The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1904, Image 1

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    iflUftyV' L'"4;r'4'' '" w!i;f'' '
ftbe S)ailv IFlebraekan
Vol. IV, No. 27
Price 5 Cents
n .
Hawkeyes to Play Cornhuskers
on Football Field Saturday.
Ht'ooml III;; Gnino of tlio Yrnr I'ronilxrH
tn lo Clour,
The second of Nebraska's four big
games this year will be played next
Suturdaynftcrnoou, when the univer
sity of Iowa will appear pn the local
field. Although a victory for Iowa is
not anticipated, a close game Is as
sured. Last year it was thought that
the Hawkeyes would prove easy money
lor the Cornhuskers. yet the game re
sulted in ono of the closest scores
of the season, and Iowa scored the
only touchdown made on Nebraska
that year.
Last Saturday the Iowans had a hard
time with Ames, but the latter has an
excellent team this year and .ield Min
nesota to a score of 32-0.
4 Iowa has several heavy men and
may be expected to put up the game of
her life to dofeat Nebraska, particu
larly on account of her bad defeat at
the handB of Chicago, and on account
of the record Nebraska bids fair to
make this year.
Prices for the game have been an
nounced, 'iney will be $1.00 for gen
eral admission, which will admit to
either the bleachers or the end seats of
the grand stand. For reserved seats in
the choice sections of tho grand stand
$1.25 will be charged.
Important Alterations in Basket
Ball Now in Effect.
Among several changes In basket
ball rules watch went into effect Tues
day and which will noticeably affect
the game during the coming season,
are several which are of special in
terest to Nebraska. Screens such as
are used bohind ono of tho baskets in
the gymnasium can no longer be used,
and the baskets must have a back
ground of wood. The work "basket"
will be used Instead of ' goai as here
tofore. The maximum playing space
of 3.500 square feet has been done
away with, and tne lloor can be of any
Blze. Tho floor in our gymnasium
measures about 1,800 square feet. The
paying of officials' expenses in serial
championships is no longer mandatory.
""" A most important change prohibits
more than one player of each team
irom . tackling the-ball at the same
time. A "dribble" bouncing the ball
along the floor is now only counted
such -when the player advances more
than two stops. whlIorolling or boun
ing the balu Under rule l, section 17,
a man fiTnot out of bounds 11' only" one
foot is -outside. JEloT-ors may be
changed at any time during tho game.
Last year's rules as well as the now
rules, authorized tho referee to award
one point to a man fouled by an op
ponent while trying for goal. Thero
was somo doubt formerly as to whether
the team whose player was fouled
should also have free throw for goal.
The new rules add that "this shall not
interfeer wltji a free throw for goal
from foul line," thus making it pos
sjble to secure four -points on this ono
If whilo being fouled the player
throws tho goal two points are scored,
one points Is awarded by tho referee
and the player is allowed an additional
free throw for .the foul, giving him
on opportunity "of .scoring one point
more if ho throws the foul goal. Un
der the pld rules, if a. player threw
for goal from outside and missed the
basket, tho ball went to the center,
whilo under tne new rules tho ball con
tinues in play.
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Iowa vs Nebraska
Saturday Afternoon, November 5th
Admission $ J, 00 and $1.25
Cross Country Runs Not to be
Held in St. Louis Nov. 17.
Dr. Clapp has received a notice from
James K. Sullivan the ch.ef of the de
partment of physical culture at the St.
Louis exposition, stating that the croBH
country meet of tho big i.ymplan
games has been called off. No reason
was assigned but it is supposed that
this action was taken on account of tne
lack of interest shown by the different
The meet was to have been held at
St. Louis on November 17. and was
open to all registerd amateurs. The
distance was to have been eight miles
with tho first mile on the Olympic
tracks, six miles across country and
a finish of one mile on the track. Each
colloge was to bo allowed to .enter an
unlimited number ol men, but oiwy o
first five to finish were to score for the
team prize. The winning team was to
have received a gold medal, emblem
atic of the championship of t ho
United States and the first man re
ceived a gold medal and honor of
champion of the United States.
NebrasKa nad Intended to send a
team of five men to compete and a
great deal of interest had been aroused
in it i. ere. Captain States has had
the men out Monday, Friday and Sat
urday of each week for a live or six
milo run.
- As previously announced Norasna
will, however, send a team of five men
to Chicago on i hanksglvlng aay to
compete for tho championship of tho
middle west. All of tho prominent
colleges of the west will participate.
Jeffersonian Club Meeting.
The University Jeffersonian club
will hold its last meeting before elec
tion this evening in the law lecture
room. It is expected" that there Will
be an especially enthusiastic meeting
and every Democrat is invited to
come out and have his party spirit
kindled by tho "entnuslasm that will
bd In evidence. Those who ar,e Intend
ing to go home to vote are, requested
rtlcular to bo present at the meet
ing or give their names and home ad
dresses to some of the membepTof the
TJio Y. M. C. A. prayer meeting will
boJiehl as usual in the Y. M. C. A.
rooms at 7 oGclock this evening. All
university men are invited out to
spend a quiet half hour in prayer and
song. A good leader has been pro
vided and it will be of pront for ovory
man to spend tho snort half hour after
supper at tho meeting.
Practice last evening was not very
heavy. Bender was tried again at
quarter and promises to becomo a fix
ture there. A short scrimmage was
hold, but io heavy work was done.
$5.00 Meal Ticket ?4.00. Lunch or
meal. Good Health Cafe.
Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street.
Doth phonos.
llbmo Mado Bread and Pastry.
The Homo Cafe, 214. Sp. 12th.
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Girls' Basket Ball Begins to
Attract Attention.
Tho gii.'s began regular basket ball
practice labs' week, although as yet no
teams have boon organized. This sea
foii an unusual numbei ol experienced
iieshinen are on hand, compared with
last year, when there were hardly more
than two or three. From the Lincoln
high school comes a group of swift
player. Miss Aiossie Kimmql, Nellie
Stevenson. Florence Woods, apd Hat
tie Woodworth. From the academy
team, Misses Hazel Cameron, Helen
Donekemper and Nita Le Oore are
now in school. From tho Geneva team
comes ..ilss Thyra Stevens, from the
Pawnee team, Ml&s Otis Hassler, from
a Colorado team, Miss Freda Miller,
not to mention several from various
Nebraska and othor team. It, Is felt
that with such material to choose
from the freshmen should be able to
organize not only a strong first team
but a strong second team. v
The hour on Tuesday, Wednesday
audi Friday from 1:00 till 5:M) is at
present open for general practice for
txeperlencod players, new or old, each
of whom Is given a chance to play
sometime during the hour. This has
brought out quite a throng eacn day.
Last year, when there was but an hour
n week for practice and that at less
favorable time, it was generally the
custom to ask a few prominent can
didates up each week for an hour's
gamo in r.omo particular position a
method which gavo less opportunity
lor the development of new material.
Gubernatorial Candidate to Give
Postponed Address.
Hon. Cico. W. Berge, Fusion candi
date for governor will speak at con
vocation this morning. Ho was billed
to delrvor an address last Monday
morning, but on account of tho foot
ball rally the program was postponed
till today. Mr. Berge Is a pleasing
convincing speaker and those who
have not had an opportunity to hoar
him. are urged to be present this
Lieutenant Greene 67 Hie regular
armycalled yesterday upon his former
lnstructofs-in tho university. Ho was
a special student in entomology nnd
botany seven or eight years ago, and
on tho breaking out of tho Spanish
war he enlisted in the army and was
sent to tho Philippines. Ho has had
many- Interesting experiences since
leaving tho university. Ho is now sta
tioned at one of tho forts on Pugot
Tho Famous will give a spoclal dls
cbunt of 10 por cent to university stu
dents on all purchases of millinery, kid
gloves, corECts, etc.
Bust's of Roosevelt and Parkor will
bo givon to the mombers of the repub
lican and democratic clubs. Maxwell's,
13th and N.
h A ifr il V 'if A J t is ts 'Us i A 'Ui- U L f lU-
tR w''t Fr ' jpJ
To Form Big Rooting Squad for
Saturdays Game.
Intent! In Keep OrRniilziilloii Inliwl
for llimlioll (in mo.
An inovatlon in the way of a girls'
looting Hquod is promised for Satur
day's game. A movement is now un
der way to organize such a squad,
and Is meeting with gratifying suc
cess. A large number of girls have
already signified their willingness to
Join the squad, and many moro will
doubtless do so bofore tho game. The
chapel has been secured for tho pur
pose of arousing enthusiasm In the
project for tomorrow morning. It In
probable that If the affair proves a
sucecs. a liberal section of tho grand
stand will bo Sot aside for the new
looters, and tho battlo between tho
bleachers and this section will doubt
less bo worth going far Ho witness.
Tho organization Is not to bo dis
continued after tho Iowa game, how
ever, but wi.i bo present In full forcn
at tho Haskell gamo In Kansas City,
provided a reasonable rate Ib secured
'for an excursion. Tho yell contest be
tween the fair white faces and the
husky braves that would result in this
ovont, would, it is foarcd, detract from
tho interest of the gamo, itself, but tho
ever-greedy football management sees
a great drawing card In this fact, and
has refused to lend Its effort to dis
courage tho proect. It is also under
stood that Johnny Bender i.ns been
won over by the girls, on condition
that r0 per cent of the yells given bo
for him. Tho bargain, wo are told,
will be carried out to the letter
Company B Gets List of New
The following promotions wero an
nounced at drill last evening. To be
corporals Co. "B," cadet private, Cloyd
cWilliams, cadet private, Fred Ayer,
cadet private, Ray Cooper, cadet pri
vate, Harry I-app, cadet prlvato H. E.
Graham, cadet private, Chus. 8under
lln, cadet private, Fred Wolf.
Co. "C" obtained their equipments"
last evening, nnd at tho presont time
i-early all ol the companies are having
squad drill with rifles.
Tho battalion appeared In ful uni
form last night for tho first time this
year. Tho new drill cap has improved
tho appearance of the men pert- -,pt-alily.
DjebateaHn Rhetoric 15.
The debates in Rhetoric 15, tho In
troductory course, begin thin after
noon, wnen tho compulsory incorpora
tion of national labor unions-will be
argued by L. H. Logro. and W. L.
Cark on tho afllrmatlvo and Mason
Wheeler ami B. M, itarvln on tho
negative. The debates in aotoric 15.
take place from 2 to 4 o'clock Wed
nesdays in U. H. IOC. Visitors arc
allowed to attend. o second hour
Is given up to criticism of tho debate.
A couple of days ago .tho Depart
ment of Botany received from Eng
land two "Sunshine recorders" for
use in tho ecology classes. Thoy make
an automatic record of tho daily
amount and intensity of tho sunshine
which -.plants rdceivo.
Frank E. Lee, Public Stenographer
and Notary. Mhjjographlc letters; -perfect
imitation. 501-502 Richard
Blk. Auto 1155.
Union Shining Parlors. Shlno, 5c.
Chairs for ladles, 1018 O street. '
, '
'Chapln Bros., FlorhHs, 127 So. 13th.
I 'h.
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