The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1904, Image 1

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ZEbe 3Dail$ IFlebraekan
Vol. IV, No. 10
Price 5 Cents
. i r
Unconfirmed Rumor Says Fresh
ies Will Meet at Last.
SopliH to bo Ontriulncl. TIo .Junior
Vrcfthlent In tlie Cluilr.
Shoitly before our going to press
last eening, an apparently well au
thenticated rumor reached us to the
effect that the Freshman class has at
last roused enough courage to call a
class meeting. According to this re
port the meeting will be held In Me
morial Hall next Thursday morning,
with Mr. L. T. Sldwell. president ol
the .Junior class. In the chair, and
Chant ollor Andrews, sergeant-at-arms.
The meeting of last Tuesday, which
was wholly In the hands of the Sopho
mores, will be disregarded entirely,
and under the auspices of the Juniors
and othe r peaceably inclined upper
classmen, who will not stand for the
"ileepptlsm" of the Sophomores, a
whole staff of officers will be chosen.
In fait, no Soimomores are to -lie ad
mitted to the meeting, and the Fresh
men will be afforded a fair opportunity
to organize.
Immediately on hearing the rumor
as above, a representative of the Nc
braskan called at the executive office
for confirmation of It. The repot t was
neither confirmed nor denied, however,
and we can thorefoie assume no re
sponsllillty for it, though agtiin assert
ing the ayiarent reliability of our in
formant In 'this connection, the following
communication was handed us yester
day afternoon, for publication We
publirh communications gladly, assum
ing. loweer, no responsibility for
their contents or sentiments:
" Editor Nebraskan: I beg your per
mission to address, through your
columns, a few remarks to the Fresh
man class. They are as follows:
"Eeiyone has begun to marvel and
wonder about whether or not there is
a Freshman class in the university,
and were it not for the numerous
j t range faces on the campus no one
could determine.
Wake up, Fioshmen! Why do you
tairy and -lumbei? You are ovei rid
ing past traditions, and subjecting
youreles to seere criticism by the
universitv public because of your
s-nail-llke pose.
You aie sadly lacking in the spirit
and enthusiasm that would mark a
in oid-bteaking. or even a record-hold-mg
clas.. Last year at this time the
clansmen that are now Sophomores
were organized and conducting their
own affair with bulldog tenacity, and
their record of achievements stands
untai niched in the history of our in
stltution. Shake the high school dust
from off your feet and get into the
ur.iveislty band wagon,
"Haven't you got any one inyour
overwhelming numbers who has
enough class spirit, business and cour
age to post a notice' and call a meet
ing; or do you expect to go through
your four years college course with
out class organization?
"Every class above you has already
elected officers and completed Us busi
ness for the first semester, and here
you aie absolutely dead, no sign of
any movement whatever toward get
ting together. If you can't got to-
gether any better when you call your
first meeting you'll be a sorry looking
bunch when the Sophs get through
with you. Where is your energy? Are
you still moping about the familiar
scenes at home and dragging your
selves about the halls still hunting tor
recitation rooms? If so, cut it out and
mix with the rest of us, be university
students, not green-horns. My class
mates are your friends and want you
to make a showing, but you can't do
It by lagging this way, and perhaps
i ! L ! L l 1 li 1 1 ! L si i sis f vL ii" 1 vL l
Friday Night,
I Fraternity Hall j
coming In about Chrlbtmas with a
half baked organization.
"In the name of all that Is right,
Just and business-like, wo Juniors de
mand that you call your letrogenous
group together and itfTect an organ
ization before the upper classmen shall
have determined that it Is time for
them to act for you.
Noted Divine Will Address Men's
Mass Meeting.
At the mens' meeting tomorrow at
P, i). m.. in Memorial Hall. Dr. W. M.
nalch will speak to men on "Methods
of Bible Study " Dr. Balch is an alum
nus of the University of Wisconsin.
He has recently been called to this
city as pastor of the Trinity Methodist
c htin h.
He is a man who is deeply interested
in university men, as is shown by his
teady response to the invitation to
rpeak .at this meeting. One of the
members of our faculty who has heard
him. says that Dr. Balch is a-powerful
i' and a broad thinker
Ever one in the unherslty should
make it a point to form the acquain
tance of Dr. Balch at this meeting.
We shall also have some fine special
music. Miss Elma Marsland has con
sented to render some vocal in.isic.
It is hoped that this meeting may
be the greatest success so far this
j ear. Memorial Hall should be filled.
Every man Is invited.
At G o'clock yesterday evening a good
Liilstanlial supper was served to the
committeemen of the Y. M. ( A. at
Ft. Paul's church.
Al)ot t 10 men were pie.-ent and a
good social time was had by all. Sec
tetaty i-ean Ringer and .President
Brown spoke on Y. M. C. A- affaiis
After the dinner a short business meet
ing was held. C. H. Gere was elected
treasurer to fill the unexpired term of
M. L. ZtfOK.
These dinners are always a s-oune of
gieat benefit to the men and to the
association and are held annually. A
good deal of enthusiasm is stirred up
.among the men and t.iis year seems
to be starting out with fine prospects.
This afteinoon at 3:30 the second
team lines up against an aggregation
from East Lincoln. The line-up of the
second team is not definitely settled,
but the following men will probably
be used: McDonald, Frazler, Hawey,
HowardTRUrtz, Drain, Craig, I undin,
LanU. Reddick, Shook and Perrln.
The East Lincoln team is to bo
played instead of Hastings College,
with whom a game had been sched
uled, but which was cancelled by Hast
ings at the last moment. The men
from the east aro an unknown quan
tity. A nominal charge of 15 cents
will be made to defray expenses.
Dean Ringer will act as referee and
Snow as umpire.
Hale & Buck's Latin Grammar, 90c.
"U. of N." Tablets. 15c, The "U. of N."
Fountain Pen, 14k gold warranted. $1.
History and Seminary Papers, 7c per
100. Reversable Note Books, 15c each.
The I Jncoln Book Store.
V x V tA b V vfr V sV f-&
October 21st
Eddie Walt's Orchestra
New Inovation at Nebraska For
mally Begins the Year.
I ast evening the Woman's Univer
sity building was thrown open to 'the
faculty and the town people. Much
interest was taken In the event, as this
ia the first year that Lincoln can
boast of a building devoted to the use
of women only.
The parlor on the first floor and
the smaller reception, rooms on the
upper floors were all profusely dec
orated In scarlet and white ribbons and
banners, while vases of cut flowers of
the same colors were everywhere in
evidence. The girls of the dormitory
set ved refreshments In the reception
rooms of each floor".
In tlie receiving line were Chancelloi
and Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Franklsh.'
matron of the housp; Professor and
Mrs. Candy, Mr and Mrs. Barbour and
Miss Franklsh
The guests were at liberty to inspect
all the rooms. Much surprise was
evinced at the rapid ttaubformation
In the lmildlnfi. .The affair was voted
a success by all present and Mrs.
Franklsh especially thanked for her
untiring efforts
Large Crowd Enjoys Junior Cap
Informal Last Night.
Between sixty and seventy couples
attended the fiist university dance of
the j ear last night in the Ait Hall of
the Library building. The affair was
one of the most thoroughly enjoyable
Informal functions in recent years, and,
in addition, netted a veiy respectable
sum to api ly on the terrible delit which
besmirches the lair name of the class
"Tom my" hea-ved punch and Eddie
Walt's ouheKtra furnished the music
The committee in charge of the af
fair consisted of Misses Hutton and
Bioady; Messrs Abel, Schreiber. Ma
soiii Meade, Skeen and Pollock. All
were present except Mr. Mason, who
is with the football team in Colorado.
For Sale.
Journal news route-, double route a
good investment for two -students, as
it requires two cairlers, and will about
pay the living expenses of two stu
dents. Has about 330 subs now; has
been over oG5.
It Is an inside route and a short
one. Price reasonable. See Adolph
S. Herman, 1532 O St.
I ockers for the track and gym
nasium men will be assigned Tuesday
morning at 11. All lockers occupied
now must be vacated by that time or
the lockers will be cut. Football lock
ers will be assigned between now and
Tuesday. Sixteen new lockers have
been put in place for the accommoda
tion of the football men.
The Famous will give a special dis
count of 10 per cent to university stu
dents on all purchases of millinery,
kid gloves, corsets, etc.
Mpal3 or Lunch. Good Health Cafe.
Intercollegiate Cross Country
Runs Create Comment.
('Iilriigo l.oolcn for (Jooil Nlioulne From
The big Intercollegiate cross-country
races to be hold In Chicago next
Thanksgiving, and to which Nebraska
will send n team of probably five men.
Is commanding much nttentlon among
all the big Institutions of the west.
The athletic- editor of the Chicago
University "Maroon," who is in an
excellent position to Judge the situa
tion, reviews It as follows. It will be
noticed that they are looking for great
things from Nebtaskn:
"Two great western athletic contests
will take place this year in Chicago
on Thanksgiving Day. Besides the
tootball game in the alternoon, a cross
country race, in which nearly every
college of athletic repute In tlio west
will enter men, will be held lit the
James D. Lightbody. captain of the
University Cross-country club, this
morning announced l)ls plans and pros
pects for the race. During the sum
mer he has been at work on the forma
tion of an association among western
colleges which will make, the annual
ross-country race one of the big ath
letic features of the year. All the
"Big Nine" have signified their In
tention of entering teams and the long
distance t miners are already at work
beveral other univeisitles have also
asked to send teams, and It Is prob
able that fourteen institutions will be
represented In the lace on Thanksgiv
ing morning. Michigan. Wisconsin
Illinois, Northwestern, Iowa, Purdue,
Indiana. Minnesota. Chicago, Belolt.
Nebraska. Oberlln, Notre Dame and De
Pa uw.
"The course committee will probably
select the Midway, Jackson Park
course, as most suitable for the tun.
which vill be between tlx and seven
miles long. A prize will be given to
the winning team
"Chicago's piosiocts for a good team
are promising. Captain I Ightbody said
this moining that besides the men of
last yeai's team several good mile and
two-mile men had entered from the
high schools. Purdue, Nebraska and
Michigan will also be exceptionally
s.trong "
Tiainlng for this event and the cross
country run In St. Louis November
17 began last night when Captain
States lead out the first -bunch of
c roi.s-country men. Another tun will
be taken this afternoon at 2:3u from
the gym.
At basketball practice Thursday af
ternoon only enough men wore to
form two teams, Captain Hoar and
Manager Beers being the only old
players. Another practice will be hold
this afternoon at 2:30 and It is desired
that all candidates or positions be
As yet It Is too early In the season
to Juaim what games will be played,
but negotiations will probably bo be
gun with Colorado for a game while
our football team Is thero. Two years
ago Nebraska played Colorado at
Boulder, winning by a score of 28-12.
Since that time the two universities
have not met at basketball. Practice
In the gym this afternoon at 2;30.
As usual, the Dally Star gets the
drop on Its competitors by displaying
bulletins of the Nebraska-Colorado
game. This afternoon the Star will
mark tho various plays by telegraphic
bulletins. The game begins at 3:20,
and It should be remembered that Den
ver tlmo differs from outs by one
hr .
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