The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
rfr fcbe JDatls fU bi Nftan .y v- A, G. Spading & Bros, Largest Manufacturer! In (he World ol Official Athlolio Supplies. Tho foot brill rap pllofl mnnufnotur- nOtsJKOmrk ino & Unos. arc th bout that cam nlmolutoly bo pro duced ; thoy nro of nuporlor rank: thoy have stood tho test for over twontT-clght years, nnd nro used by all Inter oolUfflnto, IntoraoholnRtlo and prominent foot ball teams of the oountry. No oxponso Is spared In making tho goods ocarlng the Bpaldlnf Trade-Mark as near perfect a it In possible to prodnoe a manufactured artlc nnd If it bears (his mark of perfection it Is tho boat . BPALDINCf'8 OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SJIDE. Edited by Wnltor Camp. Contains s NEW RULES FOR 1904. Spooial articles on tho irarae. It is, in fact, a complete en cyclopedia of tho game. Price 10 oente . . flPALDINO'S HOW TO PLAY FOOT BALL. Baited by Walter Camp . Nowly revised for 1004. Undoubtedly tho boot book ever published on on the game, for it contains all a beginner ceroid know, and many lntereotlng facta for . prlenofd player . Prioe 10 conts. 'lilt pertains to athletics, we make It." A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. lew York Ohioaeo St. Louis lladelphia San Francisco Kansas City aaio Denver Washlngtoa iten Baltimore Pittuburc ineapolls Montreal, Can. London. Knt Send for a copy of Spalding's Fall and Winter port Catalogue. It's free. Dr. J. J. Davis Graduate RdractlonW 9 8fctacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. ' 1232 O Stre.t-Auto Phont 302 1 . Rtldoc 2818 LINCOLN, NEB. T. J. THORPE CO. Gonor'l Machinists All Kindi oi Repairs Locksmiths and Platers Phone 614 309 So. Jlth LINCOLN Cbarhs B. Gregory ( v. or n. '9i ) Yafeyhonta 843 t..n4 3391 . . the Coalman NO. J 044 O STRBBT Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cae Llttlo Uiin Hot Wnfll.-MUHlFIno MciiIh mid Lunches 1 I7-J2I North 13 Street Quarter Size XOLLARS Imve a nizc every quarter of an inch. This Rives one u elinnee to secure that perfect lit and sit which anarka the well made, .collar und the well il routed man. The 1) c h t of the Quarter Size Collar are titumped Cluett CLUBTT Cl! ALTON AKKOW Alcon Arrow two for 25 cents The only difference is in the quality in nil else they nro alke. Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett nnd Monarch Shirts nam m Jmmmmmam. 'miaaaaaaaaaaamm ' mmaaam A''rfflafM -v -'.JBV'MPB I lmaam aaaaaaaaaWrJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW WILL ATTEND CONVENTION. Chancellor Andrews Goes to D, U. Conference. Chancellor Andrews left lafit evening for Chicago, whore he will attend the seventieth annual convention of Delta UpBllon, of which he Is a member. Messrs. C. A. Davis, F. Day, M. P. Campbell nnd E. R. Walton of the local chapter, are also In attendance, tho first two as delegates. Among prominent men to take part In the convention will be Judge E. B. Sherman, honorary president of the fraternity; Hon. Charles O. Dawes, acting president; President Francis of Brown University; President Jordan of Stanford University; W. B. Cham berlln. editor of tho Minneapolis Journal. THE FIRST DEBATE. Class In Argumentation Begins Active Work Today. The first debate of tho Homester In .. .etoric 17 the advanced course In oral discussion takes place this after noon In U. H. 10(5, at 2 o'clock. The speakers will be Charles A. Sawyer and Frank A. Brookings on the affirmative and Albert M. Levy and J. G. H. llan len on the negative of the proposition that the direct primary system should be Introduced Into Nebraska. The de bate will as usual be followed by criticism of It, tho class meeting two consecutive hours. Tho debatees In this course, as well as L.ose In Rhet oric 15,are, as heretofore, open to visitors. TO BEGIN SERIES. Prof. Ott's Lecture Sunday the First of Many. The first of a Berles of twenty men's meetings will begin next Sunday at the Oliver. Last year the interest of the men in them was exceedingly great. The character of the meetings could not fall to attract. This year oven greator efforts have been put forth to make these meetings more successful and attractive. Men of national prom inence and distinguished ability have been secure in advance. Next Sunday Dr. Ed Amherst Ott. who made such a hit here some time ago in his lecture "Sour Grapes." will speak on "The Masculine Christ." He is a man of keen intellect and pleasing personality, inspiring those whom he addresses. Miss Maud Kendall will render some vocal solos. There is no charge for admission and every man In the city is Invited. The doors open at 3:30 p. in. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Prayer meeting leaders for sixth week: Monday Cleo Howard. Tuesday Susie Kenyon. Wednesday Eda Marquardt. Thursday Eva Cooper. Frirhry-'Miss Walker. SUNDAY MEETING. Tho recognition service of the Y. ,W. C. A. will bo held on Sunday, 3 p. m.. U. 100. At this time tho new members will be recognjged by the association. All the old and new "members are urged to be present. The, reception at the First Baptist church tonight, corner 14th and K atroets, Ib for all students who would enjoy a pleasant evening and meet the many Baptist young people In our city and unlvoralty. You are invited. Turning's Dairy for Ice Cream, Milk and Confectionary. Pralrio chiclten and meats of all kinds to tho queen's taste at the School of Music Cafe. Try it. Get tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladies. 1018 O street. Homo Made Bread and Pastry. The Homo Cafe, 214 So. 12th. Dr. Lenh'off, '97, has moved to 145 1 So. 11th street. Dr. W. E. Jack, Demist, 1301 O St. inniunniiiiiniimiiummxiixiiinxiimiii 9fl!lssWn Take the World's Fair Special leavin Lincoln daily at 4:30 p, m when you cfo Only $925 round World's Fair Mags S W Corner 12th R W, CORNELL, P. T- A. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTIITITTITITITIIITIIlliminillMTTTTTy Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has electricjfighted trains, solid vestibuled. steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F, A, NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. 7 Prof. Heaid is devlBlng and build ing some new apparatus for use In his doss in plant physiology. Several advanced botanical students have heron "cited" to appear for ex amination, with a view to entrance to the Iibtanical seminary. The forestry students have organized ayclub which is to meet once a fort night to discuss topics in their line M work. They will meet In tho botanlval lecture room in Nebraska Hall. Tho Y. V. C. A. received a collec tion of new song books this week. Tho books are loaned to the associa tion by Von Ogden Vogt of Hoston. The observatory will be open to visitors Friday. Oct. 28, from 7 to 9 p. m., for a view-of Saturn.' 1 "Miss Mabel Rojer, '04, is teaching English In -the high school In Red Falls, Minnesota. Miss Cleo HowanFwil! spend Sun day at hor homo at PaWTTee City. I Lunches and meals that appeal to you. Good Health Cafe. Dr. A. R. Mitchell has moved to 145 So. 11th street. .Lincoln Transfer Phone 17C. Co.; baggage. .Armstrong Clothing Company, Qrac tlcal hatters. I Incoln Local Express, 1039 N street. Roth phones. If 'you got it at Armstrong's, It's right. ' For Furs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St. The best line to the great World's Fair trip, good seven days 8 Etc. at office, and O stree )OOOOOC)C)OC)OOOOC)OOOOOOOOCXDOO TheJJncolnJ Manufacture. th Purat Candy In th city. All kind of Nov!tlci, PootbalU, Water melon and Fancy Boxci. 1337 O street Llnooln The Ideal ROYLrrE" Istir"" Billiards and Pool TEN NEW TABLES ' JQ23 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWN COAL We have been very successful In catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINE is wanted. Why can't we furnish N you with your Groceries tot all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY iai South 1 3 th Street city is. w -1 N .? ' A if,