The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
XT b e Dalls IReb r as ftan the Daily fiebraskan A oonRolldntlon of Tho Hraporian, Vol. 01, Tim NebrnHknn, Vol, 10 Sonrlot mid Orcntn, Vol. 4. I'libRlfnl dnlly, oxrupt flunclriy and Mondny, ,t tho IfnlvorMlty of Nnbriinkn, Lincoln, Nob. by the HoHiMirlnn PubllnhlnR Co., Board Or DmKCToiw ProfiHorH J. I. Wyor, nnd C. R. Richards: II. P. Lcnvltt John WoHtovor K. R. Wnlton. Bdltorln Chief MnnnKr Circulator Am't. Adv.Man5'r ASSOCIATE New Athlotlo AHHlHtant Athletic Local Society Lltorary Paul A. Ewlng A. O. Schrolbcr Wnltcr K. Standovcn Frod Naughton EDITORS .1 . Clyde Mooro Fnxl A . Sweoloy Raymond H . McCaw D. P. Do Young MIrh Mlnnlo fllllor MIhh Ixta Stcttcr Editorial Room r and BukIiiopi Office U 211$ PoHt Office Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. HubHcrlptlon Price, 12 per yoar, In advance Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nob., oh Hocond-olww moll matter undor tho act of congress of Moron B, 1870. Individual notice will bo charged for at the rate of 10 conte for enoh InBortlon. Facility, departmental and unlvorHlty bullotlna will gladly be pabllHhwl f roo, oh heretofore. Editorial Remarks OUK FOOT HALL, NUMUKU, With tho consuming Interest that is now being shown In football, tho Dally Nobraskan believes that there Is no time Uko the present to nrnko an nouncement as to our plans for com memorating tho present season. At the Thanksgiving day game with Illinois wo shall place on sale a splen did football number, which wo believe will surpass anything of tho kind ever beforo attempted, at Nebraska. Plans for this number, although not finally shaped as yet, are now being worked upon, and although wo cannot this early go Into close detail on tho mat ter, wo think we can promise a souvenir that will fittingly record a season which we aro sure will be ono of tho most successful tho Cornhuskors have over experienced. Ono of tho chief features of tho magazine will, of course, bo the Illus trations. As an example of what wo aro planning to do In this line, wo would call attention to tho half-tone of Captain Benedict, which wo pub lish In today's paper. Although the quality of paper used In tho dally Issue of Tho NVbraskan is not good enough to bring out tho cut to the best pos sible advantage, we are suro that the Illustrative features of tho football number 'will assure It popularity, if nothing olso accomplishes that result. Wo shall make further and more definite announcements as to tho liter ary, as well as Illustrative, features of the football number as soon as our planB are a little-more matured. In tho meanwhile, If you havo any sug gestions which would bo ofylid to us, wo should be very glad to receive them. We want the football number to bo all that Tho Nebraskan'B name signi fies a true representative of Nebraska. Ront a Remington at student rate and keep, your notes in good form. Office Corner of Oliver Theater Bldg. fcrrtrfrrrtrrtrfr PHI MmmmmM I Bf ill wwtmBm if'-" Vv9 5A'! M&-tPViil?j r&- JglA Our Suits and Overcoats Selling at SIO, $12.50, $15. $18, $20 and up to $30 hav'e made a Wonderful hit among university men. Better garments were never made possessing the Jimit of style and good looks. Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS j2 In Swell Company You'll never go any where in any company where you will not feel and be well dressed if you wear Armstrong clothes. That's the reason we tell you so much about them. They are worth talking about, worth wearing, and what is more, they are worth paying for. They are the kind of clothes stylish young fellows like. The most severe clothes critics in the world are the young men of today. 0ji3j0j3jjjitt DRAMATIC CLUB MEETS. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and tkroat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone 666. Special attention to watch Jew elry repairing. E. Fleming, 1211 O street Adopts Plans for Raising Rest of Temple Pledge. The Dramatic club held an Important meeting at convocation period yester day morning. In spite of the football rally a large number of old and new members were present. The most important matter under discussion was the means of raising money to cover tho club debt which amounts to $125. Two plans bad been 5"ggC3ted one to give a vaudeville In the chapel, tho other to engage the company of "Everyman," now playing la the east, for one performance. If the latter plan were acted upon, it would mean the renting of the Oliver theater as the chapel theater, It was found, Is about half as wldo as tho companyrequires. After much discus sion it was unally decided that the play of "Everyman" be given about tho 1st of December. The company giving tho play Is a very excellent one and they demand a large sum of money for tho ongagement, so that a -full house Is required to bring the necessary funds Into tho hands of the Dramatic club. The play "Everyman" Is a revival of the old morality plays and Its produc tion has caused much comment in the east for tho last few years. Miss Howell Is promised theald of the English department in her venture, as well as tho backing of many prominent Lincoln people. Each member has also pledged nimseif to Bell a certain num ber of tickets or pay the delinquency, so tho success of tho affair is already assured. The meeting closed with the signing of tho constitution by tho now members. What Is It? Professor Bessey Is engaged In tho preparation of a paper on tho pro tococcoldeal, the lowest order of the green algae. It Is to be published In the transactions of the American Mi scroscoplcal society. Elliott's Suitorium. cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. See Fleming. 1211 O street, about your jewelry; special attention to repairing Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. L Blue Front mO Shoe Shop tajtj I. Kolbach 1326 O Street We have always been known ai the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY. Thli icason wc arc turning out btcr work than evtr. Wc want your business. ROV W. RHONE MMdoIIn and dulUr Instructor Stu4U 333 j it., Llacola WwjjMiiy autruetor In Unlrcrsltr School ! VLaU AUatiturUo.ofrfnfup Auto Phono .. Have you seen YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 1514 O Street Unland's Hats A full line of FURNISHINGS "He Makes Clothes" j Bell 754 yiwWajMinVpaaii 9w