The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1904, Image 1

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    ?!r;jf '"l,lJt'T1
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Vol. IV, No. J3
Price 5 Cents
.ZUbe IDatlp IFlebraeMn
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Long List of Seniors are Placed
on Class Boards
. . t . . ,
Senior lihok Editors -are Nhktcd. Alio
From Committer.
President Fred M. Hunter of the
Senior class has announced the fol
cwing committees. 'All of them are-of
much Importance, not only In the work
of the class, but. of the entlro uni
versity. Their exclusive publication in
The Nebraskan is therefore of much
Senior Annual:
Alice Towne,
Editor in Chief.
Edna Spears,
Associate Editor.
J. D. ClarTt. '-'
Eugona Delatour. . . -
. HoJen.Redln.gton. ,
Susan Barnhart.
L. J. Pepperburg.
F. A. SWceley. -
- M. J. Brown.
Dean Driscoll.
Senior Prom.:
Robert Whito,
John Bonder, ,,
m. of c. .v ... ., ...
James Van Burg.
Elmer Davis.
Lucy Jones!
Herbert States.
Thomas Fleming:
Edna Spears.
Elizabeth Heacock.
Lillian Tlmms.
Harr-y-Roberts. - - -
Katharine Lumry.
Frank Beers.
Emma Morrel.
Hulh Wilson.
Alice Towne. . -
Mary Harris.
Commencement Orator:
John Allen,
William Ramsey.
Eva Cooper.
W. J. Woods.
May Thomas.
Frank Petorson.
Senior Play:
William Ramsey,
Frank Beers".
A. J. Coats.
Frances Cutter.
William Hoar.
Katherlno Lumry.
Harry Keyser.
Vivian Lee.
Allene McEachron.
Ruth Wilson.
Hats and Canes:
W. JT -Woods, -
Ned Loomis.
A. W. Billing.
L. WyTurner.
Frank 'Brookings.
Caps and Gowns:
Caroline Woods,-.
Minnie Patrashek.
Mary Harris.
Helen Redington.
Minnie Jansa.
SGertrudo Rowan.
Eva Cooper.
Grace Coppock.
Athletic Committee:
Herbert States,
Earl Eager. . ' "
William Hoar.
Fred -Lundin.
Dean Driscoll.
Frank Beers.
The Famous will give, a spdolal dis
count of 10 per cent to university stu
dents pn all purchases of millinery,
kid. gloves, corsets, etc.
Foot "Ball .Rally
Chapel this Morning
Omaha Excursion
Foot )3all Men Work Hard to Get
in Shape Again.
A, good stiff scrimmage practico was
the. order last night, After punting
anil catching for a short time the
varsity was sent against tho scrubs.
Xpe' practice was very satisfactory to
tho rooters. Only one gain was made
by the scrubs, while the varsity gains
were long and consistent. Borg ap
peared in his old place at center and
stood the scrimmage well. His ankle
is rapidly getting into shape. Mills''
arm still keeps him out of uniform, but
ho will be out today, probably. A
telegram from Assistant Coach Westr
over, received last night, stated that
Richardson was improving, butstlW
weak.---, v ' r '
It seeths that the rooters' dearest
ambition, the return of Blllje Wilson,
is not to bo realized. Wilson's father
was seen yesterday and said that he
couldn't spare BUllc from the farm.
Tho rooters wero more in evidence
last .night, as they, should bo. Some
good, hearty yells came from the
bleachers, but more men should tlfrn
. Last, week Iowa rolled up, 88 points
on Cornell, la. Tho usual plucklness
of Cornell; together with the big score,
has been giving Iowa's opponents of
this season something to think about.
The following is an excerpt-from tho
Des Moines Register and Leader,
which throws some light on Iowa's
"Alumni of the University of- Iown
are wrought up over the trick played
by Cornell last Saturday In sending
her second team to Iowa City to Hue
up against thO' big varsity squad.
Some of tho other college men Join
in denouncing as an unsportsmanlike
act. while others laugh and take it as
a4 huge joke." Cornell alumni main
tain that Cornell has as good a right to
send a second eleven to Iowa City, as
Iowa has to send a second eleven to
Mt." Vernon.
"If the Cornell coach, knowing that
there was nothing but defeat for Cor
nell anyway, desired to send a bunch,
-of subs for the Iowa team to run over,
he had a perfect right to do so. -It
Cornell chooses to bo represented by
such a team it is not for Iowa to say
otherwise. Of course Iowa was look
ing for a good practice game when
the contract was made with Cornell.
Iowa did not got a hard game tho
score was' 88 to 0 and that far tho
Iowa management has cause to be
W. R. Calvert of the 'll class has
gone to Youngstown, Ohio, where ho
hqs secured work in an iron works as
Uniforms, chevrons and other equip
ment shojold be ordered at once in
order tobe ready by the last of the
month.y See our samples. Palne's
ClothM Store.
The School ' of Music Cafo serves
a splendid meal at very moderate
prices. Join the university patrons in
lunch today.
The Engineering Society Adopts
Plans for Ensuing Year.
The Engineering society met for tho
first time this year,, last evening, with
a good attendance. Plans for the Engi
neers' Annual, which will appear somo
time early noxt semester, wero dls-
.cussed, and a commltteo appointed to
select an appropriate name for the
book. Mr. Warren Is editor-in-chief,
and R. H. White business manager.
A committee was also appolntod to
investigate tho opening of the engi
neering library evenings.
Owing to the provision in tho con
stitution of tho society, which sets the
.second meeting of the society as. tho
tlmetsior the election of officers, no
Wqlfon was held last evening. It will
ttttfe place on Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 20.
The first laboratory work of
semester In civil engineering 25
done yesterday morning.
Arc lamps for tho liew city lighting
company wero Jested in the -eloctrlcal
engineering laboratory yesterday.
Apparatus for standardizing metal
chains and tape was Installed In the
civil engineering department yesterday.
"The Blue Print," tho official publica
tion of tho Engineering society, will be
issued somo time In Novembor. Mr.
R. H. Whito is edltor-in-ch'ief. ,
The work In electrical engineering 3
has been somewhat retarded by tho dif
ficulty In securing enough copies of
(he text book. "Swoop's Practical Elec
tricity," UBed In this course.
J. C. Holmes, who has been Riirvnv-
Ing for tho Missouri-Pacific In Kansas,
was on the campus today. Ho will re
turn Monday to take up work in tho
civil engineering, department.
Charles J. McNamara, who has been,
doing civil engineering work In the
Dakotas, visited his Kappa Sigma
brothers hero Tuesday. He hopes to
be in school again next semester.
Owing to a scarcity of "Merlman's
Hydraulics." the text book used in
civil engineering 11, tho class has been
unable to do very successful work.
The Co-op reports that the books will
bo here some, time this week.
Tho Palaco.
109 N.
The Mogul.
1144 O
11 Streot.
Barber -
Tho Schpol of Music Cafe la bocom
ing a popular place. for meals. Try It;
you pay fpr what you eat, only.
Erie B. Woodward. MD.; diseases
of eye, ear and throat. .207-8 Richards
block. 0i6no 66G; , : . ,'"..
V ' -----, '
High Grade Chocolates 'and Bon
Bona. Maxwell's, 13th and tf . ' ' '
Athletic Board Chooses Popular
Athlete Base Ball Leader.
Long Htiwullnu Contest Settled lit I.nst.
Other Illinium.
' . i
Tho athletic board moot In Doctor
Clapp's offico laBt evening and elected
John Bender captain' of tho baseball
team for the coming soaBon. A report
km the O pi ah a excursion was offered
by Manager. Davis, of tho football
team, substantially as already an
nounced In Tho Nbraakan.
It was decided to take tho. band to
Omaha, thus Insuring good rooting at
tho Cr;elghton game.
The Qebating League-Will Meet
Minor Nebraska Colleges.
Tho University League of Amalga
mated Debating societies will meet In
tho Union society hall next Saturday
evening for the purpose of organizing
tho old societies Into a debating com
pact. Several of tho men who are
prominent In debating circles have de
termined that such an organization
will bo Invaluable to them in tholr
The league will have no Interstate
work In view, but will conduct de
bates with some of tho smaller col
leges of Nebraska, as has been prac
ticed In tho past by tho soparato clubs.
JuBt how much enthusiasm Is back
ing the movement is unknown, but It
is understood that a largo list of men
who have taken argumentation under
Professor Fogg, are interested -and aro
anxious to mane tho proposed plans
There Is litto question but that this
movement concurs in tho sentiment
o"f many students wjio aro aiming at
work that demands tho ability for
public speaking.
C. E. Bate 9 Gives Pleasing Se
lections at Chapel.
One of the most enjoyable pro
grames held In chapel this year was
given yesterday. It was a Laurence
Dunbar program given by Mr. C. E.
Bates. x
The selections given were taken
from, "Tho Home Life of the Negro."
They wero entitled "Encouragement."
"A Little Brown Baby With Sparklin'
Eyes," "Candle Lightin' TlmeV' ilTho
Old Front Gate," "When the Corn
-Pon's Hot," "Tho Signs of ttfeTlmes
and "With the. Lark." He also gave
by request a selection from John Ross,
ontittled "Working the Young Uns."
Mr. Bates' work was exceedingly
clever and was very well received by
the audience:
Professor Possler announced that a
college song program would be given
In tho near future.
Tho Initiation of Kappa Alpha Theta
will tako place next Saturday evening
at the home of Camllle Hallr- After
the initiation a banquet will bo served'
to the new members ond tho alumni
as well as tho local members. Those
to be initiated Include Misses Emlrifr
Swezey, Helen Lawes, SHena Stuarti"
Stella Trimble, Agnes Ijangevin anA
JeflfiiA PnWfiM Mloct TTn-rol novov lUrx
latest pledge of - this fraternity, will
uibq pe lmuaieu.,
The No-Meat Place.'- Good 'HeanJT
Cafe. '.! ' w !!:
Chopin' BroSi, Flortsts327' So,'l'(hr
. - ,
. . ;,. ilSw.ivt "
.,'. .