msskjI'w vn. w4r- w - vsP75?55??S5!55SrSf v-t" v 4 , JL 'SEbe 3)aih IRebraefcan Vol. IV, No. 33 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOV. JO, J904. Price 5 Cents S r " In- RATE COMES DOWN Railroads Offer $4.00 Rate to Kansas City. Prospect nro Hrlghtor for n Hip: Ex curnlon to UnnktUI Gnme. Yesterday an excursion rates of $4 for the round trip to Kansas City for the Haskell Indian game was an nounced by the Burlington and Mis souri Pacific railroads. The train will leave at 11 p. m. Friday evening, via the Burlington. Returning, the excur sion leaves Kansas City from the Mis souri Pacific depot at 11:30 p. m. Sat urday evening. The excursion reaches Kansas City at 5 o'clock Saturday morning. This rate is good only in chair coaches. The rate including sleeper Is $5.75 plus $2.00 each way, or $9.75 for the round trip. It is expected that this rate will be productive of a large crowd from Lin coln to cheer the Cornhuskers to vic tory. Excursions are to be run from many points in Kansas and. Missouri, and the game is regarded as the sport ing event of the season at the city on the Kaw. According to the Kansan, of the university of Kansas, Haskell will have the assistance of several hundred rooters from Lawrence, tho homo of Both K. U. and the Haskell institute. The game will, therefor, af ford an opportunity to reiww-otn4 ac quaintance with Kansas rooters, and Nobraskans will Jump at the chance to try conclusions with them once more. Talk'of the girl's rooting squad at tending the game Is reviving, since tho new rate has been announced. The excellent work done by the girls In the Iowa game last Saturday would make this result one to bo devoutly do Blred. Benedict's condition Is steadily Im proving. While unable to be about yet his log is much better. For tho first time since his football career began Bennie will be a spectator on the side lines at tne NebraskaHaskell gamo Saturday. The team that lines up against the Indians Saturday will probably be the same that took the field against Iowa, with tho exception of Benedict, at left end. It lies between Robertson and Standovon for this position, with the odds slightly in favor of Robbie, whoso weJghL gives aim. the advantage. What wo will do for a punter Saturday Is a matter of speculation. No one on tho squad can come within Bhouting dis tances of Bennio when it comes to "kicking; and as the Indians are strong in this department the loss of our captain will bo greatly felt. Hunter is out for practice again, and will probably Tie In tho first lineup Saturday. In scrimmage Tuesday even ing Weller tore a muscle lose In his right shoulder, and will bo out of prac tice for tho remainder of tho week. This Is a hard blow, for Borgs' ankle is not sound yet, by any means, and Woller haB shown himself a worthy substitute at center. The basket ball squad will report for practice at 4 o'clock this after noon. As yet not enough mon have turned out to make it worth while to open up the chapel floor, and conse quently, many have been unable to play, at all, or fpr a few minutes, at most. It will be but a short time until the first game, now everybody should come out for practice that can p"os,slbly do BQ, A lf lf it lit "tlj lit til lit iL lt llf lit if lit tif "A lt lit L lit til il tif it n it it it it n it u u it n H n n it it n Haskell Game - Kansas City Round Tip, $4.00 GOOD ONLY IN COACHES. Special train leaves the Vt B. & M. Station at p. m. Friday. Returning leaves Missouri t Pacific depot at Kansas City at J Jt30 p. m. Saturday. Sleeper n rate on same train $7.50. ttfttttt FIRST CLASS-GAME. Freshmen and Sophomores Will Struggle on Gridiron. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the first inter-class football game of tho year will bo played on tho football Hold, when tho teams of the Freshman and Sophomore classes will lineup against ei-ch other. Both have been showing up well In practice, and a hard gamo Is anticipated. Tho freshmon look espec ially strong, and promlBO to put up an excellent fight. In tho past tho freshmon athletic teams have usually won the championships. Last spring the freshmen track and football teams were oaslly victorious over all oppon ents, and be football team was van quished after two lomj-tl.wwii out and fiercely contejtod fights, by the oniors. Tho greptr numbers fioiu which the first year ,ioople aro eunl lid to draw, give them a rtoc'l-'l nd Min tage over the othrr ciu-in, which aio also weakened by th 'act tha: the Irtt athletes in their numbers aic u-uu'iy nnmbers of varsl.v toains and unarle to compete in lnic-rlass cci'i"sti on I hat account. The lineup for today"? game lias n t boon announced yet, and will not le luitll this afternoon. An admission fee of 10 cents will probably bo charged to defray the oxo'Hi&es of tho game. UNI. SENATE MEETS. Holds First Session of the Year Yesterday. The university senate met yesterday afternoon in U. 107, for tho first time thiB year. No business of great Im portance was concluded, but a com mittee of five, of which Dr. Bessey Is chairman, was appointed to look up the methods of conducting examinations in other western universities for tho pur pose of devising means for unifying our system. The following are the regents' rules regarding the university senate, as con tained in the recently-published by laws of the board. It will doubtless be found-to contain much informationTor tho majority of tho readers of the Ne Lraskan: Tho chancellor, the deans and tho professors who aro heads, of depart ments with such others as the regents may appoint shall constitute the uni versity senate. Directors of univer sity schools, the registar and the in- spector of accredited high schools may, attend sonato meetings and engage In Foot Ball Mass Meeting AT CHAPEL TODAY J 1 o'clock it it it a 1 ll if ifa ifa lit t t ifa ifa lit lfa lf 1 lto ifa tfa t dobate, but not vote. The chancellor of tho university shall bo tho presiding officer of tho son ato. In the absence of both tho chan cellor and tho senior dean, tho dean or the professor longest In service, who Is present, shall preside. Tho secretary of tho board of rogonts shall bo tho secrotary of tho univer sity sonato. In his absonco a tempo rary secretary may bo chosen. SECTION 4. HOW CONVENED. Tho sonato shall meet at tho call of tho chancellor. Notico of meetings shall bo transmitted to tho members, In writing, at least two days prior to the time appointed for meeting. The senate may consider general questions relating to the educational and administrive work and policy of tho university and shall have power to decide such questions subject to the approval of the regents. The order of business at the senate meetings shall be: 1. Reading minutes of the last meet ing. 2. Reports of standing or special committees. 3. Communications. 4. Miscellaneous or unfinished busi ness. A majority Of all the members of the stnate shall constitute a quorum; but no action of the senate relating to tho government of a college shall be bind ing upon the faculty of that college unless a majority of the members of such faculty be present. NAMES HOP COMMITTEE. Freshman President Appoints Members of Board. President Barwick of the freshman class, has apointed tho following first year people to take charge of the ar iangemonts for the annual freshman nop. The sophomore hop has already been held, and it is e'xpected that the fieshmen will -get busy immediately. -The committee: Edward Johnson, master of ceremon ies, Ray Kimball, chairman, Messrs. Bullock, Burruss, Barnes, Blaffk, Met ophe, ""Withers, Jlssesr Laws, Legore, Campbell, Bain. - We will make up the Bumstead stock in our tailoring department-at -25 per cent discount. Palne's, 1217 O street. Elliott's Sultorium, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1130 0 street. Both phones. $6.00 Meal Ticket $4.00. Lunch or meal. Good Health Cafe. it it it it $ GET fAMOUS PLAY The Dramatic Club Will Engage "Everyman" Company. Will Ilnine tho Templo I'lcdge ljr Thin Menus. At a mooting of the Dramatic club hold Monday morning plans for tho coming production of the famouB old play "Evoryman," which is to bo given under tho auspices of tho club, Docom bor 1, woro discusBod. Tho play will bo given for tho purpose of making up tho romalndor of tho pledge to tho Tomplo fund. Tho success of tho "Ladies Minstrel" last spring, whllo most pronouced was not sufficient to make up tho ontiro sum plodgod, and the success which has attended tho re vival of "Evoryman" at other placos in tho country has soemod to offer an ex cellent chance for tho club to score a sec or d big hit in Lincoln. It ih tho oldest play In tho English language over presented In this coun try, and was written and first played In England nearly 500 years ago sev eral years before Crlstopher Columbus siartcu on his famous voyage across lite Atlantic. It was revived two years ago by tho Elizabethan stage socioty at Oxford university, and created such a profound impression and aroused so much Inter est that It has since been played In all tne principal cities of England and America. No modern dramatic work of reent years has caused a tithe of tho disc ussion nor received one-quarter of the mention from tho dally and per iodical press as this strange morality ploy of the middle ages. Today the majority of intelligent readers are fa miliar with the story of ""Everyman" a story which Is as true now, as It was 500 years ago. Rudolph E. Magnus who plays the title role, is a young actor of great promise, possessing remarkable resorvo power: his portrayal of "Evoryman," for which he is eminently fitted both in physique and voice, has boon praised by the dramatists, and by tho clergy and imeillKent theatergoers. Tho com pany reimporting Mr. Magnus is ono of the hiipor lor attainments as tho charac ter of tn play demands. Tho company carries a complete sclenlc equipment Mstoiiccily accurate in every detail. This engagement can truthfully bo termed a novelty in more ways than one. and it cannot but arouso the deep est interest among all who appreciate that which Is best in the drama and literature. To mlBS this opportunity of witnessing a complete performance of "Everyman," will be a matter of sincere regret. The scenery and costumes have been especially designed from ancient prints lrr the British miiBo"iimand will add greatly to the splendor of the engage ment. The engegement of tho play by a college organization in America Is by no means a new thing. The nature of the play, Its setting and atmosphere, have made It a favorite among col lege students, and last year it was played at several of the most promi nent universities in the United States. At the university of Wisconsin, tho play was recently given, and made a decided success. Tho Saturday sales at the Two Fifty Hat store are eye ppeners for students. It Is always New, snappy goods '"fon sale, and alwaysat nearlv half nrlc. Something Is on. every Saturday. ti Tho Famous wilj give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. rv,i ' '-fl I -1-l w. I If you got it at Armstrong's, lfs right. HJcKKHH3cKtKtctcKaKit3c3KcKt3ccacKlcKKtK3c3K K.3c 33KC3cKcKtcK3c3caKKK Dr. W. E. Jack, Dentist, 1301 O St -. iddl. : .in tan. .tkitihtv.-ti; d . .. rmMiiiA jfa t g)Whfortlrigfejwg&i A. kr.j. wt