The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. IV, No. 7
Price 5 Cents
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Precipitate Class Scrap in The
Chapei Yesterday Morning.
First Year People are Decoyed by Fake
Notice. rresldeat Kleoted.
What for a time threatened: to de
velop Into a clasa scrap of largo pro
portions resulted yesterday morning,
from the somewhat successful efforts
of a large number of Sophomores to
Interfere with the first meeting of the
Freshman class.
The call-for the rneetirig was In the
first place a falce prepared by a Sopho
inore and posted without the authority
or signature of the registrar. The con
vocation period In Memorial Hall had
been secured by the Juniors, and it
had not been supposed that the false
call would be heeded. Shortly after
11 o'clock, however, a large number
of Freshmen, together with a liberal
number of Sophomores, made their
way to the chapel, forced the Juniors
to conclude their "business Bomewhat
hastily, and proceeded to a farclal
election of officers for the Freshman
class. W
Mr. L. S. Legro, a Junior, called tho
meeting to order, but for over five
minutes could not make himself heard
on account of the noise and confusion.
Mr. C. A. Sunderlin, a Sophomore,
was unanimously chosen temporary
chairman and D. P. De Young, also
vl. Sophomore, temporary secretary.
Nominations for the presidency"' were
at once called for and various persons
all over the hall arose to present the
names of their candidates. The up
roar at once became almost deafening,
and students were attracted to It from
all parts of the campus. From among
tho multitude of names presented,
those of Messrs. A, Swenson of Omaha.
Roy Ralnbolt of Lincoln, and A. H.
Miller received recognition, and a
rising voto was ordered. No actual
count was taken, but Mr. Swenson was
declared elected by an overwhelming
majority. P.
Then the trouble started. The ad
herents of both the other candidates
at once charged fraud In tho vote, and
requested a poll. This was refused.
Someone at once demanded that the
Sophomores be expelled, and several
were seized upon and thrust into
"outer darkness." Sevcrjtf Sophs who
were not recognized by the Fresh
men endeavored to get rid of some of
the latter by the same manner. C. A.
Sunderlin and Clarence Johnson who
- were supposed to be members of the
Sophomore committee recently ap
pointed to attend to tho Freshmen,
were roughly handled In the melee, but
escaped without Injury. Through tho
efforts of Mr. Fee and John Uhl peace
was at lengtirrestored, but it is feared
that tho affair ha3 merely servod to
Introduce the two classes to each other,
amPthnt further trouble may follow.
The Freshmen declare that the meet
ing was illegal and that what was done
there should be disregarded. They pro
pose to calj another soon, at which no
Sophomores are to be admitted. The
Sophs, on the other hand, are Jubilant
over the success of their plans, and
are confident of preventing any further
action -without their consent.
During the frecas a table which had
stood on the platform was badly
smashed. The Sophs, we are told, will
have' to stand for this.
jif ;
k. : ,' 1 Tho Palace.
" Green's I 109 N. 11 Street.
' 'Rnrhcir J- S '
V'TSnops The Mogul.
V&" I 1144 O Street.
FJemlng, 12li. O St., is showing a
nice line of jewelry.
Friday Night, October 21st
Fraternity Hall
- Eddie Walt's Orchestra
Tickets, $1,50
Weather Interferes With Prepara
tions for Colorado Game.
Transacted Important Business
Yesterday Morning.
Yesterday morning the Board of
Regents finished the work begun tho
evening before. The election of Pro
fessor Howard and the installation or
tho new department of Institutional
History were ratified, and the resigna
tions of various former faculty mem
bers who are not In the university this
year were accepted. Chancellor An
drews and Dean Burnett were chosen
delegates from Nebraska to the meet
ing of the National Organization of
Universities and Agricultural Schools,
to bo held soon at Des Moines, la.
HavInK accented the resignation of
Professor Morltz formerly of the de
partment of mathematics, It was de
cided to advance other Instructors
In the department Another Instructor
was added to the department.
Considerable time was spent in
formulating a report and bill of gen
eral expenditures for next year. This
will bo submitted to tho legislature,
this winter, ..togethor with the uni
versity's" "request for an appropriation.
The work on the chemical laboratory
was gone ovor and Professor Nicholson
was granted a leave of absence until
studies can bo resumed in tho de
partment of chemistry.
Regents present wefe: Ed3on Rich
and C. J. Ernst, Omaha; C. S. Allen
and J. L. Teeters, Lincoln; W. O.
Whltmore, Valley; E. C. Calkins.,
Faculty, Members Will Perform
for College Settlement.
Tho College Settlement board held
a meoting yesterday morning and do
elded to bold a faculty circus on tho
campus some time this month, for the
purpose of raising monoy for the Set
tlement. The great success of the
Faculty Foolishness last year was a
determining; factor In deciding the
board to attempt the circus this fall,
and what preliminary plans have al
ready been laid have been fashioned
after the most pronounced successes of
that, memorable event.
It Is at present planned to hold the
circus on Thursday, October 20, but It
Is feared in somo quarters that this
will be Impossible, on account of lack
of time for proper preparation. No
details have been definitely arranged
as yet. but a grand cavalcade and dis
play of trained saddle horses under (,he
direction of Professor W.vG. L. Tayjpr.
is nlanned. as welL-Aa'lotr6'r Hcro-
JtUiyrmVrvmaorDr. Clapp, and some
other Important details of which Dr.
Bolton has charge. More definite arrangements-will
be announced as soon
as completed.
Y. M. C. A. Meeting Tonight.
The regulur weekly prayer meeting
of tho Y. M. C. A. will be held this
evening at the-rooms from 7 to 7:30
o'clock sharp. Mr. Brown will lead.
These meetings have been well at
tended In the past and much practical
good has resulted to those who have
attended. Opportunity Is given to
those who desire to speak, while no
pressuro Is brought to bear upon those
who aro not so Inclined.
Tho succees of these meetings de
pends upon the Interest which mb
verslty men show jn thora. livery man
in the University, whether a member
of the-Y. M. C. A', or not is cordially
Senior WilU'r Elect
The Senior class wilt meet at chattel
time tomorrow in Memorial Hall for'
the election oLoflfcersv An-active- cam
paign b'a beoiMtt Progress during the
pst weeFrflr the1 presidency, but we
Ware Hot- been authorized to announce
the candidacy oranTtme' as-yet The
two names most frequently mentioned:
In; that connection; however, arcr those
o Mr. W. J: Woods, and Mr, li, Ji
The presldestcy of the Swilor clas
is generally regKroew as' cne-raoac ae-
sirablc'of any of the"-class- oMcesand
a llvely contest Is1 expected tomorrows
I ., ,
Erie B. Woodward, Ml D diseases
of oye, ear and throati 20T-8RIchardd-block.
Phone; 6G6.-
Instructors in the Conservatory
to Give Program.
The first faculty concert of the Unl
erslty School of Music will .occur next
Thursday evening, October 6, at 8
o'clock, In Memorial HaJI. An attrac
tive program has been arranged, which
Is appended, and the general public
and especially music lovers, aro In
vited: Trio, Op. 42 Allegro Animato Al
legro Molto Vlvaco Gade
Miss Lura S. Schuler. Miss XII
ljan Elche. Mr. Mortimer
Sans Tol d'Hardolot
The Miller Schubert
Jch Hebe dlch ". Grieg
Mr. Harry R. Carr.
Fantasia Appassionato . . . Viouxtomps'
Miss Silence Dales.
The First Meoting Grieg
Llebespeln ,..v. Fltzenhagen
miss uua uiosson.
"Lascia ch lo planga," from
"Rlnaldo" Handel
The Queen . .-2. .T Plnsuti
Mr. Howard Klrkpatrlck.
Nocturne, F major bchumann
The Bird as Prophet Schumann
Why Schumann
Etude ( Juggleress) Moszkowsk)
Soireo de VIenne, D major
;....' Schubert-LiBzt
; Mr. Henry Eames.
, Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond, accom-
Nbrk Mbl to Meet Stiff Proposi
ti oti In Knox.
Last night's practice consisted most
ly In punting and running down put'tts.
Owing to the hot weather bffl Vlttlo
scrimmage work was done. .Captain
Bonedlct bldB fair to surpass his
former record for long distance kick
ing. Last-Bight his punts averaged
fifty to sixty yards. Macdonald, for
the second learn. Is kicking well, be
ing about theionly competitor Bennle
tms In the kicking department.
""During signal practice Marsh, Fen
Ion, Weller, 'Denslow, Standoven.
Burns. Richardson and Barwlck woro
tried out.
Denslow showed good speed In get
ting down undor punts, but failed Onco
or twice to stop his man. Cotton ap
peared at tackle, and had no difficulty
with ttie man against him.
The Colorado game, only three daya
distant, will bo the first real strugglo
(or the varsity. The line-up of Colo
rado will probably be as follows:
Cavanaugh, right end; Coffin, right
tackle; Jordan, right guard; Brusso.
center; Roller, left guard; Smith, left
tackle; Leavltt, left end; Owons, quar-
Lterback; Salborg. left halfback: Rob
erts, fullback; Johnston, right half
back. Some of these men were here
with Colorado last year" when she
met "with defeat. This year, however,
the altitude, so Injurious to wind and
endurance, will oppose the Cornhusk
ers and try our mettle.
The result of the Illlnols-Knox
game last Saturday 11-0 for Illi
nois has caused considerable com
ment about the campus. If Illinois
Is weal; It h doubtful with ttiq
new system of coaching and few old
men back if she can develop a win
ning team. If Knox is strong It means
additional worlcof the varsity. Last
year the score would Indicate a rather
easy time for Nebraska, but every
inch of ground was fought for. Knox
has always been a worthy foe and
such strength this early would eeom
lo mean a good team at the Galcsburg
school. -
.Meals' or Lunclf;- Good Health Gafe.-
Tho Famous will give a special dis
count of 10 per cent to university stu
dents on all purchases of millinery,
Kid gloves, corsets,. etc.
The School of Music Cafe is becom
ing a popular place for meals. Trv it:
p-oii pay for. what you eat" only. ,
Basket Ball Men Meet.
Captain Hoar, of the basketball
team, called . the men together at 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Somo
twenty men appeared,- among them
being Beers of last year's varsity,
Krake, -Mosherr-Lottr-HIHr Mathew-and-Meyers,
who were all more" or less
prominent inr class basketball last
year. A number of likely looking new
men reported. This is tlje first time
that the basketball men have gotten
together and prospects are. EQQd for
another winning .team, as Hoar, Beers
and Hagensiclc are back &rit Bell,
Burruss and Epmo others from Lin
coln High arein school.
Monday evening the gamo room of
tho College Settlement wjuf opened
with' appropriate ceremonies. Mr.
Harry Poston was In ' charge and a
large number; of ; boys were In attend-.
ance., They were divided Into two
clubs, with Mr. Poston In charge of
tho' older ones. It Is planned, to have
them) meet Saturday mornings, here
after, for short trips to various points
oi interest in ana about Lincoln, a
formal opening is planned for' the' near
future, also, to which all university
people are to be Invited The date has
not been set yet
Rent a Rem.Ingtdrf at student rate
and keep your notes. In -good' form.
Office. Corner of0!ivo Theater Bldg.
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