iJ f 1 "' '!. tnirtt&jnfi'iu vXHa fe-y-S 'r V 9 HWMMtMkWM ttbe ail? flebraeltan 1 i h fce ap Jlibraskatt Published dally, cxcept'Sundny nnd ljonclay, ly tho HcHpcrlun PnbllBhInK Co , at tlu Uni versity of NobrnHkn, Lincoln, Neb. A consolidation of The Heperliint Vol. 01, The NubrnHkan, Vol, 10 Scnrlot nnd C'ronm, Vol. 4. Editor-in-Chief Paul A. Ewlng Manager A. O. Sohrcllxsr ("lrcnlntor Walter E. Rtandevon AHt't. Adv Manager Frod Nan h ton ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ni-wh - - . J . Clyde Mooro Athletic Frl A. SwcHoy AKfiistiuit Athlotlo Raymond H.McCaw UkjiI D. P. Dc Young Society MIhh Minnie Rlller Literary MIbh Ieta Stettcr Editorial Roojtih and BnHln Office U 21 1 Pont Office Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Automatic J528 HnbHcrlptlon Price, $2 per year, In advonco Entvrud at the poHtofflco at Lincoln, Neb., iw m-cond-cliwH mull matter under the act of 'OiKrcuof Mart-hn, 1879. Individual notion will l)c charKwl for nt the rate of 10 ccntH for enoh inwrtion Kncultv. dejinrtTi )tl and nnlvorHlty bulletin will plndly bu imbliHhwl free, bm heretofore Editorial Remarks The action of the upper classmen in nsslstlng the first, year class to ef fect an organization la a decided 1m procment over methods which hae aeretofore been In vogue. By insuring an absent e of rowdyism and roughness, such as has alwas accompanied for mer Freshman dans meetings, the .Iunlor8 and Seniors hae taken a step In the right direction, and the piaitice t-hould be continued. No class oi In dividual has a right to interfere in anything but a friendly manner with the proceedings of another. The Ne hraskan believes that what was done jesterday with this in view, was a de ( Ided advance toward better feelings In (lass relationship. After 7 o'clock in the evening The Daily Nehraskan's phone number Is Automatic 2365. Anyone wishing to talk with the editor or the business manager after that time, can do so by calling up this phone. "Centuries of trial have tested tho usefulness of early drill In Latin as a builder of scholarship, nnd I have llttlo doubt that years, from now it will still hold Its place In the best' education." Mr. V. W. Park likewise discusses the value of historical study and its approved methods. He sees benefit not otherwise to be secured, provided right methods arc employed. Tho Principal reprints a recent article of his in the Nebraska Teacher, on the topic "Business or College?" He finds for the boy or gjrl forced In business life, compensatory benefits and a wealth of opportunity for cul ture and discipline in buslnesr life under modern conditions. Tho paper closes with a column of statistical prooi that a collego educa tion pays In Influence, power and hap piness. The new editors, reporters and business managers have not yet been elected, but It is hoped that student control will soon be established. Mrs. T. M. Hodgman begins her calls on tho young women of the academy this week preparatory to the renewal of the Social Hour club meetings. These, as heretofore, will bo monthly meetings, usually at the home of the Prlncipnl It Is probable that the young women will assemble at 0 o'clock for tea and a study of the twelve greatest pictures. This study will be under tho direction of trained leaders and will be Illustrated by photographs. Yet, despite this serious element these meetings will remain primarily for social intercourse and mutual acquaintance. The football men are reviving won derfully and are determined to carry out their contests with Omaha and York. Here's- to victory or at least honorable defeat! Academy Notes. The first issue of the Academy News tor the new year appeared last week. It was a faculty number exclusively Miss Adele Lathrop, who has returned to Teachers' College, Columbia Unl erslty, writes discriminate of stu dent life in the west and in the east. Her dosing sentence reads: "One easterner, at least, has felt very ttrongly, and has rejoiced to feel greater fieedom and unconventionallty in this part of the United States, a predominance of large and many-sided interests, a saner progressiveness, wider public spirit, and a true hos l Utility not to be excelled" In any part of this country or In any other nation." Miss Elizabeth Kingsbury, who has returned to the faculty of her alma mater, Buchtel College, Ohio, writes in n reminiscent and prophetic strain of Buchtel. The years have brought sad ness and Joy. but moid of tho latter. JJ,C, Ellen rn!i!UBh discusses the (tlfterencc between academy and ordi nary high school life. She finds tho advantages not wholly with the former but on tho whole prefers, for those preparing for university work, tho greater freedom and responsibility of the academy environment. Miss Florence McGahey enthuses over her vacation days in northern Michigan, where crisp air, the delights of woods and water and escape from wearing care, bring strength of body and mind. Miss Nellie Dean gives a carefully written defense of the study of Latin In secondary schools. She concludes: FOOT BALL STATISTICS. Illinois University Professor Col lects Interesting Figures. The injury of one of Nebraska's players In the recent Colorado game, makes the following list of statistics, compiled by Professor Edwin G. Dex ter, of the University of Illinois, for Spaulding's Official Football Oulde, of special interest to Nebraskans: l.bout one college man in ten In the country plays football. 2. About twice as large a proportion of the men In the small colleges play the gaTne as in the larger universities. 3. The ' proportion of men playing seems to be slightly decreasing. A. About one player in 35 U Injured Fiifficiently each season to necessitate loss of time from college duties. F. The number of college football players who are permanently injured, or who die from the effects of the game Is so small as to be practically a negligible quantity. C. College football is adequately su pervised In nearly all the Institutions. 7. The opinion of college officers re garding tho value of the game Is about 17 to 1 in favor. 8. The newspaper reports of injuries to college football palyeis seem to bo greatly exaggerated. uoui pdUTuiun ojom oojuj oin JO OA) IHBIBJ pOlJUSOJ BOSUJ OOJIJX gjiijuu -juouTJuuod -a jo ojoav ma fa inq soj-mfui biiojjos ojoiu oqi jo BJ0A"ud 001 a"joao o c utnn ssoi jo uon -jodojd oqi uj oq pnoA bihj, sassuio j9in uiojj owp 330J oj uioqi asnuo o fill OOjSop TJ q.lUB OI pOJIlfUJ OJOAV frCjO, A"iuo ouiua otn 3ujXd siuopiqs 99122 jo mo 'uop-oansoAuj s.joixaci JOSSOJ -OJJ A"q pojoaoo sjtjoa uoi oiu 3ujna MOPO-HIHD jjotn uj OAjsuoqojdmoo oau pun sjuoa uoi bb oqi joaoo bojh3u oijj, X.H -unoo oin jo so3oioo lunijoduij ojoui 3H i 09 jo sjaaujo otp A"q paqsjujuj s.ijiepns uo nosuq ojb suusoj osoqj, 'Uuqiooj uuin StlojoSuup ojoiu oju "Mods jo suuoj joqio Xutjui in in OAOijoq 01 sn puaj Pjuoav sonsnB8 ooubjusuj luapjoov "6 The Famous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents Qn all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. The School of Music Cafo Is becom ing a popular place for meals. Try It; you' pay for what you eat only. Magee & Deemer It is just as easy to form a good habit as it is a bad one. And it is just as hard to break a good habit as a bad qne. So get the good ones and keep them. President McKinlcy. The habit of giving careful attention to little things is the secret of good dressing. It's the particu lar men the men who insist on exact fitting clothes that are wearing our "Kensington" Suits. Acquire the habit of being well dressed it pays. Suits $ J 2.50 $J5, $J8 and up to $30. Mew Cravcncttes This morning we opened a new shipment of black and fancy Crave. nettes. We are selling a great many because we are showing exceedingly good values. Coats, well tailored, full length and belted splendid fab rics at $J2.50 better ones at $15 and up to $20. We Clothe Men and Young Men Exclusively. fflB lVlKH i I Get a Portable Reading Light If you study at night. If you don't, get one for father's next visit. We have a new line. KORSMEYER Co 138 So. 10th Street wo Erie B. Woodward, M. D.. diseases of eye. ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block Phone CCC. The A. M. Davis Co. HOUSE FURNISHERS We make a Specialty of Novelties for Students' R ooms. Give Us a Call At 111:2-1114 O Street 59 Cents buys a Steel Umbrella Rack like cut Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, Stoves and Queens ware In fact Every thing for the Home. G i I I .- W TV.- 1 .a. A- :'.?ILI?il f . ;J A- 4 1 , a. xtmi.