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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1904)
H. '.. W-1 ''V , tT , tV ' Cbe Sntl? ftcbtadhsn ZJ)t Dlfy fitbraskan A eontolkUUIon of fflu 8wpria, VL 81', Th 1 brMka, Tel, II 8orIet and Cream, VoL 4 Buy Your X-rnfts Gifts Before l""',,WMMWW I PKbyA4daUy,aopt Sunday and Moaday, i tia XTalrenhy of Robraaks, Ldnooln, Nfe, Vy Um Satparlaa Pnbllhls Co., BOABD Or DlRXOTOM nfMOt J. L Wyer, and O. R. Rlobardai 4 'H.&Lwitt ? e John Waatorer X.B. Walton. SiM PeTSP(jyII W I I' I t M .u ". ft v r , !v - ? X. ',-.. tt.'" -" dltor-ln-ObU PaolA.Xwlaf lUnagar A. O. Sokrelbar OiroiUttor Walter B. Btanderaa UWi. Adv.lfaaafMr Fred Nanghtom ASSOCIATE EDITORS tfnra - - J. OlydoMoert laltlo .... Fred A. Swfflay Looal D. P. DoYonng Sooto? VIm Ulnsle aiUr Xtiarary IUm LeUStettw 1 i I III l ! II Ml Editorial Booms and Baalnesa Of floe U Slltf Poal Oftloa Station A. Llnooln, Nabr. Telephone, Night TclepboM . Automatic 1621 Automatic 2365, B ebaerlptloa Prloa, fS par year, In adranoa Batared at the poatoffloa at linooln, Heb., aa aabondolaai mall matter under the aot af eoacreaa of Xaroh 8, 1870. ii.imrii'n i Hi" i iwyg , ladlTidual notipea will be char ed for at tfea rate of 10 oenta for eaen Insertion. Faculty, departmental and nnlrereity bnlletlns wfl Udlr pmtUahed free, as heretofore. Editorial Remarks That the university 1b proud of the toam of 1904, was proven to the full satisfaction of Tho Nebraskan by the reception acorded our special Thanks giving football number. Although gotten Up at considerable expense bo great, In fact, that only a limited edition could bo printed enough copies wero sold to more than pay the cost of Its production. Tho mag azine created unlsual comment in Lincoln and throughout the state, and the article by Chancellor Andrewb commanded unusual Interest, having already been copied in soveral of the moro influential dallies. A good deal ol work was put upon tho Issue, and Its success is most gratifying to the staff and contributors of Tho Nebraskan. In their resume of the Thanksgiving gamo tho Illini, tho University of Illi nois daily, says that Illinois outplayed Nebraska, and but for our luck, would hajro won easily. Coach Huff, of Illi nois, made tho statement after the gamo that Nebraska won on her mer its. Evidently to tho students of II Unola 'luck' sounds bettor than 'merits.' President Wheolor of tho University of California, has announced that no man in tho university can graduate who has not completed four years of military work. Absolutely no exception will be made. The announcement has caused much hostile feeling among tho students. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 -So. 18th. The Rush We Reserve Goods For Christmas Delivery Visitors Cordially Invited. FHE1A SUGGESTIONS . , a 30 patterns in Morris chairs weathered oak, golden oak, and mahogany, any style . cushion, from $7 tip to $55 Morris Chairs Shaving Stands Oriental Rugs Parlor Chairs Cut Glass Piano Benches Parlor Tables Sterling Silver Pocket Knives Chafing Dish Cabinets Thousands of beautiful, useful and inexpensive gifts are here for your inspection. Elastic Bookcases Office Desks RUDGE & GUENZEL CO. The Big Store llth and 0 Streets Alumni Tho fnllrvnrinir cliDDinsr from tho Schenectady, N. Y., Tribune, has been sent to ub by a frlond: "A party of engineering graduates of tho University of Nebraska spent the afternoon and early evening to gether in this city yesterday, -rnoir Thanksgiving dinner was served by Redmond, and during coffoo there wnro read letters of greeting from Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews, Prof. George H. Morse ,and otnors. Those present wero: A. A. Kruse, of the Western Electric vompany's Now York office, ana Messrs. A. m Main, Q. W. Brooks, V. H. Yont, R. E. Noyes, G. W. Elmen, and O. J. Ferguson, of the General Electric company. Chancellor Andrews has received the following letter, which will bo of in terest In connection with tho above: "Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 25, 04, "Dear Chancellor "Wo wish to acknowledge receipt oi your kind message to us as old univer sity students. Our crowd consisted or Main C02); Brooks ('02); Yont (03-); Kruso C03); Elmln ('04); Noyes (04), and Ferguson ('03). "Wo had returns of tho football game telegraphed to us and congratulate tho team upon their season's work "We -note with prldo tho continued Why Don't You 60 Down to ,,.... V SIfS l 7 SANDERSON'S and get a Swell Pair of Shoes? it Train Your Lamps it it it rr - - w . - t it it it it it it it it it it it it it it t it it n it it it it it it it it it it it on those doggy straight brim light colored knock-about hats in our show window the kind that are leather belted. You'd Swear they were Stetson $5 Hats i!orh:ya"$2.50 only jo)MM BUDD, 11410 prosperity of tho university and pledge ourselves as staunch supporters of the Institution, Its corps of Instructors and our chancellor. "Sincerely, T,OLINl J. FERGUSON." Academy Notes. Miss Mitchell already has several good1 games arranged for her basket ball team and1 since Bho 1b not yet sat isfied, it is likely the team at the sea son will, U defeated, lay tho blame on the heavy schedule. But this is Im possible, for they cannot be dofoatod. with1 eucn-sucn a coacn and such gins. Tho Beatrice game, as announced, resulted in defeat by a score of 11-0. The game was played November 19, and1 the boys felt that they wero finely treated by the Beatrice fellows In their home town on the Blue. But now the manager H. G. Myers after the. hardest kind of work for throe or four months, finds himself confronted with 0, load of deotf which appals him and the team. What shall bo 'done? la the cry, and no one" can answer but tho students. Tho editors of The Academy News have comoval lan.tlyto their. Jiolp in this week's 1b suo of tho paper, but althoagh their words are earnest and true, they can not alonearouse the students. In the meantime Manager Myers (and' inci dentally tho principal) is lying awake nights. Tho hat must bo passed at once. Tho November issue of the paper is going into the mails this week. It is a very creditable sheet and' is wholly student work. Miss Bergef and Mr. Wood! are making .plans for a speciai TJhrlstmao number. Whether this can be accomplished is. a problem. To select her team for the Central Debating league contest, Michigan held her annual preliminary debate last week with1 "United States Senator Rus sell A'. Alger presiding. The question was: "Resolve, -That corporations do ing inter-state business should be com pelled to Incorporate under a national law." For Furs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St. y .yy c r- x; ftwL . V It - i i . . 3 r' , '.'r ' ii" J A rtn,it ' 4t U ii&AZZ&m A-. ...jjte?i.iu.t'