Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
r TIbe 3)ail$ IFlebraekan Vol. IV, No. 23 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCT. 27, J 904. Price 5 Cents '5 IV THELASTPRACTICE Cornhuskers Did Fast Wprk Last Night at Practice. MpriMl In tho IMiiy" Iiirrcunpn. llnrirlok Miy Not 1MHJ-. I.nst night's practice, the last be fore the team leaves for the north, was devoted to somo punting and catching, but moHtly to signal prac tice. Formation after formation was run through with speed and snap that looked good to those on the inside lines. Every man fn the varsity squad was given a trial at the signals. The bpeed of the men has increased very noticeably and will be greater by Sat urday, when Nebraska lines up for victory against the big men of Minne sota. They are big, but weight can Jc overcome by speed. Their heavy players are hard to stop if started, but they won't get started. Coach Booth is quoted as saying that Ne braska will win and in this ho voices the opinion of the. university. Of (ourpe there are some afflicted with the "frigidi pedes." who balk at a stiff proposition and who say that Ne braska has no show, but those are ,pv and far between. The team is going to Minnesota to win and tfthe railroads permit, the rooters are going en maste to cheer their team on to ictory. At present it .looks as though, Har wich, who had made good at quarter, will not be in the game Saturda Monday at practice ho wrenched his rljjht shoulder severely and will be in poor shape by Saturday This is a big loss, but Nebraska has faith In jr CHARLES B6RG. center. This is Borg's (bird year on the varsity. He first proved his ability to bo classed with the best centers In the west in Uhe Nebraaka-MlnneBOta game, two 'years ago. Though practicing a good Ueal at guard, Borg will probably hold tho plvota) position Saturday." 'atfjftf"- '' Ib tjtifr-unt Y .a.i-. McDonald, who will probably take Bar wick's place. As ot. the definite time the team leaven Is not known, but It will be announced at mass meet ing this morning and by bulletin. Last night Coach Booth Had not de cided just who were to be taken north, but they will probably bo Benedict. Bender, Borg. C. Mason. O. Mason. Mills. Hunter, Johnson. Cotton. Shook. Barta, Ppoer, Standevon. Burns. Fen Ion, Craig, Eager. Marsh. Barwlck, jMo Donald and Wcller. . The following list of names Minne sota sends as eligible to participate in intercollegiate football. From this list the team Nebraska moots Satur day will, of course, be chosen: W. J. Bandelln. P. P. Brush. F. P. Burgan. G. L. Case. D. Clark. Earl Cur rent. J. P. Cutting. O. N. Davfes. J. L. Gloason. .1. E. Hannon. F. R. Hunt er, W. F. Ittner, J. E. Kremer. A. E. Larkin, Earl Luce. It. W. Marshall. A. G. Muossle. G. F. Oech. M. I.. Rlcker. O. E. Safford. C. R. Sanborn. D. I). Smith. F. A. Snyder. M. I,. Strathern, V. A. Tschabold, A. R. Varco. Theo. Viat M. Wlest. U. L. Burdlck. Henry O'Brien. W W. Thorpe thirty-one men. in all. ENGINEERS ELECT. Short Business Meeting is Held Last Evening. The Engineering society mot last evening in Mechanics Arts Hall, loom 211. and elected officers for the year. They are as follows: President. J. B. Gibhs. Vice-president. 1,. W. Turner. Recording secretary, O. F Stevenson. Coi responding secretary, A. Hcimrod Treasurer, .1 W. Miller! No other business of importance was transacted. The society will meet again two weeks from last owning. THE PEDAGOLOGICAL CLUB. First Meeting Held Last Night. Objects of Club. The I'edagologlcal club has two ob jectsfirst, to give Its members greater opportunities to meet one another so cially, that Is, to get acquainted; sec ond, to give information and sugges tions calculated to bo helpful to teach ers in getting and holding positions, and in the general work of teaching. The first meeting was held last even ing After some picliminary remarks as to Hie exigent ioc which confront the unhcrsity in recommending teachers, Professor Lucky gave one of his help- tul talks, taking as his subject "The Double Life." Other addresses will be provided at succeeding meetings. They will give some hint as to what it is to be to a genuine teacher, and will describe some of the situations and conditions-which the new teacher is likely to meet. The meetings of the club are open to all who are looking toward the profession of teaching. They are hold each month on Wednes day evening at ' 7:30 o'clock. Due notice will be given as to'The date. Frunk E. Lee. Public Stenographer and Notary. Mh.ographlo letters; perfect imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. Bust's of Roosevelt and Parker will lie given to the members of the repub lican and democratic clubs. Maxwell's, 13th and N. Rent a Remington ai student rate and lceep your notes in good form. Oplco Corner of Oliver Theater Bldg. Erie B. Woodward. M. D., diseases of eye. ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone C6G. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5e. Chairs for ladles. 101S O street. . j t , i ,, , MAY MAKE A RATE Somewhat Indefinite Assurance That Excursion Will Go. M IniMnipulltf Itouil WiiiiIh lull. Huiim tlilug Murn Totliiy. I'p to the time of going to pros no great cut In rates had been announced. A rate of $12.10 has boon made for some time, but this is not low enough to be considered. Yesterday nn Omaha-Minneapolis road stated that they would make a lower rate, but were not prepared to say Just how low it would bo. If the rate Is low enough every root er in school owes It to himself and to his school to go and make the victory more gloiious. But low rate or not, let everybody turn out this morning to mass mooting. Show that we're with the teom right from the start, just as wo'c always been. Bring your voice with you to the mass meeting. MAY PLAY BASKET BALL. Game Possible With City Y. C. A. Friday Night. M. It is possible thut a game of basket hall may be arranged lor Fiiday even ing between the university team and the city Y. M. C. A.. Unusual interest is being taken in the game this fall, and the prospect Is excellent for a (hampion team, in spite of the great interest in football Just at present. Practice will he held in tho armory this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Miss Bess T. Dumont of the clans '04. is physical director 111 tho East Side High School of Rochester. N. Y. V. M. Johnston, an old university law student. Is practicing law at Bil lings, Mont. THORPE. Minnesota's Right Guard. Courtesy Minnesota Dally. The Famous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. Postal Cards the latest thhfg in burned leutber, hand colored, 10c oath. "Cowgirl." ".Vining Girl" and "Gipsy Girl" rosters Aeach 16c. Card board, mat board and all supplies suitable lor room decorations. Matted and un matter pictures 5c to 25c each. The Lincoln Book. Store. ZOOLOGISTS MEET. An Interesting Program Tuesday Night. Several Papers Read. The Zoological club moot Tuesday evening In tho zoological library, in stead of Monday ovoning, as an nounced. The program was as fol lows: R. H. Wolcott, "Development and Nature of the Neuroglia," by Hardest'. R. T. Young. "Early Development of tho CestodcH," by Saint Romy. I B. Sttirdevant, "Embryonic De velopment of Anoplocophala," by Solnt Romy. Tho paperB wore illustrated by dia gram, and tho program was a very Interesting one. the members continu ing until a late hour tho discussion of tho papers STRATHERN. Minnesota's Center. Courtesy Minnesota Dally. Appointments at Drill. Th'cj)llt)wlng promotions. were icatl at drill last evening: Artillery detachment Cadet Private John Jackson, to be sergeant; Cadet Privates Albert Laler and Arthur Cramb. to be corporals. Signal detachment Cadet Private Altred Nye, to be sergeant; Cadet Pilvnte Raymond Biggs, to bo cor poral J. V. Cortelyou. '97, received his doc tor's degree at Heidelberg this sum mer. He is at present an instructor in the German department of tho Kan sas t-'tatc Normal School. ' DAVIS. Minnesota's Left Halfback. Courtesy Minnesota Dally, V M ,t