iT" r f kir3fPrW'''Tr'f Cbe atl$ Hcbraefoan U U f m 7 9 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyl University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention thf Paper White Doing So. ART GOOfbS Robb P. Curtice. BARBER SHOPS. The Arlsto, Green's PaJaco and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. BOOK HOSPITALr-Gillcspie. BANK8 Columbia National, First Na tional BOOKBINDIi .0 Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Royle ft Walker, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup ft Wood. CL0THIN6 Armstrong, Magee ft Dcemer, Ulad. COAL Gregory; P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Leminr. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DENTIST Dr. Jack. DISEA8ES OF EYE, EAR ft THROAT Dr. Wbodard. DOCTORS Dr. Mitchell; Dr. Lenhoff. DRUGGISTS Steiner, Woempeaer, Brown, Mann, Rector. DRY GOODS Miller ft Paine. ELECTRICaL SUPPLIES Rosa Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Lincolm Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE---Rudge ft Guenzel, A. M. DaYis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS Keystone. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgt ft Gueaael, F. E. Lakr. HOTELS Llndell. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIKS Yule Bros. LUMBER Dierkt. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. Ui-TICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, .olft PHOTOGRAPHER Towneead, Hay den. PIANQS-Roaa P. Curtice Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS 5. P. Bow-e)),-The Ideal. PRINTING Georgo Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review PresB, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Home Cafe, Uni. School of Music Cafe, Good Health! SHOES 8andereon. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. - STENOGRAPHER Frank E. Lee. SUITORIUM Weber, Elliotts. TAILORS Un. nd, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg. TYPEWRITER Remington. ooooooooooof Dance Programs Banquet fflenus I Look for ThI Slfn TNEIEW Auto Phone 1616 CIimiY N Street f 1241! HUTOS UNcout DO00OO00OOOO0 KH In Ofter Colleges Tho largest banquet over hold at Michigan university was given by tho Union club, Nov. 11. President An gell acted as toastmaster. Tho local chapter of the lambda Niv, at Columbus university was last week granted a charter by tho Delta Upsllon. Tho local fraternity havo been petitioning for a chaptor for sov eral years. At tho University of California, tne French club gave a clover Fronch play last week. "La Sigale Chez les Tourmas" met with overwhelming success. A play will bo given by tho Spanish club in the noar future. William Greer Harrison, president of tho Olympic club of San Francisco, characterized the college football game as a "head end collission," in which the weaker team is crushed. His remarks have caused much com ment at tho neighboring colleges and universities. The army and navy football gamo will be played at Franklin Fffeld, Phil adelphia, Nov. 2Cth. Seats for the game will bo sold' at $2.50 apiece. The proceeds of the game will go towards the relief of dependent widows and orphans of tho enlisted men of the army and navy. Tho University of Minnesota will Boon boast of a "crack" military com pany. It is planned to have fancy drills, such as drilling without com mand, etc., which are given at the higher military schools. The purpose of tho new company Is to arouse en thusiasm In military affairs. The sonior class in electrical engi neering at tho University of Illinois spent one day at the St. Louis expo sition under tho guidance of the pro fessors of tho department. Most of tho time was spen in inspecting power plants, from which the various ser vices of the exposition nro supplied. The Big Four railroad has sent $15, 000 to President Stone of Purdue uni versity towards the fund ior the Pur due wreck memorial. Iast year the special train carrying tho students to the Purdue-Indiana game was wrecked and tho railroad agreed to pay this money towards a memorial fund. When the fund reaches $50,000 tho col lego authorities will donate $5O,Q0O more, making the fund $100,000. There will be no coed rooters at the University of Callfornias' games. A movement by some of the woman In favor -of public demonstration was op posed by Yell Leader Bulkeley. The woman students, desirous of having their position made clear, passed tho following resolutions: "That the wom- eh of the University of California will make no public demonstration at tho big game, other than they have heretofore. Seven Freshmen of Northwester mil verslty at Evanston. 111., were so sev erely hazed that it Is probable the cases of three will prove fatal. Tho hazing consisted of thrusting tho boys into a greasy wooden chute, down which thoy shot thirty -feet into a sand pit filled with floating ico and water. They were fished out with a lasso and compelled' to walk home In their wet clothing. The names of the "hazers" have not yet been ascer tained. The prlco of admission to the Thanksgiving game has been set at $1.00. $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Additional seating capacity Is being provided in tho shape of new bleachers which are to be placed at the ends of the field. Tickets for the game willgo on sale today. Frank E. Lee, Public Stenographer and Notary. Mhuographlc letters; perfect imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. Elliott's Suitorlum. cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. Faculty arid students both agree that meals at the School of Music cafe are par excellence. Excursion Tickets Via The Burlington ST, LOUIS & RETURN &&?:. $9.25 ST. LOUIS & RETURN S:"-"".34"" $15,50 ST. LOUIS & RETURN 'S""b" 3,:.Lto" $17.20 CHICAGO & RETURN Sl'S. .. $20.00 CHICAGO & RETURN XS $20.10 Burlington Oepel, 7 th Street, between P and Q Telephone, Burlington 1290 - Automatic 2113 JACOB NORTH MO -1122 Printors and A list of University Clnsa and which Sonior Annual 1898 " " 1890 " " 1903 " " 1904 Law Annua, Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Gum Hot WufflcH imdFinc Mnala and LuneheH. 117-121 North J3 Street &nSe&&4 A. BRANTHWAITE 113 North llth 8t. Sole Agent for Lincoln. The First National Bank of Llncofai, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital 9 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 49,000.00 8. H. Burnham, Pros. A. J. Sawyer, Vlce-Preeldent. H. S. Freeman, Caahler. H.-B. Evans, Asat Caahler. Frank Parka, Aaat. Cashier. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. Ve have always been known aa the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY,, . , ,. . s : ThU MMoo w turnip out tetter wwfc than vr. W want your fculn, YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 ISUOSitctl Bfl7M AHHk!A 0a JJa alaawa. CHy Ticket Ohlce, 10th and 0 Streets. Telephones Bell 235 Automatic 3111 AND COMPANY M Street Bookbinders Publications printed by ub npcnk for ns. Sombroco, Olaoo of 1895 " " 1898 " " 1802 " " i904 1898-WP4 The Ideal ROYLB k WaLKBH PfOCMtOM Of r, Tbcco m4 Billiards and Peel Ml tPtfals TEN NBV TABLES I0M O Street LINCOLN NEB. THERE IS NO Watch, ClocK or Article ol Jcwdry WE.CANNOT. REPAIR ... D. I. Tucker, Jewoler tit a v-Pfen4. Bfl 034. AuV J4 ' Inoludes in the New XLdltion 25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Baited by W.T.IIARUI8, Ph.D., LL.D., u. S. Cotafainloner o( Education. , 2380 Qatrto P(e. 5000 HluttrttlMt. aim Webeter'e CeHegtete OictlMary ia lUSpagM. ItOOlLltMtnUion,. UU. I ?ilfiS)4la. A Special Thin Paper Kdlt Jon De Luxe IVinUd from ui pUtM M resnUr oditUm. It ku . limp cow at romd cooxt. Bba I tt ji$7jx . FREE, "A Teat In PronuncUtioo,'Mtntt iru4catiUiaiiiff. Abo iUiwtnktctl ptmpkkU. G. & C. ME.RKAM CO. Fobllefcera, SurlBaflald. Mas.:'"' W 0 -41 ii NJ i i .is s --V -' , - ' r ' I-' ' V.- Kt 11 , tif .' , j L. ' - n .I u?.r .-V. , .': -?tii..' w :yj." . !'. i&i&b2ik2? '-V--fS, .t". - r