f -- L If, . , f ., Sbe S)ailp IFlebraekan Vol. IV, No. 38 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOV. 17, J904. Price 5 Cents VT s V S Y I. , "BITTINSKIES 7? 'Commandant Chase's Braves' Intrude on Football Field. Aro I'urfuiidtMl to Keep ofT, llniirrr, nml I'rnctlco Continue. Considerable comment and excite ment was eaifsed in athletic circles Tuesday night "when Commandant Chase marphed his true and tried cad et warriors onto the athletic field and put a stop to all football practice fur tho evening. The athletic authorities were very indignant over Comman dant Chase's action and were heard to express themselves in rat,her stren uous terms. Ono person, close to the athletic management expressed himself to a Nobraskan reporter as follows: "We do not deny Commandant Chase's right to come on to the field with his "tin soldlors,".as we understand he has been given tho privilege by the proper au thorities, but we do question his pro priety in doing so when he knows the hoys need overy minute of practice they can got, and his actions in send ing the cadets in to interfere with the practice is about on a par with his attitude towards athletics and every thing else, for that matter except drill. It is in harmony with his action the night the football team went to Min nesota, when he wouldn't let the bat talion rjo to the train to cheer tho boys off." Captain Chase, when seen yesterday consented to abandon the field until after Thanksgiving, so last night the boys had the field all to themselven and no further trouble is expected from thLs source. When Interviewed by a reporter, Cap tain Chase said: "I can't see where anyone has a kjck coming on tho military depart ment. Tho military department is a help to athletics Instead of- a hlnder ance, as some people think. .Look at tho work tho band does for the games. I have never Interfered with them. If I wore opposed to athletics, as some peoplo say I am, I could lock every ono of the band Instruments up and refuso to allow tho band to play, but I novor have done so. Vhen the boys asked me to excuse the battalion I did not refuso thorn and furthermore I ex cused the cadets fifteen minutes early and- about 200 of them went down to the train. I didn't want to give tho piiities who asked tho favor any en couragement one way or tho other, but suld I would see. I wanted them to wait for orders. That's the military of it. They must learn to obey and wait for orders, yolT understand GOOD GAME. .Neither Side Was Able to Score in Today's Game. One of tho best class games ever played on tho university campus was played by tho Freshman and Sopho mores In tho second of the Inter-class series yesterday afternoon. The score was 0-0, but that hardly expresses tho relative merit of the two teams, as shown In the game itself. Tho loose ness of Interference and the fumbling which usually characterizes class foot ball games was almost entirely absent, and tho play of each team would havo been a credit to any small college. A majority of (he men on tho Sophompro 'team are on 'tho varsity scrubs, whllo a number of" tho Freshmen were ex hlgh school stars, too light for first team and showed a variety of attacks that was unusual for a cIoes team. Their tackle cross-bucks gained half a chalk line every time. Captain King, who was on the Lincoln high last year, T Freshman Law Hop Friday, November 18th Fraternity Hall y was particularly strong on offensive work. For the Sophomores Drain and Murphy played the best game, only the long f unts of the former saving his team from a touchdown on several Occasions. During the entire game the ball waB in the territory of the Sophomores, but in the last couplo of minutes of play they took a brace and circled the Freshmen right end for about thirty yards. Excepting this spurt they were unable to make any gains whatever against the splendid defense of their opponents, and whenever they got the hall were forced to punt on the third down The fit st hair opened with the Fresh men kicking off and tho Sophomores were immediate. y forced to punt. After this the Freshmen slowly worked the ball down to the fifteen yard line, where the Sophomores got the ball on a fumble, and repeated tho process. 1 ime was called with the ball on the Sophomore twenty yard line. The Sophs kicked off in the second half and the Freshmen worked the ball down to the five yard 11ne by tackle bucks, but loft it on downs. The Sophs kicked and regained the ball on their ten ard line by a fumble, and then adanced the pigskin to the forty yard line, when time was called. The result of this game necessitates another to decide who shall play the winner of the Junior-Senior game. The second contest will probably occur this week, and a. large crowd will doubt less come out for it. All the members of the team except Cotton, who is still convalescing, were but .for practice last night, and after being put tnrough a thorough practice of signals were lined up against the scrubs and put through some heavy bcrimmaging. They succeeded In mak ing fie or six touchdowns on the scrubs and are Bhowing up In good shape for the Thanksgiving game. New formations were practiced' and entire new signals gone through with. Coaches Booth and Westover were working hard with the men to prepare them for a hard fight, and Dean Ringer was out giving the boysafew point ers also. NEW PROFESSORSHIP. The State Inspector is Pushed up a Notfeh. j At the latest meeting of the regents the office of state inspector of high schools was made into a full profes sorship, with all the privileges con nected therewith. Therefore Mr. F. M. Hodgman, now professor of, the depart ment of Inspection, is given all the privileges of a professor and takes ac tive part in all deliberations of the university sonate. The article pub lished In tho Nebraskan a week ago, in which It stated that the state In spector was allowed to be present at meetings of the senate, but not al lowed to have a voice in its delibera tions was printed beforo It was known that the chango had been mado and was therefore Incorrect in this one point. Dr. W. E. Jack, Dentist, 1301 O St. Tickets $1,50 j NOTHING IN IT. Report That Heston Will be Next Coach is Unfounded. Considerable excitement has been caused lately by tho Lincoln daily papers announcing that Coach Booth was to be suceeded by Heston, Michi gan's famous full back this year. While none of the articles claimed to bo authentic, and wero admltteu to bo based entirely on rumor, still consid erable credence was given the story, and students are beginning to wonder how they will like "Heston, the new coach." As a matter of fact the athletic board has entered into no negotiations with Heston, whatever, and although n committee has been appointed to look into the matter of a new coach, noth ing has been done toward this end, and nothing will be done until It is ascer tained whether Booth desires to stay or not. Until this time, tne commit tee announces, there is nothing neces sary to be done. While we are not quoting the ath letic board as an authority for it, stin the Nobraskan is free to say that If Booth desires to stay he will bo tho unanimous choice of ...e athletic board for another year, and until he an nounces that he does not care to stay another year there will bo "nothing doing" with Heston, nor any one elBe. Mr. Booth's views ;on the matter havo been fully explained in the No braskan, and so far as can be seen now into the future, Booth will wear his own shoes another year. NO "COMPS." Everybody Will Have to Pay for Bellevue Game. As half tho proceeds of the Belle vue game are to bo devoted to the Shedd benefit, it is desired that as much money be made from it as pos sible, so the athletic management an nounces that absolutely no complimen tary tickets will be issued, and all who desire to seo tho game will have to "cough up." None of tho players, nor any of tho other parties who usually receive complimentary tickets will bo allowed a single ticket free, and the management of tho Nebraskan was obliged to notify its staff lato last night, to save up their money and be ready for the- worst, as there would be no royal path to the Bellevue game. Manager DavlB is desirous of getting as largo an attendance as pos sible and is considering tho advisabil ity of taxing himself and Coach Booth for admission. His decision will be announced later pn. The season passes, Issued early in the fall will also bo barred. The Famous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu lents on all purchases of millinery, kid ?loves, corsets, etc. Rent a Remington at etudont rate md keep your notes In good form Iffico Corner of Oliver Theater Bldg For Furs bcg Steele, 143 S. 12th St. PERSHING RlfLES Interesting Facts Relating to the Cadet Crack Company. Hinting Unit of McmlHTftlilp ,iiiI How II Ik Coiitlurtotl. Tho Perishing rifles doricd their namo from former commander of cad ets, John J. Pershing, now captain in tho United States army. It was or ganized to promoto proficiency In mili tary di 111 and the rule to admit to membership only well drilled men who desired to attain oBpoclal proflcloncy has been sortnuously lived up to In tho past and Is being enforced this year. Students who have had ono semester of drill In the unlvorBlty or an equiv alent elsewher, are eligible to member ship. Dues are nominal. Each year a handsomo gold medal is offered for proficiency in individual drill, tho win ner of three consecutive contests or drill-downs receiving permanent pos session of tho medals which have boon won "for keeps" by Joel StevenB, 98; Jerome I. anger, 1901 and L. A. Shel don, '05. Last year under Captain Stanley the Persuings made a very envlablo repu tation and It Is hoped that an equally creditable showing may be mado this year. With the new drill regulations this furnishes a splendid opportunity for tho experienced men and non-conls to keep up and ahead of tho rest of tho batalllon. Certain phases of tho drill will be taken up that are gen erally dispensed with or merely touch ed on in tho battallion, owing to tho short time students are required to drill. There are many former Pershlngs at tending tho university, some of whom have made known that they cannot drill this year. Others intend to drill but have not yet reported. In order to simplify matters a list from last year's roll Is published below. Those whose dues and fineB are paid in full may bo excused for a limited time or dropped "in good standing" upon appli cation to tho captain. Those whoso dues and fines are not paid1 will be allowed a limited tlmo to Bottle with Mr. A. E. Palen, treasurer, and tho ones who do not avail "them selves of this opportunity will be dropped "not In good standing." The list Is na. follows: Adams, Anderson, Orltes, Denny, Hlrehey, Higglns, Lane, Legro, Miller, McComb, Nelson, Palen, Peterson, Pool, Ramsey, Ross, Richards, Scott, Smith, Skeen, Wheeler, Wilson, Stone, Moore, Thompson, Syford, Kendall, Moser, Raber, Rush, Elmendorf, Murphy, Flake, Walrtron, Towne, McCullom, Wellenslck, Shel don. The company meets every Thursday night at 7.115 sharp, for a short, snappy drill and as they are dismissed prompt ly at 8 o'clock the mon still have two hours to study before the library's close. The following list of applications have been received And approved: Fred C. Ayer, O. S. Copeland, J. R. Dumont, B. K. Eaton, C. Q. Johnson, H. A. Jos lln, John McNicol, C. C. McWIlliams. C. E. Mickey, R. V. Pepperburg, H. W. Post, I. T. Robrer, C. D. Slaughter, Roy Stlnes. , Applications will bo received "for a limited time only, after which no more will bo received until the second eem estor. LOST j A gold watch, with the. mon igram B. H. on it. Finder please re turn to the office. Erlo B. Woodward, M. D., diseases f eyewear and tiroat. 207-8 Richards block. Phono 666. r A S i St I , l i - , i .' Us ''' l . F'V-W. ., . ar-ix ,i.j. t&yvyi ,. . -. . fctess$riss s