--i;; v & b e H) a t l p Vlebraeltan i t i 4 I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOdt)S Hosb P. Curticp. HARDER SHOP Oropn'B, Pnlare and MoruI. HICYCU3S-ATHLETIC GOODS Si ll Ips HOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Rook Storr, Uni. Rook Slorp Rrown Drug Co ROOK HOSPITAL Cillespic HANKS Columbia National. FliH Na tional HOOKRINDL G Gillespip HOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CARPENTER-Geo A. Wlltson. CIGARS Kred A. Powell, Royle Sc Walker. Lindsay CLEANERS AND DYERS -Elliott. Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Magee & Dcpmer, UmVand. COAI GiCKory, P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candr Kitchen. DAIRY Lena Ins. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DENTIST Dr. Jack. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR THROAT Dr. Woodard. DOCTORS Dr. Mitchell; Dr. Lenhoff. DRUGGISTS Stolner. Woempener, Browa, Man. DRY GOODS Miller St Paine. KLECTRICaL SUPPLIES Rom Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. PLORIST8 Chapiu Brew. FURNITURtt Rudg k. Gnenzel. A. M Daria, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. G ROGERS- -Keyitone. HAHERDASHBRY 12.50 Hat Store. HARDWAR1-Rudge & GitenHel, F. K. Lahr. HOTELS Lindall. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LUMBER Dierki. MILLINERS The FamouB. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. DaTis, . ollf. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den. PIANOS Rosa P. Curtice Co. POOL AND BIU.IARUS B. P. Pow ell, The Ideal. PRINTING George Bros., New Cn tury. Ivy PrcBB, ReTiew Press, Grif fin &. Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Home Cafe, Uni. School of Music Cafe, Good Health. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor STENOGRAPHER -Frank E. Leo. SUITORIUM Weber, . BHHotts. TAILORS Un '.d, Union Colle Tailors. TYPEWRITER Remington. wniAmiAiAn-i-TW i STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring; at low prices see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J209. jt jt ot Union College Tailors South Tnt Jnct College Building '...- tWTTTM In Oter Colleges Tho dedication of tho new chapel nt Yaasar last wr-ek wan attended with im prowl vo ceremonioH. Tho chapel Ih tho gift of two alumni of Vastar Cornell bns rnnldcd a training table for the freshmen football squad this yeai The experiment has thiu far proved a decided hiccpss Fourteen men are presont at the table HerenftPr all undeivl.-'.'-Fnien lit An napolis u&ing tobacco v. ill be pxpened Only first classmen at tho naal aca demy are permitted the use of the wppd and fvoii tticn the use is surtounded by numerous restrictions The men nt the law ihool at Chi cago presented a petition to the council aaking that the women stu dentH bp prohibited the use or the law library The men declare that the girls preent serious work in the li brary. The chancellor of Syracuse univer sity announced in chapel last week that students are hereafter absolutely for bidden to hold or attpnd dancer His remarks have caueod great excitement at the university The chancellor as serts than dancing and dances nre in jurious to scholarship and study This year the journalism da-; at Michigan will have a chance at prac tical Journalism. They will get out a newspaper called "Tho Sun" and prepa rations are now being made for wo firsf issue. '1 ho work will probably deal only with tno literary side at journalism. The edition will be lim ited to 200 copies. Babcd upon a recent decision of tho committo on employment for .students at Columbia university haB JuBt handed in its report for tho year clos ing May 31, 1901. The total amount earned by the students with the aid of the committee waa $27,4f2 10, without their aid. $45,568.07. The ways in which the students earned money Is most Interesting. Tho occupations vary- from bell boy, laborer and conductor, to tutoring, life-insurance soliciting, and newspaper report ing. Based upon a recent dec ision by tho appellate division of the state supremo court donying Un right of non-rosldont students to vote In the districts whoro they attend college, legal proceedings are to bo instituted at tho instance of a political club at Columbia university to mandamus the boards of registry and lompel them to strike ouch stu dent's niimn from the official list of voters. There are two thousand oters at tending Columbia. Half of them are legally empowered to ote by actual tesidence In this city. But the othor half are likely to be denied a vote under the appellate division ruling. In which all the justices of that court concurred If tho maudamus campaign is ex tended to all the colleges of the state, many thousands of otes will bo lost. Persistent efforts are being made by a largo body of the law students to in dueo their brethern to remove their mustaches. Nearly all of these whose i.ppor lips are unadorned by any hir sute giowth lme joined in tho move ment and they constitute a decided ma jority. At u recent meeting they de cided that the offenders should be ghen until November 8, election day, In which to remove tho nulsanco, which they maintain is conducive to unsanitary conditions in the depart ment. Any who disregard this warning, they say, will immediately thereafter be summarily dealt witli. We have heard a good many ox rresB their surptiso that this movement should have originated in tho depart ment where co-eds are completely in the minority. Cornell Daily Sun. The Famous will give r. rpedul dis count of 10 per -cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid Cloves, corsets, etc. Rent a Remington at student rat and keep your notes In good form. Office Corner of Oliver Theater BJdg. Dr. W. ETjockT DontiEt, 1301 O St. Excursion Tickets Via The Burlington ST, LOUIS & RETURN X&? $9.25 ST. LOUIS & RETURN J Tv,mi" 30' F,""n $15,50 ST, LOUIS & RETURN ZNSmiaX:,Jmi $17.20 CHICAGO & RETURN l,rrmber 30 Umi' $20,00 CHICAGO & RETURN Xu $20.10 Burlington Depot, 7th Street, between P and Q Tclephono, Burlington 1290 Automatic 2113 JACOB NORTH 1118-1122 Printers and A li.st of University CIimu and which Son for Annual 1898 ' " teoo " " I803 " " 10O4 law Annual, Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N The Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1337 O Stroot Manufacturers of Home Made Candy Bullcrswoot. Best in the City All Kindi of Toy Ncvcltier, Footballs, Bananas, Etc, Etc TRY OUR CANDIES &Re4 A. BRANTHWAITE ' 113 North llth St. Sole Agent for Linooln. Columbia National Rantr fc OF LINCOLN, OaHK NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 Gri! fin-Grecr Printing Company im 6 street WWlng Invitations, BU ProjgrAflv, nd 1I kird of ComnnrcUl Prfntfn. 0Knm jt lr City Ticket OHico, 10th and 0 Strools. Telephones: Boll 235 Automatic 3111 AND COMPANY M Strmmt Bookbinders Publications printed by nB upeak for us. Sombroro, Olaso of 1895 " " $898 " " 1802 " " I904 1QG8-19Q4 STREBT 90000000000000000000000000 The College Man Is Particular About H(c Shoo THE WALKOVER SHOE ft the best sfioe for men's feet. Cur I ne in strictly up-to-date. Call and let us show them. Rogers & Perkins Sueccuor to Perkins oc Sftcfdon Co. 1129 O Street 30OOOO00OO00000000O00000QO Lindsttfs Cigar Store CARRIES MAGAZINES AND PIPES till HH Vry Llndsty'a Wfx(nr. op smoking Tobacco J18 North J Jth St. " LINCOLN, NHB M -i , - . ' t -Y ' V J. -, .ykmM'' f 't.ii- -.- A,.. , . , . .. . jfA.f ! A. - ; -. - . i-it.