The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ilill I II
"5 'JR"""?
'" il '
TTbe 3D a 1 1 flebrasfcan
A, G. Spalding & Bros.
Largest Manuftolurors in tho World
ol Official Athlotio Supplies.
The foot bull iup-
.-ftllai - pllH innnitrnotur-
- od by A O hPAI.U-
lCnya I .to & DnOd. ara
tit iost thnt onn
tilmolutoljr bu pro
duocd ; tliojr nro of
hii porlor in ak;
thoT have utood
tho teat for over
twontr Bight yorH, nnd arc uni-d by nil lnter
eollifffnto, IntorHcholimMV and prominent fool
ball tea m h of the oounlrr. No uxihsiuo in spared
In making tho good oenrinu tho Spalding
TradevMark m near perfeat u It Ih ponMlble to
firodaoe a manufaoturod artl and If it bear
hlii mark of perfection It lit tho bwt .
IDE. Edited by Waltor Camp. Contains
(hsNBW RULES FOR 1004. Special article
on the ttarnr. " ,n toot, n cotnpUtu en
OTclopeclia of tho Rnmo , Prloe 10 cent .
Silted by Walter Camp . Newly revlnad for 1004.
ndoabtedly tho bent nook ovur published on
on the (fame, for it contain all a beginner
mould know, and many luterontlnK facta for
tn axperleneed player Price 10 centa.
'If It pcrlalntt to athletics, we make It."
few Tork Ohlongo St. Louli
lUdalphl San Frnnolsco K annas City
ffalo Deny or Washington
ton Baltimore Pitteburg
innaapolli Montreal, Can Londou, Kng.
Send for a copy of SpaldJng'a Fall and
Winter Sport Catalogue. It's free.
Dr. J. J. Davis
Graduate Rclrnctlonist
Spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve
Headaches and Eye Strain.
1222 O Street -Auto Phone 302 1, Residence 28 IS
Carrie: a full line ( f
AnJ a 'so Repairs Them.
117 North Elovonth Lincoln
CbarhsB. Gregory
(v. oin.'9D
rrsr. Zbi Coal Wan
Sam Westerfield
Proprietor of
Little Hum Hot
Wnlllcs and Finn
Mi-iiIh nnd
I 17-12 1 North I J
Cn bi i Cm mki
Ahkow Aldikon
J" V m i
frjuarter size
MUST be Quarter Size
Collars, that is they must
be precisely rijrht and made
of stuff which will not shrink.
The Cluett and Arrow Col
lars are rightly made of
shrunk fabrics.
Cluett, 25 cents
Arrow, 15 cents
each or 2 lor '2.') cents
Cluett, Peubody & Co.
Makers of Cluett and Monarch SlurU
nBt v I I i
Meeting This Afternoon to Elect
New Officers.
A meeting of the A"-so uited Hswbs
ol t lii Cnlveisitv Ih i ailed tor I .'0
this afternoon In I' 1 07 The purpose
ol the meeting Is to Him t new otllteM
nuclei the constitution that was foim
itlatocl last spring, with Hdwin M.veis
as president and thief rpoiu-oi The
dtpailine of Mi M.veis fiom this uni
erslt tt Harvard net estates eithei
the elettlon ot a new president oi the
inauguration of the it e-president Mr
.lames Ander.-on The niattei will
piobnblj lie det Itled todav
Glee Club Tonight.
This evening in I' 107 will otciir
the (list ti out (T the wlee ('lull Spe-
ial emphaKls is being laitl this jeai
on (lie fat t that no position in the
tliil) is already t inched, and every man
with a good niie and a little persei
einnte stands a slunv to make good
A numher of trips will lie made h
tlie (luh. and it will appear much
sooner in publii this year than last
All senior girlh are urged to hand
Iheir names into Mrs Plapp foi basket
hall The seniors aie given the one
half hour fiom 1 20 to 2 00, and their
t hoit e of d.ivs Fveiy loal senioi
gill is uiged to he out and tr for
the senior team and help to win the
championship banner
A meeting of the t liess playeis was
held at the V M (' A rooms Tuesday
night s not many weie present, it
was det itled to till another meeting
lor Tuesdav, October 25th, at the same
lime and plat e
The t Mib will nl-o extend an imita
tion to the fat ult. who are interested
in chess
The ooiogitar- Mhrarj tontalns one
ol the mol complete leferente files
in the woild It is hv far the most
oniplete in the west and but three
-thool.s in this tountiy have liles that
t onipaie w ilh it in si oj e
There will be a meeting of the (Ira
mat u i luh toda at 11 a m. in loom
11 Ml It is moved that the plav "Fverv
nr.ui will be setined foi the mid-veai
1 1 1 1
FOl'N'l) Cmlirclla. with V II II
on handle Ownei tan have same b
applving at "Dailv" office villi prit e of
this ad
Several more an lights loi t itv use
weie testetl in the electrit engineeiing
depart merit Tuesdav
Martin HaaM h of class '04 is at
tending the Lutheran Theological
Setuinai at Wavvatosa. Wis
The l'ei slung Hi lies will meet in the
aimoiv til's evening at 7 3D
High Cud" Chocolates and Hon
Hoim. Maxwell's. 1.1th and "N
I incoln Transfer Co
Phone 170
I eming's Dairj for he Cream
M-lk and Confectionary
riemlng. 1211 O St . is showing a
rite line of jewelry.
Armstrong Clothing Company, prac
tical -hatters.
Mrs Nilsson is In the city visiting
her son Henry O. Nilsson.
,Dr I enhoff. 'J17. has moved to 113
So. 11th street
Or A H Mitchell has moved to 14f
So. 11th street
T mi' h without meat, Oood Health
If ou got it at Armstrong's it's
Meals or I.unch Good Health Cafe.
Clnpin Hresv riori-t. 127 So 13th
l-Yr !Yi, see Steele Hl S 12th St
l)r V K Jack. Dentist. 1301 O St
Is The Only Line Landing:
you at the
Hound trip rates from Omaha are as follows:
$8 50 sold daily except Friday and Saturday good seven dajs.
$13.80 sold daily, good fifteen clays.
Tho Wabosii Is the only line that lands passengers at the main
entrance of the World's Fair Grounds. Also the only line that can
check your baggage to the World's Fair Station. Think what a saving
of time, annoyance and extra car fare.
All agents can sell you through ticket and toute you over the
Very low rates to many points South, Southeast. For beautiful
World's Fair folder and all information call at 1G01 Farnum St . or
G. A. P. D. Wabash
Correction in Rooters' Song.
A line was omitted trom the last
song published in the list in yester
dav's Nebraskan Collected the whole
piece rends as follows.
Tune 'lJ"ndergthc Anheusex Hush "
Talk about thfTteams of the vaunted
Hig Nine,
Praise their lightning plays and their
strong beefy line.
There's a little squad thats' the pride
of our state,
You've seen them play and you know
that they're great;
CI ten in a game when the fierce strug
gle's on.
Almost matched the teams, both In
Science and brawn
If a moment comes when the play
seems in doubt.
Watch and see Cornhusker grit will
win out
Come, come, come help the bos to win
Veil for the Starlet arid Cream
Come, come stir up a joyous din,
Cht'ero.ur victorious team.
Hear our brave Uni band. (Ach du
lieber Augustine)
lust shake the old grandstand. Yah!
lii2. do wake and get some life in your
Yell for the Scailet and Cream
M. H. S.
Rasketball practice this atternoon at
1 p. in
WhoUiaU and R.uli
Automatic Phone J 707 1146 O Strwt
n't U a dead one kttp youneii looking neat.
the Weber Sititorium
Cleaning, Prculng. Dying, Repairing and
Refitting of Fine Clothea.
fill 708
Automatic I708
Ry, Omaha, Neb.
General Clearance ol all Special
1125 O Stroot
Choice of over Twenty Reliable
Many of these instruments are of
very latest models, others are discon
tinued styles or have had use, but all
are of elegant appearance and distinct
ly artistic tone and action. These
pianos have been placed to one side
and marked at reduced figures to in
sure immediate sale We wish to avoid
carrying even one of them in our
holiday stock. IMano seelors would do
well to examine these pianos before
We also offer a few very attractive
uprights bought from a good maker
at an extra discount.
These are of intrinsically good
value and will he closed out at $185.00
A special lot of new and attractive
uprights, greatest value In Nebraska,
at SliQlX
Our New Fall StOGk
- Our new Fall stock of 100 piauos
specially selected by us from leading
factories, is full of surprises.
We are prepared to deliver on receipt
of first small payment and then small
monthly payments.
Huyerfa at a distance should write
for bpecial bargain list and schedule
of freight rates.
Now Pianos to Rent
$4 per Month
We have the largest business in high
grade pianos in the west, operating
three stores, which make a specialty
of good pianos.
1125 O Strool
y ..