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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
TTTTT7"S"" -ix -tmwi'i w MTntdmaat. E2J-gy '"t&"f, tg vsfwt gnryfcfl Trrr-; mmmmshmm f lii4-.&mimmT5v jrxs-m ' g r , . l .-, s ' r. " . t ' Hbe H a i I Hem Nftan km- ,-b -' V. ' W : r if , 'y i r? A, G. Spalding & Bros. durgest Manufaolurora In the World I Offiolal Athletlo Supplies. Tlio football ray pllee manufactur ed by A,Gr.Sr..LX mo Bnoa. arc the boil (hat oam absolutely b pro duood ; they are of superior make: they hare stood the teat for ott twentj-elfbt rears, and are used by all Inter pelleglate, lntersoholastlo and prominent foot ball teams of the oountrr. No oxpense la spare making tne fooas Dealing ine tjpaiainf arx as near psrieos as i is poasiDie wo a manofaoturod artlo'e and If It bears QrtpaUon it Is tho boat . 8 offToiaL foot ball ted by Walter Oamp. Contain rtS VOB lQOt. Special articles) i. It la, In faot, a complete en thoffame. rnoo u) ocnta . SHOW TO IXAY FOOT BALL. alter Oamp . Nowly revised for 1004. r tho beat book ovor trabllshed om gacne, for it contains all a berlnnev , ana many interesting iaoie tor eed nlaror . Prloe 10 oonU. tins to athletics, we make It." AN AGED LECTURER. "Sunshine" Willetts at Men's Mass Meeting. xraaa-aa ftrodooe jj jnarK or p mrjmumj esi Hie jratms ax&lopediaof PALDINQ K55&S fxim Know HPV A, Q. SPALDING It BROS. St. Louis Kansas Olty Washington' if- Hiadalphla OMoago 8oa Franolsoo DenTer Baltimore Baltimore mttaburg II Montreal, Can. London. Ens for a copy of Spalding's Fall and porta Catalogue. I t'sfrea. SaW Dr. J. J. Davis traduat Rclrnetloniit Spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. ta O Street Auto Phona 102 1 . Residence 28 1 LINCOLN, NEB. CbarhsB. Gregory (D. ofn.'9D At tho men's mass mooting at tho Oliver next Sunday afternoon "Sun shlno" Willetts will speak. Willetts Is well known all ovor tho country, hav ing lectured for tho last forty years. He Is tho oldest lecturer on the Amer ican platform today, and Is popular to a high degree. His lectures on "Sunshine" have gained for him an enviable famo and reputation. Mr. Willotts Is far advanced in age but his intellectual faculties are as keen and sharp as ever. Ho holds his audiences -with the closest attention from beginning to end, Impressing thorn most forcibly with tho truths which ho presents. Tho epithet "Sunshine," which has been applied to Mr. Willotts, Is thor oughly In accord with his kind and genial naturo. It is an inspiration for any one to como into contact with a man of such personality. Miss Vera Upton, one of Lincoln's prominent soloists, will furnish the special music for this mooting. Miss Upton has a good, rich voice, and al ways delights those who hear her. A large audience is expected Sunday and every man who desires a good seat should bo on hand early. Tho doors will bo open promptly at 3:30 p. m. No charge will bo made for admission. All men aro invited. tie tb Coal Man NO. 1044 O 8TRHBT Sam Westerfield vrnEh3iaiSB Propriolor of Sam's Cafe Little Own Hot Waffles and Fino Mt'nlH nml Lunches I 17-12 J North 13 Street Griffin-Greer Printing Company U36 O STREET Wedding Invitatlona, Bali Prograjns, and all kind oi Commercial Ptlnttn. Quarter Size GOLLARS have a bIio every quarter of an inch. This Rives ono a cluince to Hccure that perfect fit and sit which marks the well made collar and the well (IrcHHed man.Thc best of the Quart tr She Collars Clubtt Ciialtoh Arrow Alcon are stamped Cluett 25 cents Arrow two for S3 cents The only difference is In the quality In all else they aro alke. Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts In Other Colleges There are nineteen students this year In the Woman's Law school of New York. A Phi Deta Kappa chapter has been organized at Stanford. There are eleven charter membors. all graduates. Ohio state has an essay prize which has been recently established by W J. Bryan. In this year's contest the subject will be, "The Principles Un derlying American Government." A new Masonic fraternity has been founded at Stanford. A man to be eligible must be a Master Mason. Membership in the organization is purely elective. The prime object of the order Is social benefit.- According to tho latest statistics. Hnrvnrd has the lareest enrollment of -students in tho United States, the num ber being G.013. Columbia comes next with 4,557, and Chicago 4,146. Fourteen Minnesota men "bummed" their way to Chicago for tho big foot ball game. They rodo in box cars and were often compelled to spend hours at some out of the way countrytown. The annual spelling match will soon take place between the Sophomores and Freshmen at Minnesota. It Is con ducted by the rhetoric department and a gold medal is awarded the win ner. This is an old custom-of the university. The students of Lehigh university Tiave adopted anJionor system. Their pledge is as follows: "We, the stu dents of Lohigh university, do hereby pledge ourselves on our honor, to ab stain from all fraud In university written recitations, quizzes and exam inations and to take proper measures to prevent any infringement- of this resolution." By a recent resolution of tho Har vrrd faculty, a master's degree can be KiMned In less time than heretofore. Now," all undergraduates who have completed all the requirements for tho Bachelor's degree, except one course, can be admitted as candidates for the Master's degree. Il&ftho former jule only an actual hodtr of a Bachelor's degree could be jetted to graduate work. Don Camoro So 11th st. 12th. Nft luncn counter, 11 able Bervlce 119 So. Oet the befit Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lincoln ifccal Express, 1089 N street Both .phones. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. iBHrn-Kfenssl Bsssa "TTt 1 J 111 Psssssssssssssssssssl -TasssslssssssssTBSBVassI BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT, ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing; tickets The Chicago. Milwaukee & St, Paul Ry. has electric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. "Write to F, A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. iCKXXJCKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOO To Speechify Thinking speaking on one's feet Some splendid books to aid you 20 dttcount to Uaehen How to Attract and Hold an Audience 1.00 I' uiivi 1 bclcnio uiid Al t of LlucutluQ I 25 Otfit Hour To Lc tins Voice 1.25 ii i a How To Oetturu 100 i nimon Krrort In Writing, Speaking 50 I: iliuid'H Lompoilllon and Khetorlc 1.C0 l ira 1 he Worth of Word 1.23 AXvt and OppoaltL'g (ajnonyuu and opp ) 50 (' uractcr (epigrams by hundreds, indexed).... 1.50 I'm and Cons (complete debates) 1 50 Commencement Parts (all occasions) 1.50 1'lnces That Have Taken Prizes 123 Tnd ilcst American Orations of Today 1.25 Hov to Study Literature IS JiitslanUncowi Parliamentary Guide 50 HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers 31 - 33 -35 W. 15th Stt New York City Schoolbooka of-all publishers at one stpre Ffe wfflm 'SESft MSS&Sft 'mm m$8 3S? You Can Buy . . , the Genuine Welsbach Mantles and the new jas air burner at Sidles Sporting Goods Store. Air Burners $1.25 complete. SIDLES CYCLE CO. J 317 0 St. 00H fd jVsbbbbWbIw dWal A. BRANTHWAITE 113 North llth 8t. Sole Agent for Lincoln. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nob. ; UNITED STATES DBPOSlTOftVk Capital ,... 20Q,0&.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 4M0fW S. H. Burnham, Pre. A. J. Sawyer, Vlce-Prealdemt H. S. Treomaa, CMfettr. H. B. Evans, Aest, Cashier. Frank Parka, Aut CaabJ, P. R. Easterday, Auditor. bort time Loans Ws Lsu Uer Tut. 8KB US PEOPLE'S LOAN AND TRUST CO, lUom I0r. Grun4 Flow Fratwoltr FVXtojt J. R. B VJ.5!GH. MtniiM ROSS ELECTRIC CO. 122 No. 14th 'Phsas 574 fectric SubdIIm. Window Lurbtlnr. HiW. SI-. as. HlsctrU and Combination Fiu. n.',. tHjpm and Stort WMn AilkWsWasr.t., RtptJt. LINCOLN, NEiyi Y - V .,. &. Ay' '"IV " -, ' ' Mi ', 1 l. v V.Lf sfti