The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    ..!! 1 Mil ,lt, y.
b Uitlf tlclxaikan
Zb Ditty mbrssksa
fUvn.f.i ci nri tmxa, Pxa (ya-)
iktrsv urtvlifla; a.lT ftftw.r Ttptirt4n
hlf K WwMrf tturtujc th crmrcjtfjtn'Cj
U-l'J'J -J'.1 WJPJL'A1
4 rtlWttrttflfiatfrtIV (
VU tftyvTiMV 9Vrf tl Uhw .Hxm TM, fit
i hj ii ii n w; i ii "'" jiuuj. i. j, . jj
ftv nv frf tHtttcnnm
foH w v. ft wiw
i1tv cf ti &.tt;u mittif the ccMJifl!nfA I
IV-tt on ta Azj v ehe .'rnfn),. th j
iriV(rti f draw f7 io ffm r.h- j;
k flti-va ly "xotv htr frvm ch'
'ht-Xii tfff hit A nv 'vvn and ih- nism-
,v fhA- fi'i. , hr a:in liall
f'mi A. Xtotaf
4 9Jv(ffcf
akmua r?t A.r.xdf
tsrni it f Irilfsxnt
fr1tf U . MlivAtA HffUt
16NIUvrffcl ltr.vM ivJ ftiMfikM (ii n?i V, 1
Vmi Off! i'('-n A tJAln Tlto
'1 '. ' ju . "
J J .' i-lJJJ8.
I? r yr
' ' ' I ) ii i
m imwmw tUtum Mfttl mtr rnJr Jtm at tA
Kittttnm trt lfrti 3 179
ill )
'W ' jqOBSaMI
IfrMw! dMlfi will b rthrfwl for at )
dftmrUffnil p4 Pftirr1lf bJbrtlM r
Editorial Remarks
ihtih htpTK&tUjnti of appreciation an
that m(i4rt by Coa h Wlllard, of Knox
ollgn, which Is published In another
column of Uxlayn NnbraAkan Itf'nurrly
gratifying to all Nftbrunknnn Thr men
on Uui Knox Uumn h(v ulway ohown
Ihetnnrjrftw to bi tcrntlwmet), and the
Nebrankan. for one Ik ftlad to fxe that
Uwy havn apre luted whatever Nebras
ka ban been able to do an A hoH, dtir
Iok their vlnltn In Lincoln
The Nebraftkuti hop lo Ken u lib
eral exrtirnlon rale for the Kannan
Ctt trip obtained for NelmtaUa root
nr, tut even If the preuent rate of
f 6 . 7 r cannot be reduced, we aee no
fritvou why a larK" ' rowd of rootern
ohotild not accompany the team Kx
cupt for the Omaha trip, no real foot
ball exrtirnlon han been run thltt your,
und the pleamireti whbh would be af-
Sunday, November 1 3th, a 10c Cigar for 5c
To Introdu r npw brand we will tell the 10c itralgtt tiie for 5c.
Not more than live to one perion.
Ullinr Thantr Block
funlod by the -excvirttlon to Kamiau
(Mty Nhoiild proe doubly iiltnuilvo for
I bin lemioli Wo ex peel tho Haskell
game to be a hard one, iiiiIohii t tin lu
ll limn potrohn (ho Inevitable result
linfont the itltUKgle roully begins 'Hut
tho uioilt effect I ve ineanii for uiiiU till;
(hem appreilule the liopoloiuincstt of
I heir effoitit, would bo a Konoroun ill
londnnco of Corn litiuli oik, and u few
vorlforoun Nobnuiltu win whoops. I lu
ll or the i IrniiniituiH on, men u rate of
r.,7r In not oxorbltant Komothlng In
I ho iiolghlsirhood or :i Do would of
i out ho, prove more in optablo, but If
(hat cannot bo noniioil, an nnnunmis
I'lowd nhould bo In attoudanoo fioin
Lincoln, to show (ho MtsHourlans
"how," If for no olher roiiHon.
Fr Kiun oo Hleolp, :i S. ILMh St.
rh '1ivi:m((i of ft7 nlv-rrt' no
I'jir ftAnl lv p'-rmtffd t'i ot'iiC7'
f'n- HufAnriAi fToarnif ot ill t, J
atj-n ro fh stf'or kn rh- flnAl 'cti ,
fA-r Th- rrmrmrr h.'p f- ir, ih
fo zritiftufif rhar fo 'Ah yr?m vl
t ttttt ' f,n- rrf tfi an1 on of ,
V Jiiifc In tfh tttOfn and final
'frtttmt tnm ho iK h 'hr7 who ar
fjnatlflM for tb imWirm, and who
reputation a ffnnui of nnbateM
a tKn All Jtjdte- thall be InatrnAtd
fo Uv h-lr awardA on ih- mr-i
f.11-f tlren(A of tb; ivpk-r, and cvl-4f-iw
of hU power to meet the r-otiirem-Tif
of publl'- fteakln tn rh
pratl'al affairs of life
VI f.'nlvfjrslty Credit for the ork
Th'- fornmitte rerommenda that fredli
amoimtlnf; In all to five hour for one
term In the department of political
economy and public jtpaklng be jc'ven
for rejrular iopa Inht.rualon upon the
theme of this ronfent.
It. Ik the earnt delre of the rom
rnltte) having In charge the jvup-rvla-Iotj
of t.hl leajrue that permanent
fund or endowment Hhall be erttab
llnhed for Itn support With an en
dowment yelldlng 600 annually the
future nu'M"Afl of the league would be
The general Ktibjei hoen frr dl
nir.Mlon thH year t TttuUi Cnlonlum,
and the committee haa made the fol
lowing r,ub-dlvlhlonK of thin nubjfx-t. it
ha lein thought desirable to lncreawi
the number of nub-dlvLnlons or ub
o;(n to fifteen and thuA to eliminate
all poMtlblllty of a ntudent'H undertak
ing to memorize hl upecb
Tlje entrlen for the (ontrflU have not
all been made but from the favorable
replleft received In respowwj to circu
lar letter No. 1, the Indtcatlonn arc
that there will probably bo eighteen
or more wtato Injitlutlonti reprefiented'
In order that the time and place of
the Minion and final contcHUi may be
published an noon ait poHnible, the cen
tra I executive conwnltteo announces
that all entrlen muHt bo made by De
cember 20th; and that no entrlew may
bo made after that time except upon
ntuh ronditlonn an thlH committee may
Impfno Ah hcxjh aa aJl entriea have
been made each Htato unlvcruity will
be given a llHt of the InirtltmJonH par
ticipating and anHigned to that section
to which It geographically belongs.
Tho executive committeo recom
mends that active preparation on these
sub-topics bo begun utonco and that
local contest be held not Inter than
Kel.iuary Kith, 1905.
I. The charm tor of the "laboi prob
lem." '1 Forms of existing labor organi
zations. 'A. Aro tho fundamental principles
of trade unionism contrary to eco
nomic doctrine?
4 Uibor unions ami wagon.
T Unions, and tho hours and con
ditions ol labor,
(i Tho union and tho Individuality or
the laborer
7. Co-operation and pro lit hharing as
loniodlos for labor conflicts.
K. HtriUo provuntlon: Conciliation
and arbitration.
1). LugltlmtUo strlko niotliodn.
10, Tho union and courts ol' law
11, Hnvo public opinion, popular syin-
STje Ijgt Road
Chicago, St. Paul,
Council Bluffs and
pathy and legislation done more for
the cause of labor than haH been
done the labor tmion?
VI. Haa the entrepreneur the "right
to manage hlH own. busin3 as he
Bee fit?"
l.'J. la the domination of laboring
mena' influence in the government of
AUfitralasla proving detrimental to
the development of these countries?
14. Tho economic services of- the
Tho ( ultural services of the
FrofeKor E. O Krazler of " il
voralty of KauiHtR, Ih chairman of ho
central executive committee of the
league. Irof. Frasder will be remem
bered qh the man who accompanied
tho Kansas debatera to Lincoln last
Bprlng, and exprefM?d a desire for the
renewal of athletic relations between
tho two universities The other mem
bers of tho committeo aro Professors
M I.. Daggy, of tho University of
Washington and E. C. HaycH of Miami
(Ohio) Unlvcralty
Harry Porter
. v
1123 0 STREET
CX Jft. Tuokr, Jmimrmtmr
00k BoMDlhti
A. H. ILLtPtt
and Return
Union Pacific
Account National Grange.
Patrons of Husbandry. Dates
of sale Nov. 8 to J2, inclusive.
Final return limit, Dec. 3J.
Tourist Cars
a Specialty
Inquire at J 044 O Street
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen.Agt