fVri(P' -'"iir rrtrt)TTt? ttbe 3D a i I "Webraeftan 3E i. IW ti I- l Dafp ttebraskan mm I I I I . . I II -- Published dolly, cxcopt'Sunday tintf Mondny, by thfHcHpviinn PubllnhJnK Co., nt the Unl-v-riity of N'briiKkn, Lincoln, Ni-b. A consolidation of Tho Hckjm'Hiih, Vol. ni, Tim NebrnHlmn, Vol, 10 SqnrU-t nnd (Jrcnnir-Vol. 4. Editor-in-Chief Mutineer ('ir-uliitor Ass'l. Adv. Manner Pnul A. EwIiir A. G. Schrtilbor Wnltcr E. Stnndoven Fred Nuughtoii ASSOCIATE EDITORS N,.vh - - - J . Clyde Moore At Met I Frl A.Swc.-lcy XhhM nut Athletic - Hiiymond H . McCnw Lo.-nl D. P. DoYouiik Society Mint Mlnnlf Hilh-r Literary MIsh Letn Stettor Ivlitorlnl Rooiiih nnd BuhIikh-b Office U 2I1J;, Pont Office Stntlon A. Lincoln, Nebr Telephone, Automatic 1528 Subscription Price, 12 p-r year, In ndvnncc Entered ut the postofllce at Lincoln, Neb., an n'condchiH8 ninll nintter under tin- act of coimn'HHcjf March I), 1870. liujlvldual notices will be cbarRLd for nt the rate of 10 centw for eiioh Insertion. Faculty, depnrtn itnl and university bulletins will gladly he published free, ns heretofore. Editorial Remarks WHAT IT MEANS. Last Friday, In commenting edi torially on tho small rowd that saw the football team off for the Colorado Knmc, the Daily Nebraakan somewhat t kepthally asked tho following ques tions: "If the team is defeated', how large n crowd will meet it on its return? How much larger a crowd will meet it if it wins glorious victory, and adds to the fame of Nebraska?" Yesterday we had our answer. Never It is the character that is large enough to rise above defeat that will win in the end. It is the determination which is but made stronger by adversity, that is most durable. Yesterday's revelation has shown conclusively that the team has the backing of the student body in ad versity as well as in prosperity. With knowledge of this no team can be de feated except by actual force. The Ne hraskan believes the Corn hunkers know the spirit that backs them up. Then, is a piedlction out of place? Minnesota and Iowa and Illinois are as good as defeated. FRESHMAN PROTESTS. Does Not Agree With Letter in Saturday's Nebraskan. The following effusion, Inspired ap parently by a communication in Satur day's Nebraskan. seems to overlook the provision under which we publish letters or communications. We can assume no responsibility whatever for letters or communications, or the senti ments expressed in them. Opinions ex pressed in our editorial columns we expect and desire to stand for, but wo are no more responsible for the con tents of Saturday's "communication" than we are for the contents of the one we gladly publish below: With the kind permission of the editor, and indulgence of the many patrons of this worthy organ, issued in the interest of the student body, the wtiter wishes, in the interest of the Fieshman class, to thank very beaitily the "Junior and other peaceably in dined upper classmen who will not s-tand for the despotism of the Sopho mores." Also to express their appro bation of the fact that, "no Sopho mores are to bo admitted to the meet ing, and the Freshmen will be afforded a fair opportunity to organize " The inombeis of the Freshman las are rejoicing over the fact that "eei one has begun to marvel and wonder over the Freshman class," for public interest is the hand-maid of honesty t "m "m 'mV W W m m( "m Af VW W ij mV "A 'X 'if A lf AV "Price Does Not Make Quality" My price only is on the "cheap" order. Styles snappiest of the snappy. Get acquainted with us. BUD, at the $2.50 HAT STORE 4 For Your Den Or Library 3C Our Mission furniture is the only thing. It is made for peo ple who admire artistic, home like furnishings. It is unique and pleasing because of its striking simplicity, effective coloring and fini h, strength and durabil ity, and above all because it is comfortable, sensible furniture. We make a specialty of Mission furniture and at all times have a fine line of the same; Above cut illustrates the finest little rocker in our stock for the money. Weathered oak, Spanish leather upholstered seat. Height ot back 33 in. $7.00. Lower cut illustrates our rocker,Tfinished as above rocker, but larger in every respect. Height of back 38 inches.! Established 1878 Hardy Furniture Company nz o street has any team at Nebraska, victorious or defeated, been accorded so grand an ovation as that which greeted the defeated, disheartened Cornhuskers on their return from Colorado. Not een the magnificent celebration that followed the famous victory over .Minnesota two years ago equaled in 'genuine enthusiasm and real college spirit yesterday's remarkable demon stration. No one can question, who haw It, tho existence ot" a real college spirit at Nebraska. As to the defeat, then, we are willing "o acknowledge it. The exchange has ' tleen more than equal. Colorado has won a iloubtfu victory Nebraska has experienced such a revival of college spirit and determination as could never have resulted from any victory. Vic tories almost beyond belief had al ready been ours, yet college spirit had seemed to be a thing of the past. It took a defeat technical to be sure, hut a defeat nevertheless to bring out the latent enthusiasm of the Cornhuskers. and success. And in this instance with out the expenditure of energy, which has been reserved for a more useful purpose. Those who are solicitous ver the "severe critk'isnrofthe university pub lic because of our snail-like pose (pace) "will remember tho race of the hare and tho snail." Who won? Remember the unplanned campaign a box full of caps on (Ire and a sore bunch 'of Fresh ies. If the anonymous author of tho "May Organize" article had been a careful thinker, he would not have used the expression, "were it not for the numer ous strange faces on the campus no one, etc," meaning that no one would know that a Freshman class existed if it was not for the n.ew faces. He would not have said this, had lie thought, for many of the new faces are those ol men who,- long ago, have "shaken the high school dust from their feet and havo been in other university band wagons, "but are here taking post graduate work. Some have succeeded in landing Jn the upper classes and all of these having fought the good fight, thereby earning that dignity which aU ways replaces that feeling which seems to be destined to last-en itself upon those who brave the Freshman squalls, nnd ford the turbulent river, but which wears off with the haughty mien of the Sophomoie, might feel disposed to give vent to their anger and avenge theni manselvos upon an unworthy upper c lasrsman, it lie would come out of his thell. Don's accuse them all of "drag ging" their feet! The Freshman class feels that the aiticle extant in The Daily Nebraskan of October 8 Is unworthy the signature of a Junior, and if it would' not savour oi unfairness it might be possible, from the contents, to assume that the slanderous paragraphs were the scum ol an effervesing brain of one of our ti lends with "bulldog tenacity whose tecord of achievements stands un tarnished in tho history of our institu tion." What Junior would boast of a Spoil's "untarnished achievements" at the ex I ense of the honor of his own class? What philanthropy! What Junior would be so inconsist ent as to speak of overriding past tra ditions." while committing the sin in slinging such beautiful mud at the Freshmen, and spreading the wing of protection over their "burned cap" friends? Why such boasts as "you'll bo a sorry looking bunch when the Sophs get through with you," if you haven't the moral courage to step into the arena and meet us faco to face? Come out ajidsaii under your own flag! Don't depend on the Juniors! "Where is your energy?" Don't rest on your laurels and pat yourself on the back as '-record-breakers" and then go "moping" around with Junior capes on! The Freshmen might think your are "greenhorns." Tho questionable statement that Manufactures the Purest Candy in the city. All kinds cf Novelties, Footballs, Water melons and Fancy Boies. 1337 O atreot Lincoln General Clcaranco of ail Special PIANOS -AT- flRS. ROY W. RHONE Mandolin and Guitar Instructor Studio I333 J St., Lincoln Formsrty Instructor in Unlrenity SchooPof MuJ SfJ.r1 U"'VC"J,y- F' '"' Information call at studio, or ring up Ahto Phone 133a STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholc.aU and Retsll Z. DRUGGISTS Automatic Phone J 707 1146 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. ROSS P. CURTICE COMPANY 1125 O Stroot Choice of over Twenty Reliable Pianos. Many of these instruments are of very latest models, others are discon tinued stylos or have had use, but all are of elegant appearance and distinct ly artistic tone and action. These pianos bae been placed to one side and marked at reduced figures to in sure Immediate sale. We wish to avoid carryings even one of them in our holiday stock. Piano seekers would do well to examine these pianos before purchasing. We also offer a few very attractive uprights bought from a good maker. at an extra discount. These " are of intrinsically good value and will be closed out aT $185.00. A special lotrof new and attractive uprights, greatest value in Nebraska, at $105.00. Our New Fall Stock Our new Fall stock of 100 pianos specially selected by us from leading factories, Is full of surprises. EASY PAYMENTS We are prepared to deliver on receipt of first small payment and then small monthly payments. Buyers at a distance should write for special bargain list and schedule of freight rates. Now Pianos to Rent S4 per Month We have the largest business in high grade pianos in the west, operating three stores, which make 'a specialty of good pianos. Ross P. Cuftice Company 1125 O Stroot ( S -' ? EgUJUL-l 5?? tEXS