Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
rr"y y4l..j.r.,...r-rTru 7. f s . - . -V v , " " " l' Ebc Dalit l e b r a 0 Mil faf BS1' fc m-- linJ ' , '.fc. '. - y te ; I V lit?" ir- : IV. . c AkSarBen Festivities Omaha, Sept. 25 to Oct. 8 Electrical Parades, Confetti Battles Grand Illumination and Many Special Attrac tions. The Union Pacific will sell roiitid trip tickets at one fare plus 50 cents (or the round trip. Tickets on sale October 3rd to 7th inclusive, good for return ing October 10. Inquire of E. B. SL0SS0N General Agent A, G. Spalding & Bros. Largest Manufacturers in the World ol Official Athletic Supplies. Tho football sup plier manufactur ed by A. O. Spald ing Se Bnoa. are tht beat that can absolutely be pro duood ; they are of superior make; they hava stood tho tret for over twontT-olnht yearn, and are used br all inter- eplloKtatc, lutorooholRStio and prominent foot hll toamH of the country. No expense la spared In making tho goods bearing tho Bpaldlnij Trade-Mark as near porfnot as It In possible to produoe a manufactured artlc and If It Boars this mark or perfection it is the bent . SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL QUIDS. Edited by Waltor Camp. Contains tfee NEW RULE8 VOR 1001. 3pocial artloles ojn. the Rome. It is, in fact, u complete en cyclopedia of tho game . Price 10 cents . SPALDING'S HOW TO PLAY FOOT BALL. Silted by Walter Oarap . Newly revised for 1004. ndoubtedly tho bent book ever published on on the game, for it contains all a beginner should know, and many. Interesting foots for the experienced player . Price 10 cents. "If it pertains to athletics, wo niako It." A. G. 8PALDING c BROS. Now York OhioaKO St. Louis San Francisco Denver Baltimore Montreal. Can. Send for a copy of Spalding's Fall and rv inter sportfl catalogue it's rreo. Philadelphia Buffalo Boston Minneapolis Kanxas City Washington PltUiburir London, Eng. Cli'iitt Calmut Arkow Aluikon Quarter Size Collars TVfUST be Quarter Size Collars, that is they must be precisely right am made of stuff which will not shrink. The Cluett and Arrow Col lars are rightly made of shrunk fabrics. Cluett, 25 cents Arrow, 15 cents each or 2 for 25 cents Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett und Monarch Shirts Campus Gleanings C. P. Craft. '03, law '04, was visit ing friends on the campus yesterday. W. E. Standeven has been appointed coach of tho Sophomore football team. DEAN BES8EY will speak at con vocation thlB morning on "Vancouver Island." t Frederick Graves, of Oril. Neb., Is visiting his brother. Elliot V. Graves, this week. Seeral lockers for students' books will soon be placed in the basement of the library. i Tho Ashland High School football team will play the scrubs on the cam pus Saturday. RECEPTION TO STUDENTS at FlrBt Presbyterian church Friday evening. October 7. at 8 o clock. The new military regulations text books have arrived and are on sale at the University Book Store. THE JEFFERSONIAN Democratic club of the university will meet In the jaw lecture room this evening at 7:30 for the election of officers and a polltl al rally. Professor Bessey Is preparing a series of illustrated articles on the St. l.ouls Exposition for tho Twentieth Century Farmer of Omaha. SEASON FOOTBALL TICKETS have been withdrawn from sale. Those sell ing on commission are requested to report to the manager In the Y. M. C. A. rooms from 11 to 11:30 o'clock today. Professor Bossey'B clasB In systematic botany has been having trouble on account of a conflict with drill under the recent order. This class has had its lecture hour at 5 oVlock on Tues days and Thursdays for many years. J. D. Ringer, secretary of the Y. M. C A., reports an Increased demand for book lockers In the Y. M. C. A. rooms since Librarian Wyor has seen fit to levy a tax on all property left in the library room. These lockers rent for 50 cents. Professor Fogg had quite a surprise the other day. when three young ladies walked Into the classroom to take up tho work In rhetoric 13. Professor Fogg says that this Is the first time he has had any young ladles as stu dents In this course. CHANCELLOR ANDREWS will speak under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus at Lyceum Hall. Thirteenth and M streets, this even ing. University people are extended an invitation to attend the lecture. Admission free. The department of American History has secured a new- ;tereoptlcon with gas tank and lixtures complete, and will begin its uso Immediately In Illus trated class lecturps. The whole ap paratus cost about $50, and will be a great convenience to the department, something of the sort having been needed for years. It may be Bhlfted from room to room as occasion may require. Franke E. Lee. Public Stenographer and Notary. Mimeographic letters; perfect imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. Lemming's Dairy for Ice Cream, Milk and Confectionary. Get tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Candies. Baked Goods and Ice Cream at Maxwell's, 13th and N. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. Meals served In 3 minutes. Health Cafe. Good If you got It at Armstrong's, it's right.- $5.00 for $4.00. Good Health Cafe. Great Reduction in Rates VIA Wabash Railroad Home visitors excursions sold every Tuesday in September and October 11th. Half fare (plus $.00) for the round trip to all points In Indiana, points in Ohio and Kentucky. $8.50 St. Louis and return sold dally except Friday and Saturday. $13.50 St. I-auIs and return. Bold daily. $27.15 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return, sold daily. $21.50 Detroit and return, sold dally. $20.00 Chicago and return (one way via St. Louis) .sold dally. Long limit and stop-over. allowed at St. Louis on all tickets. Read Down Lv 7:45 am 6:30 pm Lv 8:00 am 6:45 pm Ar 7:35 pm 7:00 am Ar 7:50 pm 7:J5 am Schedule of Our Fast Trains Read Up Omaha Ar 9.KX) pm 5:20 am Council Bluffs Ar 8:45 pm 8:00 am World's Fair Station Lv 9: J 5 am 7:45 pm St. Louis Lv 9.-00 am 7:30 pm a These trains run daily compare this time with other lines. The Wabash lands all passengers at and. checks baggage to its own station at main entrance of World's Fair grounds. Think what this means; quick time, extra car fare saved, nnd a delightful trip and you are not all tired out before entering the Exposition grounds. All agents can route you vli. the Wabash Railroad. For beau tiful World's Fair folder and all Information, address. HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D. Wabash Ry, Omaha, Neb. Price, $30.00 .1 - Columbia Disc Records FOR THIS MACHINE $1.00 Each or $10.00 Per Dosen. Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments of $i Per Week. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., 1621 Farnaim Street, Omaha, NoJbraslcei. 1 V, -J Vf? -yf T. t( l tvU. lii-WiJ r, "T.j!i .r "-.! arttsMFu ifa..,livli fruVStfel '' ,, tAL - j. '! ta -t 7TVrTTSTT -rr i , "trrr 'fcl. ). A'y l-M . J." ! Ii w i tirnn.