The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. IV, No. 43
Price 5 Cents
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IJfcc 2ait flebraeftan
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Ex-Manager Bucknor Makes a
Awkward Aprang-ement w, Justified by
w sy w Tyyyywwwrnwwy"Byyyi yyyyyyyTyyyyTypppppyT
The Nebraifttan has rpcelvod the fol
lowing letter from Mr. Emory R.
Buckner, last year's football managor.
The letter explains Itself:
"Editor Dally Nebraskan:
"One more successful scaEon has
just closed and Nebraska collogo spir
it Is now more. than over before a real
ization. The Nebraska men at Har
vard have waited anxiously the issue
of each gamel and have especially re
joiced at the spirit displayed through-
cut the entire season.
"I think a word may not be amiss
suggestive oL the considerations which
the. athletic board and management
last year found thrust upon them and
which same considerations must pre
vail in tho councils of future boards
until Nebraska shall have become as
securely financially anchored as aro
the big teams of tho east or as are
Michisran and Minnesota. A fresh
man rwith a penoll- and pa,per could i
have arranged a rar more laeai Bcncn
ule, If all teams and all dates were at
'his beck and call, and If he were .not
" compelled to- keop ever before Ms
- exfiftiibe, box. offlca, Tpbe..,19pl.Bchedule
was the result of three months' care
ful and prayerful consideration on' the
part of tie athletic board, for every
game, no' matter how small, was
scheduled after thorough discussion
by" the board and manager. The al
most pathetic spectacle was afforded
of that body'A gazing long ana naru
at its sorry looking purse, earnestly
wishing to maintain tho scale of of;
ficiency which Nebraska had sot In
tho matter of training-table, equip
ment, etc., standing with its hands
idly and holplossly-. in Its pockets, as
It were, am looking at its aisflgured
and rapldjyj receding atliletlcr field and
' which it was told must be put Jn'
, shape at least partly at its own ox
pense and yet still striving to ap-
'" piroach a reasonahle"achedule from tho
Heam'si standpoint, and which would
win the approval of the Btudent body
such was the sotting from which
the 'preposterous' and 'unthinkable
' 1904 schedule emerged.
"What was the matter with the
schedule? Several things decidedly
from an 'ideal standpplnt. In the
first place tho Colorado mistake. The
history of this mistake dates back
to 1002 -when experienced m,en like
Dr. Hill and Mr. ,Wyer wore still on
the board. The dver pressing neejl
of additional receipts to keop pace
With .Nebraska's footb,all ascent
cauBed the Idea of attempting to get
anotneKuogooa' loouuun tn.j " "
schedule, With this end In view
(which we all thought quite a bril
liant one) a two-year contract was
entered into with Colorado, the main
consideration being a amo In Denver
this year.- But Denver in 1903 disap
pointed us, and provod as Missouri
river cities have done that a. base
ball city may not bo a football city
also. It was too late to cancel the
Colorado game though we trlod
every legitimate means. The dissi
pation of the Denver bubble made It
ofisy for the Colorado management to
transfer the game to Boulder, a still
higher altitude. So much for Colo-
. Tado, Let us hope the .Rocky moun
tain experiment- Is closed, but tho hlB
tory here, detailed' throws wbatevor
"blame anyone wishes to cast back, to
the board of 1902 Jn An honest effort
. to better Nebraska's, financial condi
tion, "There wore twto other things wrong
with 'the schedule: Ttie Iowa game
(Continued on page Two J
Everyman . .
Oliver Theatre Thursday, Dec. J
Prices, 50c, 75c, $ J - .
Room Distribution to be Altered
Two Telephone Companies Are
After a Job.
The nail Faoplo Think The Ilnvo It
Second Inter-Class Game Re
suits in Close Scoro.
Tho following tontativo plan for a
new room distribution on tho campus
at tho completion of the physics build
ing has been submitted to tho .heads
of the various departments interested,
and, if no objections aro submitted,
will be put in force next year:
Basomont North side for Domestic
Science; west end hall for ladles'
cloak and toilet room. Close all
openings to hall and make ladles' ou-
IVanco from wost; southwest and
aquarium for Department of Zoology
photographic room for Department of
Botany; east end dark storage room
for Department of Botany and Geol
ogy; southeast ro6fn to Department
of Geology.
First floor Entire, to Department
of Botany. "
Second floor-exceptmg museum
room, to Department of Zoology, in
cluding Bacteriology in. rooih 201, and
Physiology in room 207. Reversionary
rights to . Department of Zoology in
museum room,
Third floor entire, to Department
of Geology, room SVT to be mainfalned
as general lecture room,
Reversionary rights, third floor, miir
Bourn room, to Department of Ento
mology. Reversidnary rights in new Museum
Building to Department of Geology.
Room 106 to revert to Electrical En
gineering Department; room 105 be
ing given to Department of Mechanic
cal Engineering. Reversionary rights
in rooms 104-103 Department of Civil
To Department of Psychology rooms
301, 302, 303, 310, 311. United States
Weather Station, rooms 304, 305, 306,
307, 308; 308 being used jointly by
Meteorology, Astronomy, and Geogra
phy. To Department of Geography,
room 309.
Jgpom 107 to Librarian for catalog
ing room. Room" 108 to Medical Li
brary. Room 111 for ladies rest
Tho Juniors put the Seniors out of
the race for inter-class championship
yesterday by defeating them 15-0,
Cook, of '00, being responsible for
tho three touchdowns of tho Juniors.
In splto of their 'much greater weight,
the men of '06 could not make head'
way against the Senior line and their
points were made by end runs.
Saturday tho varsity basket ball
team goes out University Place for a
game with Wesleyan. Thi3"Wllbe-a
jjpod game, for Wfesleyan puts out a
goon ieam, ana xney win uavo tne aa-;
vantage of their own floor. The price'
of admission will not bo great and
a good crowd of university men should
go out and help tho boys win.
About twenty-flvo men reported foe
basket ball practice last night arid
most of them were given a chance to
play. At times tho work was very
ragged and inaccurate, but at others
the passing was swift and sure and
goal throwing good. Hagenslck, at
forward, showed up best at scoring
goals. Manager Boers is at work on
an extended schedule, but no definite
dates have yet been decided upon.
Interest in- tho proposed iritor-com-munlcattng
telephono .syatom Is still
increasing, and so far as can bo as
.cortained neither of tho contesting
telephone companies has been
awarded tho contract aa yet.
Both companies with their, support
ers, aro busily engaged in bringing
tho interested parties to their way of
thinking, and war Is still on.
The Bell company seems to bo con
fident of success for a report came to
The Nebraskan ofllco yesterday to tho
effect that tholr agents, wero so
liciting among1 the faculty for their
house 'phones, and wero holding out
as an Inducement the statomont that
thoy had been awarded tho contract
for tho university 'phones., and that It
would be well for tho faculty to have
the same system in their homes.
A Nebraskan reporter was sent out
to investigate the report and found
that two members of tho university
faculty had been thus approached,
bf. was'asaured by tho authorities that
nolthor company has boon awarded .
the contract as yet.
Meanwhile tile war is still on ana It
is to be hoped that the ques
tion will Boon bo settled, in order
that whichever tolophone is selected
may bo In use as soon as possible. A
system, such as Is proposed Is a long
felt want at the university and it 1b
expected that It will soon become a
reality. Meanwhile statements that
one company or tho other has got the
business can be discounted 100 per
cent, as they have boon thoroughly
Investigated and found to be untrue.
Liederkranz Meeting. -
On next Thursday morning from 11
to 11:30 o'clock, In Palladian Hall, the
German students will have their first
Liederkranz meeting. Last year
these weekly gatherings for tho sing
ing of German folksongs were so en
joyable and so profitable that many
students have been anxious to take
up the work again. The authorities
of the department were only waiting
Tor the close of the football season
before starting the Liederkranz meet
ings. The same work aB last year's
Tonger'a 100 Volkslleder will be
used.- AH -Gorman students aro .cor
dially Invited to assist in and profit
by these informal gatherings. '
. ' ' . i t '
J. Clark Mitchell," who attended tlje
university, last year, reports a suc
cess fur'fall's work In his superin
tendence of the sqnoois ac juusxicq,
Nebraska. - .
The following modest announce?
ment is clipped from "Silver and
Gold" of tho University of Colorado:
"Next year our program In football
will be to obtain as many inter-state
games as we wish. Wo shall then
play, the stato team which succeeds
lndofeating the other three state in
stitutions. This will obvlato the ne
cessity of our playing state teams of
high school ability and will still al
low us to contest for the champion
ship of .Colorado?'
No Bids Accepted for Adminis
tration Building.
At the meeting of the building com
mittee of the board of regents, which
closed Monday night, the bids for the
construction of the new administra
tion building were all rejected because
none of them came within the Umlts
of the aproprlatlon ($35,000) for the
building. The contract for the plumh-
lng and heating of the physics bully
ing was awarded to the Korsmeyer
company of Lincoln. Tho contract fqr
plumbing and heating In the building
at the stato farm was awarded to the
Pomerlne company. . .
A little while ago the Department
of Botany received' from France la
package of willow and cottonwoqd
cuttings, which have been started m
the greenhouse. Thoy aro nearly all
nicely rooted and will bo potted add
transplanted as soon as spring comes.
! n iii i m
The Maxwell Debating-society will
hold its regular debate on next Sat
urday night. This organization con
tinues on despite tho repeated invita
tions to cast its lot with, the students'
Debating, club.
J. A. Green Leaves the Engi
neering Department
James A. Green, assistant In tho de
partment of civil engineering, has ac
cepted tho position of assistant under
Stato Engineer Dobson, tho appoint
ment to take effect December 1. Mr.
Green has been carrying on tho work
In surveying and railroad engineer
ing. It Is not known that It will be
posslblo to replace him at thid time,
and some of tho work which ho leaves
may havo to be dropped.
The position to which he has, been
appointed Is that which has just been
made vacant by tho appointment of
Ray D. Hubbard, civil enginoorlng '00,
to a position afr assistant engineer In
the reclamation service of tho United
States geological survey.
Graduate Club to Meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman will ontertain
the Graduate club of tho university,
on Friday evening, December 2. Tho
Invitations have been sent out ac
cording to tho registrar's Jlst, butas' '
some graduate students have not com
pleted their, registration it Is desired
that thoy "consider this notice nn in
vitation and send their acceptances
to Mrs. Sherman, 1234 J street
Rent a Remington "at student rate
and keep your notes in good form.
.Office Corner of Oliver Theater Bldg.
Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing,
and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136
O, street ( Both phones.
;' -- . r- .
Don Cameron, lunch counter, 11 ,.
So lllh st. New table servicelid 5o.
i S
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