The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1904, Page 3, Image 3
S222E21 "., ' . ' T. J T .V'TO' ' JW V? A 1 s ' TTflfnr ffv y j ' V - ttbt H i l p Hetrfcan l" - M 21 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student It Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mentien the Paper While Dolnr So. S i ii i nil ART GOdfcS Roes P. Curtice. BARBER 9H0P8. Tho ArlBto, Grean'a Palace and Mogul, BIGYCLBSiATflliBrnC, GOODS Sl dlcs, Glrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. BOOK HOSPITALGilleaple. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional BOOKBINDIl,G-r-GlllospIe. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CARPENTER Geo. A Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Royle & Walker, Undeay. OLBANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup ft Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Magoo ft Deemor, Uahmd. COAL Greory, P. D. Smjth, Whlto- breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DISEASES OF BYE, BAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stejnor, Woompener, Brown, Mann, Rector. DRY GOODS Miller ft Paine. ELECTRICAL SUPPMB8 Robs Elec- trlo Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Tranafar. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge ft Guenzel, A. M. Daria, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. t GROCERS Keystone. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge ft Guenzel, F. S. Lahr. HOTEL8 Llndell. JDWBLER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LUMBER Dierks. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OrTIClANS Dr. J. J. Davis, wolff. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. r PIANOS Ross P. Curtice Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell, The Ideal. PRINTING Goorge Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerflold, Home Cafe, Unlt School of Music Cafe, Good Health. ROLLER 8KATING Auditorium. - -SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank E. Lee. SUITORIUM-Weber, Mllotta. TAILORS Unl xnd, Union College T&llore, Ludwlg. TYPEWRITER Remington. aaBaraar gaNaNaBaNa Lw .iaBBBBBNaNaNa CHOCOLATE BONBDNS Ifpr ateOnty at Harley,s,Di'tig Store, 11th and O. DR. FLING ON "EVERYMAN" Interesting Talk on Old Play at Chapel. Yesterday morning at convocation, Dr. Fling gave a comprohonslvo talk on, "Everyman,'' -which Is to be pro duced at tho Oliver theatre this ovon Ing under the auspices- of the Dramatic club. He described the play as ono EUGENE STOOKDALB as "Goods and Riches." of historical, educational and religious importance. It was written In the mid dle ages, ho said, for tho express pur pose of converting people to tho Chris tian faith. Dr. Fling saw the play in St Louis WINIFRED BURKE aB "Knowl odgp." and was much Impressed' 1y it He urged a largo attendance this evening, stating that it might be a long time before the opportunity to see the pro duction "would again present itself.' Rolor skating at the Auditorium Is still all tho go, and on tho now hard JVLOod floor, with a pair of Rlchard ron's ball-boarjng skates you can have a very enjoyable afternoon or even ing; Everything' high class .and the very best Special attention to watch and Jew elry; repairing. E. Fleming, 1211 O street HtflH GRADE aaaaNaaaaaaaNaNaS fSSSSSSSjmkt;m ittHi HMM-tZiSMJslA fy'&3Sl-i!&i& Mm&wmjJI& MARSH-BURKE Co, SNCetfMT to The P. D. Smith Coal Co. and Tidball-Marsh C. Carry the be .tff adu of domattie COALS MONARCH at $6.50, ROCK SPRINGS and WYOMING LUMP at $& and the bcit Colo rado you ever used at $825. All kinds of iteam ' coal the best money can buy Office, 1140 O Street; Phonee. Bell 7PJ, Auto. 37 Yard, 6th and N Streets; Pbodea. BeU &, Ante. SX Yard, aoth and N; Bell Phone 362 Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N I KKKKKAK Smoke Up...., Do You FRED Ollxer The College Man U ParUctilar About HU Show THE WALKOVER SHOE Is the best shoe for nun's feet Ourftae fa strictly op-to-date. Call and let u how them. Rogers & Perkins SuCmmom to Prkiai Ac 9LUoa Cm. 1129 O Street STUDENTS The newest and finest Barber Shop in Nebraska Particu. lar attention given to face, neck and scalp massaging. 1206 O St., Burr Block Dm U m UU on-kMp youmllloo PatroMlzt Zht WtbtrSuitorlum ?S&fr?&8" AtMMtel7M E. E.MANN , CatriM ,firfl Km l A. A. WATERMAN FOUITAW KK Aa4lfto Repairs Thes. 117 Nerth Ilvnth Llriln Afflo f wfcl 1 y wilt fa He STREET Know A. POWELL Theatre BIoolc "H Sells Dollar. For Nickels." STEINEfi-WOEMPENCR DRUG CO. WHelmU mi KtH DRUGGISTS Atutkf&it J707 ttUOBtt LINCOLN, NBB. $bort time Loans I PEOPLE'S LOAN MID TRUST 01. Kmb f Of , Cmm4 FMr Vtttnttf BmMw j uiu.iun, mum Book fiospttal A. H. QILLI8PW Ptooe M40 SfiM O Columbia National Bank 0FnS&a' apJtal, $100,000)0 Inoludee la th Nw ZLditloa 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc." Nw Oastr of thm WarU New Blagr'aphtoal Dlotlsaary Edited by W.T. HABRIS, ViuD., IXJD U, 8. Commleslooer of Education, " 2380 Qurte PsfM. . 5000 IUutrMl&u. MnrPUUc IUch Wading. " ,. Abo &' CeHMteto DictUmmryZOk A8pKUlThtaPpBditloaDeLM ' tepoorwadw4eecmr. Hm i ftXatyjriH. FRKE,"ATtlflPnHaeltia,MtnH- lw1ilrtliiliic jLUo tUJtimUa fmjUtU. G. A C. MCRJUAM CO, PablUhcra, rifUld, llasa. ' ' ''Hl A f i o 4 A. 1 VI -n I 1 Ul I i A . ."1 -3 V r tA i v w fi 1-11 - . i, v. m -.' j . ' ' . .fc . i if?. v i;,n -. ASAaal- " "V Jfti ' ffr ., i Ji ., j-wi: 'V kaSBi: u-a ., ... .5-