;r ,TV " .j, ' Tl A'lflVI .A' j -. "W i.rw wrjirtrr n :, U :?,.'" v' ---, ' M ..' '. GHb e $. a i I s 1 e b N ft a n W - . w ,j It'i'lii'ilti iiii) rTMMl . & It !i& vr. ' -1 k i K L r lr ' w. LJt.,J iH&t v rj Sfft. itf tt ' A, G. Spalding & Bros, rgesl Manufaolurors In Iho World ol Official Athletic Supplies. Tho football trap- "aW-Wl Jxl by A .G. Kpald- rno A Uiiod. or the lwst that can libHolutolr bo pro duced ; tlioy are of on p o r I o r mnkij tlior liovo ntood tbo twit for ovor IwentT-tljiht your, and nro ubwI by nil inter rolUtKinto, IntomalioliiHllc mid prominent foot bull too inn of tbo country. No ox pernio Is npnred In ranking tho ;ooda bearing tbo Bpnldlnf Trndft-Hark u .near purfeot im U In postlblo to Rrodnce b mqiifaoturod nrtlr una If it bean ill mark of perfection it ii tho bout . BPALDINQ'B OFFICIAL FOOT BALL (KjlDK. Bdltod by Walter Camp. Contalna the NEW RULES FOR 1004. Spcwlal articles cm the nun. It U, in foot, n completo en oyclopmla of tho guine . Prico 10 oontn . SPALDING'S HOW TO PI. AY FOOT BALL. Edited by Walter Camp . Nowly rovlstd for 1004. Undoubtedly tho bust book ovor published on on the name, for it contain nil a beginner fiouM know, and mnny intcrratlnR facta 'or thf exprtcnotd player . Price 10 conn. "If it partaluu to athlutica, we make It ." A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Urn York Ohlonao St. Loula lalphia Son Francisco Kansas City (alo Denver Woahlnatoa ea Baltimore Pittsburg iMDolla Montreal. Can. London. Eiik. Send for a copy of Bpaldlng'i Fall and "Winter Sport Catalogue. It's free. Dr. J. J. Davis firadunta Rcfractlonlst Spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and eye Strain. X72 O Street Auto Phone 302 I , Residence 28 I LINCOLN. NEB. CbarhsB. Gregory ( v. oi n. '9i ) i Zht Coal Wan NO J044 O STREET Sam Westerfield l'l ()))l ('!(! I)f Sam's Cafe Little (..mii Hut W'afili iiml Kuu MviiIh mill Lnn - ' I 17-J2J Nor'h 13 Street Griffin-Grccr Printing Company JJ36 O STREET WedJiog !nv'Ution, Ball ProgrAtni, rd U tird oPComnurclAl Printlna. Quarter Size ' " COLLARS liiici hixc ever) imrU-r of an inch. This nivt-x one n phunre l nconre that H;rfet fit nniTMt width nwirks the well niudc collar and tho well drcRHcd man. The host ill' the Quarter Si.r Collars iirr stllllll 1(1 Cluett 23 conts 01 Arrow two for cents zQrr CLiriT ClIAITOS Ahkow Alcon 'ihvtul Ulflercnio U in the cjualit) In all cl they are nlkc ' Cluett, Pcabody & Co. Mnkcrs of Cluett ar.d Monarch ShirW rMWyrytf' ySvywyi Campus Gleanings Mit- M! i.,,c Mil if r lelt tin O unhi (I- S'l.r wl'l rutrn Mond.ij ln,rimli :.'5 will iJH'ct Dpconiljcr (5 nt '1 p in , In CimmmMpv lectmc room Cl.f '. latiy ') will r-.ci't In tlic ("t:ti-i-tiy lecture 100:11 Ileipmler r, at W ( 'i locl UnhciMity artlrl.s hip IjpIiik l.o uPBed for po-.tpiH to advertise the V V County I 11 1 1- Mifis rTimn DoYotmg of Ciimlier l.'inil. Wik , ih I m i l i 1 1 k with her ln.itnci. I) I' -l"H Young, thiH week. I OF'l Notp-look on "Totlt- ' Iihual reward to Hurler A C MFIEH Tl'.e .hinior I'roni. 'oinmltlee . ill n.ret 'I up 'day In the cha;)pl at 11 a. 111 (J M TLVMSON Mi William Woir ot Oh'.owa. 1. a upw student in the Agrleultur.il de Miilnient of the unieislt thi.s wek It the (old wne (ontlnues there will he rffprnl nkntln,; parties t ds nioni ing Several of the mil v craily f-tu dontf hae l;een Inisj discuss:.!, the ,o-.Hil.ililies of such spoi t tin I i-t ipv dnjs. The HtudeuLs' Dehat'iir ill.!) . ,lt mCCl this evpiiing at the 1.. eal hour to debate the iollowing cjupstlon. "HIiouk' the ur.T.y cintPPi) he ie-p.stnblish.pd'' 1 11 r debaters hap had home tune in w Mi h to Itnestigate the subject ant it is ivieitcd that thej will "Kike : o'o.k! : 'lowing 'I he Maxwells, a 1- often the i p-,e, will probnbh he thin in a 1 odj TUl'KIS'l RATION to ( .ilro nil, and Northw,-t a l'n 0.1 l'n lrt iMilllo-iK have I e.-ii ont M th I'iiio 1 I'au'li 111 the inipro.i ' 1 r ,it .)! its liii . .i.,i! a'l ' tin 1 1 ri 1 11 it l'; 1 I "( n H''i ted tu ) ol' t I t- y Uio 1 . aga'n t a 1 idem 'I 1 Ii n l i;- iPiiow lutl loi Hs la it trains .t'td tie !( letal --upe, ioi it ol it h'i:i( (l ( ' j'pincMl H) 111 tl.e qi. i 1 1 .1 ti-ne to all p'.i'it: e:'-t or- '.c t I i h'M liifi 1 '.atio'i in'.iiire ot F. H. a: (J.-'()N. tie H"al it Can j 011 1 ate ' I- er tr'. 1 ollc '.al'.i ,' ' Ii not, ui'i'i' down so-iie p.en.nn and a j it ou do t Kat i. jviu wll -'pJi'ii .ti I'm- elfoit of t'.o ii.:i.un;e:v.e.u n (i ii'nig Ihii. gieit tpml hi the p.'o t 'p ( 1 MlHohi TIip Auditol 111.11 Rei ki' Flatting Rink has a new hardwood I'.our and iu ptiuii'nod wtth Rltluirdson 1 'ill-l eanug Kates. Adniiiio.i ntte i o in lad'f--, 1 e'-evening ladies lr :e,it- "' Rent ol km - Li' 1'ianl; IC lee I'ulilu Ftenogr inh i and Notary Mil ogiaphw letter, l.piiei t imitation .".(M-.)iij RuhanN Blk. Auto llf)."i Ovciioat-.' Our id fiF oTv. i.at 1 1. v should he. Hee then when ou tli'.')! an oei(oat l'aine's Oystei Mew L'."i ents at C nr.i o 1 -row Rf la-Taut, 11 'J H-iiith ILth If joii got it at Armstrongs, r s ilglit Union Shining Parlors Shine "i Chairs Tor ladies 10KS t) street Dinners and stmncis $2.50 per wfk. LTJie Homo Cafe, 211 S. 12th. r VLltgLS.it.V.S.t.a.".L.H.H.T' STUDENTSl For first-class Tailoring: at low prices see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J 209. ot J- ot 1 Union CollegeTailors South I nt rce Ccilegc Building fStL DHfiEl ra BET Chicago, Minroeapolis, Councal Bluffs and OnrDaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT, ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE UNION DEPOT OMAHA. Ja& Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has clccVric-lighted trains, solid vcstibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F, A, NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. ?Q-vxX)OCOCOOCXX)COOCXXXXXXXXXXXX)CXXXXXXXDCOn THERE IS NO Watch, ClocK or Article o! Jewelry WE CANNOT REPAIR C A. Tucker, Jeuele 9 O fli. Pbo.. BU 534,. Aum XS44 K00O-'K0 000000 a iuiiiisima I Gandins j -w Allegretti Lowncy g fltoylers Place your order now fc REGTORS 0 8 Sole Agents MGvSBH ESEm H.Paul, 1512 FARNAM ST. Commencemeina IPas-ta )tnlnafnorWfof tlirMaiintui 'ii m,1 ill, u.r I" Ullllll. IM-ISS pi.PIIU. I . t.KmU. ll.fl MOM.,. 1 nmwlll, l) put 111 iiml Mm,:, UnV). t-pm-u. (fi. h lilaillrusKfSloi lUt: iliij. inu mh hih, i..i,i.,h,u , ( , 11 Ii ! Moll l.ij h , afur.MnniT pn.tlui.iuul M'M'f.iu.n ,"!5,. N f" "''''t' fr "Kin iiju nlilro.t hi hl.iilu nliu pulltlml nlul i.it.m .. ' n'lwuiviifffi', mi, 1 fHinniHih mw i s-i ulu iilm: 1 . 1M1 iiln t ti mi, d ( ntii i i l r r r i J I I' -KlMiU III..II ,lf ,Pt. Uu I, lu. ,,,,, , . 1 ll,'r,'n , '', ''"'''I". ri.n,iL.'n- uii.u.., . ( - iilllTI I ..IV .. , ,,( , h ,,, M flir ,,. Mj-, .111 1 si., r . .i.f, , rn,Mi, 1 !,,, iL,tis - i) ro 1 :i t.cc'cri 11 I l'i . .. ' IT- In nt. .. n .1 .fl... . fit. .Ill LL..I.I. . 'I. 11 . , I ,,. I, ... , I u4 l'i (t ,n,. l-e.i en, I 1 I'.'xt itii rt OriirliiiiR ()r li.ii'n" , 1 'itit i miI.ti nt liv liiiiulrcfN ti-rj-,,1 1 - tlii'iiutoiw l'.irllni.ip.ir .... 1:,, ,., 1 '11 1 .1 1 -: 1 Ml .50 MINDS & NIItLn. Pi.hir.hrc 1 1 -.- -. - '5 V. 1 ;h St. New Yrk City . cut)ll,oohti 0 a'l publisher c.l one store See Yourself .as Others See You 7THE Printed Stationery you use reflect your Business Judg ment. No job Is too common to 6e neatly done. What you want when you want it. King & Zurbrigcn The Ivy PrM Printr I25-J27 Notth Twtlfth Street Iqgfyt ad GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Hatlmatu Furnished upon Application. Job Wotk Promptly Attended to. 245 80. 10th Llnooln. Nob. - V S1:S"H.H.S.a.SiT1 WJ I. . . A,V3 A .. ?tA.v".-! r.-: - -w a iS? i - t r a-'W I. - N JL, fe" S Wv rtii ii 7 j