The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
BfcaaaHiajy T-rJ "'Sr pMPJwt ",'" pr m TT b e D a 1 1 s 'Be b i N ft a n Vfr.tJ - JJW3S lv '; K t IV to - I'm k. i i-j. t t KM KTf '. "A 4 ! EVENINGS al HOME -V, .... jGS Buy nn Ellison nnd ou can have ovon tng entcrtnhrnetri of the most onjoy ablo lilnd. Tho records cost only 3Ge. ud wo ha.-o thorn all. BA3Y PAYMENTS. 0 riionngrnphs Tlay whilo you pay. For any kind cf Athletic Goods t-oe us. Girard Cycle G'mpy 1301 O Street The Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1337 O Stroot Manufacturers of Home Made Candy Bullorswool, Bost In the City All Kind-, of Toy Novelties, Footballs, Bananas, Etc, Etc, TRY OUR CANDIES Chirks B. Gregory ( v. of n. '91 ) asr Zb Coal Wan NO. 1044 0 STREET Sam Westerfield Pioprh-tor of Sam's Cafe Little U-ni Hot Wufttcs and Fine Mtnln mid Lunches IJ7-J2J North 13 Street Griffin-Greer Printing Company tSTo street WcM!nj Inv tutiona, Ball Programs, And all tirdj ol CommtrcUI Prlntlnr. 8J Jfi'rr beco through thu jwi ' 'know how seldom one finds a collar end a cravat that will well to Qether. The nvun reason for thU U that the collar U cither just too big or jutt too small Quarter Size COLLARS do not bind either cravat cr neck. The original and best are Cluett, 25 cents each Artoyr, 15c each, 2 for 25c Bold everywhere CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. Uakeraof Cluett and Monarch Hhlrti. ILLINOIS IS BEATEN. (Continued from J 'ago One.) down tho field. Cupt. Falrvualher l-lnyed an excellent cum'1, and Is en titled to great credit. Substitute CJt:nrtpr:.acl( Wr.eeler pi't up an oxcel Irnt gamp and proed that lie la worthy of a varsity position, Instead of uibEtltitr. Tho whole Illinois team ulayrd football, good, clean football, and deserved to win If efforts nnd nirttil' playing count for anything. They weio the cleanest lot of fellows Nek-rash a has yet met this senfon. Nobnwka won the toHJ und cbo.3e tho south goal -with a ellght wind favoilng. Illinois kicked off over tho goal lino. Uennle puntod out and it wn;i Illinois hall on Nebraska' 4S-yard line. ILinI could not gain and punted to Bender. After making 8 yards wo were held and puutcd, HllnolB getting tho ball at the eonter of the field. By hurdling tactics Illinois worked tho ball to oitr C-yard lino where we held and Ronnie l-unted out of danger. Illinois carried the ball (o Nebraska's 35-yard line and tried for goal from placement, InU felled. Bonnie minted out to Illinok on her 15-yard line. Exchanges of ' ;unts and short gnln: L each team j gno tho ball, finally, to lllinoU on her I 42-yard line. A 15-yard penalty forced I Illlni to punt again, Bender being lac klrd behind the goal, but crawling over the lino and preventing a safety. Ronnie foil back ol th goal lino fbr 0 punt, the ball was pasrvd low, the kick blocked and I ouergan fell on the pigskin for a touchdown. Moynlhnn miEsed goal. 5-0. Illinois lrlcked of user the gojl line nnd secured the ball from punt out, on Nebraska's 35-yard line. I oes of 5 yaids ga'.o Nebraska the ball on her 3C-yard lino and" Bender his op portunity. Eonding Glen Maeon Mason smashing into centre and draw. Ing In the Illlni rlgl.t end, Twister circled right and ran 80 yards for a toucllllown. Cy Mason kicked punt out and Bennlc kicked goal. 0-5. Again Illinol3 kh kod off and pol the Lall from ; unt out on her 35-yard line. No gain made forced bt r to punt, the ball going ocr Render's head, and be ing downed on Nebraska's 30-yard line. The bail was nd.anoed short distances, neither side beli -j ablf to i.r.l 1 tither b earning t'.ie ball 01 punting and the first poK-esf-io.i on Nebraska's 50-yard line. The rsual IntermUslon concert was gien by tho band which. -10 strong, t ircled tho lloid twice. Resinning the second hall Nebraska J ici.ed off to tho IH'nl a. the south goal and 1 chained possession of the ball from pint out en her .V-yaid line. llar tho bcuutiful team v ork which baa mado Nebraska famous begun to oper ate. Poworfullv, irrcsUiably, Eager, Wellcr, Glen Maton and Johnson plunged into the yielding Illinl line. It vas cloven mon in every play and not once were wo stopped until little Eager, throwing every ounce of his 1LT pounds aguinbt lllini lelt tackle, plwngod o'- er the goal line. Punt out Ai.i mlrficd and no coal resulted. Srore il-(i. llllnc-in kic kinl oil' and the ball was pun Lea back to her on 50-yard line Small gains wore made by both s!do.? and punta exchanged aiaLi; the ball golug to Nebraska at centre of the flnhl Acnin Neliraska was forced to r.unt, the Uall bel-ng downfd by Illinois rn her 40-yard line. Here Lhe lllini rhoweti their mott conElstent work, carrying the ball forward by line ;lun"g5s aud attacks directed usually brtweon end and tackle to Nebraska's V.vard line whcre Rothgeb broke away for a to'uhdoyn. Moyniban again LaJwed goal and Nebraska remained 1 olnt to Lhe good. Score 11-10. Johneon kicked off to Illinois vho :eturned to her 35-yurd line. Here Honslow replaied Cnpl. Ronedlcl at r'.ght end. Cotton tackled Rothgeb for a C-ard lo's' and Illinois punted to Nebraska's 40-yard Mne.- Donslow c?rrlcd ih ball ?5 ya la on run-rount :,pht end. Weller, Eager and Render cairied tho ball to Illinois' 3-yard line .bero Bender tried a kick for goal fiom placement. Tho ball foil short and Illinois was downed by Denslow en her 17-yard lino. A punt gave us f.o ball at .centre and Bender added more yards to-bls credit by a beautiful quaitorback run round left ond, carry ing Lhe ball 45 yards to Illinois' 10 jard lino, where he as tackled by Rothgeb. Eager made 2t yards, Cotton gained 4 yards, and then Eager again smashed left taeklo for his second BKrtSHbI "Tt)e Rjglt Ral BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT, ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. - )OCXXDOCOCOcDCOCOCCOCOOOOOOa Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has eleciric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F, A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB.. :oococoocococxxocococxcc touchdown. Punt out was missed. Score IG-10 nnd this en led the scoring. Fenlon replaced Eager at halfback, but no auMUUage was gained ny either side the ball changing hands frequent ly and the game ended with the ball in Nebraska's possession near the centre of tho field. I.INE-l i Nebraska. Illinois Rom diet .. RoLbgeo, Capt. Conon rt Moyniban Mi'.s rg Deaner Bor ; '. c Hazelwood Hunter lg Fail wether Ma;,on, C It Young John on le Dllllnger Romer q Taylor We-; lor .rh I.onergan Eager In Pope Mason. G fb Hasten Substitutes For Nebraska: Fenlon and Denslow. For Illinois: Shoppard, Ware, Henman, Burroughs and Wheeler. Referee Hoagluud. Umpire Mc-Cornack. 4r Thij afternoon tin Senior.-; and : union, will play on tlv football Held an-l toi.iorrow afternocn Lhe Sopho moieti and Freshmon will meet for ne second attempt to settle the ques tion of supremae;. Tho game this afternoon will begin it 2 o'clock. An ai.mirsion of 15 cents, v'lll bo charged. Kent a Remington ai student fate mil 1 ee p your notes in good form Corner of Oliver Theater Bldp. Bun Bons and Venetian chocolates at Maxwell's, Thirteenth and N. Get tho best Henderson & Amc3" inlforms, at Armstrongs. EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWN COAL. We have been very successful la catering to weddings and partte where something EXTRA FINE Is wanted. Why can't we iurnfoh you with your Groceries for all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY a i South 13th Street Columbia National Ranfr ft OF LINCOLN, DanK & NEBRASKA CaplUlr$J00,000.00, . E. E. MANN Carries a full line ol A. A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Lincoln I -Y f - utl 11 m i -TTi -iii 1 ""'I '."nisjryy w. rt., XI v:-.;. i, - y. .vt ' V . f. J(., 'l. A , . I 'M v.ji' " '' JOi