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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1904)
5 be 5 Atl H e t r a 0 ft a n ' ro & I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Ross P. Curtice. BARBER SHOP Green's, Palace and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. BANKS Columbia National. . BOOKBINDING Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CJGARS Fred A. Powell, Royle & Walker, Lindsay, Young. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING--Armstrong, Magee & Dcemer, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Lemlng. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DENTIST Dr. Jack. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. - DRUGGISTS Steiner, Woempener, Brown, Mann. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. ELEiCTRICrtL SUPPLIES Ross Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Drop. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS Keystone. HABERDASHERY $2. 50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgc & Guenzel, F. " E. I ahr. HOTELS Llndell. JEWELERS Tucker, Fleming, Wolff. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. . LIVERY Palace. LUMBER Dlerks. MANDOLIN INSTRUCTION Mrs. R. W. Rhone. Studio, 1332 J. .MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. Ux-TICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis. ..olff. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den. PIANOS Ross P. Curtice Co. PLUMBER Korsmeyer Co. vPOOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell, The Ideal. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen- tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. "RESTAURANTS Westerfieid, Home Gafe. Unl. School of Music Cafe, - Good Health. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union . Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank E. Lee: SUITORIUM Weber, . Elliotts. TAILORS Unland, Union College jTailors. TYPEWRITER Remington. Griff in-Greer Printing Company mo street In Society The initiations of the various Greek letter societies still continue and (lowd out all smaller functions at the frat houses. The formal Initiation ceremonies will probably not be closed until November 1, as new pledges are constantly being added. Several larger parties. are bcing-plapned for sororities, but no definite dates can be announced ar yet. The numerous socials by the liter ary societies, as weil as othor inter esting programs scheduled for the last oi this week, broke delightfully Into the monotony of school life. From this time on the social calendar will be filled and there will always bo plenty doing. Miss Pearl Fitzjerald of South Omaha Is the latest pledge of PI Phi's. An initiation of this fraternity will occur early next week. Miss Mabel Clark of South Omaha will be the guest of Miss Pearl Fitz jerald and Miss Nell Ensor at the dormitory over Sunday. Wedding Invlutiom, Ball Program, and all kinds of Commercial Printing. - ' We hire always beta known as the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ThU season trt are turning out tetter work than ever. We want your business. YULE BROS.'. HAND 1AUNDW Auto 2754 1514 O Street Bell 754 The Sophomore hop. the second dance of the year, Is looked forward to with much anticipation, as the com mittee has spared no pains to make the affair an enjoyable one. This evening the Kappa Alpha Thetas will initiate into their sorority Misses Emma Swezey. Stella Trimble, Agnes Langevln, Hazel Davey, Jessie Powers and Selina Stuart. A supper at Miss Millar's will follow the cere monies. Adanced students In German, num bering about twenty. Profs. Fossler, Grummann and Miss Heppncr met at Prof. Grummann's on Thursday even ing to form a German club. This club will meet every two weeks for a social evening at the different members' home.!. The Sigma Alpha Epsilons will hold their fonmal Initiation this evening at the frat house. The ceremonies will be followed by a "feed." Those who will enter the society are: Messrs. Schmidt of Fairbury. C. K. Ward of Tecumseh. Burton Green of Lincoln, Ruseell Rurrus of Lincoln. Guy Teeter of Beatrice, George Thompson and Harry Putnam of Omaha. Guy Cameron of Lincoln and Glen Castillo o' York. Miss Edna Black returned Thursday from her home in Hastings. . Jklr3. LeMar. Newman's Grove; Rol land Myers. Germantown: Julia Hol ben, Lincoln, and Anna Jorgenson. Stnplehurst. enrolled at the University School of Music this week. Miss Jones. Miss Dales and Miss Cas tor, of the School of Music, gave a concert at Seward, Neb., last Thursday night, before the State Federation of Woman's clubs. They were received with a great deal of favor and applause. A. J. Peterson, who superintended the arrangement of the University Woman's building, left for St. Louis this afternoon. He will return some time in the near future, and arrange the Windsor Hotel for a boys' dormi tory. " ' Erle B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block, Phone CGG. Homo Made Bread and Pastry. The Home Cafe, 214 So. 12th. I eming's Dairy for Ice Cream, Milk and Confectionary. Union Shining Parlors'. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. Get the best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Fleming, lftJl O St., is showing a nice line of Jewelry. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters, Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phone 176. . If y.op Got it at Armstrong's, .It's right. PORTLAND AND THE NORTHWEST VIA niHiiiimiHiiiiiiinir: M M M H H H M M H H N H M H H M M M H H H H M) M M M H M M X M M H M M H M H CTIIIIIIIIXIIIIIII1 :ixrxiix "The Union Faoiflo This route gives you 200 miles along the match less Columbia River, a great part of the distance the trains running so close to the river that one can look from the car window almost directly into the water. Two through trains daily with ac commodations for all classes of passengers. Shortest Line -Fastest Time. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1014 O Street, Lincoln TTTIHiriHIIlIIItHIHtTTrTTTTKTHlirtTJttllfTrfTV xoooo We expect to be appointed local agent for one of the largest Fraternity Jewelry manufacturing concerns In the country. Meanwhile we carry the best grade of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry - InLlncoin. M.G. WOLFF 130 8o. 13th xxoxxoxxoxckxoxx oo j Students Special Sale on u 1! FOUNTAIN PENS 1r t We are Agents for the Famous n WATERMAN REIN I! The Best Pen on Earth. ll ii II $1.50 Fountain Pens $J.OO $2 Fountain Pens $1.50 J , For a Short Time Only. Rector's Pharmacy j n 12th and O Streets II 9 D1ERK8 LUMBER fc COAL CO. ;" Sell Phone 35 Automatic 3013 Columbia National TlU a OF LINCOLN, jDanK t NEBRASKA See Yourae.lft as Others See Vott Capital, $100,000.00 TVHE Printed Stationery you use reflects your business judg ment. No job is too common to be neatly done What you want when you want it. The Palace Livery Co. (PALACE STABLES) The Finest Turnouts in the City. Btll Phone 453 Automatic Phone J453 JJ29-JJ3I M STREET "Petersen" Shapes -AT- Ed Young's Pipe Shop j!o7 o street QEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Hatlmatca Purnlahcd upon Application, lob Work Promptly Attended to. 245 So. 10th Lincoln. Neb. 125-w Nb King S: Zurbrigen Twlf th 8trtt The Jry Prew Printer Wc Sell Dollars for Nickels FRED A. POWELL gilr-Thc.r.Bi, 135 NORTH 13th STREET The First National Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR V. Capital $ 200,000.00 '" Surplus , 100,000.00 Undivided' profits .. 40,00.0.00'; S. H. Burnham, Pres. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President. ' - H. 8. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. V Frank Parka, Asst. Cas'hter. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. f 1 .J - tilt JQWtin K&d&JliJt' yAJVltiiy Jfrijart :vl 1 f .ll VI . l i i fi ..: ' ? i i M J;1 1 m n ' 9 ' -tXik t " v, J m ft I , - '