The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
TTSS!?1 yr " i-. i "fS- r Cbc 9 a tit fUDraefcpn it i W i a Ce Daip hcbraskan Pnbllahcd dally, exropfBondnjr and Monday, by thcHwporiah Publiflhing Co., at the Uni versity of NTcbranka, Lincoln, Neb. A consolidation of The HoKpctfim, Vol. 81, The Nebnutkan, Vol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Editor-in Chief Manager Circulator Ain't. Adv. Manager ASSOCIATE Ni'wn Athletic AufdHtant Athletic Local SocJety Literary Paul A. fctvihR A- Q. Schreiber Walter E- Standeven ' Fred Naughton EDITORS J . Clyde Moore Fred A. Swclcy Raymond H . McCaw D P. DcYounR MIbr Minnie Biller MUh Lets Stettor Editorial RoomH and Bunlnwa Office U 81 $ Pont Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. that same team must overcome for tho Bake of tho scarlet and cream. After all, is booth right? If the team Is defeated, how large a crowd will meet It on Its return? ..ow much larger a crowd will meet It If It wins glorious victory, and addH to the fame of Nebraska? College spirit above all things, Is generous, unselfish, selt sacriflclng, indeed. Have we true col lege spirit at Nebraska, after all? Telephone, Automatic 1528 BnbHcription Price, 12 per year, In advance Entered at tho poHtoffleo at Lincoln, Neb , as m-cond-claw? mail matter under the act of conRrcaa of March -0, 1870. In Society There has been little doing In the Roclal line In the arlous fraternities and Bororlties this week. Aside from the formal initiation and the dinners and parties which usually accompany such eventa there has been nothing of Importance. Several of the fraternities and Boror ItleB have Just moved into new homes I and are too buBy furnishing to give time to social events. It Is oxpected that such work will be completed early next week and the usual number of dinners and parties follow in line with the "houseYarmlng8." Individual notice will be oharRtd for at the rnte of 10 contfl for oaoh InHortion Faculty, departn ital and nnivorHlty bulletin) will Kindly be publlHhcd free, aw heretofore Editorial Remarks College Spirit. "With a little college spirit to back up," said Coach Booth in his talk nt Hho Rock Island depot yesterday. we Yould be sure or winning eery game on tho schedule, what jou lack is college spirit. There Ir not enough (ollege spirit at Minil!" l ne MPUrasKan is not at all sure that Mi Booth's words (an be taken Nebraska to moe a Phi Gamma Delta will initiation next week. hold their The Initiation of Kappa Alpha Theta takes place on Friday, October 8th. MIb8 Frltzjeiald and Miss Winkler left today to spend Sunday with friends in Omaha. Miss Ida Tavlor. '01. will be the guest of Miss Eh a Sly the latter part of the week. Misses Guy Hardy and Ed Johnston are In Omaha attending the Ak-Sar-Ben. Miss Wjer of the Minnesota Univer sity and a resident of Minneapolis is the newest pledge of the Kappa Kappa Gammas Miss Nell Davey and Miss M. Miller were hostesses at an informal "water- P l P fl ' Wfyen youi lid looks tacky and to the bad, go wheze you can get the style YOU want. it 4f n n 3! H it it it it THE $2.5 o HAT STORE 1 141 O Stieet Hats $2.5o - no more - no less. tt ft literally. There Is college spirit at Ne braskalots of it. But tho great dif ficulty Is to get it out. Those who lenjember tho Minnesota victory cele bration two years ago will not admit a total lack of Cornhusker enthusiasm. We do not understand it, that is all. A few Sophomores, by deceit and trick cry, assume control of a Freshman meeting and think thoy are exhibiting "college spirit." And these same Freshmen swallow the dose meekly enough, either not thinking at all, or believing that resistance would show a lack of "college spirit." The student body Itself refuses to support various university., enterprises unless thorough ly assured that It will be amply re imbursed. A dance must be held In connection wltn a tflg basketball game, for Instance, to insure a crowd large enough to pay the expenses of the . isitlng team. A handful of students w.lth real "college spirit" turns out to bid Godspeed to- the greatest football team Nebraska ever had, when every student is well aware of the obstacles melon party" on Tuesday evening. The party Included Misses FriUjerald, En sor, Mcintosh, Gluck, Sly, Winkler. Mc Knight, I ee. Bush and White- Miss Edith Wilson and Miss Verna Hall, both Kappa Kappa Gammas, are In Omaha attending the Ak-Sar-Ben festival. Miss Minnie Hall will meet her sibter in Omaha and return to Lincoln to spend a few days at tho university. The Alpha Theta Chis will initiate three new members on Saturday evon ing. The initiation will be followed by a dinner at which all the members of the chapter house as well as the alumnae and new members will be present. The Junior cap dance this evening in the Art Hall is looked forward to with great expectations, as It Is tho first dance of the year. The committee. Misses Hutton, jjroady, and Messrs. Abel, Schreiber, Mason, Meade, Skeen, Pollock, have spared no time or pains to make the affair an enjoyable one. Have You Read Any of These New Books? "Our Frlond the Dog," by Maurice Maeterlink $1.00 "A Ladder of Swords," by Gilbert Parker 1 .20 "The Affair at tho Inn," by Kate Douglas Wiggln 1.05 "Bpyerly of Graustark," by George Barr McCutcheon 1.20 "Optimism," by Helen Keller 75 "The Memoirs of a Baby." by Josephine Dodge Daskam 1.20 "By the King's Command." Reginald Drew 1 .20 "The Betrayal." by Oppenheim 1.20 "Tho Cost," by David Graham Phillips 1.20 "The Castaway," by Hallle Ermlnie Rives 1.20 "Tho Crossing," by W .nston Churchill 1.20 "The Day of the Dog." by George Barr McCutcheon 1.10 "Flight of the North." by Emily Poet 1.20 "God's Good Mnn." by Marie Corelll 1.20 "Gorgo." by Charles K. Gaines 1.20 "In the Bishop's Carriage." by Miriam Michelson 1.20 "The Lure o' Gold, by Bailey Millard 1.20 "The Land of Cockayne," by Matilda Serav 1.20 "The Loves of Edwy," by Rose Cecil O'Neill 1.20 "The Pillar of Light." by Loula Tracy 1.20 "Tommy and Co." by Jerome K. Jerome 1.20 llIMMII1MIMIllllll)WIWIMIMIMIlIWII1MIHIWIMIMI)IMIWIIiniIWIWIIIWIMIlllllllllllll University Stationery I Fine vellum and bond papers in four styles "U of N" i university pennant, and two styles of seal. Cream white ! 35c and 55c a box of one quire. f(MIWIMIMIIIWIWtniMIWIWIMIMIMIWIIWIWIWIWIIIWIWIWIIininiWIHIItWIWIMIWIMIHiniMWMIWIlllMIIli MILLER & PAINE Corner- O txndk 13th Streets Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N STREET " " bb m m m mm P Trat Jewelry.... "We expect to be appointed local agent for one of the largest Fraternity Jewelry manufacturing concerns In the country. Meanwhile we carry the best grade of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry InL.ncoln. M. G- WOLFF 139 So. 13th xoxxxocmxoxxxxxxxxxxxxx . Blue Front JbJ Shoe Shop HLj. Kolbach P 1326 O Stroot "Petersen" Shapes -AT Ed Young's Pipe Shop J 207 O STREET LOST Waterman fountain pen, be tween main hall and library. Finder return to Nebraskan office. )Mttatt STUDENTS 4 -v J JnAwwOGSI 4f 4 it H Ir Ir Ir it I h For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Students' Tailors Telephone 209 j j UNION COLLEGE TAIIflDK South EntoMc A4lJLiSIVfc3 Cotlg BulUIng i n 41 41 41 41 GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder EtlmatM FurnUhcd -upon Application, lob Work Promptly Attended to. 24S So. 10th Lincoln, Nob. Unland's Saturday Special 00 Shawknit Hose $1.00 pr o 10-4 Ostreet J 'k 4 6 ( V -l i IVliV -H S. r W ' flfcsT -., .nS rJi'aydttrtaUta. AMbxJ -.- j 1,.J.. t ' rfift fJ Wfe g.aASUltfBBgt i4-,u4Uii?5S?. 'U i