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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1904)
!5ZV!F iV-? " ,, i q b e "0 a i Is fU b r a o ft an y' A w L " . L'a , 4 i & : !i- i W ai h . BUS1NesJ)1REOTORY Every Loyal University Student Is UVfeecl tb Ratrbhize these Nebraskan AdVertisArs, and to Mention thfr, Piper While Ddinr fib. ART GOOtoS Rosb IP. Curtice. BARBB&BHOEB. The Arifito, Green's BICYCLE-ATHLETIC OOODB Si dle. t BOOKn-TATIONEIlY Co-op. Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. BOOK HOpPITALr-Gillesple. BANKS Columbia National. First "Na tioturi BOOKBINDL 0 Gillespie. - BOWLING ALLEY Crcsoont CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Royle & Walker, Lindeay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott. Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Mageo & Deemer, Unland. COAL Gregory P. D. Smith, White breast CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchon. DAIRY Loming. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DENTIST Dr. Jack. 'ii DISEA8ES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Steiner, Woompencr, Brown, Mann, Rector. DRY GOODS Millor & Paine. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Rosa Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Ouenzol, A. Mk Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steole. GROCERS Keystone. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat ''Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guonzcl, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Lindell. JEWELER Tucker, WolfT, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LUMBER DierkB. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OrTlCtANS Dr. J. J. Davis, ..biff. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond, Hny- den. PIANOSJ-Ross P. CUrtlce Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow- elK The Ideal. PRINTING George. Brw., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Revlow Press; Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Wcsterfleid Home. Cafb, Unl. School of MubIc Cafe, Good Health. ROLLER. SKATING Auditorium. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLdR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank B.-Lee. SUITdRtUM Weber, - Elliotts. - TAILORS Un ud, Union Collego Tailors, Ludwlg. TYPEWRITER Remington. k ! Smm EHQEBLATES ih Society AMsb liafcfel Steven, '04, of Omaha, Is visiting tho VCappa girls this wock. Miss Nell Hcouoy and Miss Joaoph ine Davoy pf Jackson, aro the guests of Misa Nell Davey. MIbb Wood and "Miss Huntor gave an Informal party on Thursday, even ing for a fewi of their friends. Miraca Edna Baker and Mary Minor Bpont Thanksgiving In Omaha' as tho guests of Miss Adele McHugh. Miss Graco Purdy was the guest of MIgs Pearl Fitzgerald and Miss Hoi on Click of Omaha, during tho holidays. Mrs. Andrews gave a chafing dish party for a number of tho university girlB Thanksgiving ovening from C to 8 o'clock. On account of another "university function on the same date, the second annua Cornhuskor informal, which was te havo boon nold December 3rd, has been indefinitely postponed. A small reunion of the Brown stu dents was held at the Chancellor's house on Thanksgiving. A banquet was glvon in honor cl tho occasion. Among the guests wore Chancellor und Mrs. Andrews, Prof, and Mrs. Fogg and Miss Gomberg. Lincoln waB flooded with Omaha people on Thanksgiving. AU, the fra ternity houses entertained guests. At the Phi Psi house especially, there woro many Omaha visitors. Tho list included, Morrs. Charley Engel), Ar thur Jaynes, Russell Harris, Harry Reade. Kappa Kappa Gamma will give an informal dancing party at Walsh haU Friday evening, Decomber 2, to in troduce thoir eleven freBhmen, who arc Porn Leet, Ruth and Edria Baker, Mary Minor, Florence Woods, ahd Ethel Burkott, of Lincoln; Verne Hjall of Creston, la.. Elva Sly and Qtjs HnssletfbrPaVnc6Clty"f Ida Axtel, of Tennessee, and Ruth Wyer, of Min neapolis. Mfss Barbar Burt, U. of N.: '99, an old pledge of Kappa Kappa Gamma, was Initiated last Saturday afternoon. Coach Booth loft Lincoln last Fri day for St. Louis. After n short visit at tho fair ho leaves for Ne.v York to resume his law practice. Until he decides, after further consideration, it will not ho known whether or not we are to hayo Bummy Tor coach again noxt year. As yet no offers havo been made by tho athletic uoard, but It ft'Oma to bo tho prevalent opinion that if Booth will return wo will gjvo him tho opportunity. At a banquet of Theta Nu Epsilon acid in tho Lin aeli ordinary Thursday evening Poach Booth was presented with a handsome loving cup, in partial recognition of his services to men of Nebraska. Erlo B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of oye, ear and t.roat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone 666. Lincoln Local Express, 1080 N street Both phones. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters. Lincoln Transfer Phone 170. Co.; beggagb If you got It at Armstrong's, It's. rltfat. . Chanln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. GRADE Pa BONBONS Excursion Tickets Via The Burlington T, LOUIS & RETURN X 2Mr. $9.25 ST. LOUIS & RETURN 2X. ,5l5 ST. LOUIS & RETURN gTSr 30;.Lta" $17.20 CHICAGO & RETURN .OT.K..M...LlfflU $20.00 ' CHICAGO & RETURN TJSZSSSL Burlington Depot, -7th Street, botwoen P and Q Telephone, Burlington 1280 Automatic 2113 Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N 'T-ltl. STUDENTS H For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell 1209. Jt jt j Union College Tailors South Tnt nc College Building L11T $fe& A. BRANTHWAITE 113 North llth t. 8ol Agent for Lincoln.. Llndsttfs Cigar Store CARRIES MAGAZINES AEfP, gffE3 Crp Hniuv'3 mixture Or.SHOKINO TOBACCO 4)1 North J lib St. LlNCbiw, NUB STEINED-WbEMPENliR tsDTfir! nn. it W1AVU W. mUmUb41Uli. DRUGGISTS AvUmtUPimv 1707 fiU O StfM UNCOLH.H&B. T, THERE V$ NO Wttch, C?ocK or ArUcle ol Jewthy WBCANWOTRBPAIR C3 A. Tuckr, Jsvv4lr City Ticket Cffioe, 10th and 0 Streets. Telephones: J, Boll 235 Automatic 3111 8 STREET IWt U 44 on kcip yourstlf looking naf. Patronize tbt Weber Suitorium CUtnln. Prulnt, Drlnf , Rcpaltlng tnd RtllUlnz of FJn Clothj. !' 78 Automatic f7 How to Attract and Hold an Audience T7VEUY tcadicr, cvciy kletuymx!, 7cr7 l" lawyer, every man or woman or ywuth who I likely ever o Imvc occasion in commit tee, or In public, to rnlht the iatcrest of one i r more licaicr,onJ cvnvntc tljem tvery hi son who ever has to, or li likely to Imvc lit "speak" to one or more lUten ra will CJ In our new book a clear, concise. aipht hand book which will enable hltn to Muecudi prick $x.oo Postpaid CLOTH IIIPD? & NOBLE. PablUbers 31-33-35 West 10th Street, N. V. Oty Sihtolbwkt tf all publtthtrt ut tnt ilart LssssssssH issssH w .,: sssssssH (ZA UssAlHflsssssssssssssr p 1b&2ZG - i L9BsssssssssssH -s WmEstn sHivslislllllimslllSJ sHHHssHlV nWTjMlBsrsimlffMsM v MBtErifcTtjSSlSSSISSSM rr tt- '"T' ICTIilillilLIJinSlll '' '11 Includes In the New JCclltion 25.000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. ,Nw Gazetteer f the WrJ New Btecrephloel DIotenaiy Edited by W.T.H ARUIB, t6.T., LL.ti., 2380 Quirte. Pw. 5000 IllaMrwlonu aim Yt&tUr'j Collestate Dlctieaery im . ??5i:1' TWa Paper Edition De Luxe rrintea from Mao pUtMMregukreJHIoa. Iltuu ' limp eoTtn m4 nwnd conxtc ttba 6 W4l j, FREE, ATestinPreiHiacitloa,M hitrcrt iTaaMratcjtalnlar. AlwlUutmtodiaaftilu. . G. AC, MERRIAM CO., 9rlKfteM;'Ms. ' -y v MJ1 '-! ."j r . Uft 1 - r;-1 r v., U wj ' f, 'X For Sale Only at Barley's Drug Store, 11th and O. A v-PUm, Btt . AiiU IM4 IZr .' T t" T- I - A f ' t S- it ' ssssa K .,!):. in! '. L. -A . , , J f ..