The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
w-c -" i a tv- i ;-Wrr' lyffKiy..! ' i; 'yMssffissiJpis Ty"Bt'-gggSf17Ty" .L-a-xj-jIsbsbsbssbsbbsbsI U'?.rrq"';ifl3ifr i9r?sr v 't f i w.1. " P- .. bc Batlgftebraeftan n C Daily DebMsfan r 1 4Jj yf Jf Jf jJf Jf Jf Jj Jf tff Jf Jft Jf JJv Jf Jf JJw Jf Jp Jf Jf Jf Jf $ $ r rmfTvx c I , 1. V , A consolidation of 111 Hesperian, Vl. 01, Tho Nobraskan, Vol, II Ooarlct find Oroara,Vol. 4. ,., 1. ! ' I, ,1 ' I Published dally, exempt Sunday and Monday, at the Unlreraltr of Hobraaka, Lincoln, Nsb, by tb Hesporlan Publishing Co., Board Or Dihxotoba Profssaors J. I. Wyer, and O. It Rlohardsi H. P. Lsavlt John Westorer B. B. Walton. ' ' Paul A. Kwlng A. O. Sohrelber WaltrS. Biandrrea BVd Naughtoa Cditor-in-Obisf Manager Circulator Ass's. Adr. Manager ASSOCIATE BDITORS Heirs - J . Clyde Moor Athletlo . . . . Fred A. Sweats? Looal ..... D. P. DaToung Soototy Miss Mlnnla BUle Literary Miss Lota Stettaar I lllHI III. m tl!IW II l ! 'Editorial Rooms and Business Offloe U llltf Post Offloe Station A- Llnooln, Nsbr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic J621 Autoanatk 235. ' ,"!' '!'! I HTIJHCSC (Subscription Price, It per year, In advance Entered at the poatoffloa at Llnooln, Neb., as seoond-olass mall matter under the act af congress of Maroh 8, 18T0. , Individual notlpea will be ohargod for at tha rate of Q cents for son Insertion. Faculty, departmental and unlTerslty bulletins wfll gladly be pmbllshed free, as heretofore. Editorial Reltnarks THK CONKKKKNOE IlUI.KS. The rulings passed by tho represen tatives to tho conforonco universities nt Chicago lost week have been tho cause of much discussion since ail over tho west. Tho adoption of the one semester residence rule has called forth especial comment. Somo of our exchanges, speculating on tho result this law will have on tho future standard of Conference athletics, have boon at somo loss as to how tho mat tor will bo rogarded by Independent institutions. Somo of thorn are par ticularly curious to know what Ne braska's course will bo. ' Perhaps Tho Nobraskan is not' in a position to answor this quory. Frank ly, wo do not know) how closely the nilo will bo observed by our athletic authorities. But that it should bo carried out to tho letter wo consider an imperative duty. It will weaken us, to bo sure, but that Is not a con sideration and, If It were, would find answer in tho fact that wo can suffer by it no more heavily than those other, 'universities with which wo desire to koop In touch. Wo fool that Nebraska now has her chanco to prove that she is not given over to professionalism-,--which for so many years has been charged against her. Wo aro sure that tho strict ob servance of tho Conforonco rule will tend to prevent a possiblerlapse into professionalism in tho future. In short, wo most heartily commend tho spirit and foresight which prompted tho adoption of tho rule, and desire to see it put into full effect at Nebraska. 'BBBBBBmw!iBBBa ' Men's Clothing TaifCkct Tyfirr&c ci, utivt ww oH & & & A & lip & A A )!( )!( A A )( A & & fc r&M f At Jt A man who knws what good elbthing should be, wants something more than to be be decently protected from the weather. He wants STYLE that hard-to-seize. intangible something that makes one tailor's work the inspiration of the art sense: and another's just clothes. The quickest and sur est way to estimate the value of Armstrong's clothes is to judge the clothing by the handiwork of the finest tailor. There's no going around the fact that our stylish Suits and Overcoats at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 will stand every test and will prove themselves -"" worthy of your fullest confidence. ' $ Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS porfectly satisfied with this fence as a fence. But what is tho uso of It? There is too little of the beautiful loft on our campus to bo utterly dis regarded. Anything that can bo done to ipreserve what Is loft of tho aes thetic on. tho university grounds ought to boydone, by all means. That the student body will not walk around but insist on destroying tho grass plot referred to is tho complaint. But Is a rouch iron fence bettor than a smoothly worn path? Nolthor ought to be, of course, and if tho matter wore brought homo to the students In tho proper mannor nolthor would be. But what'B the uso of this fence? Perhaps tho powers that bo aro tempting us by placing a bone of contention close at hand to be fought for by tho classes, at tho cost of grass and shrubbery un told. Perhaps, after all, this is tho "intlntlon of It." Improve in an honest endeavor. Or it may have an oposlto offect. It may make him think that he is an object of contempt to all who know him; that he is not as good as others; that his society is not wanted; that he is not man enough to hold up his head, and look another in tho oye, and with this feeling he will cease to endeavor. Probably, undoubtedly, wo could no longer tolerate the man In our midst, but would not a .private dismissal have been more beneficial, and havo accomplished all that a dismissal could? aBHmBBBBBHrBnajrjsBBBaBHM mhHjH Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hattors. Lincoln Phone 176. Transfer Co.; beggag. If you got it at Armstroiig's, it's right. For Furs boo Steele, 143 8. 12th St. L Lf i L s b L b" lf L A L i i" Jf iaV A L ilf L r " TO I1EAUTIFY THE CAMPUS. Another improvement is being made on tho campuB which will add greatly to tho beauty of our already beauUful surroundings. Again wo are! to be greeted evory time wo turn around by tho sight of a fence cutting In two tho pretty grass plot in front of the Library. The fence is a work of art, from a mechanical point of view, be ing straight, perpendicularly and horl ozntally', accurately constructed and firmly sot in place. No complaint is forthcoming on this score. Wo aro UNNKCE88AHY PUIIL.IOITY. Considerable comment is rife among tho university students regarding tho public posting of a certain student's name with the information that this student," for general Inefficiency in work, had boon requested to withdraw from the university. Of course the failure of any one to come up to tho standard necessary to permit ono to remain in tho university is deplorable, and. doubtless tho authorities were right in their request that he with draw. Buthow much good does the publication of the matter do? If It is intended to make an example of this unfortunate, perhaps the method is warranted, but it la doubtful. The students know -wttiat is expected, what is required In order to remain on rolled in good Btondlng, and tho fact the ono has failed1 is not necessary to bring homo to thorn this warning. If tho student body Is not benefitted, Is the Individual? It is branding the man In a manner that will leave a mark for a long time. It Is making his failure public, and the students critics. This may have one of two effects. It may causo tho offender, if offender ho be, to mend his ways, and it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it H it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it Freshman's Day... VERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWN COAL We have been very successful -in catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINB la wanted. Why can't we iurnlsh you with your Groceries for all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY ia i South 13th Street AT Unland's Saturday, Dec. 3. Present your card Get the habit. it m a a a a a a a it a a a a a a a a it a it a a n a a a it it it it it it irA. a" C2-ft--4.-t it STUDENTS For firfct-class Tailoring: at low prices, nee Union College Student Tailors Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell 209. jfc jt j 3 M Union College Tailors H South FnWncc Ceflg Building n-,ny Linciscy's Cigar Store CARRIES MAGAZINES AND PIPES Cy EtndMtp's IWxtur Or SMQKINQ TOBACCO tit North th St.' LINCOLN, NBB y , m ,. ; f. $ . ." :t ' irv i t - . - dJ 'S&Jte . .4.4&bs&,' A.U bWvs. 'a . ti '- n" -! i t , &&& IkTi 5Sf. L. '- WH jaiMwee U' Ife ;..J&i$ c --' V