ZEbe Bail? IFlebraefean s Vol. IV, No. J 8 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCT. 20, J 90. Price 5 Cents POSTPONE CIRCUS PREPARE EOR KNOX V. KA - Big Consolidated Not to Show Until Tomorrow. Tlir I.ine-lTp In Now Fixed. -the Kvpuld. -I'rofjrimi of The big faculty shows will not bo hold today, but have been postponed until tomorrow nfternoon. In the meantime, however, the two football teams are practicing steadily for the mammoth contest tomorrow, under the leadership of Captains Bolton and EmeiPon. Doctor Bolton's long train ing in the Lincoln boarding houses has made him an expert at snapping the ball, and his team is developing re markable speed under his instruction. 1'iofofFor Emerson's pupils are out in the suburbs of Lincoln chasing prairie dogs. It is supposed that this is for the purpose of getting them into the piouer limbemess for running down Professor Dean's punts. The two teams will line up as follows: Bolton .- c Emerson Kossler r. g Piper Aylsworth I. g Sheldon Fee r. t Lyman Condi a I. t Chatburn Almv.Quinn r.e Pound Waite q. b Dean Vol ott r. lib Paine Hollingworth Ciavrs 1. lib.. Park. Hinman ('has1 f. b I.edwlth llolman Pnvne l.c lohnson Willis-ford . Th complete program will be as follows: ' Piocei-sion and exhibition of imported draught and coach stallions. Cavalcade Under direction of Colonel Bill and Prof. Taylor. High School Horse Exhibit Registered Saddle Horse of Col Bills. Trained Harness Horse of Pi of. Taylor. B. one ho busting. Great wild animal, show, under duec- tion of Mr. J. Fosaler: Pvramids by Class in Athletics. Country Stunts Profs. Caldwell and Ros. Slow bi ycle-raeo. 100-yard dash. Wheelbarrow race. Walking race. Tug of war Football Teams under Captains Dr. Condra and Prof. Emerson. Music by Cadet Band. Faculty Band 110 pieces. " TAKE MORE PRIZES. Several New Awards Were Made in Nebraska Exhibit. Notice was yesterday received of the jiwaid of five more medals to the va rious Nebraska exhibits at St. Louis. The exhibit of Mines and Mining has already received one silver and two bronze medals. A bronze medal was awarded the 1 hotographs of the Morrill geological expeditions. A like award was given to the collection of soil from the Htate museum. There has ben,atotal of seventeen or eighteen awWls Ui the department of education, including gold, silver and bronze medals. Frank E. Lee, Public Stenographer and Notary. Mlmeograpnic loiters, perfect Imitation. 501-502 Bll:. Auto 1155. The School of a srlendid meal Music Cafe serves at very moderate nrh of. Join lunch- today the university patrons in n it it it n n n it n it n n o H it NEBRASKA vs. KNOX Saturday, October 22nd TICKETS 50 CENTS TEACHERS IN SESSION Superintendents and Principals Meet Today- The superintendents' and principals' section ol the N. T. A. begins its ses sions in Memoiial Hall this afternoon and continues until Saturday noon The item of chiefest interest in the program to university teachers and sttidents is the discussion of university, inspection of high schools. Chancellor Andrews, Dr. G. E. How ard and Prof. T. M. Hodgman speak from the uniersity standpoint and lroni that of the high schools Supts. W L. Stephens of Lincoln. W. M. Davidson of Omaha. Pres. .1. W. Crab tree of Peru, J. C. Orr of North Platte. W M. Kern of Columbus. S. H. Martin of St. Paul and Ira Umli of Hooper A most Intel eating discussion is cer tain Friday morning The following is today's program, which will be held in Memorial Hall: Thursday, 2 p. m. CompulFoiv County Uniformity of Text-Books O. It. Bowman, I incoln. Should we ask the Legislature for Another "Fiee High School Attend ance Law" E. II. Koch. Seward. County Uniformity of Graduation from Eighth Grade of Village and Rural Schools George Crocker. Falls City. The Certification of Teachers (a) By the State A. E. Ward, Hunt- ington. By the York. By the (1)) (c) (d) County -C. O. Stewart, State Normal Schools .1. C. Waddell Pawnee City. By Private Institutions W. A. Julian, Hastings. Discussion A. Poftley. Giant; C. W. Crumb. Madison. ReFolved. That the Minimum Age for Admission to School Should be Six Years. Affirmative, Mrs. I.eora Rus tin. Alliance;-negath p. C S. Wort man. Plattsmouth. Thursday, 8 p. m The Supervisor's Professional Knowl edge of (a) Himself D. K. Luthy., Ashland. fb) (c) (d) (e) His Teachers Charles Fordyce. University Place. Methods A. G. Smith, Central City. B Course of Study C. S. Jones, Crawford. Common Sense Applications J. W. Searson, Wahoo. Nee(Tof a More Practical Course of Study C. W. Taylor, Geneva. Discussion W. H. Wagner. Hebron. Mistakes of the New Teachqr G. H. Thomas. McCook. Discussion Paul Goss Old. College Songs Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning instead of the usual musical program, a college song i ally will bo held In Memorial Hall. Everybody Is urged to secure a copy of the song book used last year. These may no had of Professor Candy or RichnrdftDoctor Balton. The price Is 20 cents a copy Last year those song programs were very popular. Every effort will be made to have thorn so this year, and a cor dial in Ration Is extended to everyone to come out. GRAND STAND $1.00 MICKEY GIVES A TALK Governor Delivers Short Address at Convocation. Yesterday morning at convocation. Governor Mickey addressed a large au dience, in spite of the fact that It was not known until shortly before chapel lime that he would talk. His subject was, "Problems to Solve," and proved to be most interesting. Extracts from it follow: "To assume that any Individual cver becomes entirely independent of en ironments and conditions is a manl iest error. In the moment of his fan cied security, when circumstances are all apparently In Jiis favor and not a (loud dims the horizon of his pros pects, the waves of adversity may come without warning and in a moment chaos and ruin exist where formerly security sat enthroned. AM the teach ings of human experience Impress upon our minds this one fact that the boast of indicldual independence is vain. "Thore is an analogy between the individual and the nation between the atom and the object of which it is a part. The inherent strength or weak ness of the one is sure to have Its counterpart In the other and the mere process of multiplication does not change the ratio existing between vir tue and vice. We look with pride to the wonderful results that have been accomplished since the Pilgrim Fathers set foot upon Plymouth Rock and laid the foundations for an era of liberty and national genius such as the world has never before contemplated. On various patriotic holidays and public occasions we are prone to recount our national strength and the history of our achievements, while our hearts swell with pride at the recital. Truly t is a magnificent subject and slug gish indeed are the wellsprlngs of I atrlotism that are not stirred by it. "In these days of multiplied popula tion, stupendous industrial activity, ag grandized wealth and corporate monop oly is there not a -tendency to depart irom those principles of equality be fore the law, of self-restraint, of fra ternal interest and religious consecra tion which characterized our earlier years as a nation? It seems to mo that there is and that the groat need of our times Is for consecrated leaders who can distinguish tfte right through all the sophistries of error and who can lead the people out from the perils which threaten them. Abraham Lin coln was such a man. I believe that he was ordained of God to perform his mighty part In the drama of human liberty, but that God made use of him because the bent of his thoughts and t nergles was In harmony with the Divine will. When, in the memorable senatorial campaign of 1858, Lincoln enunciated the famous principle that "this nation cannot continue to exist, half 6lav'e and half free," he conse crated his life to the gigantic struggle against sHjivery. His closest personal frionds advised him against tho ut terance, urging that the time was not opportune. But I incoln was led by a higher power. His mental islon"saw beyond the present, comprehending that the very existence of the Union (Continued on' Second Page.) Foot Ball Men Work Hard For a Big Game Saturday. Knox Look Htrotif; lo tlic DopnMtorn. (IodiI (iiime AMniirod. I ast night practice was full of snap and ginger, the cold weather making fast playing easier. McDonald wan given a try at nuartor on the varsity and staid with them. Quarterbacks are not the most of Nebraska troubles now. Mills was at right guard, having been shifted from center, and Botg replaced. Manager Davis left for Minneapolis last night to make final arrangement for the game there next week Upon his return Saturday definite announce ment can probably bo made legardlng the proposed excursion to Minnesota. Saturday we meet the doughty team from Knox. While this game Is not causing the speculation that some others are. yet it will be a good one. Two years ago the men from Gales burg sprang a complete surprise on us and held Nebraska 7-0. Last year, while the score was some larger, they scored and this year they report one of the host teams In their football his tory. All of Nebraska's men' are In good condition again, with the excep tion of Borg, whoe ankle Is still too stiff to stand much strain. Saturda the rooters will be able to get a final line on the team as lined tin before meeting the Gophers. The new t usli line, with Benedict and Johnson at ends will be given Its first trial, and the result will be watched with a good deal of interest, for this is the vVay things should be The athletic board Is put to no little expense to bring the Knox men here, and a good crowd should turn out. New yells and songs have been received and will be used then for the first time. Let tho root ing section be full, and every rooter accompanied with a megaphone. REPUBLICANS MEET. New Political Club Formed La3t Night. Tho university repdbllcans met in Memorial Hall last evening and fee ted a permanent organization. C. Ozman was chosen chairman. J. Morrison, vice-chairman, and W. Woods secretary. A committee oi- R. K. J. on membership was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Chase, Stoakes, Walkoi. Swan. Martin. Ritchie. Case, Bender. Keyser. Pepporberg. Over two hun dred men were present. Hon. A. W. Jeffries of-Qmaha, who had been engaged to address the meet ing, could not attend on account of other business. Judge Cosgrove. of Lincoln, tooK Ijls place and made a short talk on the Issues of the cam paign. Hon. Joseph Burns, a memUeY" -otllie last house of representatives. and Mr. P. F Boghtol alBO gave short talks. The club will-meet again next Friday night. A challenge from the Jefforsonian club of tho university for a Joint de hate on the Issues of the campaign was received and will probably be accepted. i Cowgirl, Mining Girl and other pos ter pictures for room decorations. Large wire card racks to hold photo graphs, 15c each. The Lincoln Book Store. B. B. Gillespie, manager oT"lhe $2.50 Hat Store, opened up a bunch of dol lar Oxford shirts this week that aro particularly good for student wear In that they forget to wear out. Rent a Remington at student rate and keep your notes in good form. Office, Corner of Olive Theater Bldg li 1 -iMwAK' :t.aL... ""a a v.4iii.; h-lr i." j-.'i L? v. .J-t' H'M M&to&-L& .A,hM' t