The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1904, Image 1

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ZIbe IDatl IFlebraefcan
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Vol. IV, No. H
Price 5 Cent
Special Train Leaves Burlington Depot Tomorrow at 9:30
a. m. and Leaves Omaha at 10:00 p. m.
The fare Is $1.10 Round Trip But 200 Tickets
. Must be Sold to Get This Rate.
Tickets Must be Secured Today;
at Burlington Office or at
Treas. Dale's Office.
Tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock the
exclusion for the Crelghton game
starts for Omaha from the Burlington
station. It is probable that several
hundred people will take advantage of
the cheap rate that has been an
nounced $1.10 for the round trip
but two hundred tickets must he sold
in. order to secure the ijate. For the
convenience of the university students,
it has been arranged so that tickets
may be secured at the treasurer's office
.in the main hall. They may also be
secured at the Burlington ticket office.
The excursion will start back fidm
Omaha about 10 o'clock Saturday 'even
Ing. The athletic board at its meeting
Monday night arranged to send the
band to the game. Thisinsures good
music, but a good crowd of rooters
would do much toward making the
game interesting.
Coach Booth Issues a Call
Heavier Line Men.
five years ago. and was defeated G-0.
It seems that the west will not have
an opportunity to measure strength
with the east th,is year, but this can
not be laid against Michigan, for she
has repeatedly tried to schedule with
all of the big eastern schools. We in
the west regret their Inability to meet
Columbia, for we had no doubt as to
Michigan's ability to take her measure.
Following the action of Columbia,
the Chicago College of Physicians and
Surgeons, which was scheduled to meet
Michigan last Wednesday, also can
celled her date Upon receipt of a
spirited protest from Michigan, how
ever, the game was finally played, re
sulting in a heavy score for Michigan.
The Oberlln game, which was sched
uled on condition that the Columbia
game was played, has now been called
off Michigan's schedule ends Novem
ber 12, with the Chicago game
Coach Booth lias Issued a Call for
l'iji men for the line. There are dozens )
ot big. husky men in school who are
not getting out and trying for places
on the varsity and these heavy men
are greatly needed. So far, the line
positions have only one man available
for each and a stiff game, such as the
game with Colorado, the
direr necessity of having more heavy
men to call upon. None of the places
on the rush line are by any means
cinched andthat a man hasn't yet been
out doesu't mean fhat It is too late.
With the liack field no fault can be
lound. Wq, have line buckers and
sprinters that can't he equaled, and
some of the line men are up to the
mark; but others are not, by any
Considering the small number of
men reporting for practice at other
schools' the number of men out at Ne
Lraska is very satisfactory, but more
beef is needed. Coach Booth has a
faculty of making football players, if
he has n chance nnd every big man
In school, whether experienced or not,
should get out.
The game to have been played on
Thanksgiving day between Michigan
and Columbia, in New York city, has,
according to the Michigan Daily, been
called off by Manager Morely of Colum
bia, because he was afraid of the
Wolverines. This Is a game that has
been attracting more Interest than
any since Wisconsin met Yale four or
The following games will be played
at various rinses tomonow:
Nebraska vs. Crelghton. at Omaha.
Wisconsin vs. Notre Dame, at Mil
waukee. Pennsylvania vs. Blown, at Franklin
Yale vs. Syracuse, at New Haven.
Princeton vs. Annapolis' at Annapo
lis 4
Harvard vs. West Point, at West
Cornell vs. Bucknell. at Ithaca
Columbia vs. Amherst, at New York.
I afayette vs. Bloomsburg Normal, at
State vs. West Virginia, at State.
Dickinson vs Franklin and Marshall,
at I ancaster.
SeSQuehanna vs Dickinson Semln
arv. at Selimgrove
Washington and Jefferson vs. Cali
fornia Normal, at Washington. Pa.
Wesleyan vs. Massachusetts A. C. at
Mlcliigan- vs. O. S. U., at Columbus,
Chicago vs. Iowa, at Chicago.
The Medical society will hold a
meeting in M. 301 Friday evening at
7:30 p. m. Dr. H.-B. Ward will lec
ture upon the subject. J'Some Medical
Impressions From My Trip in Europe."
It is important that every medical stu
dent should ally himself with this
work. All come out.
Professor Wyer will leave this even
ing for St. Louis, to attend the twenty
sixth annual meeting of the American
Library association, of which he Is
secretary. Miss Comptorf, assistant li
brarian, and Miss Noble, librarian at
the state farm, will also attend.
Knox hats are the hats of tone and
character and are worn by the world's
best dressers. Both soft and stiff
shapes in all colors. Be good to your
self by wearing a Knox hat. Mayer
Bros, are sole agents.
Franke E. Leo, Public Stenographer
and Notary. Mimeographlc letters;
perfect . imitation. 501-502 Richards
Blk. Auto 1155.
Captain Benedict Receives a
Friendly Letter.
Captain Benedict is in receipt of a
letter form Captain Hicks of the Kan
sas football team, which seems to con
tradict the feeling expressed in the
article In the K U. paper. Mr. Hicks
Bays that he hopes Nebraska will clean
up the Indians whon we meet them
in Kansas City, and adds that he Is
very sorry relations moro amicable do
not exist between Nebraska and Kan
sns. The letter is full of real pro
Nebraska sentiment, and, if circum
stances permitted of Its publication,
would go a long way toward taking
away the feeling of disgust aroused by
the dipping' from the Kansas Univer
sity paper. However, the paper is
credited as the official organ of the
university and as such must be rolled
upon to represent student-sentiment.
Twenty Men After Places on the
Base Ball Team.
Last evening about twenty men re
ported for basketball practice. Among
these were several new men, some of
whom showed unusual skill in the
game, and made the practice snappier
than ever. Enough material is already
available for two good teams, from
which one of the best aggregations tlrat
ever represented Nebraska should bo
secured. Beers. Captain Hoar and Ed
Hagensick, of last year's team,' are
back and will be in the game again.
The men are ordered to report for
practice again this afternoon from 5
to 0 o'clock.
Hop Poster Stolen.
The handEome Sophomore hop poster
by Miss Mabel Williams, which has at
tracted so much attention during the
past week, has been stolen from the
bulletin board. No clew has as yet
come to light that would Identify the
thief, and a liberal reward will be of
fered by the chairman of the commit
tee for anylnformation on the matter.
The poster had already-proved a strong
drawlngcard, and much regret is ex
pressed at Its disappearance.
The registrar has received a letter
from A. E. Lunt, of Harvard, campaign
manager of the American Republican
College league, asking for the address
of the president of Republican club at
Nebraska. Anyone authored to re
ceive communications in this capacity
should hand his name to E. H. Clark at
Rent a Remington at student rate
and keep your notes In good form.
Office, Corner of Olive Theater Bldg.
'High Grade Chocolates and Bon
Bon3. Maxwell's, 13th and N.
Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c.
Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street.
Get the best Henderson & Ames'
uniforms, at Armstrongs.
Meals or Lunch. Good.Henlth Cafe.
Sombrero Board Outlines Plans
for Junior Class Book.
The Junior Sombrero board of edit
ors began active work on the book
yesterday, and will push It with all
possible speed from thin time on. An
office has been secured in room 304 of
the main hall, and anyone having busi
ness with the editors can ilnd them
there afternoons from 3 to G o'clock.
The editors have announced that since
many persons outside of the university
have come to form their opinions of
university from the various clasB
books, special efforts will be made this
j ear to raise the standard of the Som
brero to such an extent that It will
compare favorably with that of any
other university.
The usual form nnd si7.e of the book
vvlll be maintained and the best fea
tures of former books, together with
several original features already In
contemplation. Considerable space will
ho devoted to athletics, debating and
other prominent features of university
life, ahd a number of literary features
will be Introduced. A short story con
test Is being contemplated, and con
siderable prominence will be given to
verse nnd poetry
Special care is to be taken In the
artistic make-up of the book. A num
ber of cartoonlstB have already been
engaged, and It Is Intended to make the
photographic cuts and engravings of
unusual excellence. Bids for this work
will be asked of the best firms in the
It Is desired that nil literal y matter
be In the hands ot the editors by the
middle of December, in order that It
may bo ready for the prlnteis before
May, since it is intended to have the
book ready for publication early that
Good Program in' Memorial Hall
This Morning.
The following musical program will
be given at convocation this morning:
Helgh-Ho Burleigh
'TvvaB April Nevin
Autumn Sadness Nevin
Mr. Johnston.
Sonate Op. G7, F-mlnor. .. .Beethoven
Allegro Confuoco
Miss Archibald.
All For You D'Hardlot
The Lily and the Blue Bell
Wakefield Smith
Song from Omar Khayyam
7 Victor Harris
Mr. Johnston.
All artists or cartoonists desirous
of working on tne Sombrero please call
at Sombrero office, U. 304, before
Wednesday, October 19. Bring speci
mens of work. Office, hours, 3 to G
p. m.
Nothing adds moro to a man's ap
pearance than a good fitting shoe.
"University" and "Regent" brands
stand for right shoes, for shape and
service. Light, medium and heavy
shoes of vlcl calfskin and other popu
lar leathers. These are the $3 and
?3JJ" shoes sold only by Mayer Bros.
FOUND About two weeks ago, a
pocket book containing several dollars.
Owner may Jiave same by calling at
the executive office and proving prop
erty. Fleming, 1211 O St.. is showing a
nice, line of Jewelry.
. i
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