a number ' of "handsome tropliioa have been given by I incoln merchants. . Each r learn will consist of five, men. . .The cap tains havo been named as follows: Soniors, '' Horho'rt States'; 'JUnlors, Sampson; Sophomores,-"Havens; Fresh men, Haubcr. The men will run threo nlght3 a weqk for practice. . A meqting will bo hold In Dr. Ciapp's offico Wednesday inb'rning at 11 o'clock to discuss the work and mako plans for the run. Frank eTIcc, PuDUc'Stond$raplier and Notary. Mlusogra'phlc letters ported Imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. Armstrong. Clothing Coinpuny, .prac tical batters. , : . T - J . fl 1 : v t. o " v t & . A., &ub& l..