VV-r - . " Hbe a i I s flebraefcan 3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY , Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GO0t)S Rosa P. Curtice. BARBER SHOP Green's, Palaco and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional BOOKBINDL .G Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CARPENTER Geo.A. Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Roylo & Walker, LindBay, Young. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Magee & Deemer, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White- breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DENTIST Dr. Jack. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DOCTORS Dr.' Mitchell; Dr. Lenhoff. DRUGGISTS Steinor, Woomponer, Brown, Mann. DRY GOODS Miller k. Paine. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Ross Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Clupin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guonzcl, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS Keitone. HABERDASHERY $2. 50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guonzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTEIvS Llndell. " JEWELERS Tucker, Fleming, Wolff. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Palace. LUMBER DIerks. MANDOLIN INSTRUCTION Mrs. R. W. Rhone. Studio, 1332 J, MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. Ui-Tj:CIANS Dr. J. J. Darls, .olff. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, , Hay den. PIANOS Ross P. Curtice Co. BLUMBER Korsmeyer " Co. - POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ;el), The Ideal. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & flreei, RESTAURANTS Westertleid, Home Cafe. Uni. School 'of Music Cafe, Good Health. SHOJ5S Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue. FrontJ9hoiL- " , SHINING . PARLQR Union" Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank 15. Leo. SUITORIUM Weber, . Elliotts. TAILORS Un. ad, Union College Tailors. TYPEWRITER Remington. Gutting Prices on Tobacco and Pipes On Sunday, Nov m' cr 6 we w 11 te'l 10c package of Durham for 5c 20c package of Durham for 10c Low prices on alt 10c cigars tbis mocth. One-fourth off on Pipes. "'"M"1 ' ' m,V . - i-i iii-i-i - .I,. FRED A. POIAELL fti?J!? In Otfyer Colleges On November 11 the largest banquet over held at Michigan will be given by the "Michigan Union." The Seniors at Berkely have de cided to wear the cap and gown only on university dnys, which occur fort nightly. A number of innesola men have organized a grafters club. It is their plan to "bum" their way to all the football games played outside of Min nesota. In the republican l ally recently hold In Madison Square garden, a parade of C.000 men. representlnfl nlumnl of tvonty-elght colleges, was a feature of the clay. The question of making election day a college holiday is being agitated at Cornell. It is urged that a largo num ber of students win roturn home to vote, whether or not university work Is suspended. Plans are being made for the open ing of a college at Johnston City. Tonn.. for people who were not ablo to get a college education when young. A number of elderly men and women have registered as Freshmen. If Andrew Larnegle wishes to die poor, ho should start through college and attempt to buy all the books that the professors want him to. Wo will guarantee that he will be as poor as a church mouse before he is classi fied ns a bcnlor Washburn Review. Letters have been received from University of Cincinnati and from Brown University asking for 'i ..anks glving games with Michigan. At pres ent Brown seems the most eligible, but no definite plans have been made. A new macadamized road will soon be built through tho Callfornlan Uni versity campus. It is expected that tho construction will afford a valuaolo object lesson to the students in engi neering, as well as an example to municipal authorities in modern street improvemeni Thero Is a novel presidential cam paign going on at Vassar. Campaign committees have been appointed, head quarters established and ward workers are "hiiBtling" votes. The college has been divided Into wards and about 1. 000 students have registered. Repub lican and democratic stump speakers are id evidence and all the machinery of the election is at work. i no Senior college annual of the University of Chicago has frustrated on attempt to establish an honor sys tem of examination. Their justifica tion for this act bus been exprossed by saying, "If students were observed to be guilty of dishonosty, the rolloge man's code of honor would prevent this being reported to the faculty. The honor system would thus defoat its own purpose." The state museum has Just received from E. A. Barbour, some beautiful pine cones, together with specimens of tho bark of the sugar pine of Southern California. These were col lected and donated by Mr. Barbour, U. of N. '93, now at Ft. beward, Califor nia. The largest cono is thirteen inches long and twenty inches in clr conference. Tho bark is from six to eight inches thick. Bust's of Roosevelt and Parker will be given to the members of the repub lican and democratic clubs. Maxwoll's, 13th and N. Dr. W. E. Jack, Dentist, 1301 O St. MARSHBURKE Co. Succeiior to Tho P. D. Smith Coal Co. and Tldball-Marsh Co. Carry the be tgrad s of domestic MONARCH at $6.50, ROCK SPRINGS and WYOMING LUMP at $850 and ihe bt Colo rado you ever used at $8.25. All kinds of steam coal the best money can buy. Office, 1140 O Street; Phones, Bell 793, Auto. 3373 Yard, 6th and N Streets; Phones, Bell 329, Auto. 2329 Yard, 20th and N; Bell Phone 382 Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N Xxx 1IIHIITIIITTTTTTIITTTTTTTIIIIIITIIIIIIITIIIIIX1I PORTLAND AND NORTHWEST via Reicifio This route gives you 200 miles along the match less Columbia River, a great part of the distance the trains running so close to the river that one can look from the car window almost directly into the water, Two through trains daily with ac commodations for all classes of passengers. Shortest Line -Fastest Time. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street; Lincoln VlIimrililTltTYIIITTtYrrTTTTITTIIIIIIIIIlIIIITirTT Short Cime Loans Wi Loan Money to You. SEB US PEOPLE'S LOAN AND TRUST CO, Rom J 07, Ground Floor Fraternity-"Buildlnr J. K. BURLEIGH, Manacr E. E. MANN ' Carries a full line of A. A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them, 117 North Elevonth Lincoln STEINEB-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WTjoIm!. uU Rttall w- DRUGGISTS Automatic Phon 1707 1 M O Strttt LINCOLN, NEB. ' A. H. GILLI8PIC Phone J HO . 1524 O Street The Palace Livery Co (PALACE STABLES) The Finest Turnouts in the City. UU Phone 453 Automatic Phoni M03 U29-M3J M' STREET Amo g whi b you wil flndtt STREET THE LJnion 3OOO0OOOOOOOO0O0OOO00O0OOO The College Man Is Particular About Hit Shoes MfSTSWd THE WALKOVER SHOE 1 Is the best shoe for' men's- fl feet. Cur line k strictly up- 9 to-date. Call and let us m show them. Roarers & Perkins e.-Tii .- r--ti- - o...j- .- ' 1129 O Street uuuauuouoaannn &fambfA Nation! TlU OF LINCOLN, MmUM. Vff NED RASKA 4H 71 '? 'i .i tl -d A t i tA ! ft A ,l i: . ,l ! H i n CaplUUJOO.OGO.OO , . f . 4 ..T.'JJa m las