The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
axmi ril .fri.i mil T7 f i)ilr- "M iij i w yi' ;c A ? 1 Gbe all? fUbraoHan if ii hi III n. Lf & p p 6. u ' : l- A. G. Spaloihg & Bros. . Largest Mftnufaolurers in the-World f Official Athlello Supplies. Tho foot bnll sap pllcfl mnnufnotur od by A.O.Spald ino & Bnos. nro th lxist that caa absolutely- bo pro duced ; they oro of Biiporior make; thoy have stood tho teat for ovnr tfrentr-olght yoarn, and aro twod by all inter oolleglato, Intorsoholafitlo and prominont foot ball toanw of the country. No oxponso la apared In making tho goods bearing tho Bpaldlng Trade-Mark aa near perfect aa It la possible to prodoco a manufaoturod artlc nnd if it bears ihla mark of porfootlon it U tho boat . SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL IDS. Edited by Waltor Camp. Contains Ike NKW RULES FOR 1004. apodal artlolea on tho game. It la, in fact, a coraploto on oyclopcdia of tho gamo . Prleo 10 con tit . SPALDING'S HOW TO PLAY FOOT BALL. Silted by Walter Gamp. Nowly roviswl for 1QW. adonbtedly t4P uoat book ovor published, on oa.tbe game, for it contains all a beginnor Mnldknovr, and many Interesting facte for tni experienced playor . Price 10 cents. "If it pert alns to athlotlos, wo make It ." A. Q. SPALDING & BR08. Jfej 1J Ohloago St. Louis Philadelphia San Francisco Kansas City ffalo Denver Washington geaton Baltlmoro Pittaburg Minneapolis Montreal, Can. London, Eng. Send for a copy of Spalding's Fall and Winter Sport Catalogue. It's free. Dr. J. J. Davis Graduate Rclractlonist OH Spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. 1222 O Street -Auto Phont 3021, Rtildtnct 2818 LINCOLN. NEB. the dome Cafe Qome Cooking Regular Board $3.50 Per Week. CbarhsB. Gregory (v.otn.'gt) Ttbphonu 343 91 W t .and 3291 Mje iw man NO. 1044 O STREET Sam Westerfield Pi oprli tor of Sam's Cafe Llttlo Own Hot WiiftifHimdFIno MdbIh and Lunches. 117-121 North 13 Strctt Quarter Size Collars TVfUST bo Quarter Size Collars, tiiat is they must be precisely right and made of stuff which will not shrink. The Cluett and Arrow Col lars are rightly made of shrunk fabrics. Claett, 25 cents Arrow; 15 cents each or 2 for 25 cents Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts H- Ml. tfr wB2m . AHKOW ALUIKON Gamp us Gleanings Basketball mon report' for practlco at 4 p. m. today. Mr. McDowell. '04. holds the chair. of physics in Mornlngslde College. The Dramatic club will meet at 11 ('dock this morning. In U. lOfi. Cross-country men run tomorrow evening. Start from armory at 5. Mr. Goff has been appointed assist ant mechanic in the physics depart ment. Tho observatory will be open to the public from 7 till 10 Friday evening of this week. Registration in tire various classes In physics Is from 10 to 25 per cent; greater than last year. William Nleson, of ITnion College, and William Lovltt. '03. U. of N.. are taking post-graduate work In astron omy. Mr. Elraen. one of last year's grad uates In the department of physics. Is now with the General Electric com pany of Schenectady. N. Y. E. O. Woodruff, for several years nsslstant In the department of geology, hns accepted the chair of mineralogy In the University of Oklahoma. All members of Sombrero board call at office 304 U.. betwoen 3 and G this afternoon. CHAS. MATHEWSON. MASON WHEELER. The conservatory dining hall Is be ing appreciated more and more by nni erslty students. Home made Jollies, iair.s and canned fruits are served daily A Bible study class was organized by a number of conservatory girls Tuerday evening. Miss Coppock and seeral other university girls were present President Sldwell announces the ap pointment of the following athleUc committee forthe ensuing year: Chair man. Jack Clark; A. E. Mead and W. R. Sanvpson. Captain of football team. T.. Rabor. Mr Spencer, formerly optician and instructor In construction. In the uhyslcs department, has jtiBt gone to Washington. D. C. to accept a position as optician- in the national bureau of standards. . U. G. Cornell, tho university photog vanher, has recently filled an order for $500 worth of geological slides, for use In Oklahoma University. The Unhor slty of Montana has just applied for the same set Some changes are being contemplat ed in the requirements for entrance in women's gymnasium work. It Is. now probable that students from high schools, havipg had a year of gym nnsiirm work, will be admitted to the second year classes. Application has been -made , to the department of geology by three for eign universities for liberal exchanges from tho collections of Hon. CharloB H. Morrill. In tho state museum. Among these is an application by Dr. Woodward, of the British Museum. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. Ot tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, .at Armstrongs. Meals served In 3 minutes. Health Cafe. Good Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hat tore. . I incoln Transfer Co.; Phone 17C. baggage If you got it at Armstrong's, it's right. $5.00 for $4.00. Good Health Cafe. For Furs soe Steele.- 143 S. 12th St. Wabash Is The Only Line Landing you at the WORLD'S FAIR Round trip rates from Omaha are as follows: $8.50 sold daily except Friday and Saturday, good seven days. $13.80 sold dally, good fifteen days. The Wabasa is the only lino that lands passengers at the main entrance of the World's Fair Grounds. Also the only line that can check your baggage to the World's Fair Station. Think what a saving of time, annoyance and extra car fare. All agents can sell yoi through ticket and route you over tho Wabash. Very low rates to many points South, Southeast For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information call at 1G01 Farnum St, or address HARRY E. G. A. P. D. Wabash Price, $30.00 Columbia Disc Records FOR THIS MACHINE $1.00 Each o $10.00 Pet Dozen. Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments of $i Per Week. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. CO., 1621 Farnam Street, OmaHa, Nebraska. The Palace Livery Co. (PALACE STABLES) The Finest Turnouts in the City. BU Phone 453 Automatic Phont 1453 1129-1131 M STREET THE Railroad MOORES, Ry, Omaha, Neb. Columbia National UctllK f NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 k , c j , & .vj k - ,f ti :.t '' 1 . Av&ift Mv mm; 'I MJSi i j' 'wwi.y j 'jsg fe.-'wjMUJit. . . . , .- lasJ