- V ft Cbe atls Hebraefean . JJC rft A, G. Spalding & Bros. Largest Manufacturers in the World ol Official Athlotlo Supplies. Tho football sup piles mnnufaotur od by A O.SrAi.D mo & Bnoj. nr the host that oaa nbnolutoly bo pro ducod ; thoy aro of Riiporlor mak: thojr have stood tho teat for over twentr-elght jroAtu, and urn nncd by all Inter ootlogfato, IntnrHoholaHtIn and prominent foot ball totauH of the country. No oxixinno la spared In making tho goods bearing tho Spaldlnf Trado-Mark as near perfoot an It Ih posnlblo to produce a manufactured artlc nnu If It boani thla mark of perfection It In tho brat . SPALDING'S OFFICIAL TOOT BALL OUIDB. Edited by Walter Camp. Contain IkoNBW RULES FOR 1001. 3potal artlolea on tho game. It In, In faot, n completo on oyolopedia of tho game . Prlco 10 conta . 8PALDINO'S HOW TO PLAY FOOT BALL. Kdlied by Walter Camp Newly rovinsd for 1004. Undoubfodly the bent book over publluhod on on too game, for It contains all a boglnnor anould know, and many lnterentlng facta for the experienced player . Prion 10 oonta. "IX it pertains to athletlcfl, wo make It." Nbm55 A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Nw York Ohloago St. Louis San Franolaco Don ror Baltimore Montreal. Can. London. Knit, Send for a oopy of Hpaldlng's Fall and Winter Sports Cataloguo. It's free. Philadelphia Kralo ton Minneapolis Kansas City Washington Pittsburg Dr. J. J. Davis Graduate Rclractlonist Spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. 1222 O Street-Auto Phone 302 I , Rejldence 2818 LINCOLN. NEB. eHk G. G.Wann 1 17 North Eleventh St. LINCOLN, NEB. Druggist CbarhsB. Gregory ( v. oi n. '91 ) TeUp&onu 343 f. . f W cj7t vdt man NO. 1044 O STREET Sam Westerfield Proprh tor of Sam's Cafe Llttlt- (lent Hot WnfllvN nndFiiio MtmlH and Lunches 117-121 North 13 Street Kofzffbeen through this you know how seldom one find a collai and a cravat that will go well to gether. The main reaton for this u that the collar is either just too big or just too small. Quarter Size COLLARS do not bind either crarat or neck. The original and best are Cluett. 25 cents each Arrow, 15c each. 2 for 25c Bold ererjirktrak CLUETT. PEABODY & CO. JUfcors of Claettand Monarch Shirts. Campus Gleanings Wlillo on Vnncoincr Island lant s.im mor, Prolcssor Hessoy collected a large quantity of brown Beaweeds, which he is now lining for Illustration in one one of hlfl advanced classes. He estimates that this collection amounts to about twenty gallons or material. It Is preserved in formaldehyde. J II Davidson, '04, who is now do ing mechanical engineering work at Molino, 111., will return November 1st to take (barge of the fotge shop at the state farm. Word has been received from Mr Donald C Ballard, who attended the University last year. Mr. Ballard is taking a course In architecture at Bos ton Tech. I'. L. Brockway, a Senior In the en gineering department this year, spent the summer overseeing the construc tion of a dam In the Blue river at Bea trice T. II. Nalstead, a Sophomore In the electrical engineering department, has quit school. He will work for the Automatic Telephone company. I A. Cutchall, who will graduate In February, has taken as the subject of his thesis. "Tests on Cooper Hewitt's Mercury Vapor Lamp." Juniors who wish to make the class footlnl team report Wednesday morn ing to I.. Raber on the athletic field at chapel time. G H. Knowels. an old-time student In the civil engineering department, was on the campus yesterday The students in the mechanical en gineering department hae set up a "planer" In the shops. I OST Small silver watch, without (haln or fob. Finder return to Ne hraskan office Miss Winifred Bortis of the (laps of "fit, is teaching at Fairfield. Neb. Chas Beardslee. '04. is cement in spector for the Rock Island. B. A Newton, '04. is surveying for the Burlington In Wyoming. William Standen. a tall athletic young man of Harvard, has been ap pointed by tire Bryn Maur College fac ulty as official escort to the students He will be on duty- from 5 p. m. until midnight and will meet all incoming trains and escort students to outgoing trains, when necessary. He will be duly armed "to keep the boys away," it Is said. Cornell Dally Sun. The School of Music Cafe serves a splendid meal at very moderate prices. Join the university patrons In lunch today. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, oar and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone 6G6. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. Olee Club try out Thursday and Saturday at 7 . m. In U 100. Home Made Bread and Pastry. The Home Cafe,. 214 So. 12th. Get tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. I emlng's Dairy for Ice Cream, Milk and Confectionary. Fleming. 1211 O St., is showing a nice line of jewelry. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters. I incoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phone 176. If you got It at Armstrong's, It'e right. For Fr.rs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St Chapin Bros.. Florlets. 127 So,. 13th. THE Wabash Railroad Is The Only Line Landing: you at the WORLD' FAIR Round trip rates from Omaha are as follows: $8.50 sold daily except Friday and Saturday, good seven days. $13.80 sold daily, good fifteen days. The Wabas.i is the only line that lands passengers at the main entrance of the World's Fair Grounds. Also the only line that can (heck your baggage to the World's Fair Station. Think what a saving of time, annoyance and extra car fare. All agents can sell you through ticket and route you over the Wabash. Very low rates to many points South, Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all Information call nt 1601 Farnum St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D. Wabash Ry, Omaha, Neb. JACOB NORTH AND COMPANY 111B-1122 M Strttmt Printers and Bookbinders A list of University Class Publications printed by us and which speak for us. Sonior Annual 1898 " " 189Q " " 1903 " " 1904 Somproro, Class of 189S " " 1898 " " 1902 " ft mrjm I0UV Law Annual, 1898-1904- LlUnmm'.ltmV.WtLUASA'AH.lMMAtAM Kostka Glass & Paint Company 1211 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska Dr. W. E. Jack, DentUt? 1301 O St. IS.WVLIILH.I". is.itv a 7 'O. ( -A 4- i R a : A w 4W. HS Ki srrrrw i LLnnnfl &. V lUi.4iaivU -xv;vjj i.:- . - . rwswrwantnitviww " " -ij-J l JW - . UmM rVsW L .. sf 74 I -I--. . -. & i . - .. ut;j 'XT' ' HiWHiW'W'll'l Jjp llli I nil