I ffll... - '....., I , V .! "U- '"' ''''.''', )prjnrr,-iiiinuinni ';" ny --"-.'y :' i iJmc :m4 - x - : i--T?. :t"v . K i v - . i- h', ' j ,j. . . . i . ? . i ' 2 Cbe Dails tfUbraefean c.r 4- , to j r i -,. tbt Daily Uebraskan 'i ., i A consolidation of Tlio Honporlnn, Vol. HI, Tlio Nebroukftn, Vol, 10 Scnrlot and Crown, Vol. 4. ! Publinhcd dally, except Sunday nnd Monday, at tlio Unlvornlty of NolirnsUn, Llnooln, Nob, by the Ilosporlnn Publishing Co., Boaiid Or DiitiOTons ProfoMom J. I. Wyor, and 0. R. Richard : -- II. P. Lcavltt John Wcstoyer E. R. Walton. Edltor-ln Chief ManaKor Circnlntor Afla't. Ady. Manager Paul A. Ewlng A. O. Schrolbor Walter B. Btandoven Frod Naughton ASSOCIATE EDITORS Wowh - - J.OlydoMoor Athlotlo .... Frod A. Swwiley Ix)cal ... - D. P. DoYoung Society MIhs Minnie Hiller Literary - MIhh LotaStottor ' - Editorial Rooms and Bufllnora Office U 2llf Poet Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic J 528 Automatic 2365. Bubaorlptlon Prico, $2 por year, In advance Entered at tho postoflloo nt Lincoln, Neb., m nccontl-oiuwi raall matter under the act of contfraw of March 3, 1870. , Indlvldnal noticed will bo charged for at tho rate of 10 conttt for ench lnHortlon. Faculty, departmental and unlvorHlty bulletins will gladly be publinhcd free, on heretofore. Editorial Remarks Our Kditor, Mr. ICwlng, and our Athletic Editor. Mr. Sweelcy, left lust night on tho Missouri Pacific for Kan sas City, tho former to loot for Ne liraaka, the latter to bring hack a com plete arount of the game foi Tues day's Nebraskan The Nebraskan lias been c-ipei ialh lortunate this year .through tlio cour tesies of the railroads, in having its own representative at all our outside garnet and wo have reupcd many omplimentR on Mr. Sweeley's write ups of the several games. Mr Ewlng will go to St. Louis after the game and visit the fair for a few days. During his absence the editorial management will be-in the hands of the business manager. they dress nt least slightly better than the hired hands about the campus, who receive from $1.50 to $2.00 per day. Our professors arc supposed to bo looked up to by tlio students, and we ire taught from the kindergarten up that 'personal neatners is one of the Impoitant lessons to be learned in life. How the teachings of our youth are blasted, when we arrive at a great uni versity, such ns our, and aro brought fnce to face with such instructors and ire expected to respect them and im bibe knowledge from them. Wo aro glad to know that this ap plies only to a few of the members of the faculty (it is unnecessary to men tion names) aid that tho great mar jorlty of our faculty present a neat respectable apearance and are a credit to the university. Wo care not how brainy a man is, whether he is a man of national repute or not, there Is no excuse for appear ing In the garb that some of them do and we are confident that any one ')f the persons mentioned is able to but a new suit at least once in two years Let them discard their time-worn, threadbare suits and appear, for once, on the campus dressed as they should be -aF gentlemen. A thing to bo deplored in connec tion with the university is the shab l.lness and utter disregard of appear ance tor which half a dozen of our most prominent Instructors are con- GREENE AT MEETING. Famous Lecturer at Oliver To morrow. Word hag ben received from Sec retnrj f the Omaha Y. M. C. A. say ing that Dr. Thomas hi Green opened their lecture course this week and nade a decided hit. Dr. Green is the peaker for the men's mats meeting at he Oliver theater next Sunday after loon. He has served on the lacol en tertainient course with unusual s.n -ess, and a bett known in his lei lures ui "The Key f the Twentieth Cen tury" and "Left Handed People." For ,ovcral years past Dr. Green has spent his entire lime to lecture work and has a; peared in all the large cities. Vocal muf-ic by Miss H. Finley Helms and violin by Mis. Ross Cur tice are the special attractions in a musical way. No man in tho univer sity can afford to miss an hour which may be m profitably spent. Old Sport Proves Attractive. Unheisity students aro becoming In terested in the new skating rink at the ludltorium, which as formally opened on Wednebday .of this week. Roller skating, although an old sport, is some. ccasional plunge in the sanitai hint, oi i round or two on the ho WM Tell the truth abcut yourrelf a- d you are an odd character. Tel tbejru h about others and ycu ire a dangerous character. Tell the truth about our $2.50 Hats and you are a public benefactor. Best Hats on Earth for the Honey. THE $2.50 HAT STORE - 1141 O W .f - f T T T A MHJHHMHt6iHMtHMtiMt spkiouB. Almcdt at any time of tho day can bo seen one of these persons coming down the sidewalk on a bicycle, which boars the ear marks of a very ancient model, with Its telltale wooden spokes, etc., wearing a suit of clothes which would do Injustice to a tramp. We do not exaggerate the case. Every student in the university Is familiar with the sight, and strangers have been heard to remark that we seemed to have an excess of Janitors ahenit tho campus. Wo realize as woll as any one that our instructors aro poorly paid, but nono of them -ifocelve Jess than enough, to provide comfortably for his family and it is to be- expected that TheAuditoriurT has been well fitted what of a now fad in Lincoln, as there, has heretofore been no rink in which to skate With the opening of the iun link, a new swans ot .entertainment hi provided to university i-tudonts wlic bae uj) tc this lime contented them selves with bowling, lilhuds and an occasional dun go in the sanitai itim, oi a round or two on the ice. Tho Auditorium has been well fitted up for this arrongoment. The flooi smoothed up and during the coining six months will be used for roller skat .ing exclusively, except that occasion ally it will bemused for one of" the larger dances of the season The man agement has spent considorabdo cap ital in providing tho place, and the way in which it is managed should appeal to university students. No objectionable, boisterous or dis- There is no Medium Price Underwear as good as THE MUNSING Wo have sold It for over a dozen years and still have to find its equal on tho market. It Is woll sniped through all fiizeB, finished with pntont fiat seams and generous lnp3. It is elastic ribbed conforming to every curve of the body and yielding to every motion. It will not hind or tear or mane an unslghly bunch in any place. Men's Munslng Union Suits. All cotton, fleeced, Jersey, ribbed, pood weight, nntural gray, $1.50 a suit. 40 per cent wool, ribbed, natural gray, $2.00 a suit. One-fourth wool, medium heavy weight, natural gray. $2.f0 a suit. Wool, with a mixture of cotton, heavy, excellent wearing, $4.50 a suit. 80 per cent wool, ribbed, natural gray, $3.00 a suit. Called all wool, extra heavy, excel lent wearing, $4.50 a suit. Heavy weight, sllkotine yarn, looks like silk, nnd wears better, $4.50 a suit. Aomens Wunsing Union Suits Egyptian cotton, fleeced, good weight, ecru nnd white, $1.00 and $1.25 a suit. Half wool, slayer gray, $1 50 n suit. Usually called all wool, light weight, silver gray, $2.50 a suit. With a slight mixture of cotton, heavy weight, $2.75 a suit. Sllkotine, looks like silk, medium weight, light blue and flesh color, $3.00 a suit. Women's Munslng Wests and Pants Cotton fleece lined, good weight, 50c each. 75 per cent wool, medium weight, bilver gray, $1.00 each. Usually called all wool, very fine, light weight, $1 50 each. y(T( MftW Tm MlW5Wi t IMf MILLER & PAINE Corner O and 13th Streets Oliver Theatre F. C. ZEHRUNG & O. T. CRAWFORD, MANAGERS Automatic Telephone J234 Monday Night, November 14 EDWARD MORGAN In HALL CAINE'S Splendid Novel, Dramatized " THE ETERNAL CITY Great Cast, including Frederic DeBellville, Frank C. Bangs, Janet Waldorf, W4 E. Bonney Henry Harmon and thirty others. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c orderly persons will he allowed, in tho ink, and everything will he carried m In a respectable manner. Tho man agement announces that they are loady "o provide special "university nights," when alL hut university students will bo excluded, if tho students wish It. Faculty and students both agree that meals at the School of Music cafe aro par excellence. Special attention to watch ad jew elry repairing. E. Fleming, 1211 0 street. Rent a Remington at student rata and keep your notes in good form. Oflico Corner of Oliver Theater Bldg. Seo Fleming, 1211 O street, about your jewelry;. special attention to repairing. Bon Bons and Venetian chocolates at Maxwfoll's, Thirteenth and N. Leming's Dairy for Ico Cream, Milk and Confectionary. T I W. f H.? 'r- ,'. V. ' I if Ml J, .;.- - r fS .'V. . , iv&Ubs&bJiuL ,Q t t . vji , ,:,.c.'Tft!,Sl5&2i2irt . .v.. ,, - --rt