The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
;'?i?ftTyi!T3?rerrac; it ? i9fmwri'' v- ';-w.i-,"j',k,j; 't"! ' - l c: be Bail? flebraeftan VJw 7T rr ft" r n frtllsitva ' AX '' ' " ' "V ' 4 SSe Pttbllflhed dily, excopfifeanjuy &id Monday, ltyJthi'Hf'BpeJiimWfolKHinKyo.. ft. 'the Out vcrMty of Nobrnokn, Lincoln, Neb. A consolidation of The Hcuperlan, Vol. Ill, The NebrnHkan, Vo), 10 Scnrlct tnd Crom, Vol. 4. KdHor-ln Chief MnnttRCjr u Ans't. Adv.MnnnKer Pnul A. EwIhk . A". Q, Schrcfbcr Walter E. Btnndovcn Kred NniiRbton ASSOCIATE EDITORS NvYK .. i w At hi die AxfttHthtit Afhletto L(m'h1 Society , .- r Litcrnry - ,, J . Clyde Moore Fml A . Swectloy Rnyhiond TT. kcCnw D. P Dc Young Ml Mlnnlo Hitler MIrh Ivotn Stttor Kdltorlnl RooniH nnd Biuclnc-ta Office U 21 Oi PoHtOffh'u Station A. Lincoln, Nc-br. Telephone, Automatic 1528 Bubwrlptlon Price, 2 per yenr, in ndvancc Entered at tho. postolllce at Lincoln, Nob ns second cIivhs mall matter under the act of niiRrMK of Mnroh II, 1879. Wc wish to dull the attention of our hiIjfc rlbers and advertlaerB to the now automatic telephone which has icoont ly been Installed In our office, through the klndnesa of the Lincoln Telephone company. Its number Ik 1528 and it is there to use. Ah soon as it can be Installed wo will also have" a night phone at our printing shop, where we can be called up during the evening while our paper is being made up. We wish tho students of the university and members of the faculty to make use ol this ofllc p phone and the other one, when It is put in, and by this means let us know what is going on Any bit of news, whether It be a huge scandal, such as the Freshman cap burning, or a mere personal mention, is always welcome and appreciated, and if the school will gi us hearty o-o.ieiatlon in this matter, we can make the paper that nun li more in tieeting. x Kspcdally do we desire all personal mentions to ionic to our eais for the tampus gleaning column,, which Is one of the most interesting departments of our paper If the students ao not Inform us of these little items they uie apt to be overlooked, and the columns are not complete without them. So, to this end. wo ask you to make use of our office on the second Moor of University. Hall and also the telephone Then, too. if ou hae an business mnttois to adjust with the business, management you are ah! welcome to use the telephone. Of couie. we do not expect subscriptions to be paid over the telephone, but you can be Informed over it how much you stand In arrears, and how long it will be before the account will be placed In the hands of the law department. We might add that there are times when the editors and managers attend v ljbses, and should you happen tolTng up during one of these rare occur lenoes, -when there is no one In the offices, tf6 Hot "he discouraged, but ring up again a few minutes later. GRADUATE IS HONORED. Adele Lathrop Wins a Prize for Fraternity Article. i i The prize golden key offeied for the best article contributed iu the last two eais by an undergraduate to the "Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma was p warded during the summer to Miss Adele; Lathrop, University of Nebraska '01, at the last fraternity convention, when she was selected editor for the next two yeais. The concluding paia graphs of the article In question, which it entitled "Real Public Spirit," rm "tnanenlly organized groap of congeiilaf Bttidqjjta, and 4erefor,o. Is prepared to tre a "more tYffectlve force than It is usually possible for a group of students uncongenial and temporarily organized to bo. A chapter which promotes fra ternity Interests -jntj, fraternity spirit, to the exclusion or diminution of ac tive and efficient interest nnd "Tmrtfol- patjon Jiv college life, and affairs, Ja. a usu iiucui, id, iu unu u Buuug imil justi fiable term, a nuisance and not a .help to the college, and shonltT be': Con demned as Buch. A fraternity -should be not only interested In all features of college life, but Bhould encourage active and sustained partlclpatipn in college affairs. ,f should Hunrirmt ind promote all general organizations, and should give ready and active support and cheerful, co-operation in all col lege enttjrpiifees and llh'es of Work, so cial, business, religious, athletic, liter ary, or otherwise. "College officers and authorities are working for the ultimate good of the wholo student body. So fraternity of-' fleers and all members should en deavor to show broad and healthful public 'spirit: and this should hot be restricted to the assuming of responsi bilities which are attended with power or distinction, but lm ninnlfoHt in Mi places where hard work, silent help Is needed, and where neither pioml nence nor glory Is to bo expected A girl who enters a fraternity snrclj should not thereby cut herself off from the activities and Interests to which she has looked forward as "c ollege life," but by her alliance with the or ganization should enter into that life more completely and more abr.ndantlv. "Surely one should foster the spirit of democracy In college association?, of "lnduslveness" lather than ex cluslveness In relations with girls of other fraternities, and non-fraternity girls ns well. Anv Individual or any organization can be 'exclusive.' Noth ing Is easier, or less profitable, or more pleasli g to the spirit of vnnit and shallow self content; but it takes breadth of spirit, high minded insight, peneiosity of put pose, and real se curity of position to be inclusive' the best sense of ili wcnl; ai.d 1',r latter Is the better ideal " Academy Notes. The annual reception of the Lin coln Academy was held at the academy building last Satuiday evening. The heads of the depaitments of the uni erslty. Dr. Clyde Davis, of the affili ated dental college, and President W. G. Bishop, of the Lincoln Business Col lege, were linited from 8 to 9 p. m. Also the parents of the resident stu dents were invited. From 9 to 10:30 the academy students assembled The looms were beautifully decorated with potted palms and cut flowers bv the women teac hers, so that the usual schoollJke appeal ance was entliely lost Music was furnished by Miss Allen's mandolin ou-hestra During the flist hour Mis I A Sherman presided at the table and in the later pirt of the evening Mis T. II. McGahey The guests were served by Miss Mabel Ashlev and Miss Flot ence Hirst. The eening was a per fect one in every respect. A football rally was held at the academy Monday. Speeches were made by Messrs Graves. Miller and Myers. Each made a strong appeal to the stu dents to appear upon the field, don the-football tOCS and r-nrrv tlm !o- skin. The result was very gratifv- uiK 10 supporters or the team. Al most twice as many men appeared on the field Monday night as have ever been out to practice before. In spite of tho fact that the prospect seemed so encouraging last spring, only two old men have been out for practice These are Captain Miller and Hali back Myers Berkley' Roedlger and Fox ate not In school this year Shop woik at the university prevents Ed sren from playing Ex-Captain Dud geon's studios bar him. Several mem bers of last year's team were I incoln Medical College students, but the med ics are no longer ellcible tn th .. since they do not have work in he aimiuiuy uiis year, rne academy is thus thrown noon its own rncmi-..aD entliely. for men to make up the u'uni i no material Is nevertheless to be found in tho academy if the men are gotten out. Cliapln Bios., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Til W Tk " i yyyyyyyyy)fryyyyyy)fcjt()fc3f)K)i)()i' Magee & Deemer - U09 O STREET A STORE FOR MEN . 5 HfMiHfML The Practical Coat for Gentle-men-a Cravenette. A coat for fall wear on the street to and from school dress or serai-dress occasions and in addition give foil protection from rain. Made in neatt fancy mixtures plain grays and blacks. High, built up shoulders full back plain or belted. $J0, $J2.50, $15, $J8 and $2Q each. Our "Kensington" Fine Suits. THE NEW BROWNS. $ This is emphatically a brown and gray season and we are adding several new patterns this week in both single and double-breasted sacks. Choos- ing was never better than now. Suits $15 to $30. "Kensington" Suits They Fit. w W v""r"7jv"j JfiJ)f(j7Jf(JJf(3)(Jf(Jf( i I- $38S&&g$$$$$$$$$0 TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal 9iUU Heating Stove Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Monev Refunded. W Whitebreast Co- no 6 o jtljriTi O-TJAj AUTO 'PHONE 0232 STREET BELL 'PHONE 234 ?0Cffi0K-ffiOGW5 Trat Jewelry.... oooooooooocx Wc expect to be appointed local agent for one of the largest Fraternity Jewelry manufacturing concerns lu the country. Meanwhile we carry the best grade of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry in Lincoln. M . G WOLFF 139 So. 13th Sam. Westcrficld Proprietor of "SAM'S CAFE" Serves the Famous LITTLE OEM HOT WAfELES And Caters to Student Trade Special Table for Ladles. 117-121 N 13th Street it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it V- i -j 0 i 4 i 4 It A ' 1 h .'jy? H iSssisamulMki :.'llf'. 'r'' fr,, .: fKV ' ,".V.