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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
r-i -, t , G b e H a 1 1 fUbrae ftan '' "m I 't ' :' I i f Published dUyx excopfflundny and Mond, by tlioHeHptnrlarf Publishing Co., at tbo"Unl vorclty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob. A cbrfsolld'atlon of Tho HcporlUi, Vol. Bl, ThoNebrnHkan, Vol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. EdIUir-lnOhlef Manner Clpctjlator Asv't. Adv. Manager ASSOCIaTH N'W AthleMo AHAlHtant Athlotio Local .... Society Literary Paul A. Ewing A. G. Sohrolber Walter E". Standevcn Fred Nn8bton EDITORS .t Clyde Moore Frwl A. Sww-ley Raymond H . McCaW D. P. r5c Voting Mlft Minnie fllller MlflR Lta Stcttct tho spirit Shown Monday is hero to stay and to bo shown. Speakers noted tor their football enthusiasm and their f ability to Jolly the crowd will give ovidonco of these traits this morning and evory seat Bhduld be filled 'and standing room put at a premium. It was impossible to secure the chapel Friday and this is the last chance to get together before the Creighton game In Omaha Saturday. Flans for tho excursion will be given put. Everybody turn out. Editorial RoomH and Biwlncfs Offleo U 2ni PotU Offleo Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Automatic 1528 Bnbuorlptton Price, $2 per year. In advance Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nob., oh Hfcoml-olam mall matter under the act of 'ronRrowiof March 8, 1879. Individual notices will Ixi charged for at the rate of 10 eentH for eooh lnKortlon. Faenltv. departn ital and unlvondty bulletins will Kindly be published free, aH heretofore. Editorial Remarks The clipping from The Kansan of Kansas University! which was pub lished In yesterday's Nebraskan, has ben the gourco of much comment, none of which was complimentary. It had been generally hoped and felt since the occasion of the Kansas-Nebraska debate In Lincoln last spring, that friendly relations might again be ro fiimed by tho two schools, and The Nebraskan, for one, had believed that sentiment In Kansas had grown less bitter toward Nebraska, as we know Is the case here as regards Kansas. There has been no call for such spite ns Is ovidenced by The Kansan's Itl i -mtUfmmam in i rt In Society The Delta Delta Delta's have so cured two new pledges, Miss Palm qulst and Miss Covey. Miss Madeline Hills of Omaha spent Sunday at the Delta Gamma house, as the guest of Mies Ellen True. Miss Mamlo Eustus of Auburn, Neb., was the guest of her cousin. Miss Al lie Lurlong, for a few days last week. Miss Nell Randolph of Omaha will be tho gueBt of Miss Ella Harper at thcKappa Alpha Theta house the last 0; this week. Another Initiation of the Sigma Chls will be held October 21st. at the 'f rat house. H. Carney of Stan ton. Neb., and G. J. Prongfltt of Den ver, Col., will be Initiated. A banquet will bo served at the 1 Indell after the ceremonies. On Tuesday evening the Sigma Chls gavo an Informal chafing dish party to about fifteen young ladles. Mrs. Mary Frltzjerald acted as chaperone. After the spread, dancing and music woio tho order of the evening. Miss Faith lioel of Omaha fs ex pected at the Kappa Alpha Theta bouse to attend the Initiation, the last of this week. Miss Hop Is a member of this fraternity, but was un able to continue her studies at the pnnlversity this year. rmftimiiMiB Kostka Glass & Paint Company i:r!s:ain;:i:i33i3i3a7Ar,vig!!atr:rMr,r,r, 1211 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska I DC """" Text Books, Nebraska Folios and Paper, Note Books. ' "' .)j-u..i.-i. THE IDEAL Waterman Fountain Pen L at BROWN'S, 127 south Eleventh The girls of the dormitory held an Informal dance on Tuesday evening. There Is some talk of a cakewalk, to - "Price Does Not Make Quality" My price only is on the "cheap" order. Styles snappiest of the snappy. Qet acquainted with us. BUDD, at the $2.50 HAT STORE -u. oooobooboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FranK E Lahr o o o o o o 2 I 032 O o o o STREET g STOVES eitnd o o g HARDWARE 7f rj ff J J INVITES the atten tion of all students to his line of Cali pers, Oil Slips, Roles and all items reduired by them in the Stove and Hardware line. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mniiiTuxinriinmmmiinttTTTTT! article. Kansas has no bono to pick with Nebraska now. Expressions and uctlons such as she Is now apparently Indulging In are childish, ridiculous and uncalled for. But It Is already apparent that If Kansas is to root for Haskell. Ne braskans will not be slow to take up the challenge. If Kansas's attitude to ward us is still one of animosity, she may be certain that Nebraska will not be imposed upon. If Kansas as well as Haskell is to oppose us on Novem ber 12, wo may assure them that Ne braska rooters will be as plentiful as those of weeping Kansas, and it be , hooves them 'to get busy If the con test is to be of interest. This morning there will bo the first football mads meeting of tho year held in chapel. This is the first op portunity to prove to the team that be held on Friday evening, and the girls are busy preparing sultablo cos tumes. The first regular monthly dance will probably be given next week. The initiation of Alpha Theta Chi took place last Saturday evening. After the usual initiation ceremony a dinner at tho fraternity house followed. Covers wore laid for thirty. Among the alumnae were Dr Clements, Doctor Dales, Professor Pi per, Doctors Orr and Pointer and Nell Cronln of Lincoln. The Kappa Kappa Gammas held their annual Initiation at the frat house on Monday evening. Tho initia tion ceremony was followed by a large "feed," at which alumni local mem bers and "pledges" participated. Those initiated were Miss Eva Sly, Forn Leet and Ethel Burkett of Pawnee; Miss Verne Hall of restpn, Miss Ruth Ba ker, Edna Baker, Mary Minor. Flor ence Woods and Misses Extello and R. Wier. txxxxx PORTLAND AND THE NORTHWEST VIA The Union Pacific This route gives you 200 miles along the match less Columbia River, a great part of the distance the trains running so close to the river that one can look from the car window almost directly into the water. Two through trains daily with ac commodations for Ul classes of passengers. Shortest Line -Fastest Time. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1044 o a.. i . . XTIXXXIXXXllMIMTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrr o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o H M A. iij -i. .id i- -nr ry1ifi,tlyll ,;,; j y. " ..&: vt&v-;,-1