' 'T TtT r-jfr. 'jfWf WWg !P (J!i,"p-?,J."i'.Wpi 3$" l, V- .( -"v . H22S hi i. i' t 'flu ra Mtj.it.1 ii'n mi mi Tr G b e D a i I s tfWbraefean e Dafy flebraskan A consolldntl'tn of Thf HhkimtIuii, Vol. 111. Tin- N.ibriinknn, Vol. 10 Sonrlrt nnrt Crt'iun. Vol. 4. I'ubllnlird lilly. except Kumlny mill Mondnjr, lit thr UnlviTnJt.T of N-l)rnMkn. Miwoln. Nd. li.v tUi- HfHpcrlnn PhMIhIiIiik - HuAfui r DiHEi-ioriH rrof(HMorn .1. I. Wtrr. mid C It Itlrliiirilfc : II. I L-nlt .lolm WcMlovcr K. II Widton. Bdltor-ln Olilrf Milling'1'!' ClriMilntor Ahh'I. Adr Mnniigc l'nul A. KwIdk A. (1. Sdirolbor WhImt K Stntid"v'ii Kreil NmiRliton Ncnh Athletic AMitMtniit Atlilfitl J.ocul Society I.iteriwj ASSOCIATE EDITORS .1 I'lrdr Moore Krel A. Sweelr.T KiitiiioikI H . MoCaw T. P. DcToniiR MIhh Minnie Hlllrr MIHl)tnStrtter ICditnrlitl ItooniM mill rtuslno Office U Sll'j I'ohI orn- Slmloii A. Uncoln, Ncbr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic J528 Automatic 2365. Kiilwili.llon I'rlrr. U per Tonr. In nilvmico I - - Knterixl nt the pont oilier nt Lincoln. Neb., ni second elium iiiitll mutter under the net of eoinjremiof Mareh !!, IS7N. Individual notices willl iinrKcd for nt the rule of 10 eelitH for cnoh iimertlon I'ncultv. depnrttiifiitiil nnd unlvernlfj bulletin will gliullr le iuiIiIIhIiiiI free, ru heretofore Editorial Remarks Today tin- looieis will have their llrst chance to disprove t In charge t lint tlii'.v are "(lead ones." which The Ne lii'iisKnii has seriouslv suspe led for tome time Manager Davis in a talk with The N'elnasKan since his letnrn Irom Mlnneyotn emphasized more stronglv than ever the neetl for more enthusiasm The team today begins its li'.udest work it must have the i.-dhle. material baching of the stu dent body. We believe that il does have this hackiuu. hut there must be some tangible evideiu e of" the fail OFT OFT AND HOOT! The interest which is being mani fested in the glee dub this year should lesult In the best season the club has ever experieiu ed. The Nebrakan In Other Colleges' Six hundred dollors was ( -loured at the University of California by tlie prod m tion of "Jinmlet." The arrest was made recently of two Columbia students for. taking entrance examinations as proxies for others. Northwestei n and Chicago will meet in football today. This game is attended with much interest, as it will clear up the western football outlook .somewhat. The game on Saturday between H row n University and the University of Philadelphia played at Philadelphia, showed that Hi-own's football squad Is the strongest that It has been for jeai s. Students nt the Cincinnati Univer sity are desirous of wearing caps and gowns on the campus. It is planned that this college attire shall he donned bj all students during their entire, tour years' course. William Si idell. who was last year ciunrterbnrk and captain of the Uni veisity of Washington football squad. is now trying for tackle at the Uni versity of Chicago. Coach Stagg is jubilant over his new man." One of the Princeton students. Ray mond Fosdick. "l. has been appointed by the republican state committee of New .Jersey to stump that part of the state In the interest of the republican unity. This is an almost unprecedented honor, as Mr. Fosdick is still .attend ing college. A comic opera. "His Highness the Hey." written by two University of Chicago men. will be produced at the la Salle Theater Nov. Uth. The au thor. A. Frank Adams, is a Senior and his co-vvoiker. Will M. Hough, is n Mec inl student at the university. Jo seph F. Howard,, a composer of popular songs, has written the music. A novel trip is being planned for the Thanksgiving game at Ann Arbor by a number of Chicago University boys. They expect to rent a box car, paint it in Chicago colois, decorate with ('hie ago banners and enter Ann Arbor in state. I he car win accom modal" about thiity men. Co-ich Yost of Michigan is still mak ing negotiations for the Thanksgiving game It seems that Columbia has not 3 et refused to play and the students there are desirous for the game. Ne gotiations between the two colleges continue; but meanwhile Coach Yost fr ' fc J Bring Your Head With you and $2.50 in Money. I can fit a student with a big head, as well as one with a little head. -i Prices always Little. The $2.50 Hat Store Have You Read Any of These New Books? "Our Friend the Dog." by Maurice Maelerlink . $I.2u "A Ladder of Sword.-." by Gilbert Parker l.L'n "The Affair at the Inn," by Kate Douglas Wiggin 1.0.1 'Heeily of Cratistark," by Geoige Hair McCuteheon 1.2't "Optimism." by Helen Keller r, "The Memolis of a Haby," by .lofephine Dodge Daskam 1.2") "Hy the King's Command," by Reginald Drew ,'2) "The Betrayal," by Oppenheim 20 "The Cost, by David Graham Phillips - ' ' ) "The Castaway." by Hallle Erin it. in Rives l . ;m "The dossing," by Winston Churchill . 20 "The Day of the Dog." by George. Marr McCuteheon in 'Flight of the North." by Emily Post 2u "God's Good Man." by Marie C.orelli i -jn Gorgo," by Charles K. Gaines .'rt 'In the IMshop's Carriage." hy Miriam Miehelson 1.20 The Lure o' Gold." by Bailey Millard 1.2.) "The Land of Cockayne." by Matilda Serav 1.20 "The Loves of Edwy." by Rose Cecil O'Neill " 1 "o "The Pillar or Light." by I ouls Tracy L20 "Tommy and Co." by .Jerome K. Jerome 1 -) University Stationery Fine vellum and bond papus in four styles-"U. of N." univer sity pennant and two styles of seals. Cream white :i.1c and .11. a hoy 01' oik quire 1 MILLER & PAINE Corner O and 13th Streets H- jt. - heart il j" commends the effnits that art helivg made to secure university -uruilit for the membeis. We believe this movement is calculated to result in good for the club, and consequently should conti Unite to the lite of the university. Every man with a good voice should try for a position on the club. Il he docs not make it. he will at le:ist have the consolation of knowing that he is much better pre dated to GET OUT AND ROOT! Frank E. Lee, Public, Stenographer and Notary. Mimeographic letters; perfect imitation. r0 l-50l Richards Hlk. Auto 1155. The Fumous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. Leming's Dairy for Ice Cream, Milk and Confectionary. is endeavoring to secure Minnesota (hi the Thanksgiving game in case Col umbia tails her. At' present it looks as though Michigan would have to wait until next year to win back her Iannis lolft nt Minnesota last year, for Minnesoti's schedule is already ar iange. Rent a Remington ai student rato and keep your notes in good form. Office Corner of Oliver Theater Rldg. Y. M. C. A. MEETING. Noted Lecturer Will Give Address Sunday at 3:00 O'clock. The men's meeting tomoirow after noon at I! p. m. in Memorial Hall promises to be the largest meeting of the semester. Dr. Greene has con sented to give his address entitled "A Thing Every Man Ought to Know." Those who have heard this address need no urging to be present. Several men who have heard it two 01 even three times, have expressed their a -proval with words ot highest com mendation. No new man in the uni versity can afford to let this oppor tunity slip by. Dr. Greene is superintendent of the state hospital lor the ius'ine. In this position he has had various oppor tunities for observation in mullets pertaining to the welfare of humanity. His position has required strength of mind and body to an exceedingly high degiee. Being equipped as he is, he has succeeded in his chosen work. Ft 0111 the experience which he has gained in this work, he comes t us as a man of authority in his subject. He is an exceedingly pleasant speaker and holds the attention of his audience from hi st tc last. 1 he committee in charge are tortuu ate in having secured the services of Mr. H. 11. Husted. one of 1 incoln's most accomplished musicians. Mr. Husted ha.-, studied the violin for many .ears and has taught considerably. He has a treat in store for every one who attends. The meetjlig hegins promptly at '.'1 o'clock and closes at 4 sharp. Our own chancellor is greatly in terested in this meeting, as seen by his sentiment expressed in I ho follow ing: "I deem this address ot extreme importance to every joung man, and I urge you to be present." C0OCXXX3O00OOC0OCCOC0C ccoco The College Man Is Particular About Hhs Shces Cam H' lvv3 1 IB I & lei v'fBl3flRv& Erie B. Woodward, of eye, ear and throat, block. Phone GGG. M. !.. diseases 207-8 Richards Why don't you eat at the School of Music Cafe? Try it and you'll be a. regular patron. Union Shining Chairs for ladies. Get Parlors. Shine 1018 O street. tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lunch without' meat, Good Health Cafe. THE WALKOVER SKCE Is the best shec fcr men's feet. Our line is strictly up-to-date. Call and let us show them. Rodgers & Perkins Suci liter., to Pcrkinn & Sheldon Co. 1129 O Street UGGOGOCGOOGOQGGOOOOOQOCOOO 00O0000OO00O4) Dame Programs Banquet fflenus took for This Sign See Fleming 1211 ()-street, about your jewelry; special attention to repairing. Visiting and Address Cards Programs, Invitations and Correspondence Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINT ER S Fraternity Building We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. 'irlephcncs: A3-J9, 3-400 Auto Phone i 616 THE HEW CENTURY POINTERS LINCOLN N S t reet 1241 Dooooooroooooo7 ROSS ELECTRIC CO. SSk Uctrie Suppll... mnAow Lighten,. El.c.ric &t G. El.c.ric ,nj Combin-Uon Flur., Dy.m House and Store. Wiri e AUWiftHj of Etc I -mv inr rep, lor Repair LINCOLN, NEi rfrrmrrxsg ? Tr'T K '' -' -- 'Usa? v 1 i' j' ."