The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
T-, &! Jt ! 1 - ? - r v i,''-.t ' K-, 2 ttbc 2atl$ flebr aeftan -?. Vfc A-A5" -vv '.vj'.' "'fc 'm a J ' t t r ' v v' t t. ,-V & r . . - i ',&&" 4 r; h ' ' Is- ... T i" IV ' , I V 4 BulV'' N b Daily Tltbraskan A consolidation of Tha Hesperian, Val. 81, Tho Nebraakan, Yol, If Senrlot and Cream, VoL 4. I J?blish4 daily, ezoept Sunday sad Monday, at tba Unlrcrslty of Robraaka, Linooln, Nab, by the Hesperian Publishing Co., Boabd Or Dibxotom Profaasers J. I. Wyer, and 0. B. Blchardat " ' IL P. Lsrlti ., Jobs' Ifaatorer B. B. Waltwa. ditor-hi-Chtrf PaalA.lwte Utmrngf a.Sehrolbar Circulate Tf alter mt Slanders Ass. Adr.Haaagar Fred Weugutom ASSOCIATE BO1T0RS Hews - J.OlydeMeert Alhletta . . . Fred A. Bweeley Local ... D. P.DoTooBg Boefety Mies Minnie pillar El Wary Mies Lata Wetter M i ill ! - T"- ' ' ' ' ' " - " " i, ... . i Iditorfel Rooms and Boalneea OffloeU Slltf Poai Offioe Station A. Linooln, Hebr. NEBRASKANS WIN OUT. Telephone, Night Telephoae AutomiUc 1521 Automatic 2365, Bubacrlptlon Prloo, 2 por year, In edvanoe i ii t Entered at tho postofllco at Linooln, Neb., aa Bccon'd-olRss mail matter undor the act ef congrona of March 0, 1870. , Indlrldnal notices will bo charged for at the rote of 10 cents for oooh Insertion, Faculty, dopnrtmentnl rvnd jwlrorfllty bnllotlna ml gladly be published rreo, as heretofore. Editorial Remarks A 8UCCEUSFUL HKASON. With tho Thanks&lvUg game Ne braska closed a season which l'as, on the wholo, been eminently successful. Whllo three defeats were tuffered they wero all excuar.ble, arj more than overbalanced by our record of . Ictorlea. It la Indeed no exaggera tion to say that the 3hv.wlng made by Nebraska this year liai Btrved to keep her before the public eye even more tlinn tho unbeaten re ord of tho two preceding years Perhaps tho very fai't that wo have been defeated, has aidec us, by proving lhat whllo our work !: recent years (Continued from Page Ono.) enco rules aro to govern tho runners' plogfiblllty. Tho men rooolved tho best of treatment at tho hands of Chi cago university. Nothing was loft undono to make things favorable to Nebrnaka, and our representatives wcro given cheer after cheer at the finish. From Chicago tho men went lo St. 1-Otlls for a short visit at the fair. No attempt was rnadu by Nebraska's representatives to gain admission in to tho Big Nino at tho recent confer ence htlu In Chicago. Manager Davis and Dr. Clapp -wore both there, but not to advance any claims on bohalf o( Nebraska. No dnilnlto dates for lootball games havo vet been made with any of the Big Nino teams. All the Big Nine schedules aro up in tho air, and until things are somowhat settled, nothing definite can be done. Sentiment for Nebraska BeeraH much stronger among all tho representatives at tho conferonco than over bofore. Our prowess in athletics generally is making us more and moro respected, and moro and moro looked to by oth er colleges. ' REVIEW OF PLAY. Continued from Page One.) recommends himself to God and de scends into the grave, Good Deeds still following, while aloft an Angel wolcoms him Into tho "heavenly tphero." Tho play, then, is very symbolical. It exhibits matters on contreto ex perience under tho form of abstract Images and ombloms. Its strength and weakness consist allko In tho clr cumstanco that tho fablo ha3 no in trinsic interest whatover, it Is merely a figure, an adnumbration. Thero is nothing to distract from tho lesson or moral, whllo the various images and embloras, abstract as they may bo, enable even tho dullest imagination to roallzo vividly Buch fleshless em bodied ideas as Death and Judgment, and to realize in their universal necessity. It Is to some such source as this that tho influences of these moral play must be referred In the day of them. Like tho grand drama they represent an impulse natural to every young literature, a crudo but sincere attempTto roallze tho popular religious beliefs which had already found expression in the Mysteries and Miracles, plays modelled upon tho Blblo storlcB and the lives of the JiaVll I if Of y J yV t T ffl IH Jfl JJVT tit ifrfrWAAikAiWafrAfr1frAttTlfafrllffrWlitiCW 3 Night Gowns, Outing, 50c, 75c, SI The full wide, long kind that you don't have to pull down with your toes, at THE $2.50 HAT STORE - 1141 O akflirafclifAlfcJra1i' MARSH-BURKE Goj Carry the fce tgrad a of domestic SticcaMora to The P. D. Smith Coal Co. and Tldball-Marsh O. Amo g wbi h y&u wll flodtfee COALS it &50, -UMP ml f ado you ever ustd ii $8.25. All kinds of stfjin etoal -the wit money can boy. Oftlc. 1140 0 Strfet; PhonM, Bl 73, Auto. 357 YartI, th and N Streets; Phone, Bell tfp, Aute. 3329 Yard, tikh and N; Bell Phone dfa (t tw h 1 U TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal $lUO Heating Stove Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. Whitebreast Co. 'A o 6 o STREET AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 V"'? ouvcrThcatrc I The College Man has been almost phenomenal, it has been underlaid by genuine ability, and hot of the quality to bo dissipated by tt little adversity. The financial management has beon ablo. Beginning tho reason with an ominous deficit in the troasury, tho end of tho season sea the athletic board with at least enough money en hand to guarantee the succces of our other, more dependent branches ol athleUcs. It seems too, that with our present athletic standing, finan cial embarrassments need not in the imtmedtato future, bo teared We ought now to be in a position to se cure well paying games, and, as a result, provide our athletes with equipment and- training more ade quate to their needs. Tho Nobraskan believes that Manager Davis has done his work well. Wednesday, November 30 HENRY W. SAVAGE offers RICHARD GOLDEN and a conspicuounly com petent company in Chas. W. Doty's delightfully told story of village life in Maine, Common Sense Bracket Laden with laughter Smiling through tears Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, $l, $1.50 DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ii Particular About Hia Shoes atStSTMtO i THE WALKOVER SHOE Is the best shoe for men's feet. Cur fne Is strictly tp-to-date. Call and let as show them. Rogers & Perkins Succcnon to Prktn & SluMon Co. II2G O Street i '. f. Saints. As such Everyman affords convincing ovidonco to the permanence and necessity of theothlc principle in literature. Tor setting aside Its ac cidents, its quaitness and grotesque ness, we must supposp that the strong impression which it has been produc ing ever since its revival by the Elizabethan Stage Society of London a fow years ago, is due to precisely tho samo cause as that of Its original popularity; namely, its clear and powerful expression of a fundamental moral commonplace. It is, therefore, of extraordinary interest in every re spect, not merely &b an historical sur vival with tho dust and cobwebs of antiquity clinging dinging romantic ally about it ,but also as a comment upon life and as an illustration of tho stuff out of which literature is still to bo made. The Ideal mSih'rCE' OUn, Tcc aa4 iDttata Billiards ml Pool TBN NBW TABLES MM O Street LINCOLN, NEB. Short tlint Loans Laaa Umwr Tan. 8EB US KOPLI'S LOAN AND TRUST CO. 107, Gftvfut RfM,f?rtntr -.Butttac J. R. BURLB1CH. MhM ROSS ELECTRIC CO. ' 122 No. 14th Pbeo 174 Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. Home Made Bread and The Home Cafe. 214 So. 12th. Pastry. UetWc 8appaj, Window Lighting, Bkctrfc Signi. Bbctrlc and Combination Fixturu. Dynamo 'UU Housi and Store Wiring AUfctoiaalBlratat RcPtM LINCOLN, NEI IBSBSSSSSsL. fTlMtBSssHi "flSrTKSasssssswii HvlTyvBssssssK'4 ViPTBSSSSSslfc UMkT' f TiiBPBSsW MT?i5uVBSSSSSU 1 YouHlan ?(L ... . the Gonuino Welsbaeh Monties and . tho now itm air burnor,atSidlosv Sporting Goods Store Air Burners $1.25 complete. SIDLES CYCLE CO. 1317 0 St. HBsltiag and Address Cards Programs, Invitations h Correspondence Stationery. GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Praternlty building We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. Telephones: A349. A4 V v i --a -'Hi .... :j ii r A 'V. i i --- ' - t L 'iwUl