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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1904)
,SJ k.1 i, . " ., '. ' Cr, ' Br- - - ! ii i t' tTbe Vatlf flcbt Hhaii . !"' y. v if :. fo - Iv " ." fc r. i' ' I '14 (?"" m j' LV; -,-v , V ' A, G. Spalding & Bros. Nt MMUfe(urflr tn Utt WwM 4 OfHBlml AlhUlll Supples. ThofootbfcUmy pile mtmafaotTur d by AtP.SFALP mo Bbm. r he) brt that 8boinulr K: needs the? UfN uperlor mk! Ihir bT oei iha ftMi far mi yean, and are need by aJl taw" tarcholatlo and propilne&ft fed try. no upim J M ik. bulletin ia mmkinm iH Sedate, isSPw S'fiTK JW09dlOf KTCOdiyfee ea me fimt. io tine th ncaBarnrf0DtuT la Doaalbl mannfaatuwd art4o andlfllbMn Ofll by I fa. Jli4ib4. oiaju Jr 5o HALL iw(sas3c la f4. a Mmobit am- IftaWioWliriSMflALU patatf . wwiy rriMrr m bft book rr pnbUahad r it otmMiaa all a btgtaat maay InUrertlBf faow Um ucc- nw wwbwi athlrUca, w ess .m TODAY "Everyman." Oliver theater 8:16 p. m. Perehlng Rifles drill, Armory, 7:15 p. m. Chess Club meeting Y. M. O. A. rooms, 7:30 p. m. DISC. 2 Mooting Graduqto club, Prof. and Mrs. Sherman, 1234 J. Music at Convocation. DEC. 3 Meeting English club with Miss Garbor, 1846 Washington. DEC. 10 Y. W. C. A. County Fair. Cornhuskor Informal, Walsh hall. Basketball, Nebraska vs. Wesleyan, at We&loyan. DEC. 7 Engineering club meeting. Campus Gleanings Earl O. Spofford, '03, is teaching in tho Central high school at Portland, Oregon. A. Q. PALDING It MOt. Okleaco . Umi Sam'Traaoteeo Iumi Olty pmrtt Waaala(tir fattlaior Vlitfann Montnal.Qn. Lomoa.Baff fttfsyff Bpaldiaff! lull and foertt OatatoffqaT If a fna. Cheijs club Thutaday evening 7:30, Y. M. O. A. rooms. Committees report. Everybody out. Harvey A. Harrod, ex-'05, 1b taking art work at the Lincoln Art school in Naw York city. Pershing Rifle drill tonight, 7:15. Drill will be short in order to enable members to attend "Everyman." Dr. J. J. Davis irataiu RttrectltAkt Haadiflti nod Byef luta FltUd to Relleva HaicbM a&4 Eya Strain. 03 O ttoMt Auto Phon iW, Rd4acf 281 1 UnCOLIf, NEB. CbrhsB. Gregory (a.ttn.-ti) 'Cb Coal Wan NO. 1044 O STRBBT Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's . Cafe Llttlo Gem Hot Wftfllos andFlno Moalfl and Lnnohos. 1 17-121 North 13 Street Quizzes havo been resumed in Bot any 1, and1 are to continue in some form until tho holidays. The students in Botany 1, are now taking up the work of imbedding spec imens and cutting them on the mi crotomes. w Grif Iin-6reer Printing Company 36 o stREff WcUksg Invitations, BU Program, and aO UnU of Commmial Ptmttna. On Fridnv ovoninnr Prof. Beasey is to give a lecture before the School of Agriculture on "Tho Caucasus Moun tains and Their People." Business men and Michigan alumni at Alpena have organized the Alpena High School Scholarship imna asso plation, with the object of providing funds annually for two or more high school graduates at the university. H. P. Breltenbach, '01, has been a moving spirit in organizing the association, which promises to be most successful. The society alms to have fifty sub scribers at $10 a year for five years, and will be Incorporated. The scheme is similar to that of various other lo cal organizations throughout the state, Which have been successful in their otforts In this direction, and have sent many students to the university. For tho first five years tho money paid in provides a permanent fund. After that time the annual payments on the loans are expected to keep up tho fund A course In scientific baking may soon be established at Purdue. The bakers of the state Btrongly urge this study being added to tho curriculum. The argument Is used that nothing nntora mnrfl lartmlv Into the dally food of the whole people that bread, and It Is In tho Interest of the public health that this bo produced under the most up-to-date sanitary and sci entific conditions. Clubtt Calmbt Arrow Aloikon Quarter Size Collars MUST be Quarter Size Collars, that is they must be precisely right and jnade of stuff which will not shrink. The Cluett and Arrow Col lars are ricrhtlv made of i shrunk fabrics. Cludtt, 25 cents Arrow, IS cents each or 2 for 25 cents Cluett, Peabody h Co. Uakers of Cluett and Monarch Shirt It is reported that Theodore Roose velt will accept the presidency of his Alma Mater, Harvard college, after tho expiration of his present term. Frank. E. Loe, Public Stenographer and Notary. Mlnuaographlc lottors; perfect Imitation. 501-502 Rlchatda Blk. Auto 1155. Erie B. Woodward, M- D., diseases of eye, ear and tfcroat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone 666. f M The Right lad BETWEEN Chicago, St, Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EOpTPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT, ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY.TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. M BV3F0 Better Investigate the merits and advantage offered by thevartous railway tines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has electric-lighted train, solid vestlbuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. NASH, Gmeral Wistirn Agint, 1524 Farnam Stmt, OMAHA, NEB. A WELCOME GIFT IN ANY HOMH Bon Bona and Venetian chocolates at Maxwell's, Thirteenth and N. Get tho beat Henderson & Ames uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lincoln Local Bxprsas, 10t0 N atmC Both phones. Armstrong'Olothlns Company, prKh tlcal nattors.' i r1 r r Lincoln " Transfer Co.; -"pa.ggaR.- Phone 170. . K yoji got it at Armstrong's, tt'l right SONGS OF ALL THE COLLEGES Everyone likes a college song, and thii bookvii an ideal gift to place on the piano for one's friends to enjoy, even though one tings not at all himself CLOTH, IK TASTEFUL. DMIQN FOR C1IBMTKAS OB B1KTKDAT All the NSW tonip - $1 SO postpaid' All the OLD ump AT ALL BOOK STORES XSD MTJSICTJEALERS or tent oh afrovat by tht Publithtrr HINDS & NOBLE 31 33 35 W. 15th SI, N. Y. City, Sekoolbookt of all fublUhtrt at ont ttort ROSS ELECTRIC CO. ' 122 No. 14th Phaoc 974 fcbcttU Supplies, Whufew Lighting, ElMttk Sigs, s, Bbctrfs and Combination Flstuws, Dynamo 'r10-- House and Stin Wiring AUU.UtfEJ.T.t., X,ptln LNC0LN, NEk a. Blue Front Jy Shoe Shop .. I. Kolbach 1336 O 9ir P53 e9 T. J. THORPE CO. Qwr'l Mohlnlt ABsUnitfilMpaiM i, ' LeohMiiiif wul PMMt 509 So. IIA UKCOUf RIGGS THE Drug Cutter The Lincoln .Candy Kitchen 1337 O Street Manufacturers of Home Made Candy Bultersweet, Best In the City All Kinds of Toy Novelties Footballs Bananas Etc, Etc. TRY OUR CANDIE8 I Lindsctfs Cigar Stort CARRIES MAGAZINES AND PIPES Cff Eludsep's mixture Or SMOKING TQBACCO Ml Nodh Uth St LINCOLN, KMM I ti a ' i , K :M v-31 'K 1 IV - , V J i u Via .- v-v . r ' " ilr . ', -k ;. 'fi 3 'VC kim .'y . ., "t.,ti V lur.) v. L . . tft-iiii,' BVfL. VSiii.' i... 'i "! m rfrjmh-7ir.s mmm Ji'"t-v " -am