The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1904, Image 1

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Uhc Dailp IFlebraefcan
Vol. IV, No. 45
Price 5 Cents
F 1 Hi Mi' Ml
Highland Park to Play Basket
Ball Next Week.
A Hop In Connection. Some Football
Schodulo Dope.
Some twenty-fivo men were out for
basket ball practice last night. The
work was tho swiftest yet dono. Pass
ing and goal throwing wore quick
and accurate. Tho men are rapidly
getting Into good form. Saturday
night the first game of tho season
will bo played when we line up against
Wesloyan on their floor. Tho follow
ing Friday evening, December 9th,
Highland Park will bo here for a game
on our floor. Nothing Is known of tho
strongth of tho Iowans, but they usu
ally do things woll athletically there,
and a good gamo can bo looked for.
After tho gamo a danco will be given
In tho armory. As yet tho price of
admission has not been decided upon,
but It will bo low enough to allow all
who wish, to attend.
A number of radical changes will
probably bo mado in tho football
schedule for next year. Tho Haskell
Indian gamo will doubtless bo dropped
entirely, and, If Colorado is (played at
all, the game will bo in Lincoln. Man
ager Davis states that a Nebraska foot
ball team will probably never attempt
to play under such circumstances as
faced tho Cornhuskors at Boulder this
fall, but that a gamo may bo arranged
With tho westerners on tho local Held.
Several of tho smaller colleges of
tho west aro clamoring for a game
with Nebraska. Tho latest of these
is Washburn college at Topeka, Kan.
Washburn lias recontly been Bhowing
surprising strength In athletics, par
ticularly In football, and defeated
Kansas last year In a close game. This
year tho Jayhawkers dofeatel them
only by a single touchdown, and they
held Haskell to 14 points.
It Ib possible that they may bo
brought to Lincoln for an early sea
son gamo, such as tho Grlnnell con
test, which will probably not be a
part of next year's schedule. While
Washburn Is not as woll known in
Lincoln as Nebraska 1b at Topeka,
tho experience of tho games in Colo
rado has proved that early season
trips aro financially risky.
In this connection, tho following
from the Washburn Review, may bo
of Interest:
"All efforts should be made this
year to schedule a game with Nebras
ka university for next season. This
season"TTaa turned out very success
ful and the prospects for next year
are equally as good. Tho comparison
of the work of tho two teams In tho
contests witb tho Haskell Indians
show Nebraska and Washburn to havo
about the same strength.
"Nebraska Is considering tho mat
ter of dropping the gamo with tho In
dians and Tho Dally Nobraskan in a
recent,, editorial taking tho matter up
at length advises tho athletic author
ities to drop tho Indian contest and
take up a match with some other col
lego. Washburn's schedule should be
bo made out as to take tho gome
formerly played with Haskell If tho
Cornhuskors decide to drop the red
faced team.
"A match game between tho univer
sity at Lincoln, and the college at To
peka would be tho strongest drawing
card of tho season and there are sev
eral reasons why It should bo played.
Both teams would profit "financially
fand tho relations between Washburn
and Nebraska wjoitfd become mluch
closer. Nobraska now has no game
with' a college team In Kansas. Her
only gamo Is wdth the Indians and Is
not played under college rules. K. U.
has never been able to do anything
more than make a face at Nebraska
Annual County
Amoy, December JO
Given under Auspices of the Y. W. C, A.
and probably never will. It is Wash
burn's part to represent the state In
a college gamo with tho neighboring
stato to the north. The college team
from tho capital city of Kansas should
meet their university friends from
the capital city of Nebraska. No gamo
played In either state would be
watched with moro interest."
Tho Washburn people are said to
play a clean, sportsmanlike game, and,
unless tho financial sldo of the- matter
should prove the contest unadvisable,
a gamo will probably be arranged.
Knox college will probably meet us
again. The Galesburg men are gentle
men as woll as Bportsmen, and are
woll liked by Lincoln people, although
they havo been easily defeated the
ipost two years.
None of tho larger games have been
scheduled yet, though correspondence
is being carried on with several "Big
Nino" schools. It will probably be
some time before the entire schedule
can be announced.
County Fair Managers Over
whelmed With Work.
The annual county fair of the Y. W.
C. A. will be hold in the Armory on
Saturday evening, December 10. Many
attractive shows have obtained licenses
to exhibit on the "grounds" and the
committee In charge Is swamped with
other applications. A genuine fat man
will bo there, as well as a grand "Old
Plantation." A baby show is also be
ing arranged.
All objectionable features will be
excluded and nothing worse than
striking machines and nigger-baby
throwing contests have been granted
tho use of the grounds. Flower, candy
ond red lemonade booths will be much
in evidence, and to pleasethe Fresh
men, a well known juvenile entertain
ment, entitled "Punch and Judy," will
bo presented. Moro experienced per
sons may amuse themselves in a
pretty little diversion consisting of
walnut shells and ordinary peas,
which is said to be most original in
Each, of the sororities, and several
of the fraternities will conduct exhib
its, and present Indications point to a
repetition of last year's success.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The monthly cabinet meeting will
be held with Miss Goldena Denny and
Miss Morgan on Friday evening from
G to 8.
Rev. S. Z. Batten, of the First Bap
tist church, will speak to the young
women of tho university on Sunday,
December 4, at 3 p. m., U 106. You aro
Invited. Bring your friends.
A new coat of paint Is being ap
plied to tho floor of the Historical so
ciety rooms.
Frank E. Lee, Public Stenographer
and Notary. Mlu:30graphlc letters;
perfect imitation. 601-502 Richards
Blk. Auto 1155.
Brie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases
of eye, ear and tkroat. 207-8 Richards
block. Phone 666.
Literary Clubs Arrange Good
Lists for Tonight.
Vocal solo Miss Margaret Mulder.
Paper "Things Aro Not Always
What They Soom." Frank Peterson.
Paper Jay Barnard.
Piano solo Miss Jessie Emerick.
Recitation "Tho Day Is Dono." "Tho
Beans In Benjamin's Back-Yard."
Miss May Miller.
Paper Cecil Gates.
Paper "Whatsoever." Cyrus Colo.
Vocal solo Miss Julia McCune.
The following is the Union society
program for this evening:
1 "Loft Hand Etude," (Ludwig
Schutte), Op. 72 Miss Denny.
2 Vocal solo (Selected)
Miss Eatough.
3 Piano solo, "Chant Pootlquo,"
(Henry Houseley) . .Miss Countryman.
4 Vocal solo, "Nighttime,..-
Miss Mussottor.
5 Piano solo, "Elflnotto" program
Miss Marquardt
6 Vocal solo, (Selected)
Miss McCune.
7 Tho "Spinning Song," (Mendels
sohn) MJss Sargent.
Vocal solo, "In tho College," "Mary
Manning," "To the Fisherman," (Mid
Hnger) Miss Bradley.
Program begins at 8:15 sharp. All
students cordially Invited.
Good Program at Chapel. "Mes
siah" Notice.
The program on Friday morning
will consist of a Flower Song Cycle by
Arthur Foote. It will be sung by MrH.
R. A. Holyoke, Mrs. Joseph Grulnger,
Mrs. A. S. Raymond and Mrs. E. Lewis
, Mrs. Raymond earnestly requests
mai an siuoenis wno nave previously
sung "The Messiah," even though they
are not at present members of the
chorus, should tjccasionally come to a
rehearsal and ossiBt in its rendition
at convocation on the 21st of this
month. It Is hoped that this may be
come a permanent and honored cus
tom In. our university, and one which
will endear itself to the hearts of our
students. Rehearsals are held in
Memorial hall on Mondays, Thursdays
and Fridays at 5 o'clock.
Mr. Blackman of tho Stato Historical
society, has just returned from St.
Louis, where ho lias beon for some
time attending the exposition.
Miss Beula Grenwald was confined
to her room yesterday on account of
Roller skating at the Auditorium Is
etill all the go, and on the new hard
wood' floor, with a pair of Richard
iron's ball-bearing skates you can have
a very enjoyable afternoon or even
ing. Everything high class and the
very best.
Dinners and suppers $2.50 per week.
Tho Home Cafe,. 214 8. 12th.
Sophomores and Juniors Will
Meet Tomorrow.
Tho ItoMtilt Will Bottle Tho Ohm Cham
pionship. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock tho
football teams of tho Sophomoro and
Junior classes will meet on tho ath
letic fleld to sottlo the question of
tho championship of tho academic de
partment of tho university. Tho Soph
omores dofeatod tho Freshmen Wed
nesday by a score of C-5, and tho Jun
iors snowied tho Seniors under 15-0.
Tho two teams aro expected to bo al
most ovonly matched, thoroforo, and
much Interest will greet tho result of
tomorrow's Bcoro. Tho teams will lino
up about like this:
Juniors. Sophomores.
McLaughlin lo Cramer
Wollonsick It Bradley
Jonklns lg Early
Frazler c cralk
Dales rg Clark
Leero ..rt Murphy
3ole re Shlndoll
Raber ' .": q b Lott
Cook , lh uttlo
Charlton rh Drain'
Smith fb Mitchell
An admission foo of 15 cents will bo
Spalding Cross Country Cup is
on Display.
Tho trophy won by Nebraska In
Chicago Thanksgiving morning has
beon received and will bo placed on
exhibition In Dr. Clapp's ofllco. It Is
a handBomo loving cup, presented by
A. G. Spauldlng & Son, given as a
cross-country trophy, to be owned per
manently by tho university winning
it three times. Nebraska heads tho list
of winners, and now only two moro
successes aro necessary to havo It all
our own.
Notices to those having the right to
vote for next season's football cap
tain have not yet beon sent around.
There has been some dlsputo about
one man's ote, which has delayed
matters. These "notices will probably
be distributed thlB week, and tho re
sult announced next week. Tho men
eligible for captaincy havo not been
decided upon, nor have those winning
the football "N." These questions will
not be fully decided until the next
meeting of the athletic board.
The Juniors to Establish a New
- Haberdashery.
President Sldwell, of tho Junior
class, has appointed the following cap
committee: W. H. SmUh, chairman;
Ed Adams, W. M. Ellis, Mildred Slater,
Ina Glttings. Tho caps will bo pur
chased at wholesale by the committee,
and then sold to the members of the
class- at retail prices. The money
cleared will apply on tho '07 cap note.
Thevelass of '07 Is again to attempt
tho wearing of class caps. The head
gear will arrive soon, and the Sopho
mores are expected ' to indulge in a
big celebration as soon as they come.
Rent a Remington at student rate
and keep your notes in good form.
Office Corner of Oliver Theater Bids.
Union Shining Parlors. Bhine, 5c
Chain for ladle. 1018 O itmt.
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