.TfPM k. . -., a'.'i; I ".tfoil H'lr '" SH ! SSWqS Iff i niiiiM.iillij.liifcK ?')fr-? ''0'i r"i l'"t' ', v T '"?' ' A . -' M , Hbe Eailfc flebraeftan 2 mw V ? r. f f 1 .' -1 i t - ' It r i r i ' I, 3 , v, the Daily Debrkan A consolidation of Tho Honporinn, Vol. 81, The NebranUnn, Vol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. . ! rabllnhed dally, oxcopt Sunday and Monday, At tho UnlvorHlty of Roliraska, Lincoln, Nob, by tbo Hesperian Publlnhlng Co., Bo An i) Or DrnitOTOnfl Profowiorn J. I. Wycr, and O. R. Richard J H. P. Lcnvltt John Westover B. R. Walton. Paul A. Ewlnf A. O. Sohrolber Walter E. Standoren Frod Nanghtoa EDITORS J . Olydo Moor Frod A. Sweoley D. P. Do Young MlR8 Minnie BiUor M1m Lota Rtcttor EdItorlnOhlef Manager Circulator Ain't. AdT . Manager ASSOCIATE NoTT Athletic Local Socloty Literary illor J Pi lldllorlal Rooms and Bunlnwa Offloe U Slltf Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Subscription Prico, $2 per yoar, In adranca Entered at tho postofuoo at Linooln, Neb., aa aocond-oloHB mall matter under the act of congroM of March D, 1870. only known how, should pay for tho privilege of holding such nn exalted office hy digging around for news. And this Ih Just what they havo to do, but shouldn't. There are a thousand and one ItemB of general Interest occur ring every day, a great many of which our reporters can't get hold of. These should he reported. Tho student body should make the Dally Nebraskan more a paper of tho student body rather than bo satisfied to have It a paper of the few on tlie staff. If any one knows anything of interest, hand it In , and if it meets with our ap proval we'll print It; if not we wont. This slight effort won't hurt anyone, but will increase the Interest In the "Rag" many fold'. If any noted friend of yours come to town toll us about it. If you havo an inspiration, poetic, pro saic, or otherwise, tell us you woe and we'll shoulder it off on the meek, unresisting public. ssEJ-NFV-tMr fisflrfSwryK , Individual notices will bo charged for at ths rate of 10 conte for caoh inflortlon. Faculty, departmental and university bullotlns wtM gladly bs published f roo, as heretofore. Editorial Remarks Debates Labor Question. The Students Debating club re hearsed the heights of enthusiasm last Sulurdiiy n.orning when they debated the labor question. It seemed that of all the interesting and heated dis cissions so far listened to by the club this was a climax to them all. From these successful debates that has marked every meeting thus far held by the new organization it Is safe to say that it has been finely estab lished, and in the future there need be no fear but that any one can satisfy his love of word contention there. Magee & Deemer We Supply the Needs of Men Exclusively, Uncommon Business Suits. .. To cDinbine exclusive style and the best of tailoring with lowest prices possible is our constant effort. The suits we are selling at $15, $18 and $20 will indicate to you how well we succeed. Stylish Overcoats The best efforts of the highest priced tailors could not produce coats with more style and character than our ''Kensing ton" long tourist coats. A wide range of patterns and styles assure you of a most satisfactory selection. PriceS$15,$l8,$20,$25 Ttousets It would be hard to produce more stylish better fitting trousers. Full peg top no buckle straps; fancy stripes and plaids splen did fer service. $4, $5) $6. KKKI YOlfK KYKH OI'KN. Students do not generally lealize that they have a duty to perform to ward the football team, besides buy ing a ticket to the game and rooting, and il is up to every student to make Isii'K.ell u committee of one and see to it J hat his share of it is done. ICvery year a new team has to be moulded out by the coach, and every one should feel it his duty to keep his eyes open during tho summer for likely material for the football team and when he runs across a big husky fel low, or one who looks like he has tho speed and other requirements In him, persuade blm to come to the school this coming fall and try out for the team. Nebraska has been short of heavy men tho entlie season and It is hoped we can secure some heavy men for next year's team. There are plenty of men In the state, who have the neces sary requirements, so let us get busy and find them out and bring thorn to school next year, or even sooner. Then too, theer are dozens of fellows at tending the university at present who would make good football material, if we could only get them out. So if any one knows or any such persons let him get busy and use a little of Fogg's argumentation on them. We ci(nnot all play football, but we i an talksQ.. let every student do his share toward keeping up Nebraska's football record. Thanksgiving Rates. On the 23rd and 24th of November, tickets will be sold over the B. & M. H. R., to students living within a radillB of 200 miles of Lincoln, at a rate of a fare and a third' for the round trip Return limit, .Monday, Nov. 28th. DOOOOOOOOOCXXdOOOOOOOOOOOOO The College Man Is Particular About His Shoes Rates For Game. A rate of one fare, plus 50 cents for the round trip from points within a radius of 200 miles from Lincoln has been secured by Manager Davis for the game with Illinois on Thanksgiv ing. This information should be spread, as many alumni and others interested will want to take advantage of the rate. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street. Both phones. Elliott's Sultorium, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hattors. Dr. A. R. Mitchell has moved to 145 So. 11th street. sHslsk at&STtatO Bon Bpns and Venetian chocolates at Maxwells, Thirteenth and N. THE WALKOVER 8HOE la the best shoe for men's feet. Cur Lne is strictly up-to-date. Call and let us show them. Rogers & Perkins Succauori to Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 O 8troet RIGGS THE Drug Cutter Blue Front Shoe Shop '" jj III 133 I. Kolbach 1326 O 8tre6t If you got it at Armstrong's, it's right. There seems to be the feeling prev alent among the student body that the staff of their "Daily." chosen the Lord Mk JfA sPlssssv ofafitii A. BRANTHWAITE 113 North llth 8t. Sole Agent for Lincoln. I 1129 O 8troet Q BvwW' . aj?r Tjy OinrjLATEBIlH Kyreraeiiittaci HIGH ORADf WL Includes in the New Hdltlon 25.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. HAKHIS, Ph.D.. LL.D., L'. 8. Commissioner of Education. . 2380 Quarto Pages. NVw I'latri. 5000 Illustrations. Itlili lllmtlnir. Alj Webster's Collegiate Dictionary ul lUOimut.. It 00 lllu.tratlunt. Site . 7i10xS),ln. A 8peclnl Thin Paper Edition De Luxe I'rlnteu from liuun plate m regular edition. It dai limp oovir. uiJ round corner. Shut &)4i8,il') FREE, "A Test In Pronunciation," Initract- i o and entertaining. AUo illutrted j)njuleL. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass, Thanksgiving Day Rates Ono and Ono-Third Fare (or tho Round Trip VIA Union Pacific To points within 200 miles of Lincoln Nov. 23 and 24. Final limit Nov. 28th. City office 1 044 O St., Depot O and Fourth Sts. E. P. SLOSSON, Gen.Agt .V V" For Sale Only at ttarley's Drug Store, llth and O. r , 4' i . u - . ," . i rt v X xjl .jlz 2jJatM c:-, 4r. . , , i-3AL&L--ih&i. kjfrkew. , .JL kafe v- 'iAi...,',. - " .. U,,.KH2aaJ tf I I ' r-i'-1. r t.' y:iV.'je,iK-