5I5VR?PPPW' -HW f T, J .-.-v- r- 5 H V ITbe Batl IRebraehan t-4..! J i1 ' f j t Kt' Vol. IV, No. 39 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, NOV. 18, J904. Price 5 Cents r. 4- x Watch for the Special Football Issue ARE INVESTIGATING Regents Still Considering Inter communicating System. The Engineer nre Atixloiift for the Automatic Telephone. The matter of an intercommunicat ing telephone system is still in the hands of the committee of the. re gents, and, although it is an assured fact that there will be such a Bys- tem, It Is not yet decided whether the automatic or the Bell system will be the lucky one. Pressure is being broughtto bearonthe regents from both sides, and lately the engineering department, professors in cluded, have become interested and are straining every energy to have the au tomatic people win oat. Feeling that the automatic central exhibit, which they promised to Install would be of in estimable value to the engineers they .seem anxious to have them get the contract. At a recent meeting of the engineering society, a petition was drawn up and sent to Chancellor Andrews requesting him in the inter ests of the Electrical engineer ing department to give the an tomatlc 'phono the preference, other things being equal. The entire engineering department is wrought up over the matter and all manner of pressure is being brought to bear on the regents. Said a representative of the engineering faculty to a reporter: We are anxious that the automatic be given the contract, because of the promise made that they would, in the event of their securing the contract, establish an automatic switchboard on the grounds, In actual operation, where the students could have access to It and could study it. The advantage of this to the engineers would be Inestim able. The automatic system Is soon to be universally used and expanded and such an installment must prove a most valuable object lesson to the students. Many of the students will find in it a new field for the development of their energies and abilities. The old-fashioned Bell system is a back number, and tho system proposed by them would bo much inferior and more com plex than the system to be installed by tho automatic. If twenty 'phones were to bo used the bell system would renuire twentv- oue wires running from each 'phone, while tho automatic would require only three. Tho Bell system would bo for a limited number of 'phones, while tho automatic would bo unlimited." Other departments are also becom ing' Interested and are exerting their influence toward tho automatic. Another professor, not of tho engi neering department, called at the Ne braskan office and said ho hoped the automatic system wljl be adopted, as most of tho instructors had automatio 'phones in their residences, as also did most of the students. Another professor when Interviewed said: "L much prefer tho automatic sys tem as all the people and business houses' with whom I have dealings have automatic 'phones and have dis carded their Boll 'phones, I mig as well not have a 'phone as the one sitting there on my desk, for It Is practically useless." Out of fifteen professors and in structors visited by a reporter, one op pressed a preference for the Bell, on account of long distance advantages, while tho other fourteen seemed to favor the automatic, mostly on ac count of tho connection It would make with their homes. Of course the matter still rests with the regents who will decide tho ques tion to suit themselves, but it Is thought that tho system preferred by tho majority of thoso who will use them will finally be chosen by tho regents. HMhMH)HMHHHHHE it it H it it it it it it if it it a it a n it Thanksgiving Game Tickets on Sale at Harley's Drug Store This Morning. General Admission, $1.00. Reserved Seats, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 HMHHMHMHiHMt STRENGTHENS SYSTEM. New Regulations Make Way of Sluffer Hard. A new plan of reporting absonces and delinquencies has recently been inaugurated in the university which is more complete and more rigid than any used heretofore. The old system of reporting students after the third consecutive absence has been aban doned and In its place a report Is sent to the registar's office each week of all absences whether excused or not. This gives a definite idea of the com bined absences of each student during any week, in all his classes, thus pre venting his pleading sickness for a certain absence when the record shows that he was not absent at other classes on tho same day. This report which each instructor sends in also contains a list of Btudents delinquent in their work. If on a comparison of tne- var ious reports submitted any student is found seriously delinquent he or she is put on "probation." Two weeks are allowed in which to bring the work to a creditable standing. At tho end of this probation period a report is re quested from the instructors under whom the student takes work and If these reports do not show a decided improvement the student Is summoned to appear before the chancellor, who requests withdrawal from tho univer sity. This Is the polite "suspension" l.ireo students have been requested to withdraw from the university this year on account of irregular attendance and delinquencies in class work . A few are on the probation list at present. Tho regular mid-semester delinquency report, which is known as tho "black list" is issued -as heretofore, and a number of students are due to receive reminders concerning their work. It is not the intention to relievo tho Instructors of any responsibility in Uroi matter or noiding students to regular attendance and to diligent work. The co-operation of each Instructor is, on the contrary still considered necessary, tho work being merely systematized by this plan. With these changes in view the limits of the Christmas vacation have been announced. Tho. recess will begin Wednesday, Deo, 23 at G p. m. allowing two days for stud?nts to reach home before the holidays actually commence. The recess will end at 8 a. m., Wednes day, Jan. 4, giving two days In which to return to Lincoln after the begin ning of the week. With these liberal X Hoik. W. J. it it it it O it it it it it it it it it it it it it Sunday, Men's Meeting it Hlll! of the Nebraskan ( arrangements early departures or lato returnlngB will not bo countenanced, and students must attend thoir classes regularly, or Buffer tho usual consequences. The Thanksgiving recess begins next Wednesday at G p. m. and ends tho Monday following at 8 a. m. ACADEMY BEATS LAWS. Preps. Favored by Luck Win a Close Game. The Freshmen law team lost its first game of the season to tho plucky aca demy team yesterday afternoon by the score of 6-5. Tho Freshmon had the better of tho game throughout, and could make gains almost at will. Their touchdown was made In tho first half after about seven minutes of play, but they failed to kick goal. In tho sec ond half thoy pushed tho ball from their 20 yard lino to tho academy ton yard line, whero someone missed tho signal, and Blrkner, tho academy loft end, got the ball with a clear field to tho goal lino. He then kicked his (own goal. In tho four minutes that wore loft to play the law men advanced to tho fifteen yard lino where thnv tried a place kick, which was blocked, lj?rf for ?il lB tno log,cal man-" If and time was called with the hnii i 'tWlBconsin determines to go back to tho and time was called with tho ball in tno hands of the academy. Adams at half and Schmidt at full were tho sure ground gainers for the laws, and Meyer at tackle showed that his nickname, Hogan, was well ap plied. BRYAN WILL SPEAK. Noted Commoner to Address Mass Meeting. Hon. W. J. Bryan will address the mon's mass moetlng at the Oliver theatre next Sunday afternoon, taking as his subject "Tho Prince of Peace." Mr. Bryan Is too well known to need extended discussion -hero, but his talk is ono which has already at tracted mush favorable comment, and and will prove one of the most popu lar of tho series .which th,o Y. M. C. A. is now conducting. Doors open promptly at 3:30. Admission free. Music at Chapel. This is the programvfor chapel this morning: t1 Concerto A minor . ? Groig Miss Alleyno Archibald. Orchestral parts, Mr. Eames. Bryan 3:30p m. Oliver Theatee i Thanksgiving Day WANT BOOTH YET Nebraska's Coach Still Desired by Wisconsin. Tho Ilnilgor Contomplnto Abandoning UriMltiitto Hyutom. The Nebraskan has received roliablo Information that tho "rumors which have lately omanatod from tho Uni versity of Wisconsin to tho effect that the Badgers will ondoavor to secure tho services of "Bummlo" Booth as coach for thoir football team, aro not as unfounded as thov havo boon pro nounced. Tho Badgers aro Just com pleting a comparatively disastrous season, and much of tho blamo for tho present stato of affairs is being charged to the system of graduate coaching, which has boon In operation at Wiscon sin for tho past threo years. Great dissatisfaction is being mani fested by the student body, and our informant predicts an early roturn to tho professional systpm. It will bo re membered that, at tho tlmo Wisconsin adopted tho graduate Bystom In 1901, a strong effort was mado to secure Booth. Now that sentiment Is again in favor of professional coaching, speculation concerning available material is again rife, and Booth has been settled upon as tho man to again placo Wisconsin on her foet. Yost was spoken of at the first of tho season, and it was thought possible that ho might bo re tained on account of his known desire to rival tho reputation ho has gained for himsolf at Michigan. Tills has boon disseminated by tho fact that Yost has just signed another contract with Michigan, and Wisconsin men aro call ing for Booth Is "tho logical man." If professional system, and wants Booth, she will not want him for "another year," and sho will not nulbblo over salary. Tho work of Nebraska at Min nesota has finally demonstrated tho ability of Booth. McCormack, of North western, could not pralso too much tho "science" of tho gamo played by tho Cornhuskers and tho Badgers aro in tho mood to concurywlth McCormack in this view, especially in view of tho lamentable showing Wisconsin mado in Saturday's gamo against Minne sota. Anyono who desires to lnvestigato tho Bourco of our information may do so by calling at tho Nebraskan office. The mon who will compose tho cross country learn to represent Nebraska at Chicago on "tho morning of Thanks giving will be selected tonight. It has been understood for sometime that we would send a team, but tho Athlotlc board took official action on the matter Tuesday morning, and will ar range that a team of five mon repre sents Nebraska. Tho team will undoubt edly bo chosen from tho following mon, who have been doing the best work. Captain States, Havens, Hausor, Heath, Lutton anf Sampson. Cross-country work received a severevulow at tho de parture of Ed Ponrod; who was forced to leave schoolhy tho death of his brother. Penrod's work in cross-country running was excellent, and the team loses a valuable, man In his npt being in school. Frank E. Loe, Pubjic Stenographer andVJotary. Mlu.3ographIc lettors; perfect imitation. 601-502 Richard Blk. Auto 1156. The Famous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable, 1136 O street Both phonos. 4 m i ' 1 ri. r u v'l 3 ' J lt '4 m -. i r H ,' - ( p. . - v. ' L- v U --ttg' - - l . t .l i SvJ.