Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1904)
.frrt,ll , ...,,'. . V TTbe ID a f I fie t ra eft an Jill t I M A, (J. SPALDING & BbOS.' Campus Gleanings Larnesl Manufacturers in the World Ol Official Athlotio Supplies. Th foot hnll fiup plliw innnufndur- ' ni by A O Si'AI.D- , iiwi 8c Buoj. am tho bust that cum Absolutely ho pro duced , thoy arci of Hiiporlor mnk e: ' thoy linvo Htood hid tent ror over twonty olfflit jcrtiH, nnd nro imcd by nil lntT eolleiffnto, Int'rrHoholofltlc nnd pronilnmit fool ball tomiiH of the country. No nxpmiDC) 1h apnred In mnkiiiK w Roodg Wnrlnu tho Bpnlclln Trade-Murk iw nrrtr pnrfoot an It 1h iiontlblo to firoduoti a tnanufooturod nrtlc nnd If It boar his mark of perfection It Is thu lHt BPALDINU'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL CKJIDB. Edited by Waltor Camp. Contain IheNBW RULES "FOR 1001 Special nrtlolwi on tho dusk, It In, In fact, a complete en cyclopedia of the game. Prlco lOcnnU. 8PALDINO'S HOW TO PLAY FOOT BALL. Edited by Walter Camp Newly rnvUed for I0O4. Undoubtedly tho bout book ever publluhed on on tho (fame, for It contain all a beginner houla know, and mnny IntercHtliiK fact for thct experienced player Price 10 cents. ''If It portalnH lonthletlcH, wo make It." Iti'i.oiiH ol iiinimor work l vniioii1 menil ( r 1 Incc.ln cpies. Itjmai';c 1 1::; N St t eft Mr I cnholf. '!I7 lias novrd to 11.1 S, 11 tli Sheet IM A U Minhe 1 1.1 Ko 11 tli SlH'fM has moved t'i .jtTBAOOdvl A. Q. 8PALDING & BROS. Nw York Ohloago St. Louis San Francisco Denver Baltimore Philadelphia Buffalo Dm ton Minneapolis KnnsnH City WoHhlnRton Pitthburc lUTK Montreal. Can London. Eng. Send for n copy of Hpaldlng's Fall and w inter sporu uaiaiogue. it s ire. Dr. J. J. Davis Graduate Rclrnctlonlsl b Spectacles and Eycglasres Filled to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. 1222 O Street - A no Phone 302 I , Reildence 28 18 LINCOLN. NEB. 6. 6. Warm 1 17 North Eleventh St. LINCOLN. NEB. Druggist CbarhsB. Gregory ( v. of n. '91 ) Telephone i 343 and 329 I Zbe Coal Wan NO. 1044 O STREET Sam Westerfield Pi oprn tor of Sam's Cafe EaLLLBlaaaaaaaW vLLLLfttaLLLLLLLv Little Ucill Hut Wnllles nnd Kine Mi'bK nnd Lunches 117-12 1 North 13 Strtet W.P Venetian Chocolates our snethillv Maxwell's, loth nnd N W A Wlllaul "Tin- Ihiniuil Hei mudu Expedition of 1H I " Miss I arie llppincr left Wednesday foi a week's l.sit nt St I oui lleni) M Ward- "The International Zoological Congress at Hern. !!)()! " Harold Kb-! oi . who attended the imi voisltv Inst vein was on the (anipns j esterdaj The Iowa ( lull will meet with Pro fessor and Mrs Brunei- Tuesdu even ing Oc toiler 18 Mr l.ouis M Horn will leave this morning for Yutan. Nch where he will isit for a few days Piofenor M M Fogg dolivetod a lei -lure in the interests of the high school at Km n Neb , last evening The Zoological Huh will meet at K p in Sat in da . October 1T, In tho zoo logical llbraiy . It 20C. Nebraska Hall Pi op ram .1 1' Howe. !).". formeil assistant in Lnc department of geology is now profess oi of geologj in Montana Fnl- oi -l t . The Maxwell Pohating dub will meet in the law lei Hue loom this eon ln; foi the eeition of oflhois and ad mission ol new members Tho aiadem football team is prac thini; renulaih dames hae been s( hednled with Wahoo and YorU The name with Wahoo will be laved Satuida. October L'2 Tho ihotomaphs of tho Monill expe dition and of the state izeoloniial sui ov hae been stored with V d C'or t'oll in ordei to snpplj tho constant demand for those piitiiies from other institutions A i apoi entitled "Cement and it I'ses on the Faun." bj E 11 llarboiu ai pears in the lopoit of the NebiasKa state boaid of ai i( ulturo for lilfKl The loport al'-o contains pa' ers by Profs Hi'.inerand Wohott and by Mr Hess( 'lie depirtment ol ooIokv has io ((r.tlv installed a now (Hint,' i abinet in which is niofeived all the corres- pondonie of the state siirvev and nni Uouni and of the deimrtment. toRothoi with mapo. pamphlets and lantern slide. There are about thieo thou sand slides and loit-lle thousand (aids resisting the of the stat (OLLARS are just what a young man needs. They give him a size between the one too big, or too little ; in fact, your size. They 'are made in Cluett 25c Brand or Arrow 15c Brand ,. Ask any uj-to-late dealer Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett nnd Monarch Shirts At Minnesota tho "Hooter-' mikado" ompot-ed entirely of women looter, w-il! be ori;anied for its second oar's woi . i'"s.T.s.y.-..i.''L'.a.trC?rr!S Mg, II Kostka Glass & Paint Company .a.!lIWfMlAlMIMIllltlIWI,lIWIM 11 ItHWiMtW Hltl 1211 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska The 1.1th anniorsaiy of Columbia College (xcuis October UU-oi. and 2.000 imitations hae boon issued for tlio (olebratlon On Friday. October 2IJth. there will be a large public looeption and on Saturday afternoon a football game between Yale and Columbia Tho Columbia Uniorsit club will throw open its doors to alumni and students on Satuiday evening The exercises will (lose with a commemorative sei- i e h) I'lesident Hitler on Monday Five thousand dollais lias been set aside at Cornell for tho election of a new iinhersit power station it is exre ted that the plant will bo in operation early next month Low Rates East via Burlington. Chit ago and return .$20.00 f'hl ago and return, via St Louis 20 10 9.25 15 50 17.20 t 1 ouis and return Coach rate. St 1 ouis and return 15-Day ticket St I ouis and retuH'. . GO-Uay tu'.vet Tickets on sale ;u ul. the above rates pmI destinations u.Uil Nov 30th. 1001 Tho Burlington's elt-gant service and quick time assure all of a pleasant o"nip. sh'Hild thcrv uso the Bulling ton Gonc:al Clearance ol all Spocial PIANOS -AT ROSS P. CURTICE COMPANY 1125 O Stroot Choice of over Twenty Reliable Pianos. Man of these insti unients are of eiy latest models, otluis are discon tinued stylos or have had use, but all are of elegant appearance and distinct Iv aitisMlc tone and action These pianos have been placed to one side and niaiked at reduced figures to in- suie immediate sale Wo wish to avoid carrying oven one of them in our holiday stock. Piano sockets would do well to examine these pianos before purchasing. - Wo also offer a few very attnutive uprights bought fiom a good maker at an extra discount Those "ale of intrinsically good value and will be closed out at $185.00. A special lot of new and attractive uprights, greatest value in Nebraska, at $H)3.00. Our New Fall Stock Our new Fall stock of 100 pianos specially selected by us fiom leading lactories, is full of surprises EASY PAYMENTS Wo aie prepared to deliver on receipt of ni-st small payment and then small monthly payments Matinee and Night Wednesday, Oct. 16 Mr. WALKER WHITESIDE And a notable company including MISS LELIA WOLSTAN presenting David Garrick's Love PRICES: Matinee 25c and 50c; Evening 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done. NULL fe McCOY, ROOM 4, F. & M. BUILDING For Fi'i see Steele 143 S 12th St Chap!i Droit. Floriets. 127 So. 13t1i. Buyeis at a distance should write for bpec ial bargain list and schedule of f i eight rates. Gbe fraternity Butlbinfl Corner 13th nnd N Streets "FattlUner & Hhnrp, I'rops. Sfxctsl Ratcu for Fraternity Danct. Telephone: Automatic 1974, Bell 974 Rexfdencc, Automatic 1587, BU 63Z. RIGGS THE Drug Cutter Mr W. E Jack, Dentist. 1301 0 St. Novy Pianos to Rent S4 ppr Month Wo have the largest business in high grade pianos in the Vest. operating thiee stoies, which m,ake a specialty of gocd pianos Ross P. Curtice Company r 1125 O Stroot THERE IS NO Watch, Clock or Article ol Jewelry WE CANNOT REPAIR c A Tucker, Jeuelor 1 12 O St.-Phonea. Bell 634. Auto 1534 I&UJ55iiJ.B5!!sa Manufacturei the Pure.t Candy In the city. All kind, ol Noyeltlee, FoolbalU, Water melon and Fancy Boxes. V el i, 51 S i "$ 1 ) i Subscribe for The Nebraskan. 1337 O street Lincoln s -V- uxuiatlt. I- -- r.--