The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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dbc Batlg-flebraelian
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A consolidation of
The IltxiMtrliui, Vol. m, Tint Nehnutferfn, Vol, 10
Sonrlit and Croam, Vol. 4.
I'uhllNhctI dally, nxctipt Sunday and Monday,
lit tln Unlvurnlty of Nbronka, Lincoln, Nob.
by thr Hiwpurlan PubllHhlnK Co ,
Boxnn Or DinsoToiw
TroftwHorH J. I. Wyr, and C. R. Richard:
UP Lcavltt
John WeKtovor K. U. Walton.
Kdltor-in Ohlof
An't. Adv . Man&Kor
Panl A. Kwlntf
A. O. Schrelbor
Walter B. Ktandnven
Frid NmiRhton
AHxlHtnnt Athletic
J . Clyde Moare
Fred A. Swcfiley
Raymond H . McCaw
D. P. DoTounR
MIkh Minnie aillcr
Minn Lota Stcttor
Kditorlnl Rootiih and Bimlnt Office U 211
Pout Offlon Station A. Lincoln, Nobr
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
HulHrijtlon Price, 'i per yoar, In advance
ICntcn-d lit the pontotllcc at Lincoln, Neb ,
an Hccond cIiihh in nil nintter under the act of
roiiKremiof March 3, 1H7V.
Individual notices will he charged for at the
rate of 10 ccntH for enoh liiHertion. Faculty,
depnrtiuontal and unlverHlty bulletlnH will
Kindly ! publlHhed free, oh heretofore.
Editorial Remarks
From the prepartlons being made
at Minnesota, it is apparent that the
visiting Nebraskans at the big game
a week fiiom Saturday, will be given
the time of their lives. Minnesota con
sidersand rightly the Nebraska
game as the most Important on her
schedule, and whether It results In vic
tory or defeat for her, her supporters
are exhibiting a truly sportsmanlike
spirit in providing entertainment for
her opponents. The Nebraskan believes
that the game will be one of the great
est Vvfr played In the west, and a lar
ger oijow(i anoum he on nana tO'cneer
Nebraska to victory, than accompanied
tbe team three years ago. But mean
while the efforts of the northeners to
entertain their visitors should not b
lest Bight of . Minnesota has always
been one of our most dangerous rivals,
not only In sport but in hospitality.
Whether we may profitably take les
fcons from her remains to be seen, but
from present Indications she should be
able to furnish us with a few pointers
in spite of our own recognized hospitality.
Thursday and Saturday of this week
at 7 p. m. occur the tryouLs for the
University Glee Club. 1 ast year's club
by its own motion rendered Itself-mMr
and consequently there is not one man
sTro of his place on this year's club.
The best voices will get the places, and
all will have an equal-chance.', There
are many excellent voices here In the
University which have never been In
evidence in the glee clubs. Let every
man who can sing or who has a sing
ing inclination tifm out Thursday or
Saturday evening and try for a place.
The dub Is planning some trips this
year, and the prospective trips, to
gether with the excellent training to he
had from Director Eames should make
every one want a place. Everybody
who can sing out for the trails In U
Y. to. C, A. Notes.
The following Is the program of the
state convention of tho Y. W. C. A.,
to he held this week at Wesleyan:
Friday evening, 7:30; praise service
led by Mrs.. Emma F. Byers, Omaha;
7:45, organization; music; 8:00, con
vention address, Miss Emma Hays, sec
retary of tho city department of the
American committee.
Saturday morning, 8:45, song service
led by Miss Myra Withers, state uni
versity; 9:d0, bible hour. I. "The Per
sonal Worker and His Work," Prof. F.
A. Stuff, state university; 9:45, ad
dress: "Our Home and World Field,"
MIsb Emma Hays; 10:10, the state
work of the year; A chairman, Miss
Abble Burns, Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity; B 8ccretay, Miss Gold Cor
wln state secretary; C treasury, Mrs.
T. M. Hodgman; 11:00, "The Visit of
tho State Secretary," Miss Bertha
Conde, secretary of the student depart
ment of tho American committee;
11:10, finance meeting, led by MIsb
Emma F. Byers; 11:30, faculty confer
ence led by Miss Bertha Conde; ad
journmeit; 11:30, meeting of appointed
Saturday afternoon, 2,00. bible hour,
"The Personal Worker and His Point
of View," Prof. F. A. Stuff; 2:30, dis
cussions: "The Devotional Committee,"
Miss Emma Hays; 3:00, "The World's
Week of Prayer," How to use it, Miss
Bertha Conde; 3:30, the publications of
the American committee, Miss Emma
Hays; brief adjournment of delegates
for examination of publications; a, two
minute reports from association; b,
the affiliated membership; c, good
points on committee work.
Missionary Cotner University
Bible Study ..Nebraska Wesleyan
Employment State University
Social York College
Music Franklin Academy
Educational Omaha
Intercollegiate . Nebr State normal
Finance Bellevue College
Gymnasium Lincoln
Membership Doane College
Hoom Hastings College
12 Religious Meetings
Fremont Normal school
13 College Settlement
State University
11 Lunch Lincoln
15 Advertising Omaha
Saturday evening; reception to con
vention delegates and visiting friends
by tho association of Nebraska Wes
leyan university.
Sunday morning, 9:00, bible hotir No.
3, "The Personal Worker and His Ad
ministration of Influence." Prof. F. A.
Stuff; 10:30, address, Miss Emma F.
Sunday afternoon 4:00. gospel service
led by Miss Bertha Conde. Sunday
evening, 7:30, song service; 7:45, asso
ciation addsess. Miss Bertha Conde;
farewell service of delegates.
Magee & Dccmer
It is just as easy to form a good habit as it is
a bad one. And it is just as hard to break
a good habit as a bad one So get the good
ones and keep them. President McKinley.
The habit of giving careful attention to little
things is the secret of good dressing. It's the particu
lar men the men who insist on exact fitting clothes
that are wearing our "Kensington" Suits. Acquire
the habit of being well dressed it pays. Suits $ J2.50
$J5, $J8 and up to $30.
New Cravenettes
This morning we opened a new
shipment of black and fancy Crave
nettes. We are selling a great many
because we are showing exceedingly
good values. Coats, well tailored,
full length and belted splendid fab
rics at $J2.50 better ones at $J5 and
up to $20.
We Clothe Men and Young
Men Exclusively.
Trat Jewelry....
We expect to be appointed local agent for one of the
largest Fraternity Jewelry manufacturing concerns In the
country. Meanwhile we carry the best grade of Diamonds,
Watches and Jewelry
!n Lincoln. ML G. WOLFF
139 8o. 13th
lJL TJof JP3) X
Frank E. Public Stenographer
and Notary Mimeographic letters;
perfect imitation. 501-502 Itlchards
Blk. Auto 1155.
The School of Music Cafe serves
a splendid meal at very moderate
prices. Join the university patrons in
lunch today.
Rent a-Bemington at student rate
and keep your notes in good form
Office, Corner of Olive Theater Bldg.
Erie B. Woodward. M. D., diseases
of eye, ear and tkroat. 207-8 Richards
block. Phono CGO.
Low Rates East via Burlington
Chicago and return $20.00
Chicago and return, via St. Louis
St I ouis and return 9.25
St Louis and return 15.50
15-Day ticket.
St. Louis and return 17.2o
C0-Day ticket.
Tickets on sale a ul'. the above ra!s
and destinations until Nov. 30th, 1001
The Burlington's elegant service and
quick time assure all of a pleasant
journey, should the use the Burlington.
B. B.- Gillespie, manager of the $2.50
Hat Store, opened up a bunch of dol
lar Oxford shirts this week that are
particularly good for student wear in
that they forget to wear out.
Tobacco browns at Ludwlg's.
Why don't you eat at the School -of
Music Cafe? Try it and. you'll be a
regular patron.
Dance Programs
Banquet Wen us
Lopk for This Sign
Auto Phone
N Street
b2 QEAJhl
If you want to see the swellest
lot of Fall Shoes you ever saw
drop in at
Tr... " '"'
Matinee and Night
And a notable company including
David Garrick's Love
Matinee 25c and 50c; Evening 25c,
50c, 75c and $J.00.
We have alwaya been known as the
Huon turning out better work
than ever. We wnt your buelnet.
vutoz04 15 MO Street
The Ideal ROYLH alkh
area Billiards and Pool
102 Street LINCOLN, NEB.