The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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tfa Daily Ucbraskan
A consolidation of
Tho Hmporinn, Vol. 01, Tho Nobnuiktui, Vol, 10
Scnrlot nnd Cronm, Vol. 4.
! Publinhed dally, pxcopt Bundny nnd Monday,
at tho Unlvornlty Of Nubrankn, Llnooln, Nob,
by tho Hosporlnn Publishing Go.,
BoAno Or DinsoTOna
ProfoMom J. I. Wyor, nnd O. R. Richard!
H. P. Lonvltt
John WoHlovor E. It. Wnlton.
Editor-in Ohlof Pnnl A. Bwlng
MnnnRor A. Q. Sohrolber
Circulator Wnltcr E. Stnndovon
Aaa't. Adv.Mnnngor Frod Nnughtom
Hewn . J . Olydo Moor
Athlotlo .... prod A. Sweoley
Loonl ... D. P. Do Young
Sooloty . Miss MlnnJo flilloy
Lltornry MIsn Lota Ktotter
Editorial Rooms nnd Bufllnosa Office U 8UJtf
Post Off loo Station A. Lincoln, Nobr.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
Subscription Prico, (2 per yoar, In ndvano
f -i'-'t ' Jl i'MM 'II 'II I !
Entorod nt tho postoffloo at Llnooln, Neb.,
aa Bocond-olaea mall matter under the not of
oongroasof March 0, 1870.
i pi n 1 1 mi i
, Individual notices will bo ohargod for at thi
rate of 10 cents for each insertion. Faculty,
departmental and unlreralty bulletins wfil
gladly be published free, as herotofor.
Editorial Remarks
Coach Booth dropped the remark
fiat wo will boat Haskell 60-0, and this
fact Is heralded abroad by the city
papers. Wo will not beat Haskell
G0-0, and no one knows this better
than Coach Uooth. With Bonnie out of
tho game we are already beaten when
It comes to punting, for the Indians
luo a couple of excellent kickers
But In splto of this handicap we are
going to keep up our record of victor
ies againBt tho Haskell braves. But
there will bo a big crowd of Haskell
tupportoi" on hand to cheer their
team on. Of course Kansas univer
sity will Bend a crowd to support the
Indians, as she has announced that sho
will. With a rate of $4 00 there ought
to bo 500 Nebraskans go to Kansas
City to cheer on tho Cornhuskers. This
Is the only opportunity the rooters havo
had or will have this season to Bupport
their team away from home, and It Is
Will Solve the Class Play Prob
lem Today.
Tho Ben lor cIosb will meet this morn
lng at 11 o'clock in U. 10G to settle
tho Question of a class play, and for tho
discussion of other Important business.
At a meeting of tho committee on
the class play about two weeks ago It
was decided that an assessment of $3
would havo to levied on each member
of the class If a play Is to be presented
next spring. This Ib on account of tho
refusal of the regents to contribute
toward the expenses of the play, and
the whole expense now has to ho borno
by the class, since no admission Is
charged. Tho whole matter will be
dlscusBod this morning; also steps
taken toward the selection of a play,
and tho choOBlng of a cast, which later,
however, will not bo accomplished for
some tlmo.
Prominent Lincoln Minister Gives
a Talk-
YeBterday morning at convocation,
Di J. W. Jones of St. Paul's Metho
cMst church, gave a short talk. Dr.
Jones paid Chancellor Andrews a high
compliment. He stated that Dr. An
drews coming to the west had drawn
the eyes of the eaBt to tho university
of Nebraska as nothing else could have
Dr. Jon6s pleaded for a greater at
tention to dlvlno Influence In everyday
llfo, and urged prayer as tho logical
means for securing a higher view of
llfo. Ho was of tho opinion that
overy person should unite with some
church and take an active part In Its
management. He also believed that
every man should take a keen Interest
in politics, since this, he asserted, will
prove necessary to the best interests of
(he ountry
Christmas Delineator.
The December Delineator, with its
message of good cheer and helpfulness,
will be welcomed In every home. The
fashion pages aro unusually attractive,
Illustrating and describing tho very
latest modes In a way to make their
construction during tho busy festive
season a pleasure lnstoad of a task, and
the literary and pictorial features are
of rare excellence. A selection of love
songB from the Wagner operas, ren
dered Into English by Richard de
Gallienne and boatuifully illustrated in
colors by J. C. Ioyendockor, occupies a
prominent place, and a chapter In tho
compoBors' Berles, relating the romance
of Wagner and Coslma, is an Interest
ing supplement to the lyrics. A very
clover paper entiled "The Court Cir-
It tL
1 1 ell the trtith annul vnnrsll anrl vnn irr an nAA fhiM.. Jit
" " ..w jw . .... wwv Wl HVIM T
T"-I k. t. U -Un..t !. J -J l . 'F
b. tut u W u auwi uiuua anu you arc a aaugerous cnaracier.
Tell the truth about our $2.50 Hata and you are a public benefactor. I
Best Hats on Earth for the Ilonev.
H THE $2.50 HAT STORE 1141 O I
Magee & Deemer
Store for Men
Men's Stylish O'Coats
5 ,
You can choose between either of
these styles and be sure of absoluie
correctness. The' always popular
Chesterfield knee length cat. or
the long coat coming down to the
ankles, came in Oxford Grays,
Black and a variety of Brown mix
tures. Some full silk lined, full
satin, or satin sleeve and yoke.with
worsted or serge body linings. The
qualities are such as to warrant us
putting our name on every coat and
are fully guaranteed.
$10, $12.50,$15, $I8,$20,$22.50,$25
Cravenette Coats
The term "Cravenette" is a process, not a cloth.
The process may be applied to anyfabric without chang
ing: its appearance and rain will not spot it. Attention
is called to the excellent values we are showing at
$12.50, 15 and &IQ
There are thousands of acres of
valuable Farm and Mineral Iands in
tho west that can bo had for a song
Why not go west, seloct a homo, and
enjoy the prosperity and good fortune
and contentment which tho West af
fords you. The vast territory on the
Union Pacific and connecting lines Is
a country of wonderful resources. The
HomeBeekers' rates offered by tho
UNION PACIFiv. afford you opportun
ity of visiting t..e West and satisfying
yourself. ONE FARE PLUS $2.00 for
tho round trip to Idaho, Oregon, Wash
ington and Montana on November 15th
and to points in Nebraska, Kansas,
Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, on No
omber 15th, and December 6th and
20th. Inquire of E. B. Slosson, Gen
eral Agent.
Faculty and students both agreo
that moala at the School of MxibIc cafe
aro par excellence.
unJtGuB to bo on hand with lungs and
megaphones, when tho ball is kicked
off day after tomorrow. Beside tho
trip tho game will bo worth going
some distance to boo. A $4.00 rate is
surely not prohibitive, and overy one
should tako advantage of It, even If at
a personal sacrifice.
Pyrography Material Hand Mirrors,
Collar and. Cuff Boxes, Photograph
Boxes, Pipe Racks, Wall Pockets,
Match Safes, Burned Leather NoTel
tles at the Lincoln "Book Store.
Frank. E. Lee, Public Stenographer
and Notary. MhwSdgraphlc letters;
perfect Imitation. 501-502 Richards
Blk. Auto 1155.
Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. l&th.
cles of tho Republic," describes some
unique phases of Washington social
llfo is from an unnamed contribute
who is said to write from tho inner
circles of society. There aro short
stories from the pens of F. Hopkinson
Smith, Robert Grant, Alice Brown,
Mary Stewart Cutting and Elmor
Elliott Peake, and such interesting
writers as Julia Magrudor, L. Frank
Baum, and Grace MacGowan Cooke
hold tho attention of the children.
Many Christmas suggestions are
given In needlewont and the cookery
pages are redolent of tho Christmas
ti nst. In addition, there are the reg
ular departments ot the magazine,
with many special articles on topllcs
relating to woman's interests within
and without the home.
and Return
Union Shining Parlors. Shjne, 5c.
Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street.
The newest and finest Barber
Shop in Nebraska.. Particu-
ar attention given to face,
neck and scalp massaging, jt
'The VHsto'
1206 O St., Burr Block
Union Pacific
Account National Grange
Patrons of Husbandry. Dates
of sale Nov. 8 to 2t inclusive.
Pinal return limit, Dec. 3J.
Tourist Cars
.a Specialty
n .. "
Inquire at 1044 O Street
E. B. 8LOSSON, Gen.Agt
H25 O Street
Wo must pay tho penalty of
our success as tho leading piano
house of Nebraska.
The price of this is tho
Discontinuance of Our Art
The space we must have is
now taken up with pictures,
mouldings, etc.
We will therefore conduct a
Closing Out Sale
At Greatly Reduced Prices of
Pictures,' Frames
and Mouldings
And continue same until all is
sold. Xmas will soon be here.
Save money by buying now.
This is a bonafldo sale of sea
sonable goods. Wo are posi
tively going out of the art busi
ness. Don c misunderstand us, we
aro not going out of the piano or
music business; on V?q other
hand we are going to greatly
enlarge and increase it. We will
lay anything you want away un
til Xmas, jf desired.
Visitors welcome. Come early
and get first choice while the
lines aro unbroken.
1125 O Street
c p
. '; nj.tymMM
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