The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    p. . t. -Jj.a
Zbe Dai Is flebraftan
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A coiiRolldntlon of
The Hprrlnn, Vol. ill, Tho Nebrnsknn, Vol, 10
Scnrlet nnd Cronm, Vol. 4.
Published dnlly, except fiuntlny nnd Momlny,
nt tb University of Nebrimkn, Lincoln, Neb.
by th HeHperlnn Publlflhini; Co.,
Board Op DintfcTona
Profi-HMorn .1. I. Wyer. and C. R. Kiclinnlt
II. P. Lenvltt
John Wcstover E. K Wnlton,
Bditorln Chief
Ani't. Adv.Mnnnirer
Pnnl A. EwIiir
A. O. Schrellxr
Wnltcr E. Stnndeven
Fred Naught on
Ni'wh - .1 . Clyde More
Athletic Frel A. Swefloy
AKMlHtnnt Athletic Knymond H . WcCnw
Ux-nl D. P. DcTounc
Society MIhh Minnie Hlller
Literary M1h Lota Stetter
.Editorial Roomn nnd Bunlneta Office U 21 IS
PohI Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
Subscription Price, J2 per yenr, in udvancc
Rnterixl at the postofllco nt Lincoln, Neb ,
in Kccond-oluMs ninil matter under the net of
eoiiKrens of March 3, IH79.
Individual notic will bi charged for at the
rate of 10 centH for enoh Insertion. Faculty,
depnrtinontnl nnd university bulletins will
Kindly be published free, ns heretofore.
Editorial Remarks
Most of (hose, tilings mentioned
in tho Minnesota Daily's account
ot the Colorado same we already
Know, viz., that Nebraska played
a good gaml, that tne high al
titude was disastrous, etc.. but even
the fastest kind of football will not
avail Minnesota on October 29th. Ne
:. biaska is not very apt to become over
confident, and knows full well that the
team which Minnesota will place
againtt her will be in eeiy way wor
thy of her metal. But the rooting sug
gestions which are being made in no
. doubtful language to the Gopher root
ers are not out of place repeated to the
rooters here. It is not known yet
what rates, if any, will be given for
the trip to Minnesota, and perhaps
many of the rooters will not see the
game. But every night at practice the
bleachers can he filled, and yells for
the scrubs and varsity should be very
much in evidence from now on. The
Minnesota game is two weeks distant,
and In the meantime we have a tough
proposition on our hands next Satur
day in the shape of Knox. It is up
to every man .in school to come out
on the field, if oven for only ten min
utes, let out a few yells of encourage
ment, and thus show his loyalty to the
"best team Nebraska has ever had."
Minnesota evidently considers the Ne
braska game her biggest one this year.
It is certainly our biggest one very
near at hand, and if a crowd does not
go to Minnesota to he with the team
in pei son, yet the spirit expressed a
hi cheers from the bleachers every
evening will go a long way to bring
victory to the scarlet and cream
again. Come out.
A recent letter to the Nebraskan
from E. II. Buekner. '04, who Ib now at
Harvard University, gives the names
ol the following old Nebraska men,
who are now at Harvard:
C. M. Story, 99.
Ira Hyner, '04.
E. R. Buekner, 04.
E. K. Myers, 'ul.
A. I. Myers, 04.
"Walter Hlltner, '03.
O. A. Mather. ex-'Ofi.
G. M. Petets, '03.
Walter Romigh. "03.
A. S. Pearse, '00.
This Is by far the most ever at Har-
ai d at any one time from Nebraska,
and they are distributed as follows:
Hlltner, Harvard Medical; Mather.
Harvard College; Pearse, Harvard
Graduate School. All the rest are
A .friend has handed its the follow
ing letter from Edwin I Myers, '04.
one ol the above:
My Dear : Nebraska seems to
be starting out right In several ways
this year. I understand they have a
good scrub coach. My hcaxt Is with
Nebraska's football team, liul none
the less with her Y. M. C. A. and tem
ple fund. I guess they do not know
Nebraska is on the map here, at any
i ate their Sunday papers do not say
anything about her football prospects.
I hope they have to after the Minne
sota, game.
You no doubt have heard a great
deal about the cold and heartless way
the eastern men treat a stranger. Well,
just mark that down as the biggest
pievarlcation ever. I have not seen
a single snob yet though I suppose
there are a few here, and the men are
lar more ready to mako friends than
Nebraska. I have seen at least a thou
sand men at Nebraska who put on
more airs than Vanderbilt of New
York (ity does here.
I ran across that Michigan salt case
in ontrats today, the first duplica
tion I have struck in cases. The pro
fessor, Wyman. explained it different
ly from Robbins, and Robbie is good
fin contracts, too.
Now. do not think I am sore on Ne
l.iaska. I am just telling you that
theie is a good school and gome fine
fellows down here.
Give my very kindest regards to Mor
ris and tell him that I give the Ne
braska yell after getting the report of
each game.
When you have nothing else to do
write me a letter. Sincerely.
' 1(591 Cambridge St.. Cambridge.
Rev. Francis W. Russell, '90 called
on the older professors on Thuisday.
He is pastor of the 'Second Presby
terian church in St. Louis. While in
the university he gave a good deal of
attention to botany and geology, and
on graduation received the degree of
bachelor of science.
"Tre WiltorC
The College Man's
Overcoat Will
Please Him
If Selected at MAYER BROS.
Our $15 Coats ?
Iy fine and dressy garments. Have broad shoul
ders and are built especially (or young men. Black
gray and fancy colors in large and pleasing variety.
It will be a pleasure to us to show you these hand
seme garments and no obligation on your part to.
The Hat for Gentlemen
KNOX HATS are the hats of tone and
character and are worn by the world's best dressers.
Both soft and stiff shapes in all colors. Be gocd to
yourself by wearing 1 Knox Hat. Mayef Bros.
are sole agents.
The College Man's Shoes
Nothing: adds more to a man's appearance than a good fit
ting; shoe. "University" and "Regent" brands stand for
rig-nt shoes, for'shape and service. Light, medium and heavy
shoes of vici calfskin and other popular leathers. These are
the $3 and $3.50 shoes sold only by Mayer Bros.
oooooooooooooooo x x oooooo
Visiting and Address Cards
Programs, Invitations and
Correspondence Stationery
Fraternity Building
We also manufacture Advertising
Buttons and Mirrors.
A349. 3400
Some very interesting weeds are now
coming in to the department of botany
from the alfalfa fields. A few days ago
one was identified which had never
been iecordea as growing in America,
and a day or two later another strang
er was sent in. These weeds have been
brought in with the alfalfa seed from
southern -Europe.
Dean G. N. Porter, of- the English
derailment at the Peru State Normal,
who is a former graduate ofthe uni
versity, is visiting friends in the city
and meeting old acquaintances around
tho college.
"Nebraska' is going to fight harder
after her recent defeat, and Minnesota
knows it. Perhaps the Cornhuskers
will win. But they won't if we
So says The Minnesota Daily.
The Nebraskan desires to amend
this. It should read as follows:
"Nebraska is going to fight harder
after her recent defeat, and Minnesota
knows it. Perhaps the Cornhuskers
will win. They surely will, if we
Nothing adds more to a man's ap
pearance than a good fitting shoe.
"University" and "Regent" brands
stand for right shoes, for shape and
service. 1 ight, medium and heavy
shoes of vici calfskin and other popu
lar leathers. These are the $3 and
$3.50 shoes sold only by Mayer Bros.
Blue Front
Shoe Shop
Water mk Ideal
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Tao Essentials
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Buy the. Ideal
The Ideal ROYLC,irB"
Q art, Tobacco and
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Billiards and Pool
1028 O Street LINCOLN, NEB..
Fourteen Dozen to Select
from at
!25.South T
AH artists or cartoonists desirous
of working on tne Sombrero release call
at Sombrero office, U. 304, before
Wednesday, October 19. Bring speci
mens of work. Oifice hours? 3 to 0
p. m.
FOUND About two weeks ago, a
pocket book containing several dollars.
Owner may have same by calling at
the executive office and proving property.
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